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3 Biggest Money Secrets - Grant Cardone

Jun 04, 2021
Hey, hey, I have something I want to share with you. I love your opinion on this. By the way, I'd like to know what you think. I want to talk to you about something near and dear to everyone's hearts. Money, why not? you got it maybe why you've struggled with it why I struggled with it sure let me give you a little walk around the office first let me talk to you about


and I'll share with you three things about


that I promise you if you just dive into this it will change everything. for you, at least when it comes to money and how you think, how you manage your day and how you spend your money, how you invest your money, no one taught me this man, I wish they hadn't. okay, this here money, how much is it worth really well, okay, who decides how much it is worth?
3 biggest money secrets   grant cardone
Look at all these guys here Becky, you know what these guys are doing, they're on the phone trying to make money, so by the way, they're going to do it. They make money, all these guys make a lot of money, they will make money, so the question will be what they do with the money once they make it, you know, Warren Buffett says that people who learn how to make passive income will have a day free from having to work for earned income, meaning the goal is to have more passive income than earned income, those guys who are earning income now, the smart ones will figure out how to take their earned income and use the money not just to buy things. but also investing that money is that that money does more than just buy junk, let's face it, okay, who decides or determines how much the money is worth, so this money that I have been showing you by the way has no value, okay, because I think it says no there is no here somewhere this is a copy this is fake money this is not real money this on the other hand the way it is on the other hand it is real money worth real $100 bills and Franklin in them no There are copy signs, how much are they worth? because these are worth more than these and if so, why and who determines what they are worth, you know when I was doing that when we started this video and I was showing you this money, you thought this money had some value, by the way. the only value this money had was that I used it to demonstrate to you this video this money right here this is the first lesson you need to learn about money this money here while you would give it more value you would have signed more valued than This money is here because not it's a copy.
3 biggest money secrets   grant cardone

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3 biggest money secrets grant cardone...

This money is fine, it only becomes valuable when it is used. I got this one out of this bag here. Have you ever seen me rolling around in the back? You can guarantee that if you need to pick up two or three big


