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The Power of Diamond Water -- h3h3 reaction video

May 31, 2021
What we have here today, in this new



, from Ethan Klein of H3H3 Productions and Hila Klein behind the camera. Shake the camera. Hello Hila! It's about a woman who sells Diamond Water. She has been...she runs through


s and is blessed by the energy of


s. She apparently she does something great for you. Let's investigate that further and see if this Diamond Water is all the hype it's cracked up to be. Let's take a look. Ethan: HollyWOOOOD Ethan: Hollywood LOYF Andy: Hey guys! I'm Andy, and I'm here with the Persian pop priestess herself, Asa, from Shahs of Sunset.
the power of diamond water    h3h3 reaction video
Ethan: The Pop, what did she call her? The Priestess of Pop herself? She's a great title for someone I've never seen before in my life. Come on... I want to get that title again. That's a great title! I want to be a pop princess! Andy: Hey guys! I'm Andy, and I'm with the Priestess of Persian Pop, she - The PERSIAN POP - wait, Priestess? Damn, I can't understand it, man! This is like quite a tongue twister! Andy: I'm with the Priestess of Persian Pop. Ethan: "The Priestess of Persian Pop." I wonder if... I wonder if she had to do that a couple of times.
the power of diamond water    h3h3 reaction video

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the power of diamond water h3h3 reaction video...

That's hard. Say that at home guys. Andy: - The very priestess of Persian pop - Very good! Wow! Wow, it's her! Holy shit, guys! She is the very princess of Persian pop! I can not believe it! Andy: Asa from Shahs of Sunset. Asa: Hello everyone. Andy: Turns out you have... Andy: A very old print of the Diamond Water bottle. Asa: Yeah, and she hasn't even come out yet. Ethan: Has she even come out yet? My God. They brought in a prototype of Diamond Water and she hasn't even come out yet. Be careful with that Diamond Water guy, he's unique.
the power of diamond water    h3h3 reaction video
I wonder how much these bottles sell for? I can't wait to see how much this shit sells for. Asa: We're launching on Valentine's Day, so Asa: If you can't buy diamonds for your girl or boy, buy them Diamond Water! Andy: You heard it here Ethan: Yeah... If you can't buy diamonds for your boyfriend or girlfriend, or someone you love, buy them a bottle of


. They'll LOVE that! ... "Wow. Wow, thank you honey. Thank you honey for this bottle of


