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Wolf Of Wall Street Jordan Belfort Talks The Art Of Sales, Quaaludes & More

May 02, 2020
we have a history so now there is a very big difference, we are talking about two things, one is to open a new client and the second is to keep it hmm, but at a certain point it is okay, so in the long run you gain their trust by having reason, as well as giving good information by being honest. an ethical right and someone they can trust, but if you sounded terrible at the beginning, you would never have gotten this far, surely you understand, you have a certain point in capturing the client and then you prove yourself with everything else.So, again, It's never just persuasion but without the skill you can't open the door but how do you deal with a mistreated person like I'm a bad person when it comes to


people like me they automatically as soon as they start I think that's what I'm saying have a good time I'm not going to try to sell you one of the biggest mistakes that and this is on the sister, you know, this is listen, don't be impressed, it's a waste, well, the point is that it's also a matter of time. management, the biggest mistake newbie


will make is they try to sell to everyone they talk to, okay, the reason I ask permission, you have 60 seconds, they say no, okay, I don't see the person who is so closed I won't sell them anyway.
wolf of wall street jordan belfort talks the art of sales quaaludes more
I'm not going to try to fool someone who doesn't want to hear about what I have to sell. That's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It does not work. So what? Basically what you're doing is when you're selling, it's when you're a salesperson, they give you leads, they come from marketing, so the purpose of marketing is to create possibilities of leads that you could sell to. The salesperson has to sift through those potential customers and find the ones that are interested and then open up to selling to them and then sell them to the right partner, the important part is to do that sifting and elegantly to not make introductions, they will never buy anyway, so that persuasion only works when people are already open to Buying from you know it doesn't necessarily the point is that it's obviously continuous, someone is completely closed off and no, of course, I'm not going to try to sell, that's a waste of time and this encourages people in the book to use their persuasion tactics ethically.
wolf of wall street jordan belfort talks the art of sales quaaludes more

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wolf of wall street jordan belfort talks the art of sales quaaludes more...

I made the mistake of not always using it ethically and this is the thing about the straight line system: if you read this book, it is a really powerful thing and you can use it wrong and That's why I warn people not to do it because I did it. error and you want yes, what did you think once and fortunately I was able to rebuild, but many people don't? It's a death blow for them and I'm really into this powerful system that I want to make sure you use it. the right way, you will hear, success and ethics are not mutual excuses, you said that you are earning the trust of your people and you do it well, that you can do both, they are not each other, which makes your assets gain. safe persuasion tactics legal now and


ethical now compared to when you got back there well the persuasion system itself is never good or bad in other words imagine it's good let's use a gun for example it's a good or bad gun , well in the hands of someone who is defending righteously, let's say you're in your house and people come to rob you and kill your family and you have a gun, well that's cool, you shoot people to protect people .
wolf of wall street jordan belfort talks the art of sales quaaludes more
You love, however, the departure of a criminal lights up a clone steeple and that's bad enough, so it's not the gun that's good or bad, it's the intention of the person using it. The same goes for persuasion. You take the straight line system the right way. of the


and you use that system to do good things, that is, help people get the things they need to buy things they should buy, that's ethical if you use that system just to make money, you know, yeah, I'm going to sell anything. everyone else cares whether they need it or not, I will manipulate you all over the place, friend, in my logic and reason out an emotion that is not like the one you all have, that you will persuade her in the wrong way, not in an ethical way, oh, you know, maybe once here and there and them, but mostly you'll laugh about it right now, yeah, yeah, well, I mean, for me, at least for me, I can't say, but again, I don't want to downplay the existence, some people lost money, that sucks.
wolf of wall street jordan belfort talks the art of sales quaaludes more
I wish they had done it. I never did that That never happened, but you know, I'm a firm believer that you can't change the past and that everyone should want that everyone here has made mistakes, we all do this right, it's what you do afterward, you know, you live. in your mistake you want to do well in your mistake you can be paralyzed by it or you learn from it and grow and become stronger. I never feel like backing down because I'm sure you can't train any


