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The Incredible Lives of Two Lion Prides in Zambia | Our World

Mar 21, 2024
Lions, the most iconic cats in the


, but cats that are heading towards extinction with the disappearance of nature throughout Africa. Lion numbers have almost halved in the last 20 years, so each cub sees their fight to survive and thrive as more important than ever as the future of their species depends. In it and one of the last refuges for this embattled species is the Luanga Valley Wildlife Refuge in Zambia. Our team follows two




s for 6 months. Two huge males return to claim their territory throughout the day and into the Unseen. The


of the night to see them like this is quite ex for me, it is a cover Behavior never seen before and better understand the challenges that the Lions face we will be right in the Lion's Den the


s come oh oh my God she comes following them every step Of the way the rest of the pack can't find this little Cub, then I think there is very little chance of these Cubs making it through their first and most dangerous year and providing hope for the survival of the species.
the incredible lives of two lion prides in zambia our world
It is May and Zambia's sixth year. The month-long rainy season is finally over. Young Cub Pip, named by local investigators, is with his mother and the rest of the pride. This family group has lived in this national park for generations and currently consists of three mothers and seven boisterous glasses. Pip stays nearby. to his family because he is only 5 months old and still completely dependent on his herd, the females will have a hard job keeping him safe during the dry season. This pack


in one of the wildest places in Africa South Luanga 9,000 square kilometers of national park and filled with some of the most famous wild animals on the continent with more than 500 species, from iconic giants to masterful killers, but even among these Superstars There is only one king, the lion, at the top of the food chain, with no natural predators, his power is not just about muscles and teeth.
the incredible lives of two lion prides in zambia our world

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the incredible lives of two lion prides in zambia our world...

Strength comes from the family bond with which they have the strongest social ties. Of any big cat, adults raise their young together and defend the pack from outside threats, but their young are incredibly vulnerable. In Africa, eight out of 10 die before the age of two in the event of an accident. and injuries don't catch them. Bush's enemies are lining up to kill them, so the Cubs need to learn survival skills quickly after the critical next 6 months. It will be lie specialist cameraman Nathan, he is an expert in luanga and has spent 20 years with these Prides, but This is the first time that he will live with them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
the incredible lives of two lion prides in zambia our world
Everyone thinks lions are the king of the jungle, but they are vulnerable when they are younger because elephants will kill them. The buffaloes will kill them. Other lions will kill even the smallest ones. W Hogs' incredibly dangerous Nathan will work with Wildlife filmmaker Katie as they integrate with the Pride. Lions are the most extraordinary animals. They are beautiful creatures with an incredibly complex social structure. To understand them properly, the team will live in the Lion's Den. We couldn't be in a better place to follow these lions and just a few hours after arriving, a visitor reminds the team whose patch it is.
the incredible lives of two lion prides in zambia our world
The lions are coming, oh oh, they are coming, they are coming to the tent. Okay, it's coming. she's here she's here Sam returns that was too close for comfort the Lion's confidence comes from being excellent predators Pip is starting to develop those hunting skills and he's doing it through play this Ruff and Tumble are teaching pep and their brothers skills that will be vital in Within a few months they will be learning to stalk and fight their prey to the ground. It's fun for now, but it's key to their future survival and mothers will be the ones to teach them this vital skill. 85% of lion hunts within Pride take place.
Females who work together double their chances of success, but the odds are against them. Only two in 10 hunts are successful. It will take several years for puppies to develop these skills properly. For now, most of their nutrition comes from the nugget of milk and the rest. The calves are still nursing, but not necessarily from their own mothers. Lions cross-feed, meaning any of the three mothers here will feed any of the CBSs. We were looking at a little boy a moment ago and as he approached each of the mothers. and you could see the affection between all of them, it's not just the mother and cub so it's a really special situation and no other cat really has this, it's just Lions Pip is on the move looking for some milk, he started eating meat a couple of months ago. does and should stop breastfeeding in the next few weeks the mothers have decided that it is not too soon no one will give up their milk no the PIP is taking the hint the mothers take on most of the care of their young except to protect them against external aggressors, look to the Prime males, they are a coalition of three battle-hardened brothers and due to their unique hairstyles they are known locally as the punks, they took over this Pride last year and one of these thugs is Pip's father , but these males.