. You really care about me!" By the way, not diamonds. Be that as it may, I'm not going to go into the true value of diamonds, or whatever.
the power of diamond water    h3h3 reaction video
Very Valuable Andy: Now, I understand that there are a lot of misconceptions about diamond water. I have heard a lot about diamond water on the streets and I heard that people there really have a lot of misconceptions. Hopefully I can clarify this because I have been hearing a lot of misconceptions about this diamond water. (screaming) Sean! Hey Sean, have you heard of diamond water, buddy? I have the Persian princess Pop Shah, but she is talking about the diamond water we were talking about the other day. They're going to clear up the misconceptions about it right now, buddy.
You- sh- Sean! (coughs) (hits table) (coughs) I just woke up the other computer. Alright, sorry guys. I just hit the desk and had a slight brain aneurysm. I think I'll be fine. Let's continue Hollywood Life with the Persian pop star princess slinging her diamond water and, uh, let's see what's good. Andy: Now I understand. There are many misconceptions about diamond water Andy: Are there really diamonds in water? Asa: No. I'm glad you asked. Well. Are there diamonds in the water? No. (screaming) Hey Sean, there are no diamonds in the water, buddy. It's just... it was a popular mistake.
Asa: Actually diamond water is alkaline water, 9.5 ph, which is the highest you can get on the market Asa: and it is enhanced with real diamonds. Asa: Which means that every drop of water there Asa: flows through this casing with the diamond in it Asa: and is charged with the energy of the diamond. Asa: There are no crushed diamonds, there is nothing like that. Andy: Of course. And you... you yourself blessed the diamond water. Asa: And every drop has been blessed with my energy of love. Asa: I put a lot of energy into this. Andy: Hey, it shows.
Every drop has been blessed by her and a diamond? He says, "Oh, you can tell." This guy is the biggest fucking tool in Hollywood. What if I told you there was a product on the market, right? Every drop touched a piece of diamond and was blessed by some Pop sss. It's getting harder and harder to say. Hila: Persian pop. (laughs) Ethan: For a Persian pop - Persian pop Bride, star, princess. What would you say? What kind of value would you put on that drink? And I would say drink jokingly because it is much more than a drink, it is diamond water!
And did you see the packaging? It has very geometric curves! That type of packaging is not cheap. That's an elegant design. And now that? What is the price of that? Because we've obviously given up on buying diamonds for our loved ones on Valentine's Day. We'll just buy them some Diamond Water. (slurping sounds) "Mmmmm honey, thanks for the damn bottle of water, let's get married! What's the price of that? I can't wait to find out." Ethan: Look at this. Asa: People do it all the time all day long, it's not a foreign concept, you know? Asa: You have a lot of energy.
Ethan: Look, look, look at this! Asa: For example, you have a lot of energy. Andy: I ​​was going to ask how my energy is. Asa: Do you like my energy? Andy: I ​​love your energy. Asa: See? Ethan: "I...I was going to ask how my energy is. It's great. You're spending a shilling, you're completely spending my product. (sarcastically) I love your energy!" If this guy can make it (sighs) Follow your dreams. That's all I can say guys. Andy: We are the same energy because we are the same person. Asa: (laughs) Honey, (Andy laughs) Asa: Okay? Ethan: "Honey, you'll never have your own line of diamond water.
You either drink diamond water or you throw diamond water. And honey, let me tell you, you drink it. Andy: Well, thank you so much. So much Asa, for stopping by. Ethan: “Thank you so much for coming and stopping by and selling us your stupid fucking idiotic product! And I can't even believe we didn't even mention the price." Asa: Thank you so much for having me, this was so much fun. Ethan: "I just stopped by because I thought it would be fun. Why I'm here really and I also had this prototype, uh, it was a lot of fun." Andy: And ah, make sure you get new episodes of Shahs of Sunset every Sunday at nine on Bravo.
And ah. we just have a few... Ethan: Ok... It's a Bravo reality show. Now it all makes sense. Asa: Goodbye lovers Ethan: HOLLYWOOOOOOD LYFE. We still have one big question, how much does this fucking Diamond Water cost? *Hila laughs* Water, Diamond Water combines precious ingredients for a unique and healthy drinking experience. Apparently they are sold out because this is...! People are going crazy, there are rumors, there are a lot of misconceptions about this product, people are talking about it everywhere. It's 36 dollars, I'll round up to 12 of them. Hila: And it's 13 for shipping. Ethan: Yes, too... but that's pretty heavy.
Hila: I guess so. -What if they're like little things? Kinda like... *tch tch* Diamond Water shot hunters. I just need to: It's time to shine, baby! *tch* If you are looking to hydrate with every sip, I recommend, yes, using Diamond Water. They know that it allows them to live healthy and shine. But, ah man :'( They're all sold out. Well, I'll keep you posted. I'll be watching this page, you guys know it very well. And, ah, I'll keep you posted. date when this product finally comes back on the market because it's going to be a frenzy I'm going to order 10 of these REALLY quick because honestly they will *snap* *snap* The Diamond Water does like this* and it's a limited supply because it takes a long time to bless every drop, I can only. imagine it So thanks for watching, keep shining guys at home from Diamond™ Keeping it real, with Princess Shah from Vashshahs This is Ethan from Diamon inc™ representing Diamond Water hydrated with every sip Thank you so much for watching. . for Diamond Water.
Inc™ Get your own bottle today. It's reasonably priced, just above the value of regular water. And that's almost nothing for the cost of the infusion, you know, herbal blessings. a di-REAL diamond. Thank you all for coming byyy. And keep it hydrated. Keep it lubricated. And keep it bright. *Hila laughs* Hila: It looks like you just smoked Ethan: Hey, what's up guys? This is Ethan from H3H3. Thanks for watching our


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It depends on you. I don't want to put too much pressure on you, you know? And if you didn't see our FAQ that we did to celebrate 50,000 subscribers, I recommend you check it out, it's right in the middle, just click on it. It seems like a lot of people were enjoying that. Know. It's just HIla and I answering some questions. Do something stupid, laugh, make a mistake, do all those, you know, stupid things that make them like us. Hello, thank you all, as always, and there is only one thing left to say. *breathing* Bob is your uncle and that has been confirmed. *Theme H3H3*

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