, but no. I can't train, okay, yeah, I just can't, I can't have a brokerage, sure, but I could trade, you, myself, trade, okay, are you still training everything?
No, it's not so much the train itch because I hear you, you know that training is a It's a very dangerous game because you know, unless you want to do it full time and really observe, there are people who are professionals and they are watching every second, for you have to really be aware of the latest information to make money as a trader, but for me, you know, the thrill of it all was being in the mix. I had a thousand people in the firm and you motivate them every day, so you know, I go on tour all over the world and I get this, you know, seminars. and stuff and I get that kind of energy where I'm with a lot of people who teach you in the straight line system, you know, when you're giving seminars, you know?
Do you still have growth that allows you to sniff? Know? I've been sober for a long time, you know, but I, like I always say, you'd do it all over again. I said, well, you know, I would change some things, but I wouldn't change prostitute cocaine, not yesterday or on our Fox Topics, of course, you'd know the point isn't because I like them so much. Listen, I'm four, I'm 55 now. I have a woman in my life. I love my wife, right? And I am before the disaster. It's already out of my system, she knows I'm not going to go out and do it again, so I do it again, no, but you know what it was, it represents the life I had and now it's part of me, it's a platform.
I can help other people, but I would change the things that cause harm to other people, sure, but self-destructive behavior, hey, you know, that was my life, you know, and I said it was funny at the time, I won't deny that. Now you also talk a lot about confidence here, yeah, and I was trying to apply this to what we do when it comes to music and this business industry that we're in and it's true, for example, Jay-z comes out. With the album, we are all very familiar with Jay Z, so we are confident that okay, we will definitely go buy this album, buy it and listen to it.
It's a lot harder when you have a new artist that no one knows about. how Charlemagne spoke before about persuasion, yes, because we have nothing to base it on, just like when you want someone to invest in something, buy something, it is much easier when it is a company that is established and has a good track record than something we've never heard of, yeah, well I think people we haven't heard of before, this is their first time, well that's why you want to post some things for free, that's what they're all about free samples when a company It makes no difference in music when a company like Procter & Gamble wants to introduce a new product, they will give free samples to everyone, because if it's awesome, it's great, people will use it once and they will want to use it.
I'll say it again, so the idea is like, for example, when I went out and first taught the straight line system around the world. Now he is very well known at the beginning, when what he did was not known so well. I posted stuff on YouTube, I said, let them have some stuff for free, let them get a sample and if they like it and see the value, then they'll want to learn a lot more and they'll buy it, so I'm a big believer, if I was a musician I'd be putting in free mix stuff. I think they put it all out there and you know it, and sooner or later you'll hear the right person and say wow, this is great, then you'll understand.
When they appear on your show the next thing you know they start getting followers and that's how it sounds great because first of all the product has to be great if the accessories don't go there so at the end of the day everything It comes down to the message being great. and that's what I said. I don't think you should use sales to prove it, it makes it very good to sell, even if it sucks it shouldn't sell it. Okay, the idea is still great for people and helping them, and also in Chapter three. the first four seconds you say you have the first four seconds of an encounter to make an impression, like for example, when we just did this exercise, we did telemarketing instantly in those first seconds when he opens his mouth to speak, I understand. a picture of what it looks like, if it's clear, it's on the post or how long your mouth has been like that and you're like, oh my gosh, right, we asked you, our parents told us not to judge books by their covers, but they did. . and we too, it's human nature, you know, that's the first thing you know, my real name is Rashon, yeah, I always go to Rio because it's too ethnic, let's say Shawn black, no, because most, and on Long Island in the past, most white people would rather talk to white people ask them crackers what were you selling by the way back there full meaning fuel Oh Minnie Field oh my god you're upset 1994 yeah Sean Casey from a house eating and that's how I saw do you think that that would make a difference what what he was saying taking the name off his name, okay, if he was one of your clients, without ego, you couldn't, you couldn't do that in the brokerage business, you have to use illegal real names , there are legal ramifications for changing to become illegal each. if you want to use a fake name, change it legally, like if someone called, it's over Sean, no, unfortunately, you're absolutely right, it's kind of sad.
I'm not going to lie to anyone at that point, no, but this is not about black and white if I'm talking about if you call if you always want to change the name say why because it's not because we're talking about sympathy I mean if I'm a criminal if I'm black if I'm selling to people who If you're black, then being black would be a real advantage absolutely if I'm Asian. I want to be like I'm not racist. It's like I'm very prejudiced, sir, no, no, if you're a white man and a black man calls you. and automatically I don't like it oh no no it's not about realizing, sir right, no, you know someone, listen, it's a sad reality to a certain extent, okay, I'm the least prejudiced person in the world according to iGrow, but there are a lot of prejudices white people like it, but no, no, you know, but black people also have a black, no means no, it's not about black and white, it's about similar versus similar, so I'm in China and They don't want to hear a tax on white Americans. they want to hear a Chinese accent they want people to want to speak the same it's just that it's human nature it's not about skin color or if this is our Delta and I know it's a black person we have a different conversation it's just that it's a lot I was going through everything except what you said about how some people are naturally closed off, like if I call someone and I feel like I have to change my game and I have to be less black to appease you.
