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The REAL Wolf of Wall Street Uncensored

Jun 02, 2021
Let's buy something with the money. Well, with this one, I even buy anything. Poison is being generated. You are creating value and there is nothing behind it. All you are doing is running on scarcity. That's that model. it's not going to last because you're putting this in that category oh It's exactly even worse than Lulu, she says it's the same as credit exchanges and it's similar to what happened with the more you look there is a woman who is behind all of this and It was also the fault of the girl who found that long after our name, the woman. who was one of the main credit swap designers is now trying to use Bitcoin for the same thing, is it because she doesn't care so you put them in the same group?
the real wolf of wall street uncensored
Well, it's big, well, it's not the same group. is very different in other words, Bitcoin is simply what you are doing is you are taking something, the scam that is happening right now is something that was designed to be used as a currency and is being used as an investment vehicle, that is what's happening. Okay, there is no


currency, it's that small for Bitcoin, no one for every all the action in Bitcoin around the world, what do you think is actually being used as a currency? a


in sheep's clothing they say it's a clarity that it's not being used as a currency it's not particularly suitable as a currency for all the reasons we already talked about and now let's say well Bitcoin cash is better in short okay when this thing?
the real wolf of wall street uncensored

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If it is adopted it will be by the governments in the mainstream and these people who many will end up in jail, the ones who you think are not the founders, tell me, the guys who are manipulative, the guys who do it wrong. side, okay and investors, what's going to happen with Bitcoin is going to be a Black Swan event in the next six months, yes, but not only, you know, I'm not saying bitcoins will go down, it could go to 50,000, just I would fall short. Bitcoin for a second right now I don't know I don't know where it's going to go in this short I don't want to do it in the long term the outside you're just looking at what it's going to do I'm not going to do it saying it's not saying it's going down.
the real wolf of wall street uncensored
I packed most of the Indies. I said I think it's going up now. I'm not so sure right now because I like the inside ones. Now I see a classic pump and dump happening right now. They are early in the Bitcoin dump and they move on to the next one which is a lot of cash so I see that happening so let's see if that is the only way Bitcoin goes up is if someone has an accident there are people willing to do it. manipulating it will go higher otherwise it could could be close to the end, remember this, you know, with tulip mania, the beginning of the end was where they started trading tulip futures, that was it once they chased it for six months.
the real wolf of wall street uncensored
Later, of course, then people look at this. Trading futures, yes it's legit, no it's not people, crowbar trading doesn't exist anymore, credit for thoughts is heard so it's a complete joke. io4, I don't know, actually, I just don't, just hey, I have nothing, guaranteed life, okay, I've never been more sure of anything, okay, it's balls,


