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The Mysterious Return Of Paul Zimmer

Apr 21, 2024
What's up, Greg? I hope everyone is having a great day, a great holiday season, a happy jingle, old jangle, welcome back to my channel, this of course is another episode of he will never talk about Paul Zimmer, one of the greatest exes of the music. He explains how he disappeared and now he's back, but he pretends not to, he pretends to be someone else, he pretends to be just a different guy and he really hopes no one notices, but guess what I noticed and so did everyone else, so if he doesn't Do you know who disgraced music star Paul Zimmer is or maybe you are like me and have forgotten many details about Paul Zimmer.
the mysterious return of paul zimmer
Let me go ahead and refresh your memory real quick, a couple of years ago when tik-tok was still musical. Paul Zimmer was one of the biggest creators of the entire app, he lip-synced, showed off his AB, used his good looks to gain millions of loyal young followers in a way, he was kind of an Annie boy before you guys existed, he was a kind of him. he was kind of a pre-EE guy, he was a pre-EE guy. I actually made a video about Paul Zimmer almost two years ago, actually it could be two years until the day depending on when this goes up and I think this clip from that video sums it up pretty well. what it's about okay so look at this musically look at Paul Zimmer dancing so skillfully playing with a jacket and takes it off quickly the legend musically is smile and then a smile emoji two hearts Instagram Paul Zimmer hashtag Month of the Black History that's his black that's his big Black History Month message so I made that video about him and then I finally made another video where I actually met him and I remember that whole couple of months that I made those videos feeling that he was such a fascinating person.
the mysterious return of paul zimmer

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the mysterious return of paul zimmer...

I could never understand what was going through his head when he did the things he did. He made a really, really bad Instagram comedy, like the worst one-dimensional Instagram comedy, barely a joke. Seriously, he had a YouTube channel where he vlogged about his life. but his life wasn't at all what you'd expect it to be, yeah, to me I imagine musically like ticking stars being little kids who have this group of cute friends that they're friends with. time and they're always getting into trouble, they're always making videos together and laughing and they're all hanging out with each other, but from Paul Zimmer's vlogs it seemed like he was just living with his girlfriend and living a very quiet life, everyone's fine guys , Paul.
the mysterious return of paul zimmer
I'm going to jump, sit there, how is it so soft? He really liked small board games, like he had a mini bowling game. It's as if someone had put the mind of a seven-year-old man into the body of a 24-year-old boy, but its contents weren't all. Sunshine and Rainbows and Dancing with Little Christmas Decorations because over a year ago Paul ended up abandoning social media completely, he deleted all the YouTube videos of him. I think he cleaned up his Instagram, he stopped posting musically apparently because of a little controversy he got into. It was a big deal musically in what had happened, but basically musically I had a live streaming service called Lively where you could live stream, it's basically like live streaming on YouTube or Twitch or something like that and people could send you gifts that would pay . because with real money and then you as the Creator would get the real money when people sent you those gifts, so Paul was doing this thing where he told people that if they sent him gifts, he would do it there musically or he would follow them .
the mysterious return of paul zimmer
He would snap back or yell at them and it basically turned out that he wasn't doing any of that, so besides being very shady and pressuring your fans to give you money in exchange for the smallest thing, like doing a duet with someone. tick-tock, he was just frank, he didn't even do it, he was so shady he was probably making a ton of money, his ass was probably full of cash, so I think at one point there was some kind of hashtag ban from Paul Zimmer who was trending music and Overall, it seemed like everyone had turned against them, so he just left, said, "Okay, goodbye, and they never saw him again until now, well, actually a couple of months, but it's definitely not the way you are." I would think because to me, when someone comes back from a controversy, the first thing he usually does is apologize, maybe he would try to make up for his controversy by doing the things he promised he would do or promising to do better in the future Paul Zimmer.
He seems to have a little bit of a different approach to coming back, he's just pretending, he just pretended to be another guy and believe me when I say this story gets very strange and a little disturbing, so I first found out about Paul Zimmer. I came back a couple of months ago because a lot of you started sending me all these photos of Paul Zimmer taking acting classes, so there are some photos that are very clearly of Paul Zimmer and it also looks like his girlfriend was taking classes too. she does a lot of his ticking, so it's definitely him and there are some video testimonials of Paul Zimmer talking about how much he likes the classes, but the strange thing is that in all this promotional stuff his name is Troy Becker instead by Paul Zimmer Hey guys, which is weird, it's like why do you need a different name?
They were super popular on social media before, shouldn't that help them start acting? But since he had all the controversy, maybe not, he maybe he was trying to do it. stay away from that, also a lot of actors have stage names that aren't their real names, a lot of people were sending me this saying you should make a video about this and at the time I was like I don't know. It seemed like he wanted to end social media. He's trying to break into a different career, hopefully a gig where he doesn't like to pressure young people into giving him money, so it seems like this is probably a good thing for him. you know he's leaving the social media stuff behind to pursue a new career.