I don't want to, no, no. no, it's not about it's not about, you see, it's not about blacks against whites, okay, it's not about Asians or Mexicans, it's about whoever you call a woman, a woman has a better chance than a man who call, that's always like versus liking because people just associate based on similarities now it's so easy you have to change your name people won't do business with you I'm talking to you seconds a natural inclination the same college buddies always maybe based in similarities so what people do are salesmen although sometimes You will do anything in the extreme the odds are in your favor so for those first few seconds but that will go away by the way after those first few seconds they will judge you based on who you are, not by your name, okay? but the point, if what you are saying is that I am not going to lie to you, there is this human nature and it is not about the color of the skin, it is about equal to equal man woman black white you know, age does not matter, so That's my point.
I'm not even appeasing white people. Listen to one thing in the chapter, the first one for a second, what I think people can learn from is showing them that it's worth listening and I really think people come up to you all the time and I want you to know, give you mixtapes and music, whatever you can say immediately wherever you hear them, you know, and what it's about is, again, like human nature is that we see someone, we hear some words, we instantly evaluate them and conditioned state since We were big kids, right? Basically, we referred to the experts when you were sick, your parents took you to the doctor, so you know, and the doctor said, so what do you have?happens?
You told the doctor what was wrong if it was the nurse maybe you were a little more closed off so we would talk essentially to defer to the experts so you want to position yourself as an expert you want to be perceived that way well how do you do it? It's not in the words that what you say is something you could say to someone in four seconds hey, I'm an expert, they say what the hell is wrong with you, right, it's in your tonality and your body language, that's what makes you seem like a expert very, very quickly, so there are certain ways that we do that with the straight line where you can actually be perceived as an expert even if you're not, but the idea is that if someone is just starting out well and wants to be perceived as an expert, yes there are ways that Actually, it can seem like that even if you are not, but you also want to work very hard to be able to walk.
You are 12 years old I don't want to make it seem like we are alive becoming the truth Yes, you sure improved with the action in the exam. You know, you talked in the book about how human communication is 45%, body language is 45%, but only 10% of words, well, here's the point, so here it is, that's for sure, nachos, in In other words, it's not that words are the most important aspect of communication, but only when you say them. You see that we often communicate without speaking mmm, perfect. The example is when you talk to me well and I listen to you I will be welcome in my heart yes mm-hmm I'm giving you grunts ooh yes uh-huh that's little feedback I give you, right?
You can tell I understand you We're on the same page We're on stage Others say so many things without words When you finally open your mouth to speak and say the words they better be right because if you say stupid, okay? you're not going that far and that's how you know that someone was really listening to you because you could be talking to someone, yeah exactly, so bingo, so what happens is the body language in the tonality, is this almost a hidden language of influence that make an unconscious be? In unconscious communication you make your own connection, but if the words and the being depend on the conversation, you are not getting very far, then it is about making the three types of communication congruent with each other, but the point is that very often We often communicate without speaking.
You know, when you talk to traders and you talk to investors a lot of times I feel like they and the reason I feel that way is because I feel like if they're so successful, why do they need to take everyone's money to invest? They're doing great, you know, and that's what always made me feel like sharing a bunch of crap, so it's a good question, it's the old thing when you hear it, especially I get it at a seminar, when some guy goes. I have the best trading system in the world right let me give me two thousand I will show you how to do it right if it was so cool I want you to put your own money to work and you would be retired exactly and you are right in that sense when someone tells you that like in a system , oh let me sell you a system, you say this guy is probably full of nonsense, however, in the brokerage role, when someone, if that's their job, is to get rich by managing people's money well, that's how they They make money they know their job is to make people money so you know it's congruent so it depends on the context but you make a good point once whenever someone is on stage and says I have a magic way to Bonnie, it was so magical, what do you need?
But you know it well, so you're absolutely right. Can you talk a little more about advanced body language? Yeah, well, I mean, for example, I mean the right body. Body language is so powerful. Because when a man influences a man it is very different than a man influencing a woman, so I would approach a woman. I have different rules, for example, no man approaching a man. She was with you. I would never stand directly in front of him. We always corner ourselves. everything we don't do, ever, because two men together is a confrontation, you corner yourself and by the way, you will notice that you go to any store and just wash yourself, how naturally men will always go, leans against the