s you got your two or three big emergency money right here, locked with a passport because I'm ready to leave the country at any time now, now I'm talking about why you want money, okay ? Is that money valuable? sits in that bag Johnny would say no, Johnny the cameraman who filmed this, but he says no, what value is this passport while it's in a bag, in the safe, or in your back pocket?
3 biggest money secrets   grant cardone
It's only valuable when you come in and want to run the country and say "bang", "seal it", "hit it", let's see where I've been lately. I'm getting ready to go to Mexico, London, Dublin, Dubai, India, the sea, I can't even read this, where is that, oh my god, that was Russia. or Bulgaria, so when is the passport? Look, I need it all the time, right, I need the passport all the time, passports, money, okay, they're like bathrooms, no, you don't always use the bathroom, but when you need it, you get it. money, when is money worth anything?, but this money can only give me peace of mind right now.
3 biggest money secrets   grant cardone
I have the money in my bag in case something happens. However, this money does not become valuable until you take it out of the stock market. Oh, here are between 50 and 20. Yes, yes, that's right, so I said that this money is only valuable. Win, okay, first lesson. I want to share with you. Money only becomes valuable when it is used. Money has no value in the bank. Money is not valuable sitting around waiting for your retirement. I could give you something. peace of mind, some idea that you will be fined and protected, you know when you will stop working and that you will retire and live happily ever after because you have money in a 401K or a time and account account or IRA or you have a lot of money in the savings advice, but the truth is that you can't make money when it's in the bank.
Money is only valuable when it's used, okay? so if I want these sunglasses, the right sunglasses protect my eyes, put them on and make me look cool, okay, I had to change I had to change five hundred I think it was $70 ridiculous, I mean, completely stupid because you know I'm a scratch for him or I'll lose them or they'll end up on my head like that because that's what all sunglasses do, but I changed basically five hundred and seventy dollars of someone else's money. Second lesson, all money is someone else's money. I'm writing this. write down because I don't want to forget well, okay, because in life, when you observe life, you will learn for life, okay, when I observe, when I learned, then I want to like it, duplicate it, replicate, okay, money alone It is valuable when used and all the money.
All the money is someone else's money, it's not your money, right, and this is a problem that people have because they say that I receive a little money and then I want to see this, they never follow the advice of a millionaire, you, a millionaire, receives a little. a little money and the first thing they won't do is protect your money God earns 100 grand the first time in his life he wants to protect his hunter he earns 5000 the first time he wants to protect him he goes into protection instead of going out and getting more money , this is why people get complacent, this is why so many people go out today and just ask people, hey, are you making enough money, I'm darren you, in your 60s and 70s percent of the people you ask, ask ten people, six to seven, they are never going to say no, I'm good, they can barely make ends meet no, I'm a good man, you want to make more money, You know money isn't everything, money won't make me happy, you know I'm fine, they make sense, they're accommodating. with what they have, because they are trying to protect it instead of going to get more and, by the way, they think that the money they have now is theirs.
Okay, back to the example, I want my sunglasses, okay, I have some. money money sitting I see these shadows I'm like dude I want those shadows now these shadows can never make me money but they can give me that cool look ready hey bro let's go in if you like shadows I think you're pretty. sexy by the way, I didn't buy these shades because I would never spend five hundred and seventy dollars. Someone bought those shades from me, but just as an example, let's say I traded five hundred and seventy dollars for these Versace zoars, whatever they are, you get that money. used, I have my sunglasses, I look great now the question is was it worth it, was it worth the money, okay obviously whoever bought me these shades would rather have given me a gift of these shades than the $570, your normal reaction, my reaction will be this.
There's no way those sunglasses are worth five hundred and seventy dollars, but I want you to think about it in a different way: the person who bought me these sunglasses, who I have a complete and total image of right now, good guy, generous guy, Smart guy, he spent five hundred and seventy. dollars of someone else's money use the money rule number one use the money he gave me the glasses a gift for me he wrote it off as a tax deduction and built his business because I know him now he knows me and he paid for a connection Well the money It only has value when it is used.
Number two, the money is never yours. All the money you will have today. All the money you have in the bank. All the money you will have in the future is someone else's money. It is in his hands and he waits. so third rule I want to give you this once you have surplus money once you have surplus money the most important rule and money is to earn it keep it three the third rule is how do I get money to multiply? How do I get money to multiply? so I have money coming from different sources, okay, follow me again, you need different sources, okay, I'll give you an example right now, we're doing our textbook conference, okay, you need to have sources coming from different places. be money that comes from different places this is called multiple streams of income an example a project okay, you would never assign a seat what you want is this is okay I want a lot of different seats I want ninety-five dollar ambassador seats hero seats I've literally given this away to the firefighters, why would I give two and a half million dollars where the seats are?
If money is so valuable, this money is only as valuable as we assign value to it. Okay, super lesson, money is so valuable. Like the people abbit assigned value to, I thought it was more valuable to me to have 5,000 people, firefighters, police, marines, army, navy, nurses, first responders, I thought it was more valuable to me to give those seats away and get sponsors than They supported me and gave me. those seats away and help people who literally work hard every day and are constantly underpaid. I mean, can you imagine being a firefighter who gets paid 70 grand a year to go into a building and maybe lose your life, but that's what they do?