I'm not going to make a video saying I found you, you can't run away from me, I'll keep making fun of you, you'll never make it. you'll never be able to escape it, but when I saw these photos I have to admit he was a little skeptical and definitely intrigued as a man who I'm constantly told looks like every other white man with brown hair and a big nose. I can definitely relate to the struggle of being mistaken for someone else, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to decide for myself if this is really Paul Zimmer.
You know, he might be another guy who looks a lot like Paul. Zimmer, so I decided to run an analysis on both faces using some of today's most advanced facial recognition software to see if they really are the same person and this is what I found. Yes, they are the same person. I analyzed it with my eyes and it worked. When you look at them both side by side, they are the same person. I used an advanced technique called looking at their faces and seeing that they are the exact same person and the results were one hundred percent positive.
I also analyzed. His hairstyles match Rooney's one hundred percent, he didn't even try to look like a different guy, he just generally didn't even try to look like a different person, it's clear that Paul concludes my study. CIA, please hire me to be there. See, he's Paul and he's Troy and they're the same person and it's a good thing I realized that a couple of months ago when I did it because that's when things started to squat, that's right, the plot got really complicated. out of nowhere, this image appeared. on Paul Zimmer's Instagram account, which had been completely cleaned of any images, so this was the only image on Paul Zimmer's Instagram account.
It's a picture of Paul on the left on a picture of Troy on the right, or in layman's terms, two pictures of Paul like that. actor on Troy Becker IG kid looks like a younger, sexier version of me. I don't even use social media anymore but I had to post this lol so a couple things surprise me here, for one I guess the whole Troy Becker thing was an attempt to get away from Paul Zimmer Eunos announced a completely persona new, new career, we're acting now, we're just going to completely forget about social media, he won't even follow social media again because he's an actor now, but since it seems like Paul wants to continue being an influencer, he just doesn't want to no one thinks it's him because he created an Instagram account for Troy Becker's so he can keep posting as Troy Becker on a different account and just Hoping no one thinks it's actually him, he also calls Troy a younger, sexier version of himself, so oh dude, don't do that, don't say anything weird about yourself, just a different picture of you, look at this guy, this one is like a younger, sexier one.
I like him three seconds younger but much sexier. I also like that Paul Peck has a beard and he grew a beard to look different from Troy to try to make us think they are two different people. It's especially strange. Because I've never seen Paul with a beard before this, but he's acting like, this is me, remember me, Paul the guy with the beard, it feels really weird, like he's trying to trick his followers into thinking that Paul always He has had a beard, so no. Troy because Troy doesn't have a beard no, guys, it's not true, I'm Paul, remember Paul, I have a beard, I've always had a beard, you know beards have always been my thing, neroli after that, Paul Zimmer's tick.
The tock account, which had also been inactive for a long time, suddenly posted this, hey, what's up? My name is Troy Becker, I am an actor. Paul Zimmer approached me and asked me to record a video because he says he really looks like me and he wanted to post it on something called tick tock so there you go Paul Zimmer, nice to meet you. I feel like every time he posts something new he thinks he's convincing more and more people that he's not Paul, but for me every post makes me feel happy. more sure this is the same guy as in this one, you can tell he even talks the same, they have the exact same voice, he didn't even try to sound like a different person, it's just Paul and this guy Troy Becker apparently doesn't.
I don't know what tic tac is something called tic tac. He is a younger version of Paul Zimmer. Paul is 24 years old, so he is younger than Paul. It's all been a while, but just a couple of days ago, Paul Zimmer posted this photo of himself on his Instagram again, this time with this long paragraph of a caption where he basically says that he's stopped using social media and doesn't want to. being a he is no longer a social media star, he is pursuing other things and he is giving all his social media accounts to Troy, he is giving him his Instagram account, he is giving him his tik-tok account, now everything belongs to him to Troy, which I want to remind you in case it wasn't.
Sure, it's just Paul, so why are you probably wondering if Paul is giving his social media accounts to this random guy and according to him, it's just because they look the same? Huh, you're handing over your Instagram and tape tech accounts that literally have a combined millions of followers with some random guy I don't even know if you've ever met because he looks like you, okay guys, new plan, yeah If I ever get caught up in a controversy, I'll turn my YouTube channel over to Flint Lockwood. from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that's not even a good reason why you could have made it up.
You could have made up any other excuse, but, yeah, he looks like me, so he should get my account and a little later, Paul. Zimmer posted again on his Instagram account but this time as Troy and posted this long caption introducing himself as Troy Becker saying that he would take over all the social media accounts tapped. It is an honor to have this opportunity to read so many incredible people. He has great things coming. He has a TV show and a movie he's working on, but he'll take the time to spread the love all over social media.
The strangest thing about all of this is that he's not even trying to seem like a different person, as the two subtitles look at. side by side the ones they posted used the same emojis so this is all very strange. It's like this is the most recent thing he posted on Paul Zimmer's Instagram account. Oh no, actually yesterday, which was Christmas, he posted a message from Troy Becker wishing you. Merry Christmas everyone, I still feel very strange posting on this account haha, but I think the strangest thing about all this is that Paul Zimmer in his Troy Becker character is trying to look much younger than he was when he was Paul Zimmer.