, a woman, you go. face to face and the space bubble you don't want to invade the space bubble that's one of the biggest mistakes people make is when they get too close to you and they get in your face you know no one ever gives you a mixtape like and they tell you , oh you know, build your box, yeah, yeah, so that's a perfect example by language, but I think the most advanced language that I know and use all the time is what I just said. for you this is Billy it's an active listening quote and that's when someone on PC people think that when you communicate it's only when you talk and it's not true that you also communicate when you listen when you listen for other people it's when they look at you and I, you and you are, yeah, mmm-hmm, so if anyone goes here's an example when someone


about saying that's logical, I'll lean back, they talk about that family.
I am like. I lean towards emotion. I lean back just as you see a salesman. I've done that range for all the big companies. I taught in the straight line system. I've seen salespeople and I've recorded them, filmed them and a newbie sits there and doesn't move his body and I say it's almost like the person can't close a sale. Why is his language so terrible? They just stay still, they don't move. They don't have any rights, they don't know how to interact with another person, like a human being, like a robot, so one thing that's very uncomfortable is when you're talking to someone and the person doesn't have any reaction exactly the way you see it.
So what do you say you say well this person is on the stand you don't understand me I don't like these things you don't like them there is no common ground after situations of artists who went to see different labels now she didn't sign with the label because the person was on the phone during the meeting, you know, he didn't seem interested, I didn't have his attention right there, you know, I talked about friendliness before I talked about accent, a certain name, but it's still much more than that, it's about that when Some people want to partner and do business with those they connect with in so many different ways, so if we say, you get me, you get me, so it's not like we say. or artificial oh my god I like fishing for tuna it means I stop lying to you saying I'm a fisherman when I'm actually not the idea is that when you're talking I'm looking I think I'm in your math yeah, um I'm looking at your monster catching you.
I'm, yeah, yeah, yeah, it has such a powerful impact on the ability to get through a poor people now, when you do it the right way, here's another trick, the electric bridge is a rule. Salespeople tend to not ask enough questions, they go out and just try to sell someone without knowing everything. Yeah, and you know, you know the cliche guy gave you two ears and one mouth and you want to hear twice as much. You speak very well of the straight line system. What I always do is what we call intelligence gathering, where you want to ask questions.
If you ask people, they will tell you exactly what they need, exactly what the problems are, and then exactly your financial situation. so you know, when I'm done asking the questions and I know everything I need to know, I'll say based on what you told me, this is perfect if you let me tell you that, let me tell you why and now. I'm actually selling it to you because it's a benefit, it's not one size fits all. I'm here to shove something down your throat. I know about you. I've learned about you and this is exactly how you develop this.
Sometimes I've learned that our body language can be a little misleading because sometimes people are naturally awkward and don't know how to communicate, but they end up being the best at whatever business you're trying to do, so this is a great one and this It's one of the real beauties of the straight line system, so I wrote this book probably for those people as much as anyone else, because there are a lot of brilliant people, talented people, and you know what happens if they make a mistake? The language that they have in their communication is very difficult to overcome because sometimes they make people hope that they will never be able to show their stuff, so to speak, and they will end up dying with their music on your lips and that is in telling me so that you know with the straight line system this is the idea is that even if you are not a salesperson, we are always selling, we are always trying to convey our thoughts, hopes and dreams to other people, right?
So the idea is that even if you're not a salesman, you want to become good enough to be able to get your point across to people, so that's not what's stopping you, so this book will do what you will get. You get to a point where you know you shouldn't become me, you want to be your best self, so at least people will listen to you, they'll listen to your ideas and you'll see, I'm serious, what it does for people, it was liberating. them because this is the truth people who are like that are awkward they don't really feel comfortable communicating you know that if they walk away they stop they won't they will live in a box and no and Come out and say that you are very talented once you come out, no because they don't feel comfortable doing it so when you learn that straight lawyer it almost makes you more assertive because you know you say now I have the skills. go out and I can really express myself and people will be more successful just not because they are selling something but because they can show themselves and you know what you say, that always and this always works on me, I know this because In fact, I like to spend too money, buying and all that, but people buy out of emotion and then justify it with logic, yes, so here is the perfect example of that right, so every time I sell to someone I will not try to do it. hype them up with emotion first or because you know you have something in your head, it's called your brain, it's your detector if someone doesn't get the logical case right first and just tries to hype you up so you can start to be accepted in your brain by saying once. something is more like you're not adding up, so what I do first I'm very careful before I try to push YouTube, I really buy with emotion, right?
I will make an airtight logical case, first satisfy someone's logical once you satisfy the logical brain. Then you free that person to be emotionally moved, which makes it very easy to move them emotionally, so to close at the highest level you have to have both logic and emotion, so logic first and then emotion, that's how you close, you know anything big. I never buy on the first listen. I always have to go back because I feel like with a salesperson most of the time his first speech is not the best, you know, because most of the time he sells high and in the second. time they explode, well, you know what I just thought?