ly, barely, people fucking around, I'm not saying don't invest in it now, but be very, very careful, make sure you have a very quick exit, okay, don't put in more than you can afford to lose and just realize that you are on the outside looking at people who are inside and who They have a plan that you don't know and everything you are doing.
It's trying to guess when they're going to screw you. My concern is that these guys are investing 50 60 70% of their savings and they think this is their way out, like it's here. I will become a trigger in Unite and they may very well do it. Become one if they can figure out when to get out. The point is, you know the Bulls have a lot of money. The Bears make money. The pigs are slaughtered correctly and the question is: when are you going to get out? Know? and because at a certain point or game, you know, a time when the music will stop playing, there will be no chairs up, everyone, yes, in fact, I mean, very few chairs can be a chair and everyone else idiots, and here's the thing when this actually works, if it's at 30,000, it's not going with 30,000 to 29,000 to 28 still for 30,000 one that's right on a trade it will just stop trading it will open at 1600 on the next trade 400 gone yeah, that's going to happen yes I remember when eToys went from 75 dollars to a penny because the presents didn't arrive on time during Christmas 15 17 years ago when I had just returned home 75 to not comment on anyone if you want to trade this on wait, you're much better off getting involved in one of the other cryptocurrency coins and Bitcoin right now and, but listen, the only thing I didn't want to say this is that, as you know, there are obviously ways to make money with this.
I refused to do it. I won't get involved in this because everything is rigged and you know. but obviously you can make a lot of money when the things that you know, when you manipulate it, you have to get it right, you have to catch it before the regulation is passed, you know and I'm sorry, I can't really advise people to do that, but you know, you know . If you knew the people who would look at the cash, you know, if you knew the people who were handling it, all you have to do is get in line with them, you'll make a lot of money, that's right, but that's it. . different internal part that they are going to deal with, so you know, okay, that's enough with Bitcoin here, I appreciate your thoughts, let's talk about sales management, I mean, you know you are a beast when it comes to sales, it was fascinating when You, Tom, are you one, two, three or the sales training you have with people you know, certainly like a 10, like a dis?
That's what I want to talk to you about is how you recruit me. I am a new seller. I'm working. For you, what do you look for for someone to be a good candidate? Well, it depends on the industry, it depends on what they sell. I mean, you know in some industries you want to hire someone who has some experience and in other industries you want to hire someone who has some experience. Isn't it better to have absolutely no experience, so you can't really answer that general question without having some context? But you know, obviously there are certain personality types that tend to do better at selling Stratton in the past.
It was that I don't care, I don't want anyone who knows anything about stocks. It is very easy for me to train someone to become a salesman so the skill of selling is a very easy skill set to acquire when someone who knows how to teach you straight lines very easy to learn the most important thing is if someone has a standard that he will demand and earn a lot of money, that is the financial status of that person. I want hungry people, people who really just want to make a lot of money. and I want people who obviously represent my product in the right way.
I don't want a bunch of you to meet people who wouldn't go out and serve the brand in some industries just as I would never want to hire someone with no experience in the industry because it's so crucial to be able to speak a certain way in the industry, other times I want to hire some people who already have connections, may have sold and already know the decision is right. I want someone who can come in. the door with a new product now hello to that person so it all depends on the situation there are things you can say if this guy can't do this this this you're not going to succeed in sales if someone can't accept rejection, that's obviously a warning sign, but I think many times it is more a symptom of a different problem that they are not aware of. how to sell in other words, my experience with people who have trouble accepting rejection is that once you teach them in a cell, they have no problem accepting rejection, they understand what it is about and how to handle it.
I am looking for someone whose desire I understand. I'm hungry and willing to learn teamwork, obviously I love people who want to work at the Commission, so if someone says they received a huge salary up front and doesn't actually work, that's a big red flag. . There is no Commission, of course, you will love the people who work on Commission and I have probably recruited and trained more salespeople. Anyone on the planet had tens of thousands of them right, and sometimes it's hard to tell. It's really hard to know that we have some companies that develop tests based on my personality type, like you know, psychometric tests for sales.
So, you can give a psychometric test to people. Much of this comes down to what happens when the person is hired. Is there an induction like the one you know? Have the right induction program to indoctrinate someone into the type of cult that speaks to your company's process. and then you also know that training them, this is the biggest mistake. Most companies do two things: They don't give people the sales training they need to make them expert clothes; They technically know how to close the deal so they don't leave. in good situations and ruining them and the second thing, since many companies do not invest enough in the marketing side of the equation to provide leads to salespeople, it is a big thing.
I can't tell you how many hire me all the time. to other companies to train sales forces and at least 75% of the time they also need help in the marketing category. I get it, Jordan, how much do you think sales have changed from the time you were selling to today, nothing at all. I mean, people think so. I don't think what makes someone say yes has changed at all. hasn't changed, so the same things you know about sales need to line up in someone's mind before they say yes. What has changed is that there are different ways we communicate with people right now, for example, like you have email. which is a great thing, landing pages and conversions, and that's loved with the mortgage, but it's really sales and kind of walking and sales in one place, but it all comes down to that, someone has to sell to someone something that doesn't look like God, look at Amazon.
They think they don't sell, yes, they make their processes, they are so elegant in what they do that they reduce it to a single click because they realize that every time someone goes to take a second action, their response rate decreases, you know ? They're using all the marketing and sales principles and everything they do, so I think Jeff Bezos recruits all the people here to sell them and join Amazon. He sells to Wall Street to believe in it, so there are always sellers involved, as you know. Jeff combines business, most amazing salesman, sold it, sold the concept to everyone.