He spends time away from the pack just as Pip becomes more adventurous. He is one of the older Cubs and the first of his siblings to begin to be interested in other animals. This fascination is instinctive and takes him away from the safety of his family, the mothers want to get moving and summon the Cubs with soft calls. This soft command should catch pip's attention, but he's more interested in exploring. The pack will often cover several kilometers a day in search of food and expect the Cubs to keep pace. Pip is not paying attention, luckily a patient aunt is waiting for him, Pip finally gets the message, but the pack will not tolerate any more muggings and this is not a place to be unprotected.
Leopards compete with lions for food and take any opportunity to kill a cub. and luanga has one of the densest lepid populations in africa these silent killers have a very different social life to that of lions leopards are incredibly solitary very rarely unless they come together to mate but dangerously close to pip Nathan found a exception to the rule two leopards together fortunately for pip they are distracted by a family dispute so she is chiua and mikica mother and daughter leopard mother mikica up in the tree is trying to get rid of the daughter chiua who is down here chiua is already an adult but There's a little bit of conflict that she doesn't want to leave, so she constantly follows her around and you know, she really wants mom, but it's vital for both of them that the Zuoa girl strikes out on her own.
I mean, you can only have so many leopards in a territory, so mom needs to expel her. she must fend for herself, find her own feet, unfortunately, that's the world here, you get kicked out and have to take care of yourself, the young leopard has to leave soon whether she wants to or not, and she will be looking for big prey. Cats like lions tend to eat every other day, more so when they are nursing, as they share their calories with their cubs. Nowadays, the mothers have gone off to find energy and the other cubs have been left in the care of a lethargic father. get a little irritated the surprising thing about pip and her brothers is that they are in this transition stage between being a playful puppy and a predator, now they are starting to be more interested in their prey, so when you look at them you can see other animals come.
They are starting to just watch and see what is happening, the wild beast, a favorite prey, however the Cubs are not paying attention to the nervous herd because going directly at them is a serious threat, a lone male buffalo, half a ton of muscle and horn it has. He has blood around his mouth and back oh he's been attacked I can't see it but if the Cubs are still behind that tree that Buffalo is very close to them. The Buffalo are huge, they are very dangerous animals, they are very strong and can easily kill a lion, but instead of staying and protecting the Cubs, the male has left them to their fate.
Okay, this Buffalo comes looking at the tree, so you guys have to stay hidden. The Cubs follow their instincts and don't move a muscle. He is, oh my God, oh, the buffalo chooses not to attack, but the danger is not over. There is a huge herd of buffalo right behind them and they are heading straight for Pep. If these buffaloes cross lines, they will be killed and trampled. Okay, so there's a CB walking away, but there's a huge herd of buffalo right behind them, so these Cubbies really need to get to safety quickly before the Buffalo comes, he hasn't moved yet, there are two moving towards the tree head they need to move very fast, oh. no oh no no no no no they're starting to run, he's starting to run towards the Cubs, oh my god, he's okay, he's chasing the cops away, oh god, it's a lucky escape for pip and the Cubs have caused more tests with the return of their Mothers that grow in the bush are dangerous for all young for many animals.
It is the green season that provides the safest time to raise their young. The vegetation is lush and provides cover and the rivers are full. Each one has their own way of protecting their young. The safety of the baboons comes first. The lookout remains in the tree while the rest of the troops disperse to look for food. These babies are around 8 weeks old and their patient mothers act as babysitters, groomers, playmates and even drivers. It is not unusual to have a godfather, a male baboon. who looks out for the well-being of a baby, even if he is sometimes a little rough, acting as a godfather gives males the opportunity to impress females they would like to mate with in the future.
The role can also be played by young males who have recently joined the troop and are seeking acceptance as lions. Female baboons will spend their entire


in the troops. Have born. There is a strict hierarchy and offspring inherit the social status of their mothers, so a baby born to a high-ranking mother has a higher position. that the older members of lower social status, despite the packing order, the troop stick together to protect their little ones, if these young ones can stay safe for another 8 months, they will be able to fend for themselves, but too often the vulnerable do not achieve it.
