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The Most *OVERPOWERED* NPC in Fortnite!

Jun 25, 2024
Okay, I don't know if you know this, but Fortnite has a deep, dark secret and it's actually this NPC here, the t60 power armor, believe it or not, this is the


powerful NPC in Fortnite that I'm going to show you. Why is it okay? Here it goes, nothing seems like I have a couple of people following my trail. It's okay because I have the best fall known to mankind. I'm getting close and there we go, this NPC right here. t60 power armor that actually sells the three beam laser beam, I'm going to buy that and never tail, I'm going to buy all of those and then we're going to go ahead and hire them, there we go, the


powerful NPC you can ever hire, you I'm going to show it. why is it actually crazy you won't believe it I didn't believe it until someone used it against me ooh I have a guitar okay big load big load now we need to get a vehicle let's go this way is a vehicle showing up here ?
the most overpowered npc in fortnite
I thought so H oh, there's an SUV here but I don't really want an SUV, you know what I am, I'm actually embarrassed, I didn't see the Lamborghini behind me, okay, hop in buddy, here we go, no I don't know if You know this update that Fortnite made, but solo you can have someone shoot if you're driving, apparently that doesn't apply to NPCs. Let's go ahead and give it the grenade launcher turret and you can see which the NPC is now using. it's an AI brain to try to do some work and trust me it's going to do some work there you go come on do your thing okay deciding to shoot here doesn't seem like the best TR oh my god it's okay, do your thing, no, no, shoot.
the most overpowered npc in fortnite

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the most overpowered npc in fortnite...