I can do this, which is always a lot less, whether it's a car or a house or whatever, maybe stocks and bonds or trading, that's what it always seems like with salespeople, well, you know Alissa. So here's the thing: every product has its own best-selling cycle. Some things sell better in two takes. If you are a real estate broker and sell houses. I don't think any realtor is under the illusion that I. I'm going to buy the house there for myself. This is not what you do. It's true? You want someone to have time to digest the purchases and there are other items that you know are not as expensive. in the nines it's important to someone and you can get someone to buy on the first go around, so what I always recommend is listening, you have to be, you have to be smart, know what you're selling and then you want to try what. is the best number of visits it should be twice I meet someone it should be three tons it should be my rent or I'm looking so when I meet someone for the first time maybe I'm not looking so I just want to introduce them to the concept I want to send them information get them to know your glass of trust to develop and then schedule a second meeting well and then the second time I hope to close the sale there is nothing, it could be the third time as well, beyond three times the disadvantage, sometimes it is very difficult contacting the same person twice, especially three times, so there is a trade-off there, but you're absolutely right, so it depends on what you're selling and I want to try that.
I won't do it. I'll try to close on one call and then say, let me try to close on two, which is a higher close rate, etc., so if you want to try, that's not nice. everything in the book is that I really like all of these things and the key is, you know, I think a lot of these things are logical and they're a lot of things that you do every day but don't think about. so what I do is I turn it into a conscious system and once it's a system you can almost and you and you allow yourself to be your best self every day that's the key to the straight line what's the magic bullet you talk about discovering the magic bullet explain to other people, yeah, so the magic bullet I would say on the back of the system is something called action threshold when I talked about this before we were, for example, there are people like me who are very easy to sell to. true, i thinkthat I want to buy quickly, I will make decisions, I would love to buy, right, it's people like my father who are the toughest, not the crack and you, he's like, it's just not easy and the difference between my father and myself It's this imagined certainty, it's about certainty, selling well, so imagine that a 1 means you think something, it's the biggest shit in the world and I'm absolutely sure it's the best product, right?
Do you want to be around a tennis possum? right, you want it, for me I don't have to be absolutely sure to buy, I could have 7 7, oh boy, right, my dad will be a 10 and very sure of it, so what, the way I would sell to my father. It's just that I'll try to get it as close to a 10 as possible, but then there are things you could do to lower it. You can actually change someone's beliefs about it on the spot and actually make it very difficult to sell to someone and do it. much easier, and the way you do it is a language, it all comes down to how people actually make decisions. and very quickly this is what happens, so before you buy or point them out, show them how they run these parallel movies, they say well, if I say yes and I get the benefit, like what is the best result, what is the worst, then always We say what the advantage is.
What is the disadvantage? And what happens to people like my father and they start publishing the disadvantage film. They say, "My God, if I do this, the world will," and they think the glass is half empty, so they become pessimistic. a scenario, worst case scenario, do you ever use a long movie that you put out, where the world is going to, if you do this, it's going to be terrible, you're going to lose your money, you're going to waste your time if I steal everyone's credit card number. , if you are an idiot, they will be embarrassed there, but I will say that activating does not work, someone like me does not make a long film of handicaps and if I give myself an example, I lose, I am a bit of a golfer, I play golf.
Every once in a while, so I'm more of a testament that I played golf, was that okay? So I was walking through the airport. Sometimes if I sold some golf in traffic, I knew it was crap that wouldn't do well, but when I said how much it was $59, so I said what's the worst thing that's wrong. I'll throw it away, but wow, if it works, I imagine I'm on the 18th tee, like I'm Guster and hit a perfect quarter and I actually run the film on the things that work in this long pause and move in a short negative film , my father is the complete opposite, he never allows himself to feel good about the future, he does not influence the decision of the future pacemaker, the future places that. goes wrong, so what you do is you use language, you actually change that movie, so I would tell someone what's the worst that can happen, let's say I'm wrong, let's say you buy this and you don't like it, let's say There's a guarantee that you can return it in seven days, it won't destroy your life, but the good thing is that if this is even half as good as what I say, what you will get is a and I start giving them the benefits that they never Don't they play that movie And I do not know?
One second you give them all those benefits and actually reduce their action threshold and then ask for the order to close them. Now you don't know what to ask. I mentioned the 59.99 so when people do that you better round up the $60 we have or it makes you feel like you're getting a deal even though listen to people they showed they were ok they've tried this and someone says fifty-nine ninety-seven. make more sales than $60 whatever is ridiculous you know and you know you watch Mad Men a TV show this is what those guys did they approved this stuff you know it scientifically and for some reason the human brain we look at six in 69 97 is better than 70 hours, many things were taken from billions of millions.
The first season bothered me because they talked like in too many parables, as if everything was as if you knew that you don't put the tail on those who don't call. Don't bring down a king, oh my God, at first I washed it a lot of times, I don't see it anymore because you know, I've seen it many times, but I once lived them, I go, oh my God. I'm coming it's going to embarrass you and you're going to see yourself or you're going to hear the


