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The ONE BLOCK SERIES RETURNS in Minecraft Hardcore

May 22, 2024
uh okay, now okay, how about one piece in each corner will work? Mr. Avatar Ang, wait, he's an airbender, not a waterbender, here we go, okay, that works, so the theory is that if a group spawns and like skeletons or vines and they come out, they'll just get pushed towards here and they can't escape and it also makes a


feel kind of sacred, you know, it's like floating on water, okay, now for the corners, I need a little defenses or something, yeah, my mouse is dying holy , it's failing, but I want to build some little defenses or something to protect me from the mobs, holy cow, so let's grab some leaves and honestly, I think I'm going to build like some of them.
the one block series returns in minecraft hardcore
We'll dress up as bushes, but it'll be like a little thing to hide behind, you know, and you'll be a scary little cat like this. Okay, and to make it a little more natural, let's put up some cobblestone walls. these leaves, I really don't know how you make them more natural, okay here we go, this is my new island hub, it's much simpler than what we had before, but honestly I like it, it's just that someone, for Please make a donation. I can't, I can't buy a mouse anyway, let's wait for all this grass to grow and oh yeah, that's good, there we go, it's so peaceful and simple, I like it, it's like a nice green, it's open, it's pretty epic, so next I want to work on these little spaces inside my island, so let's try to decorate these corners a little bit.
the one block series returns in minecraft hardcore

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the one block series returns in minecraft hardcore...

The first thing we need to do is improve the cobblestone, it is quite dirty and hopefully we can turn it into a stone brick. I have what we have. Oh, luckily, I have a silk touch, but only at efficiency 2, and that's pretty slow, so let's quickly enchant another silk touch pickaxe, but at efficiency four. Wow, first try, he doesn't have Unbreakable three, but it doesn't matter, at least he's fast, okay, let's spend some time collecting as many stones as I can. then turn into stone brick and with this start improving the island, here we go and it already looks much more modern with stone brick, it looks pretty good and I want to continue with the grass to the corner, so let's build another platform back here like this and put some dirt on it so I don't lose it if I ever need to change it again.
the one block series returns in minecraft hardcore
Now, let's grab some grass. Luckily, now I have this giant platform that's like the best source out there and let's plant some pieces right. around here to grow and I also want to build something behind the land. I want to build a water fountain or something so it looks like water is flowing here. I don't know, you always see water fountains in like rich areas, let's build a little thing like this and another layer of stone on top like that and make a little fountain like that, okay, that's not exactly it, where did my bucket of water go? water?
the one block series returns in minecraft hardcore
Did I just lose some water? I don't even know what happened, okay, let's try this again, let's put a bunch of water in here and like I said, I want it to look like a water fountain, you know, it's like it's flowing into the grass like this, honestly , It is not like this. It doesn't look so bad. I really like it, let's fill these little spaces so I don't have any chance of falling now. Doesn't it seem so strange to you as if two of my islands have connected and it looks good? It looks good, but let's keep building this into each corner and just connect the flow of this entire island.
What do you think? I like it a lot. I love it. Everything feels fluid now. I like it. I told them I like it. Still because I like it, but now let's see if I have flowers. I feel like not. I don't think a


will really give you flowers. Let's see, uh, let's look inside my chest. I have mushroom tips. I have some poppies. that's it, some saplings, ooh, I've got orange tulips, some dandelions and sea gherkins, okay, I guess that's what I'm using, can we even plant a mushroom on this? We can't, it looks like it's just dandelions, orange tulips, sea pickles and a ton of poppies isn't that bad, but what if I took some bone meal and bone meal?
The weed here I'll only get Danny Lions. I hope we can get like a little bit of blue. Yes you can, some cornflowers. Let's keep eating bones. Oh. What are these rust daisies? I have never been so excited about flowers and let's plant these new flowers. Oh yes, I like it. I told them to like them again because I like them, but there we have them all over the Center. Redesigned island but there is still one goal that has been chasing us since we started a block and that is to get diamond armor, it is literally impossible so let's keep mining this and try to get more diamond ores and see if this little trap really works if you do. we make. have a monster party, okay, we have some little bug Lings, there's no way they can swim well, but yeah, they're being funneled into the middle.
I can literally forget about them and they will just drown in the center. This is actually such. genius but simple plan ooh a chest oh I have Ender, that means we are getting close, and Enderman doesn't work with this trap because once they get out, they will like to tell him grievance, so you guys just stay up there, not yet, no , what just generated oh oh, a Sher, give me everything alright, okay, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, escape, get away, just give me your shell, man, let me have it, yes, I have a Sher shell, wait.
Could I hit a cow with this orb? Come on, come to me, come to me. You see this cow. Orb. Beat him. Beat him. Yes, no, wait. Yes, we have a flying cow, the sacred cow, praise her, worship her, she is a cow. unfortunate but with this extra Sher shell I can combine it with my other Sher shell and with that you put a chest in the middle and Bam, we got our first Shuler box ooh, another chest that smells like brick with a potato, we all know it's brick. a potato, so it matches perfectly and if you guys don't know who Brick is, he's just a really good friend of mine, he was in my parasite video that I posted and yeah, every time I see that scene I can't stop laughing, maybe time because it's just Brick and hey in it, but it's really fun to watch the two of us play with each other, but yeah, if you want to see more videos of Brick and I, I just watch our Roblox videos that we upload every day and It's just a lot of It's fun, but let's keep trying to get more diamonds.
I just need a few more to get some diamond armor. Another chest with another Ender IE. Okay, we're getting closer. I really need diamonds if I want to defeat this Ender Dragon. I'm going to get slapped if I don't have diamonds yeah yippee so right now I have 22 diamonds all I need is to make Fortune three and at least get two diamonds hopefully four or five if that's possible please , you have to be. Just kidding you know what, give me that, give me that diamond man I'm replacing it with an emerald it's just as fancy here we go 24 diamonds yeah we did it but throughout this whole episode we completed some random things around the island and just got back into the swing of playing One Block again, it was definitely a rough ride with no real goal but that's just fun in Minecraft so I hope you enjoyed, subscribe if you want to see more of the One


Block and stay tuned.
In the next episode, when I make a diamond armor, I enchant it and head to the end.

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