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The Psychology of Evil People

May 09, 2024
If you study the development of fantasies of very, very dark


, you will see that they brood and fantasize in isolation for years and the fantasies get darker and darker, so they are bitter and resentful to begin with and then they start fantasizing. about the good. what they would want can have a sexual ending or it can have a very violent ending or it can take both and what they are really after is the ultimate in revenge and on the sexual front they find a kick in extending the what would you like? Call it unacceptability of fantasy, one stage at a time, the famous, extremely attractive sexual serial killer, what was his name, is a famous photograph of him as this very attractive man.
the psychology of evil people
Do you remember he Bundy's father Ted Bundy Ted Bundy detailed exactly how? His fantasies progressed as he became more and more involved with pornography and what happens in a sense is that these


who harbor these terrible fantasies want to stay on the edge of newness and so their fantasies become darker and darker as they go. that move downward. that path and so after a thousand micro-progressions they end up in exactly the kind of pit you're describing and some of it is pure sexual kick because of the novelty and it has this sadistic and perverse, uh, vengeful twist, and you could think of it this way You know, I think it says in the gospels that you know it would be better to have a millstone hung around your neck and to be thrown into the abyss than to harm any of God's children. let's say and that's where the perverse delight comes because the most heinous sin possible, let's say, is the violent sexual abuse of the most innocent person possible and the perverse novelty is greatest exactly at that point and then that goes from bad to worse and there are a thousand or even ten thousand microdecisions that go hand in hand with that.
the psychology of evil people

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the psychology of evil people...

There is also a great book called Ordinary Men. It's worth reading, even though it's a bloody catastrophe. I will tell you that it details how a group of German police officers were Those who moved to Poland during World War II were transformed from ordinary working class to middle class or pitiful ordinary working class men, by the way, old enough not to have been raised under the Nazi regime and therefore were not objects of propaganda in a kind of mindless obedience. being perfectly ordinary cops for the kind of people who could take naked pregnant women out into the middle of a field and shoot them in the back of the head and it's not like they had it easy, some of them reported the same thing.
the psychology of evil people
The kind of things you reported when you first saw that video: what they were being asked to do stage by stage made them physically ill, and they had a commander who had actually told them they could leave the service if they did it. They don't want to continue their duties, but felt it was their duty to not leave and leave their comrades to clean up the terrible situation, but he does an excellent job of detailing how his move from normality to outright


is a consequence of ten thousand micro um. What would you say about micro violations of your own conscience?
the psychology of evil people
Not all micro, obviously, so you know what you need to know about revenge. What you need to know about the sadism kick, which is that novel kick that produces a dopaminergic kick that increases sexual satisfaction and. So there is an element of sadistic misery that can add novelty to sex and that is particularly attractive to people who are bitter and resentful because they can't really find any willing sexual partners and so they are angry at the world and shaking their fists at God. so and anyway, that's kind of the course of development of such a beautiful descent into hell and the interesting thing about it is that Brew Day people like you don't get to the point where you're watching porn. videos of children being raped without hundreds or even thousands of hours of increasingly insane voluntary fantasy and that is allowing the spirit of sin that would otherwise lurk at your doorstep to enter your home and have its way, It's like a collaborative adventure with Satan. himself, that's the easiest way to describe it and very well, so I don't know what you have to say about it, but I'll let you talk to her.
I will say this, that everything you are saying absolutely resonates with him. My anecdotal experiences dealing with these people I look them in the eye and what you are describing is what I see, although I have never been able to articulate it like you have, so I appreciate being armed with the understanding that this is how it will be. Help me evangelize more clearly to others about the dangers of overstimulation and overuse, supporting pornography and shaking hands with the d


, so thank you for that, that was very eye-opening, so I spent a little time, not much, but a little. of time inside a maximum security prison when I was a kid I worked with a very strange psychologist who was there and one of the things that really surprised me and I think this surprised me enough to change my entire life was that I met these, I met this.
A prisoner who was a fairly nondescript character took me for a walk in the yard, away from a gym full of monsters and rapists who were lifting weights and we went for a walk in the yard and the psychologist called us. He came back and told me later in the office that this guy about five years old, two pretty, non-possessive guys, had made two police officers, Neil, in front of him, beg for their lives in reference to their families and then shot them both on the back. head and kicked them to the side and the shocking thing to me was you know you think that if you encountered pure evil it would have a monstrous form and you know what shocked me was the indescribable nature. of this guy, you know his absolutely ordinary nature, the fact that you could walk past him on the street, you would never know that he is not a monster, you know the monstrous character of Satan in your imagination, you know a figure that is terrifying. contemplate instead of someone normal, you know what I mean, usually in that embarrassing sense, these people that you have interacted with, what is your reaction to them when you talk to them, pedophiles when you talk to them and when you arrest them.
The experience is very similar to what you just described. Very unremarkable people from all walks of life. We have arrested and interrogated. Educators. Lawyers. There's no apparent physicality that tells you who they are, but I will say this when they start talking and I look in their eyes, that's when I can feel something that really scares the hell out of me, um and the way they talk about the kids when they get there. and it's something that they have been able to normalize and they talk to me about children almost as if they were talking about you know the weather or you know how to talk about buying and selling children like you talk about buying and selling computer parts or a car or something like that and that's where I thought that something had taken over you something non-human had made you less human um and I've never been able to understand it uh it just scares me and and um and I usually end up making them confess because they've gotten to a place where they think they're okay, they think that It is somehow normal.
I don't know if that makes sense. How do they do that? Dr. Peterson, good, good, the degree. of rationalization that has to do with each step forward in the progress of fantasy there has to be a step forward in self-deception with respect to self-description, so imagine that you are trying to hold on to a sense of self at least as normal, but perhaps even as a moral agent. I mean the most outspoken pedophiles claim that they only allow children to express their true sexual desires and that what they are really doing is forming the best relationship with the children they have ever had.
Now of course there is a part of them who knows that that is an absolutely bloody infernal lie, but you arrive at that lie as I said with a thousand micro lies and you are modifying your self-concept throughout the I mean, have you made these people justify themselves to you and, if so? So, by what means do they try to do it? So one person that comes to mind absolutely, the answer is yes, and one person that comes to mind is the person portrayed in the movie. Oshensky, uh, this person had written self-published articles, of course, he had a book that he actually sold on Amazon and his understanding or justification of it was that the puritanical society of this country has crushed the true, uh, beautiful and righteous . sexual experience uh what would be the most natural between a man and a boy a prepubescent child a prepubescent child is the most beautiful form of humanity and um and why take that away from the children of a child would be well conditioned to to face the challenges of life if only they could experience orgasmic pleasure even in their prepubescence um, that's how they talk good, good and good, yes, well, you saw that because of that, there were attempts made in the 1970s by French intellectuals, surprise, surprise of having the age of consent was radically lowered and that was always the fundamental reason, it was an extension of the theory of patriarchal oppression in a certain sense, it is true that all sexual expression is essentially pure and good in its most fundamental form and everything is deformed by social pressure and if we were We were simply allowed to express ourselves in all the ways we considered appropriate so that we would all be free and no longer suffer the limitations of the tyrannical right of society and it is simply convenient for the damn pedophiles that this justifies them doing what they want.
What the hell do they want to have children who are obviously too young to consent. Thank you foreigner.

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