A mile deep in the woods, these two young brothers Prince and Ziggy are outcasts. They used to be in Pip's Pride, but unlike their smaller cousin, they had a rough start in life last year and faced the biggest threat the Cubs can face: a quarter of all Cubs. They are killed by invading males trying to take over Pride, the brutal purge is to ensure they can mate with the females and start their own Prince dynasty and Ziggy's brothers were killed in this way, so his mother with some of her sisters They fled from the They try to ensure the safety of the Cubs now that they live as outcasts, the females had four CBS and two of them were captured by a wandering male and killed, so these females are taking care of the last two Cubs, but they protect their cubs very aggressively, I mean, they.
I'll put up a real fight. I've seen some females really hurt after defending their cubs. Some really sad moments where the females wander around for days calling for their lost Cubs. Very sad to see the Cub's mother, Rose, is wearing a tracking collar placed by a researcher. group working to keep her safe the Cubs still need her prince and Ziggy won't be old enough to take care of themselves for at least another year. You can clearly see the stains on the prince on the front. There you can see that the Flyers are bothering them. Furthermore, his tails move like all lions.
Prince and Ziggy were born with spots that can help them camouflage themselves when they are most defenseless, but they will need more than spots to keep them safe as they grow if another male enters the territory. You can try to kill the two young cubs, you can drive them out and then the problem is that they are too young to survive on their own so there is very little chance of them surviving. Actually, it's not just the Cubs that are under threat here. Being stuck in the middle of Lion Country brings danger, we're trying to make dinner right now and uh, the Lions have actually come to the lagoon to drink, some have appeared from the back and some have broken through the bushes, so We're half surrounded by them, there's a little bit of excitement, so there's a lion that only sings about 15 M around here.
Do you think they are watching us? Yeah, you know it's a bit of fun for them, a bit like television. boring in the bush, in fact, luanga is associated with nightlife the only way to show this hidden world is with a thermal imaging camera one of the twounique on the planet capable of capturing such detailed images the camera records the slightest variations in the temperature of the trees starting to cool off are dark gray warm-blooded buffaloes that glow white in the heat, while the nocturnal citizen uses its thick fur to insulate itself on the coldest climbs at night.
Prince and Ziggy don't need any help to see in the dark, their eyes have exceptional light sensitivity eight times better than humans, which helps explain why 75% of hunting takes place at night. It's not just the lions who have the advantage in the dark chipad. Zuo, the leopard who wouldn't leave the house, sets out on his own, sees a potential target, but his inexperience shows that the fur has excellent night vision and can run almost as fast as chipper. The leopard keeps going if he wants to find food. tonight you will have to surprise your prey for many of the animals here Knight is the most dangerous time this baboon The troop nests in the safety of the trees for a good reason their vision is useless in total darkness.
They are practically blind. Being so tall means they are out of reach of most predators, but not all children. Zoo. She is an agile climber and light enough. her to reach most of the branches, but she is taking a risk. Her boons are known to attack and seriously injure attacking leopards, but the girl is hungry and the darkness works in her favor. The baboons can only detect that she can see Chiua has shown that she can be independent nearby Prince and Ziggy stay close from his mother and aunt to protect himself, but his worst nightmare has just entered that patch, two wandering males, are dangerously close to Prince and Ziggy can, if they encounter the Cubs, we will almost certainly attack them upon hearing the calls .
Rosa's mother takes no chances and she takes the Cubs away from her with danger so close to her. She needs a new strategy to keep them safe. It's 5:30 a.m. m. Katie confirms the males from last night are definitely strangers to the territory and therefore a threat. Nathan is on his way to Prince and Ziggy's last location, but when he finds them, the Cubs are not alone. Prince and Ziggy are sitting just a few feet away from their Old Pride, absolutely everyone is here, uh. the females the lost females the Cubs the three punks without males to protect them the Cubs are vulnerable so their mother Rosa wants to reintroduce them to their old Pride Pip's Pride this is the first time we see Prince and Ziggy near those Pride structures They may possibly meet again, but there are three big problems.
The battle. Harden's punks didn't breed Prince and Zigi, so they may attack them unless Rosa can win over the males. In the next few moments, it could be a matter of life and death with his ears pulled back in an aggressive posture. the punk dominum is far from welcoming Rosa puts herself between the maale and his Cubs she needs to be smart if she wants to control this great and powerful Punk scientists have recently discovered that lionesses are wired differently from males Rosa's brain has evolved to plan, manipulate and deceive she needs to deflect him so she appears strong as if she is ready to meet it seems that she is actually trying to distract the males from Prince and Ziggy she introduces herself to him and then adopts a submissive stance the impulse of the mating male is strong Roser is running in circles around the king of the jungle, it is unusual to see such a blatant deception, but the other lionesses don't like it, these are their males, seeing another female attracting attention seems to make them jealous and It's the punks who are punished.