What about the police? Nobody likes him, nobody respects him. He has paid between 60 and 70 thousand dollars a year to protect people who don't like him. Well, what I did was give away a bunch of these seats. I have a real estate section here. These seats cost like $2,500. VIPs are 5000 PMs are 10,000 in diamonds or 15 grand, why would anyone give me $15,000? Money, no, someone else's money, because they want to use money to get access to me and Steve Harvey. Look, they're thinking right, you understand. What is the third lesson? You need multiple streams of income. You need to invest your money once you make money.
Earn multiple streams of income. Starbucks has how many different copies there. They don't just have coffee. They have frappuccinos. They have cappuccinos they have Express those who come here have macchiatos thank you okay, let's see what I'm trying to show you here multiple streams of income I'll give you another example I've written several books okay, I wrote a book By the way, called the millionaire's booklet, if you want this one book, I'll give it to you. All you have to do is hit the link below. I'll give you that book. I wrote a book on how to close the sale.
Survival clothing. God, why? Am I telling you this? I am not advertising my products to you at this time. What I'm doing now is showing you that you need multiple streams of income. Okay, I have a real estate book. You can get this book for free. Grant Cardone com4 slash. free books Oh gee, I want it for free, you know, because people think freezing is good because people are obsessed with money, okay, I don't want anything for free, I mean, I'll take it if you give it to me for free, but further. I can't read it to you for free, okay, what matters is the content you want, not the price, the price of something doesn't matter as much as the value it contains, the 10x rule, that's the fourth book I wrote, sell or be sold first. book I wrote if you're not the first you're the last a New York New York Times bestseller seven books I think it's seven books three six yes, the real estate book is missing something here thirteen business programs okay, why is it so important? a lot of inventory you need a lot of inventory so what I do I exchange time, energy and money to write these books to be able to distribute different titles and different topics to many people to be able to do what connects me with the people who tell us children save you money protect your money don't waste the money okay don't play with the money friends money money is useless number one money is useless two is used number two all the money is someone else's money one two three four seven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen is worth 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 which are our 40 people to whom I give money that is valuable.
I exchange my money or someone else's money with them to work on my projects. I give them money. I enter a place. to work I give myself my mission I give them a goal and I exchange money that's why this is what many of us don't know is worth buying time for time there are two more guys outside it's time for cake how do you earn time this is what all super people rich people make super rich people buy time I've been studying rich people since I was probably 20 20 19 or 20 years old I'm so sorry one two three four five six you better, I have a refrigerator back here, a refrigerator, I have a kitchen well now I have to spend money for this I bought this building I gave 16 million dollars for this building so my people 16 million dollars stroked the checking account to take out the bank so I could have this place refrigerator electricity all this costs money why?
Am I telling you this right now because from the age of 15 when I started having a great interest in being an entrepreneur until I was 45 30 years old I didn't know this? I kept my money, my money, by the way, wasmy money lesson to know that money is your money all money is someone else's money everything I bought this place for whatever I paid for 16 million well I did it that was someone else's money look at all these guys two four six forty-five other people back here okay I'm talking car rant you know literally I'm just thinking about getting your money.
I know Ruth is someone else's. A lot is the most important simple lesson you will ever learn about money every time a t16 K is on the phone with someone else, all you want in your By the way, life Mike Bhana has four kids, a beautiful wife, okay , he works hard six days a week, sometimes seven, why so he can get money and then he takes that money, takes care of his family, takes care of his mom, his dad, he gets rid of the money, he doesn't keep it. money, if you had money in a bank account right now, in a savings account, in a retirement. account what they're doing oh what they're doing is feeding the bank they're feeding the bank Curtis ass ass Kayla open the other side you're feeding the bank the main one wants you to stay to keep the money in the bank you're all Pinto save your money save your money I have to save your money save your money how far to use the money use the money stop worrying about money worry about making a phone call okay, worry about time worry about how to be more effective and more everyone needs a car, I want say unless Ubers pick you up and take you to and from work every day you don't need this this is stupid this is just ridiculous I mean this is dumb unless I can figure out how to cancel it he pays $300 a month for This is not a good investment, but you need a car to get to and from work.
Okay, this is Robert Sisler's car. Robert, she opened it. Roberts is a closed car. He has a small car. He's making some money. He makes him feel good. but look, if you're going to spend all your time and energy on fancy belts, here's my fancy belt, okay, there's my fancy belt that I found on sale for $19 and that belt won't make me any money, it's holding up my damn pants and Maybe if I make smart decisions with money, what will be worth more this money or the 500 that flag cost me? The way I grew up. You wouldn't spend this money to advertise your brand.
You would keep the money and never get your brand. Or would I prefer to highlight someone else's 500 remember that all money is someone else's money to lower my car Flag of the Capitol your mom and dad didn't teach you it's a lesson you have to learn okay, is it better that I enter the market? working really hard collecting enough money from other people, okay, going through rejection, persisting through all the refusals and no-shows and disappointments so that one day I can buy a building and put my name on it so people can come here and I can expand my brand a little bit more, see that would be a smart use of money, maybe there was a bank here and so instead of renting from the bank, the bank was my tenant and I bought the building and the painting became me.