So Paul is in verse 24 and he mentioned in his Instagram caption before that this guy is a younger, sexier version of him, but we're left wondering how much younger this guy is from 20 to 18 and that was answered just a couple ago of days when Troy Becker posted this on tick-tock Hi guys, my name is Troy Becker. I am an American actor. It's a pleasure to meet you all, as you know from Instagram because he no longer uses any social media and he has given me his Instagram accounts. because he thinks we look alike I don't know, I don't really see it, but he's fine, don't you see it, at least tryto make it credible.
Act like I'm not happy that so many people are tweeting at me, white women that I look like, but I'm not going to deny that I look like this girl, it's not ideal, but it's the truth and I have to live with it, so by all means modes just posted this tic tac introducing himself. I'm Paul Zimmer's old tic tac, which is now Troy Beckertic tac, but the title says hello. I'm Troy Becker, nice to meet you. Fun fact, my birthday was yesterday. I just turned 16 years old. I hope to publish, so Paul Zimmer, a 24-year-old man, is now pretending to be 16 years old. ticking on every other social media platform gross maybe don't do that hey man that's super creepy definitely don't do that he's trying to look like a teenager that's just weird it's really weird especially since the controversy that took him away from the social media in the first place was that he was exploiting young people for money and I guess a lot of people thought that was very wrong because he is a grown man and he should know not to do things like that but now he is Pretending to be a teenager now I can tell : "Oh, I'm just little Troy Becker.
I'm only 16. How am I supposed to know how not to steal money from people? How am I supposed to know how to steal?" kids money I'm a kid he can't be mad at me because I'm just a little I'm just a little kid he's like a wolf in sheep's clothing now he's horrified and Troy's clothes so I'm definitely a little bit worried about what has planned and why he thinks he needs to be 16 to do something bad dressing up as something good to fool people makes you wonder how he thought of the name Troy now that Paul Zimmer is gone and Troy Becker is here to stay let's find out who It's Troy Becker, you know who he is, what he's going to do, how he's different from Paul.
Well, according to his tick-tock account, it's Troy Becker, he's 16 years old and he's an actor. Oh an actor, I wonder if he's been in anything I've ever heard of, according to his IMDB page he's never been in anything, he's never even been cast in anything upcoming, which is weird because if you look at his Instagram account by Troy Becker. he's filming things all the time, super excited. I'm currently filming something huge on set today. Oh, this looks like a pretty high budget shoot, you can see it from all the crew and crew in this picture. He also posted some videos of scenes from short films he's been in, but they're all pretty disturbing like this one, the title is from a short film I made also working on my show and a feature film, it's a scene of him talking to someone, he's having a conversation. with someone named Casey, but you never see Casey and Casey doesn't respond either and never changes angles, so it's just a very long shot of him talking to no one.
Can I ask you what's going on? Wow, he's such a good actor that he actually for a second he almost felt like he was actually talking to someone but it's not right. This scene is actually interacting with someone. This is a scene in which he apparently plays a jock. Anna. Very good, Justin Holy. I saw you at the party the other night. Yeah, I thought... you are. a dryer now you're drier now why you're obviously so wet at the party, but aside from being a serious actor who appears in many major movies and television shows, Troy is different from Paul because Troy loves sports, as you can See in this Instagram photo where it is. posing with a soccer ball and says I love sports, this may not sound like a difference between Paul and Troy, but it's actually huge because Paul likes small sports and Troy likes big boy sports, so anyway, that's pretty much the end of the story from now on and I hope that's the end of the story forever.
I'm just really curious to know what Paul thinks he's accomplishing by doing this and why he thinks he needs to be 16 to do it. I find it so hard to believe that even a single person believes this guy isn't just Paul Zimmer. Do not misunderstand. I understand the desire to


from a controversy. You know, maybe he's still passionate about social media and he wants to do it. This time it's the right way, but this isn't the right way, pretending to be someone else isn't the right way, dude, why don't you apologize and then come back as Paul Zimmer?
It would be much easier to try to get back in. how the different person makes it seem like you didn't learn anything and you're going to try to do it again anyway. I'm worried about Paul, I'm worried about Troy, but mostly I'm a little worried because I feel like I gave him this idea by accident. I'm a little worried because I was the one who told him that he could pass for a boy now. I have to admit I was a little hesitant about doing this video in my first year because you know it was okay, Paul stutters obviously like this high school kid or maybe like if you were 14 or 15, he's just having fun in a really weird way and he's not I want to make fun of kids like that guy.
What a person I would have to be to constantly profit from kids' teasing, but then I found out I was 22 and thought, oh, perfect talk, talking about having a young face, am I right? So yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to anyway. I hope you liked this video, it's a little more focused on YouTube/social media drama. Normally I try to stay away from those things, but this was so strange that I couldn't stop talking about it, especially because I've made videos about Paul before, so I hope you enjoyed it, but now it's time to hear from our sponsor , audible wowee, thanks to audible for sponsoring this video, guys, audible is the world's largest selection of audiobooks and audio entertainment, including audible originals, which if you don't know about our stories that have been created exclusively for audio, like documentaries, exclusive audiobooks, and scripted shows you can't hear anywhere else.
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