Shoot him with the grenade launcher thing, oh my God, oh oh my God, he took it out with grenades. Are you kidding? That's crazy. I love that jump back to the car. Now go work on that cannon. Check out some Aimbot. right now go get it, shoot, shoot, sometimes it takes a little while, okay, load the uh fornite Aimbot there for my robot, surely you can shoot it now, surely you can shoot, okay, it's taking like a little break , a short pause. Oh, crushing, okay, so my character needs to improve a little bit, but we have one elimination each, which is pretty big.
the most overpowered npc in fortnite
I'll say, okay, go in, shoot with the machine gun turret, that's the question that's definitely aiming with it. oh oh please don't turn around oh this is sad oh oh look shoot I wasn't lying now for the NPC you really want them to have the grenade launcher I don't know if it was just the person I was fighting who had like a kidnapped NPC but they were working a little with that grenade launcher oh there you go oh there you drop it let 'em know show 'em what you've got they're probably thinking I'm teaming up right now oh my god yeah catch it catch it you got this oh my follower got another elimination my follower is leaving , oh no, follower, we have to get out of here, come on, let's go get another car, my follower has more eliminations than me, okay, grenade. launcher here cow hunter up on homie come on there let's get loose let loose with that thing oh my god shoot the damn grenade launcher once please for science I know you're looking at it Mr.
the most overpowered npc in fortnite
NPC I know you have the power to do it you just have to do it man oh we're double zapping right now we're double zapping get him oh you're throwing grenades at the walls right now okay look a teammate is better than no teammate can we just admit that and I feel like I feel ? like this NPC is going to come out, oh shoot, maybe not now oh, that's not good, come on. Okay, my MPC is going to activate, here we go, that guy really got that guy off my back, oh, we just deleted delete from that car, okay, let's go.
I find another car for my friend oh unless I land in this car yeah close enough Huck those grenades oh you're doing great look at you oh we look so cool and we're doing it oh my oh no my car it's just it's just It's just not even it's valid, look, all I'm saying is that NPCs before this update didn't fire the cannons or turrets and now they do, at least actually this guy hasn't fired the cannon yet, but he will. I believe in him, it's just a little. confused, you will understand soon, oh my God, why is it?
We need you to focus right now. Get in that canyon and take a couple shots. Go find it, shoot it, shoot it, shoot the damn cannon. Shoot it right now, okay? I'm getting a little getting a little frustrated T60 power armor I answered you so hard oh they shot one oh my god oh we landed right on the railing what are the chances I can't even move the car, oh my god, oh? Oh my god, I need to get this car moving, okay, let's give it another chance, oh no, no, my boy gets in, buddy, no, okay, I just saved his life, oh my god, what's going on here?
Coming back, don't take out my T60 power armor. oh my god, oh, he shot twice, look at that, who would have thought NPCs could shoot, oh my god, catch him, oh, look at him, oh oh, look at that shot, that shot was accurate. These are calculated. These are not by mistake. These are generated by AI. full shots look at those look that one is basically spot on I'm walking in oh there we go try it try it ooh ooh oh right on doing crazy damage to that guy thanks to Buu Bucks oh my god what did you just do?
It happened that my type of power armor is going crazy. I'm taking this. I'm coming back. My guy is still making his power armor. He's going crazy with it. I don't know how I'm taking so much damage. That Cactus is not right. oh shoot get him some power armor P90 P90X whatever your name is don't stop doing that no don't take him out okay I need to escape so my power armor falls on me oh yeah he teleported perfect okay let's get another one grenade launcher for him pull this bad boy oh yeah he's about to go Buu dollars on him give him another spin oh shoot that looks pointy it looks pointy don't hit me with the pointy part right in front you got this come on take it take it take it .
He can't help you anymore, catch him, catch him, you hit him, come on, my follower just threw a grenade, someone, oh, shoot, I think he's going crazy, oh, oh my God, he just led the shot , Oh my God, catch him, oh my God, catch him. oh he's trying to get in the car my follower just deleted him oh my god this is crazy this is real crazy my followers five eliminations five they read them and cry you're the damn man holy smoke, holy Toledo, just hit, look at those shots. There really is nothing better than those shots.
I'm going to solve this wheel problem. I'm going to say I'm not going to lie. This is a really big problem right now. This is a really big problem. I'm going to deal with it ah ah there we go get up here we go there we go all fixed up all fixed up let's get back in the ring here my follower feels like he shot a couple of those loose loose Is there anyone up there? He's shooting some Rogue now. I am not going to lie. Definitely shooting some Rogue. He is seeing something. No, oh my gosh, that's definitely connected.
I'm just going to say it's definitely connected. These are some. crazy angled shots, the NPC actually knows something we don't, they have access to systems we can't see. I'm going up, hello everyone here, oh, you're here, huh, oh, my NPC, just throw a grenade at them, what I entered the box and they were instantly annihilated oh shoot, okay, we have to be smarter here, keep going Driving around here there are minor injuries, just minor injuries, not major injuries, minor injuries, not anymore, that one looked like a rogue, but honestly, I have a strong feeling that one hit, so read on. them and mourn them, my NPC has not one, not two, not three, but five eliminations right now, like this isn't a drill, this is reality and, uh, he's dating now, the person who uses the bow It's definitely trying to put a dent in my day.
I'm going to figure this out, I feel like they're going to go over this hill where you, man, look at those, look at those Rog cannons, oh, they went to the bathroom, oh my God, catch it, I'm leaving, I don't know. if there's any cure around here oh there's somewhere here on the right I think on the left oh shoot let's do a second shot they think they can stop me they can't you'll never be able to stop this oh someone has an NPC here, okay, show them what. You have, oh, there's a lot, there's a lot of movement right now.
I'll be honest, there's a lot of movement, ooh, nice shot, what was that grenade? Kind of a rogue, although okay, let's relax with the grenades, you're not really. Hitting them gave me XP for hitting a slurp cactus, okay though, come on, hit him with it, show who's the boss, show who's the boss, they don't understand. I'm going to keep hitting these cacti, oh shoot, that actually hurts. okay, I'm focused, cool, common, collected, oh what's up, oh no, don't blow it up yet. ooh, big hit, oh no, we're sideways, it's not a good business move to be sideways, here you gotta get on, buddy, oh, that car just hit it.
Well, I'm about to have to leave this car unless the clutch is restored. I'm trying to keep the man in the cannon, oh my gosh, nice little 75 shot, you gotta hit that cannon you need, you need to hit this cannon shot. right now buddy left left there we're going to hit him I need you to give him a shot in the air just a crazy shot oh my god I crushed them I crushed them with blood omg I crushed them we're okay we're chilling out this is all part of the plan except for that guy shooting at me that guy shooting at me it's not part of the plan looks like we're going to have to abandon this vehicle but I'm going to take my time here we go staying smart oh oh my god that's why this follower is absolutely op, catch him, catch it, shoot it, crush it, who knows when it's going to land, oh okay, I don't want to be a cause for concern here, but I literally have one HP, bro.
I need to calm down sir, oh my god, absolutely psycho, absolutely psycho, stop trying to run in my box. I have a HP, are you okay? Oh, he's fine, he's relaxing. Okay, one HP part here is a little cause for concern. Oh no, I have to be. be very careful with this boom boom i need the cactus to keep moving here the campfire is nice this time here oh my god we're getting you cold I'm just trying to start a campfire my little friend it's okay bring it bro bring it you got it this, oh God.
God, he's a shot, okay, oh, no, no, you have to come, you have to come, you're going to get caught in the zone, okay, come on, you've got more limbs than me, it doesn't matter what you're going to have more limbs than me. infinite ammo start shooting this a little bit, wait a second. I have an idea, get on it, yeah buddy, show a lot, you know where it is, shoot it through the wall, shoot it through the wall, I know you've got that, I know you've got the power of AI. you know where he is shoot him shoot him oh my god you have to do it you have to do it no one is going to do it but you are no one made for this job like you oh no one is made for this jobs like you this is a robot this is a robot made by Epic Games this is a robot made by Epic Games oh my god oh don't let anyone talk bad to you brother you have this you are the robot you are not a robot, leave it, come on, oh my god, come on, it's a robot, it's a fucking robot, is it?
Why does that robot have Aimbot, even though it has more limbs than me? Super red vs blue, remember guys, if you want big XP this season, what do you do? Let it play, search and type super s p r for super red versus blue. We're adding all new items to the game right now as we speak, so be sure to check this out. Super red versus blue. You already know what it is. favorite I like it I love that's what I'm saying baby

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