Sorry, I was the tenant, man, I was the bank's tenant and I changed the deal. I bought the building. Would you rather have a house? Where am I leading you through an empty building right now? I don't know my own house. I just know. an office building right now I can kick it I can go back through here I didn't know we could go in through here yeah, well that's because no one knows it's a secret secret now I can't go back through there, it's okay though so look, I want access, I want space, I want to build superior people, I want to be able to get through that wall over there, I love that wall, I'm going to create a course room so I can bring clients from all over the world, here they can.
Spend three and four days doing courses with us so you can educate more people. Well, back to the money. Back to the money. What I'm talking about? This is my county department. How's it going? Counting department. Good people here. Well, they count the money. They do not. Make money by the way I don't make money either I click I get attention I get money I just exchange valuable things things more valuable than money I exchange books information education webinars events talks engagements coaching we exchange things with people anything you want someone if not, okay, we exchange valuable resources, information, tax people, those people exchange money with us, by the way, the guy who paid the five hundred and seventy dollars for these shadows, man, I think you're fine, we're going to do a lot of business together because you I exchanged five hundred and seventy dollars of someone else's money to give me a beautiful gift, maybe it will look cool and I never bought these shades.
I would never have bought them because I'm cheap, cheap. I was raised to be cheap. I'm looking for. for the best deal my whole life I've been looking for the best deal when I should have been looking for the best people I should have been looking all the time to sit with these people it's okay to sit in a room for three days with 35,000 business people who sit with them and find out what they are doing right, how do we connect? How do we relate? I was not educated, trained to network. I was trained to work and save money.
Remember what Warren Buffett said, he said, look at the person who never invests will spend their entire life working for income. Okay, once you get your money, you invest it. So the things I buy today, when I accumulate enough money, the first thing I do is invest it all in my business. I showed it to you. I bought a business there, I rented this place, this coffee place, millions, Marlin Stadium, ten million dollars, I'm negotiating ten million dollars. Russell Brunson said how, how do you do that, man, I said, man, I'm negotiating ten million dollars with someone, someone else's money has to have this park right here and then he shows it to them to rent a park to rent the stadium of the Marlins for three days so we can get people together and spend time with investor clients, so a good trade makes money really has some value, oh yeah, what is it, what's it worth? 10 million dollars to organize your own event or 10 million dollars in cash, which would you rather have?
Do you prefer $50 million in cash or $50 million and go anywhere in the world whenever you want? as long as you want, as long as you want at any time, okay, what would you rather have? I love the modern post in the comments. Would you rather have $10 million or hold a three-day event? Would you rather have $55 million or your own plane? You have to make a decision. What would happen if you had all the money you wanted but you didn't? couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't get a passport how much money would you pay for a passport if you wanted to leave the country that you live in, anything, okay, you have people coming from South America right now trying to get into the United States, They will do anything for this passport, anything, money is not as valuable as you think, but you need it, okay, so remember number one less. money only has value when you use it for everything money is someone else's money I bought this plane, not this model, they gave me the model, okay, I bought the plane with someone else's money, when you imbibe this in the head, in the skull, your life is going to change, that's fine, but you have to stop spending money on garbage.
The third thing is when you start investing in assets that are real. So what's the last thing I want to tell you? You must invest money if it is not going to help you. more money, other than food, water, shelter, you need a place to stay warm, all the rest of the money, all the rest of the money, except for basic living, all the rest of the money should be tax deductible, it should earn you more money or at least have the potential to earn. your more money listen just spend money my own money I would never buy them some classes but I would buy a studio look I would use the money for the study they didn't teach me this I spent five years at university they didn't teach me at University what to spend my money on I would spend it in ten or twelve What are the names of those on the streets?
OK. I would spin a smart board so I could educate people. I spent it on a studio. I would change it. Someone else's money is now my money with Francisco, so now it's his money so he can create a great video with me. I would do the same with Nathan, so I would have lights. I would spend money on lights. Why do you take one? down to the deductible and number two, it has the potential to make me more money. Well, look. I hope you got a lot out of this. If you don't know who I am, check me out.
I know this was a long video at times. you only need to spend money to eat so you can make money and earn income so that once in the future, at some point in the future, you can invest money and never have to worry about eating again, go wherever you want whenever you want and instead of buy idiots. sunglasses one day you may make a dumb decision like a damn private jet put your name on the back by the way tax deduction with the potential to make money there are my three tips hope you enjoyed them post below if you did hey by the way if you didn't just press "dislike" tell me why you're not just a punk tell me why you like it have you given up money yet maybe that's why you didn't like it

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