Prince and Ziggy could be next in the line of fire while the punks are distracted. Rosa leads the Cubs from her to safer ground. The roses plan to meet up with the pack. We will have to wait for the next few weeks. The heat increases with daily temperatures of around 30 degrees, which forces the animals to head towards the less and less water and among them, with the heat comes lethargy. Lions are the least active of all cats and when it is so hot they can rest for more than 20 hours a day. They are incredibly lazy, I mean, they just lie around for hours and just when you expect it.
You're going to get up, you think it's okay, sunset is time to get up and you continue to lie there for another 6 hours, but pip doesn't let a little heat stop him from exploring, he's now a healthy 6 and a half months old and no. No longer dependent on her mother for milk, his curiosity continues to grow and he is not the only young animal wandering alone. We have a very curious young AA. It has reached cars and sniffing curiosity is key in the development of young animals, especially in carnivores that need to explore every opportunity to find food, hopefully, it will not take small parts of the car because in reality they become very curious and begin to bite, and I mean, they've been known to chew tires and stuff, so it might be a little bit.
It's an obstacle, but it's quite cute and curious. The hyena has always portrayed us, unfortunately, as the villains of the forest because they look quite scary, but they are incredibly curious and those huge black eyes have this thing about trying to look at you. in the corner like they were trying to see around them, like what's out there, um, but the strongest jaws in Africa and incredibly strong shoulders and neck to carry huge prey. Spotted hyenas have a reputation for being scavengers, but most of their food actually comes from hunting. Working together, they are incredibly efficient and their hunts are twice as successful as those of lions.
They have teeth that can break bones and a digestive system that can break bones. you can break them up they can live in clans of up to 80 members but individuals like this A 2 year old male often forages alone, one haa calls in the distance and another answers in the distance, this guy is just sitting here listening silently , it is a little cooler at night, only 20°, which gives the wildlife a break. Heat Pep and the rest of the pack have finally woken up from their day's sleep. This watering hole is the Cubs' favorite playground, but once again Pip has wandered off alone.
The Herd does not have the big males with them for protection and As the cubs are not the only animals here, they must be careful, this elephant would happily trample any lion that gets too close to its car and hippos are one of the most aggressive and will attack if the mother decides to bother them. It's time to go, but Pip doesn't answer the call as the family walks away. Pip heads in the opposite direction. 5 hours later, at dawn, Nathan sets out to check on Pep and his brothers. It doesn't take him long to discover something worrying. .
I saw one of the Cubs running alone go down to a gym and now we can't see and we can't see the other one if it's pep and he's still separated from his family he's in trouble there he is he's that's pit, yeah, it looks a little lost and there is no sign of the rest of the pack, very often you will find the Cubs either playing or you will pass out completely asleep and not realize that the rest of the pack is gone, they are usually able to catch up. day, but he clearly doesn't have a couple of puku and Impala alarms calling him.
I mean, this child is only 6 months old and still very dependent on his mother. He must be quite distraught because he spent every waking minute with the rest. the pride and now being completely separated on their own and uh, I mean, there's vulnerability from leopard hyenas, maybe other male lions, there's a big chance of dangers there, I think if the rest of the pride doesn't find this little guy Puppy in the next 24 48 hours so I think it has very little chance it doesn't look very good it doesn't it doesn't look very good actually for the L cup I heard a hyena calling P completely inside it is moving the six month old is surrounded by danger and clearly starting to feel very vulnerable away from his pride you know he's running stopping looking he's starting to panic about where they are he's nervous listening carefully to any family calls while trying to catch his mother's scent Lions have a sense Adult lions leave a trail of scent wherever they go with seven glands spread across their face, pause and tail, but Pip's tracking skills are not yet perfected, so he will have a hard time finding his family.
