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"You Should Be A Monster" | Jordan Peterson Motivation

May 04, 2024
The strange part of Spiritual Development is recognizing the satanic tendencies that characterize you and fully fighting with them and integrating them, that's what it's about, it's not so much about discarding them but about transmuting them, you know and you can see the difference. between the people who have done that and the people who haven't, at least to some extent, because the people who haven't integrated the shadow at all are naive and it shows when you look at them and it shows when you talk to them. them and because they are naive, they are often also resentful because they take advantage of it and someone who is integrated is more dangerous in martial arts, that is, they are dangerous but they don't. it has to be, they don't have to use it because its presence radiates an implicit potential to wreak havoc and that's really necessary, it's one of the things that gives people self-respect if you're harmless, you're not virtuous, you're just harmless. you're like a rabbit a rabbit isn't virtuous it's just that it can't do anything except get eaten it's not virtuous if you're a


and you don't act monstrously then you're virtuous but you also have to be a


while you see this all the time harry potter is too that's like he has flaws he's hurt he has evil in him he can talk to the snake man he breaks the rules all the time all the time he's not obedient at all but you know he has a good reason to break the rules if he couldn't break the rules, him and his little group of rule breakers, you know, the troublemakers, if they didn't break the rules, they wouldn't reach the highest goal, so it's very peculiar, but it's a very, very, very common mythological notion, you know, the hero has to be the hero has to be a monster, but a controlled monster, Batman is like that, you know, I mean, he's everywhere, it's a story that you always hear if you go to To be a fighter you have to want to win and you have to want to hurt people, I mean, not to hurt them, that's what makes you different from an evil person, but you have to have that capacity, you have to develop it and you know. that is the step on the path to Enlightenment, strange as it may seem, because that is not what people think.
you should be a monster jordan peterson motivation
People have been fed this diet of pablum entitlement and impulsive freedom for so long. There is simply absolute famine on the other side of the story. Technically there are no rights. speaking without responsibilities and the only thing we have had for 60 years is a good dialogue about rights that leaves a void on the other side of history and is a whole that is in the hearts of the people essentially because responsibility well perhaps that is not more important than rights like I said that they are an integral part of the same formula, but it is in responsibility where most people find the meaning that sustains them throughout life, it is not in happiness, it is not an impulsive pleasure , those things fade away at the first bad wind, but in taking responsibility for your own well-being and trying to reunite your family and trying to serve your community and trying to seek eternal truth and live it, those are the kinds of things that they can root you in your life enough that you can withstand the difficulty of life and when you tell people that, especially when you include yourself in the audience, let's say, and you're not shaking your finger from above, then everyone knows it's true, there has been an attempt to identify male competition and power, let's say, but mainly competition with tyranny and that is very, very hard for young people, it is also hard for young women, but it is very useful for people to hear that they must become competent and dangerous and take their proper place in the world because it is the alternative. being weak and weak is not good people who shoot up high schools are weak and life is a very difficult process and you are not prepared for it unless you have the ability to be dangerous, that doesn't mean you


be cruel, It doesn't mean anything like that, there is a statement in the New Testament that the meek will inherit the Earth but the meek is not translated well, it means something more like those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them you will inherit the world that is a much better way To think about it you have to be powerful and formidable and then peaceful in that correct order and that is not the same as being naive, weak and harmless, which is what young people do, they encourage you to be, it is as if it were a very bad idea, it is a very bad idea because naive weak and harmless means you can't bear the tragedies of life you can't take any responsibility you will end up bitter and when you get bitter then you become dangerous.
you should be a monster jordan peterson motivation

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you should be a monster jordan peterson motivation...

You don't treat grown men like they're babies, but young men really need to hear this more. I think you would be a monster. You know, because everyone says you


be harmless and virtuous. you shouldn't do any harm to anyone you should sheath your competitive instinct you shouldn't try to win you know you don't want to be too aggressive you don't want to be too assertive you want to stay in the background and all that stuff isn't bad, you should be a monster, a absolute monster and then you should learn to control it. Someone who is incapable of committing cruelty is a higher moral being than someone who is capable of committing cruelty and I would say that this follows young people as well, that is incorrect and it is dangerously incorrect because if you are not capable of committing cruelty you are absolutely a victim of anyone who is and therefore part of the reason why people go to see antiheroes and villains is because there is a part of them that cries out for the incorporation of the monster within them which is what gives them strength of character and self-respect because it's impossible to respect yourself until you get your teeth and if your teeth come in and you realize that it's something dangerous or maybe something seriously dangerous and then you might be more willing. to demand that you treat yourself with respect and that other people do the same and that does not mean that being cruel is better than not being cruel, what it means is that you can be cruel and then not be cruel.
you should be a monster jordan peterson motivation
Being cruel is better than not being able to be cruel because in the first case you are nothing more than weak and naive and in the second case you are dangerous but you have it under control and you know that many martial arts focus on exactly that. As part of their training philosophy, it's like we're not training you to fight properly, but instead we're training you to be peaceful and awake and avoid fights, but if you have to get into one, I guess the philosophy is as well. that if you are competent at fighting that actually decreases the likelihood that you will have to fight because when someone pushes you you will be able to respond with confidence and with a little luck and this is certainly the case with bullies with any luck, a reasonable display of confidence that is very much equivalent to a show of dominance will be enough to make the bully back down and therefore the strength you develop in your monstrosity is actually the best guarantee of peace and that is partly why Jung believed that It was necessary for people to integrate their Shadow and he said it was a terrible thing for people to try because the human Shadow, which is all those things about yourself that you don't want to realize, goes all the way to hell and what he What I mean by That is, it is through the analysis of your own shadow that you can come to understand why you and other people are also capable of committing the type of terrible atrocities that characterize, say, the 20th century, and without that understanding there is no possibility of bringing them about. . under control when you study Nazi Germany for example, or you study the Soviet Union, particularly under Stalin, and you wonder what these perpetrators are like, forget about the victims, let's talk about the perpetrators, the answer is that they are just like you and if you don't know That just means that you know nothing about people, including yourself, and then it also means that you have to figure out why they are like you and, believe me, that's not easy at all, so it's enough to traumatize people and It is partly the reason they don't and it is also partly the reason why the path to Enlightenment and wisdom is rarely taken, because if it were all a matter of following your bliss and doing what makes you happy , then everyone in the world would be a model. of wisdom, but it's not that at all, it's a matter of facing what you least want to face.
you should be a monster jordan peterson motivation
This is an interesting thing about Shadow integration because recognizing yourself as the place of evil, let's say, actually takes you far in a sense. More respect for yourself, oddly enough, because the same respect you might have for a wild animal or even a monster, then maybe you will learn to treat yourself differently. I think this is particularly true regarding the discipline of children. that you are a monster and that will manifest in your life consciously or unconsciously and if it is unconsciously it is not good then you will become better at disciplining children and the reason for this is that you do not want to expose them to your dark side and if they behave and you do not provoke, which means they will also behave towards other people, then the Monstrous part can remain in suspense and that's great, but if you don't understand yourself as capable of wreaking havoc and that can be the kind of chaos that unfolds throughout of decades, because if you are going to abuse a child, the primitive form of abuse is physical abuse, the sophisticated form of abuse is the continuous undermining of the child's courage throughout perhaps their entire life and there is a terribly monstrous in that and if the child does not respect you properly, say that you will get revenge on him and you know that in a sense that is the whole Freudian psychoanalytic story, it is not the whole thing, but either you have that or he has you those are the options and no you become safe being castrated foreigner

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