yeah so listen it's a great movie it is and you know somehow if you watch the movie that lasts after the movie it's a lot about this book the direct launch systems all - infomercial the book the Ferrari the Lambo oh yeah, I didn't have those in particular, yeah, I mean, I guess they got rich first.
He was 25 years old, very rich, right? 24, what was the first thing I bought? A white Ferrari Testarossa. I know Don Johnson wipers won a Miami Vice, yeah I like you know when you're a kid you don't have any money growing up and you watch TV and you see how people live well. I want that, I want to live like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman I like to live out all my teenage fantasies, including doing massive amounts of drugs every day, right? And you know, I wouldn't go crazy. I mean, you know, and I at the time it's interesting, obviously, things that make sense at 25 don't make sense.
It made a lot of sense back then, you know, I mean, it just was, you know, it just seemed like that's how I was doing things, it was like that, it was like Animal House in a brokerage firm, we don't have a Ferrari because it was in that movie, You know, and it went up in price like, oh, I know, and it's a shadow. I know the same Ferraris are currently for sale right now, yes you know some Ferrari life, yes, so one was selling life with the original papers, yes, $75,000, I don't even know. I know what


were until I watched Wolf of Wall Street's when I realized it was Bill Cosby's drug of choice, oh yeah.
Wow, those were really good, thank God, they're illegal, thank God, they're not around and no one like thousands is like, oh, them. It would give you this feeling of euphoria. Yeah, I don't see how you look on a lot of people, but when you do you like it. I think I like Ecstasy and Marley Garden. It's not nice. You know, because it's not like that, it's more like that. Imagine, okay, imagine like taking ten beers mm-hmm and boiling them, distilling them down to one like you know like a normal thimble and then injecting it into your main line and you're like buzzing, it's like this amazing euphoric buzz that you get and it's Thoughts like I always say, always explain to Leo, you know?
Leo has never used drugs and he explained to you that they are the four phases of a quail. You start, you have the tingling phase, just the tingling phase when you take it 15 minutes later, with your fingertips. I thought the thing was like a really euphoric tickle and you love the tickle of things that have to die. You enter what is called the insult phase and you stop talking. You say, I love you, yeah, I love everyone and you slur your words, but you're like that, slur your words that's okay, that's okay, baby, ice, that's okay, then you go from there to the drooling phase where you walk around and You drool, that's it, but you know it's a bit of a drool and storm. no big deal then phase 4 is unconsciousness increases so that's what you just fall asleep because they really are sleeping pills so from there you take coke to wake up again and this is what I was doing , so you say, oh, we.
I'm sober. I've been doing so well for 20 years, so I would never go back to that life, but that's what was happening. Thanks for stopping, guys. Thanks guys, you are amazing. Breakfast Club. Jordan Belfort.

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