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The Return of Eugenia Cooney

May 01, 2020
Hello Eugenia, there is no physical way to contact you at this time. I know you're asking for privacy. I don't even know if you'll watch this video, but I hope you eventually watch this video. I just want to let you know. I know that I and many others support you, care about you, love you and truly hope the best for you and I am so excited to see if you choose to share it in your journey of what can be a very beautiful thing. I want everyone to take a look at these photos, so the photos you are seeing are of the popular YouTube star Eugenia, her physical appearance has caused a lot of controversy.
the return of eugenia cooney
Next up is someone people didn't say to focus on right away. I'm talking about Eugenia Cooney Shane Dawson, please make a series about Eugenia Cooney. There are so many questions from everyone that need answering. I'm sorry for her, but she doesn't look good. I mean, from a professional point of view. It really looks amazing. my favorite skeleton girl well thank you you asked us out obviously skeleton girl skeletons are dumb so thank you what makes me happy coming here talking to you makes me happy what happened to me I don't know what happened to me, what.
the return of eugenia cooney

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the return of eugenia cooney...

You mean what would happen to me? Are you going for the three meals a day challenge? Is that a challenge guys, I'm really only subscribing because I'm waiting for her to commit suicide or starve or pour ice. Oh, and what is all that? of these usernames, whatever, you guys just want to have weird bad usernames, good ones anyway, yeah, I obviously don't look very good there, I know, oh, it looks so bad here, I really care For you, Eugenia, thank you. I am really worried about you and although Eugenia herself has never admitted to having anorexia or bulimia, she has 52 thousand followers on Instagram and I suppose that some of her followers have admitted that they are jealous of her thin appearance in a way that I have never tried.
the return of eugenia cooney
Come here and tell them, guys, oh, hey, this is my size and this should be her size too. I'm sure they are beautiful. I'm sure everything about you is super beautiful, so yeah. There have been not one, but four petitions to shut down her social media accounts due to what those people believe to be the dangerous influence she could be having on those potentially struggling with eating disorders. I feel good, everything seems like I didn't want to do. They were all like that, it's like I don't know, like everyone who gets mad at me now. I'm not really talking about the man you guys ever bothered, wait, I just hope you understand that I never meant to make people say that he could ever care.
the return of eugenia cooney
Do I feel really bad, I know what it doesn't seem like, but I'm doing it right? Shane, this may be the one I support the most. I'm invested okay so Andrew is on his way and we're going to I'm going to Eugenia Cooney's house let me start from the beginning for her maybe some of you who don't know my first time here I really don't know what else to do , so I'll have this pillow on top. Here just in case you care, so she started hunting two years ago, six years ago, seven years ago. Hi guys, as you can see, I just received a new camera.
Since then she's been visibly thin and as the years went on she got a lot thinner and she never really talked about it she never went into details she denied having an eating disorder uh have you ever liked the skinny users behind this um there's a funny story this is what my body is like and I'm totally scientific, don't worry I'm not anorexic or whatever, I'm just kind of naturally thin, seriously, like my doctor thinks I'm fine, it's okay, everything is fine, you are killing yourself. I'm not really killing myself, but she faced I refer a lot to every comment in so many videos about her weight, about how she is making other young girls want to be anorexic because of her and obviously there are a lot of people who were using the situation to get clay views except if you Guys enjoyed this video and 1ug needs to get a healthy like on this video but there were also a lot of people who didn't care who wanted her to get help people who are really kind with her and they are worried. about her we care about her you are young enough to change this Eugenia it's okay I don't want to see someone so good and kind and loving just disappear so in January she posted a video and people were really scared for her and then she like who disappeared and some believed he had died as his burdens became more spaced.
I think we all knew how things were so yeah I was freaking out so I looked her up and she said she's been dealing with things but I'm going to get help and it was like she never said she needed help. It's one of those things where she likes it. Can you document your path to recovery? It would help a lot of people. You know I'm not like that. in recovery or something like that, I really like, I don't really feel like I really like help right now or anything you know, so for her to say that to me, I was like, oh my gosh, like I started crying and I was OMG this is it, Eugenia Cooney, 24, announces that she is taking a break from YouTube and social media to focus on her help, now that she is out of rehab and wants to tell her story, trust me and know that I .
I love her, so let's do this right. My hope and hers is that this can help a lot of people, so that's why we're doing this and I want to make sure that I can help in some way or come back and feel comfortable and hopefully have the opportunity to start this to me feels like the most important thing I've ever done feels a lot like oh this is like I don't want to finish this I want I don't want to do this okay come on do this you can tell what has the most views a lot of videos that show her body those are the ones that get the most views and like youtuber I know I see comments from people who are doing well, she just eats, you know, has a hamburger, she's negligent.
By not addressing the issue of whether young people are going to watch our videos and potentially want to be their size, we