His best hope is to hear his mother calling him. Lions have excellent hearing. times better than ours and with ears that can rotate, it can identify prey from more than a kilometer away, but a lion's roar can reach even further, up to 8 km, if Pip keeps his ears open, he will hear the call of his mother, but pip can't call. FAL called a very small little one, still leaves Pep in his situation, it seems difficult, it's time to grab him by the collar and, you know, leave him for the rest of the pack if we knew. where they were, but obviously we can't, the National Park authorities prohibit interference with any animal, they introduce heads into an inaccessible area and Nathan loses sight of him, the young cub is now completely alone in a thick bush full of threats 3 km away away. and guide Paul have tracked down Pip's brothers right in front, oh, I've got the Cubs and the mothers aren't far away, oh, I can see something, oh, yes, yes, yes, the females have caught half a ton of buffaloes that the whole family can feed except for pip who is still missing his mother and his aunts have not forgotten him they take turns circling the area looking for his vulnerable cup but so far they have caught his scent not far away there is more danger the chiua leopard Now completely independent and looking for another kill, he heads towards the area where Pip was last seen as night comes, the young cub is still alone just over a kilometer away, Pip's mother continues to search for him.
Nathan doesn't give up on Pep either and, just as the sun is about to set, he finds him. Pip has returned to the last place where he saw his family. He has returned to where Nathan first saw him 12 hours ago. He is still alone. He is still quite far away. So it will be a bit of an uncertain time. night for him I think Pep's only hope now is that his mother finds him somehow. Hopefully, if we're lucky, she might be able to retrace her steps to where they were yesterday, which is very, very close, but as the day progresses tonight there's no sign of him.
The mother and Pip disappear into the woods, the other six Cubs are going for the kill, apparently unaware that they have lost one of their own, but then two shapes appear in the distance, against all odds. Pip's mother has located his mug. Things happen here that you, you. I can never believe that it is really nice to see a happy ending to this long and eventful day. The next morning, the pride is still together and The Wanderer has a very fat belly. There are also some welcome arrivals. The punks have reappeared during the night. Much to the delight of the lionesses, although fresh game may be the main attraction, there is plenty of socializing.
You know, the males have joined up and all the Cubs are present, so it's really nice to see all the families nice and happy. pepp to his mother for now, but this happy status quo could change in the blink of an eye, you just don't know what's going to happen next, anything can happen, but let's cross our fingers for now, everything is looking really great today , pip is back where he belongs and 4 km away Prince and Ziggy are safe with their mother. There is a long dry season ahead for all our CBSs with prey flowing into their territory.
Will they prosper and help secure the future of their species the next time a menacing duo threatens our Cubs? Two huge males come. They return to claim their territory a young elephant faces a night alone this little one is so vulnerable here and the trio of little Cubs emerge from their hiding place these three cubs look in absolutely fantastic condition full of beans bouncing and playing in the luanga valley It is one of the last strongholds of lions in the world during the long and lush rainy season, the Prides are scattered everywhere as they chase their prey, but when the SE dry season comes, all the wildlife concentrates around the river, forcing the Prides to overlap in territories.
The action and drama in one Pride inevitably affects the other. A Pride's future is tied to the Cubs of him and for one of these overlapping families known locally as the Hollywood Cubs they are a big deal for almost two years, none of theirs have survived and to make matters worse. There are no adult males, the two brothers who once led this Pride have been absent for months, so after several generations wandering this valley, could these Hollywoods be the last in their line? The film crew is based in the heart of lion country, specialist lion cameraman Nathan and cinematographer Ktie are sleeping in the Lion's Den, bringing them closer than ever to the big cats. ktie, actually, there issome lines down here, actually, yeah, you can see there, the One 2 3, four toes, actually walked right by your store, sniffing your head, basically.
They're kidding, yeah, because your bed is right here, oh my god, look, it actually goes all the way up here, is it heading towards the tracks? Nathan finds someone who can bring much-needed hope to Hollywood's desperate situation, far from the rest of The Pride has located AA, a lonely Hollywood woman who has been separated for a while and has noticed something very significant in the seven year old lioness. She has teeth that are quite obvious, since AA is producing milk, it can only mean despite everything that she is. recently had Cubs, that would explain why she is alone, since for safety a lioness will isolate herself from the rest of the pride before giving birth, but experience has taught Nathan that he has to keep his eye on any Cub to make sure that has survived Hollywood.