I don't really know where people always, when people look at sales, that's very, very linear, like I'm a salesperson or I'm a salesperson of everyone, but the way. We get leads has changed a lot, a lot, social media, yes, that has changed, no doubt, how you go out and get leads, but when someone walks in the door, you pick up a phone and it will be the same and people are smarter. now because they have smartphones to look at, so you have to be somebody, you have to be, you know, more logic games, you can't just be an idiot, basically a salesman, so I want to ask one last question on the sales. for sales managers, the people who run a sales team, run the sales organization, what advice can you give a sales manager to become a little bit?
I've been in sales. I'm selling. I'm making six figures. Maybe you don't have a quarter of a million, maybe you're making half a million dollars. How can I become a better sales manager? What would you say number one? There are certain very basic principles that many sales managers do not know. I really stick with number one, very often I go to a company and see that they have instituted a flawed compensation structure and the compensation structure itself does not create the most out of the sales staff Wow allows They force them to work hard for a time, they get lazy and they eliminate waste, so you just talked about yes, yes, so one clear thing that I always see is compensation structures that are not structured correctly, which leads to laziness and sellers sitting and order. from collecting royalties or bottom line revenue, that's one thing and another thing is that I think a lot of sales managers don't even provide enough sales training, they don't make sure of all the Salesforce that I've managed.
I made sure they were great. Seller number three is giving frequent meetings, in other words, motivation, you know, what you tell people once in a while doesn't have much impact, what you tell them every day has a huge impact, isn't that so Surprising that you have to give meetings? all the time and be attentive to people and you know it's like there's a greater purpose for the company and that just comes from constant communication and those are just three things. You definitely know I see gaping holes in a lot of lost sales, so number one competency number two sales training number three motivation andconstant communication so what is Jordan doing today?
I mean, you know you've been through what you're doing, you have a movie now everyone wants you to be there and that's why it's interesting you're telling me you're speaking in Tehran, Iran, that's absolute. I still say yes, well, I'll tell you after this movie. I said it actually continues, I said well, the familiar name except everywhere except Iran and North Korea. I guess I was wrong, it's just the North. Korea, you know, they love the movie in Iran. I didn't know and yes, listen. I mean, for me right now a new year is coming up and my wife and Ivan are deciding what we want to do when it comes.
Good place, luckily we have some breathing room, we're going to make decisions and you know, I think there's something really amazing, there's something incredible right now, an opportunity that I have and that is that there are probably hundreds of millions of people out there. in the age group that is between eighteen and thirty twenty-five thirty and what is happening is that people grow up with this movie and every year the audience increases because they saw the movie and they start graduating from college and it is something that I really want. What I really do is help unify this group of people and make sure that they don't get ruined by things like Bitcoin or by making the mistakes that I made.
I think there are so many things that I did very well, so many things that I did very wrong and I think it was the best of the worst, so I think I really represented a person who could help serve as a kind of beacon of light for the people be successful in life and I really want to start connecting with the shape of that product. I have spoken to millions of people. around the world, but I think I don't want to do a lot of things online about my own TV show, a radio show at the C level, so I'm looking at those things that are exciting.
Let's talk about your book. I read a really great book where you get right into it and you said for 10 years I don't want to write a book and you said you know you don't write a book to make money, you write a book because you really want to share this with the audience and you actually do. I was, I was reading it initially I was expecting it to be just a lot of story based, you're getting into it, you're not even hesitating, you're saying straight up this is how you do this, this is what I did Here's the key to this year and It is a very duplicatable way.
I love the way you teach, which really impressed me. Yes, it is this book. I wrote this book to help people. I have the right to earn money. I didn't care about the money. and I mean, there are better ways to make money with my books and I wrote it myself, it wasn't a ghostwriter. I talked about years to get it right. I wanted this to be like a book that I didn't care how many copies it had sold. The first year I wanted to be like a thinking Grow Rich that would exist for a hundred years and I truly believe that will be the case.
I believe this book will continue to sell and grow and become an increasingly basic asset for every person. The most I believe is that it should be required reading for every human being because what it really is is a communication strategy. The straight lines of communication strategy shows you how to communicate how to share your ideas, your concepts, it doesn't matter if you're in sales or not, it just shows you how to be a more effective human being and I just couldn't imagine going through life with so many people who go through life and have great ideas, brilliant ideas, they have so much to give. world they have a lot to offer from that family they could be rich but since they lack the ability to communicate effectively they die with music on their lips they cannot express their great world that is a skill you must have if you want to be a success-oriented person , you will need to learn to communicate your hopes, your ideas, your dreams in a way that connects with people and drives them to take action.
Get what you want, that's what ethical persuasion is all about, yes. To anyone watching this, I would say that this is how I read books. First I read a book myself, then I buy a copy for each of my salespeople, have them, and ask them to write an article about it. I want to know what you get with this. We have been running a book club for many years and I think it is very interesting. I'm so surprised they aren't the few sales teams that run a book club. Guys, go get this book. read the book if you have a bite of the sales team for each of your sellers and have them read it and post the review on Amazon.
Follow Jordan. I think Jordan you're on almost every social media plan and on Twitter, Instagram, all over again, bro, thanks. Thank you very much for your time and you really enjoy these great conversations. Thanks for your time.

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