to the question we've talked about in several different ways: when is it a creator, when is there a person responsible for what they do? their audience and love, you know what you think n-1 hi it's Kati again, the more we keep things secret the more power they have over us because the only thing we don't want to do is not talk about it, they can really be helpful for you. understand what they are experiencing so that you can be better equipped to be supportive and not intrusive we want to open the door to more conversations you don't want to force it and you don't want your daughter to feel like you are just harassing her because what that does is we withdraw More, we worry and then we think that the only thing you're noticing is that all you care about is food and it's not about the food, it's actually about managing our emotions in a healthier and more constructive way because we need that. everyone involved gives us a great support system to have a healthy mind and body.
Nobody can see you. Wait, where is the person? I told you what are you doing, so don't do that, what are you doing? They're doing the camera guys well I'm so sorry I'm going to go so I know the lawyers are coming for a second but that's just because we ever launched the training. I like the animation you are one of. I evolved again. I also don't want people to think that comment. I know she doesn't have an eating disorder. She feels like she's on vacation. You know, but I can tell you that kids are what they are. when people are too thin and they need to eat a sandwich and get over it, that's what it sounds like, it's completely wrong, it meant well, like in eating disorder coping skills, you know this like, I don't know how to cope.
What I'm going through, so I'm just using food as a way to deal with too much or not enough, it's the same thing, you know, but I don't know, I don't know a story, no one really does, I don't. I don't know that I have a lot of good things, so I have a lot of questions about how to do this right and also how to not make people look at Bolsover, like if she came in and I haven't seen her if she doesn't. She comments on how she looks good, she just pretends that's not okay.
I know it sounds bad, but I don't like it. Even if I showed up, it was like, "Oh my God, you look so good. You think it's because I look like I used to." or if you're like oh you look so healthy and your brain should be like I look so fat oh my god like oh no I already did that to her because oh a photo so a photo leaked so I was scrolling through Twitter and I saw this picture of Eugenia Cooney a few weeks ago and me, the girl looks like she's actually recovering, people were excited and they were posting, you know, like oh she's recovering and I even texted her and I said: Hey, oh God.
God like I cried she left me the picture like you look so healthy you look so good I'm so proud of you and she was like oh thank you like I didn't know I was going to post that like whatever and now I'm like oh I should know , I said that, I mean, it wasn't the best intention, some people say things like that all the time, I just know from my patients and viewers that, like you're eating a circus, it takes that information and turns it into that. and so, but that's not your fault, you don't know, we just want to stay away, like I said, any comments about the appearance that I noticed are difficult, especially if you're like, oh my gosh, you look so good and we mean it. very serious like I'm very happy for you I was very worried but it can just be consumed it's considered and led to some kind of chaos I guess I have a lot of questions and that's all thank you and I guess I'll just see how it goes but I have so many questions personally, but I don't know which ones are crossing the line.
I don't understand, like why didn't he say things for so long, like why was he like that in denial or soft delusion, suddenly all these people are like, oh, you're allowed a room like that as a person, but no, I'm not lying to them. to my viewers. I want to know how he did so much and I don't know if that's It's like a trigger to say that, but I mean, while he was walking, he was holding the camera, he was like running with a lot of energy, happy all the time, like that's what you saw in the camera, although friend, I mean, like many of my patients who are underweight. and not doing it right can do a lot in a short period of time, you're running on adrenaline and a lot of times you just have an eating disorder that causes us to be underweight, our body runs on that, I just assumed that's what was going on, I don't know , but that could be why she was able to do it, we would think, but I mean asking her that, how could you say, I mean, maybe the way of expressing things, in the first place, talking to her had a temporary scene in the that she's comfortable sharing, but I think maybe the way she phrases things is not how can you do .
You know, she may not be so comfortable. I don't know one thing. I noticed, and I guess I'll find out when I'm here tomorrow, but she changes her voice a lot. Well, hello guys, hello guys, I'm Eugenia, like when I was. While I was watching old videos where she had a deep voice, make sure to subscribe to my channel if she hasn't already and then as the years went by I always had fire and it got louder. Hi guys, I'm, for example, Mia, hi. Guys, she became more and more like a character or something, so I don't know tomorrow if I'm going to find herself, with all the walls down, just being herself.
I feel like it helped a lot of people, which is wonderful or if I'm going to meet the character, I like him too, not necessarily, which is maybe a coping thing, I mean, and we can also say that most of us have a non-person and we feel really. let's say you're sick and you feel like you know you have to film, you'll get a little more excited and I'm sure she's just trying to get more excited for it so I don't know what it depends on how she is. what she's doing and how comfortable she feels, she may feel very uncomfortable and give you the personality that's just, I mean the first time I talk about it and I shouldn't say it's just that she's doing the best she can.
It can, you know, but it would. I guess it's because it's hard, like we know what she's doing is hard. I can't imagine sharing such a personal story because people want to hear her story, right? It's not, yeah, it's not too early for me, no, I mean, it's too much for her. but honestly, no one knows when it's okay for someone to tell something other than the person saying it, if they've been wanting to do it, it seems like they've been doing it for a while. I think that's all good. I do not want it. I guess I'm just nervous. to like her, if I can interject for a second, she said she wanted to like you, help her, it was like that, yeah, so you're doing the best you can and you're there for her, so yeah, I think if anyone could do it.
Like you can because you know you've been there yourself, okay, let me let you see if I can, here we go, hey, this is a little weird, she probably feels safer doing it with you, you know, instead ofA broader picture, yes. It's not that I'm the perfect example or an expert or anything, but it's just that some people can see that, like you know, I went through this and now I think I'm doing a lot better than I think they'll be. really great if maybe some people who are going through a hard time or an eating disorder or something like that don't like to get over that and that there is help for them and that people care a lot about them, it's okay if you need something. thanks for going guys and I hope you can, you know, try to stay positive, just like Noah, they can get through that, while I'm playing sports, I gotta do it, sing, get out of my way.
No, basically, for me, like when you. It's like when you're scrolling through Twitter and you're like, "Oh my god, I feel so good today" and then you see a tweet and people are saying you're committing suicide or something crazy, oh yeah, more, yeah, it's reached a point of no words, so it's like

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