Pride's hopes are pinned on this female, in contrast, 5 km away, the neighbors of Hollywood have all they can handle with a two, three, four, five, six and seven rambunctious puppies to take care of and they really need to take care of to the Cubs until recently. he survived an encounter with a highly dangerous herd if these buffalo cross the lines they will be killed they will be trampled he is starting to run he is starting to run towards the Cubs and then the Elder Cub beeps away from the pride in the dark he can hear a hyena getting cold, he passed a day and a night dodging hyenas and dodging leopards, he is definitely lost, but now he has returned with his pride, his misfortune seems to make Tau pip stay close at 3 months, his little sister Grace rarely leaves her mother, She is the youngest cup, much of her diet is still milk and most of the time she is only interested in playing with her food or conquering it.
The pride lets the little cubs get away with anything, but as she grows, Grace will need to learn lion etiquette to stay. Out of trouble, Grace's family is headed by three very unusual-looking fathers, with irregular and ugly men. Lear, this coalition of men is known locally as the punks, they took over this Pride last year and fared all the current Cubs in a pride structure that everyone thinks. of the male, the large dominant male, but in reality he is quite useless, they often ruin the hunt, often stealing food from the females in reality the females are the main nucleus of the pack at first the large males may seem lazy however they are Essential to defending the Cubs their main role is to protect the pack from other males that come in and take control and protect the pack.
Cubs in the Mountain Nathan is still on the trail of AA the Lioness, he hopes she has newborns from CBS that will give the dwindling Hollywood Pride hope for the future. He's in a huge open, bumpy area and now he's going into some very thick bush, so, uh, I'm not sure if we'll be able to keep up with him, but we'll try Nathan has lived and worked in luanga for 20 years. If anyone can follow AA, it's him. She is on the move all day and when the light starts to fade. The team member decided to continue following her, although it seems pretty clear outside.
Nathan probably only had another 5 to 10 minutes before we had to stop filming, so they switched to a remarkable thermal imaging camera that allows them to follow the big cats at night. AA covers another kilometer before finally stopping in a dense thicket, if he has Cubs, this could be where they are hiding, yes, there is something moving there in the middle, right in the middle, there is a cup there, but there is a cup little thing moving there, you can see. the tail head just turned, it's amazing to see this, um, this picture, because during the day you wouldn't really see through there, a little bit of Warm Glow over here too, so I'm not sure, maybe another cup despite the dense foliage the team achieved. see two more different little bodies, fantastic, there are three cups, it is revolutionary news for the pride that for 2 years has been without any Cub, the next generation of Hollywood is hidden in this bush, the magical and little-known world of luanga, after of dusk is revealed using one of only two cameras in the world capable of capturing these images, exposing fascinating nocturnal behavior and thermal information that is not obvious in daylight, showing hot areas in white and colder ones in the darkness, from the warmth of a lion cub's breath to the cooling system in the field.
Adult elephants require up to 130 kilos of food per day. Finding this amount of roots, grasses, fruits and bark can keep them going day and night. When morning comes it looks like a little one has been left behind so we just meet a lone little elephant who is probably only about 4 years old and none of the rest of the herd are in sight. Usually mothers are quite close and the maternal bond is so strong that they never leave each other's sides, but this one has no one around. at all and really depend on the rest of her for the protection of her in luanga.
An adult elephant has no natural predators, but a young one like this is open to attacks from lions and hyenas. This little guy is so vulnerable out here, grazing elephants can wander off. Over 30km a day to have any chance of survival, this lost young girl needs to reconnect with her family and soon Little Elephant is not the only one on the move, the three Punk males have left their herd. Before dawn, they abandoned Grace and the rest of the Cubs, along with their responsibility to keep them safe, is typical behavior of large males, they often disappear in search of other females, but their absence puts the pack in jeopardy. risk of being attacked or taken and male lions from outside the pride are the biggest killers of cubs when a male takes over a territory, they try to kill all the Cubs they are not related to so that the females do not waste energy raising another's offspring, every large male is a potential Cub killer, so in the overlapping lion territories of Luanga the Punk's movements are not only bad news for the breed and those they have left behind, but also a massive threat to the newborn Hollywood Cubs, as these Scarface killers are heading to Hollywood lands and if they find CBS, they will kill them when they find out they exist. new Cubs in area last night Nathan is keen to see them during the day, he returns to where they were hiding and is delighted to find the single mother AA right where he left her, we have only had a brief glimpse during the night with the thermal. camera images of what look like three little cubs, so I'm hoping that if we're lucky they might not be too far away, we don't have to wait long, it's now that we get our first proper look at the next generation.
The first to emerge from Hollywood are two colorful furry cubs about a month old and they are followed by a third whose markings are much more individual, actually quite distinct, the third has small spots almost like a leopard. All baby lions are born with spots, but this type has particularly irregular spots that help the cubs stay camouflaged in the dappled light of the bushes. The brands will disappear as they grow. You can see very clearly that it is different from its siblings because I think having seen that there were three children when they were born at Between 1 and 2 kilos, the puppies weigh only 1% of their adult body weight.
If they want to reach maturity, they need to gain 100 grams a day with breast milk alone. These three puppies look in absolutely fantastic condition and really full of bouncing beans. Around and playing, they will soon develop the full repertoire of lion meows, growls, moans and snarls, each sound having a different meaning; However, the famous lion roar will not mature until they are 2 years old; It will be four more weeks before the Cubs are robust enough to be introduced to the rest of Hollywood Pride between now and then you have to keep them well fed and well hidden.
The three invading punk males have been wandering around Hollywood territory all day and one of them has bumped into a Hollywood woman on her radio. colors have been adapted by a carnivore research group to keep track of the pride with their own males missing for months this female begins to flirt with the invader sexually matures at the age of three lions can reproduce all year round soft bite displays dominance and can mean the end of The act can be extremely fast and lasts less than a minute, but once they start, Lions do not stop. The mating process of lions is not ventilated.
These lions can do up to four times an hour every hour for 4 days, up to four days. i.e. yes, a lot of hate during the replay is believed to induce ovulation and make the female more likely to get pregnant, as the expected baiting continues throughout the night while the lost little elephant continues searching for its mother at night. Next morning, Nathan. check out Hollywood Pride so we have three Hollywood females and we just arrived at 6:00 in the morning, all the guinea FS trailing behind them, it's a lovely time of day because everything is starting to wake the birds up really crawling and there are a couple. of alarms ringing behind us something is disturbing all the animals you have the call of the Impala here which is a quick snort puku just called there which is very high pitched whistles look where they are looking look some look this way I could take a look what is happening In This, there is a couple of impalos watching in the distance, so we will go and have a look as they approach the banks of the luanga.
Nathan makes a surprising discovery: he looks like a pair of males across the river, these seven. The -year-old brothers are the males who left Hollywood Pride months ago, they are definitely two Hollywood males who have been across the river for a long time during their time away, the pair have taken over another pride and have been mating. With their females, these two guys really look in fantastic condition, but they may have heard the call of the Punk and will be back to check on the Hollywood females. The dry season has already entered, so for the first time in months the Luanga River is low enough to lie. crossing although it is by no means safe.
In fact, I've seen a male captured by a crocodile cross the river before, so you can see they are quite nervous. In fact, there is a huge crocodile behind them. These M males with AA and took the newly discovered Cubs. so they could provide the protection they need, they can even drive out the trio of punk invaders, so these guys have now crossed over and are going to take a good look at who is in their territory, but with the Hollywood females already mating with the punk. It is unclear whether these returning males will be welcomed by their former companions not far away, it appears that a reunion has already taken place.
I really hope that's the little girl we saw alone yesterday and she has since found another friend. It appears that the small female survived the night to mate with another juvenile. The rest of the pack can't be far away. It's really cool that she found another elephant to be with which will increase her chances of survival around these lions because they are so close to the safety of Hollywood Pride and numbers with elephants definitely and especially since she was so small that the two young people soon located the rest of their family and are both safe and sound in the H.
There is a wide range in the level of independence and maturity. In Luanga Valley newborns, an antelope can run within an hour of being born, while a lion needs up to a month to reach the same stage. Animals that are born ready to run tend to have a small brain size in relation to their body, as they do not. They develop much more after birth, while those born helpless may initially need more care. They benefit from a long learning period that allows their brains to develop to a much larger size. Lion cubs do not become completely independent until they are older. two and a half at 3 months and still breastfeeding Grace is one of the lucky ones as the rest of her family is starting to get hungry.
A member of The Pride is seriously injured. This wound is huge, you can almost see the muscle tendons inside. She has lost everything. the skin on top is a kind of R for infection the lioness was impaled by a buffalo during her last hunt the African or Cape buffalo is a social animal whose main defense strategy is to stay in large herds while defending itself from predators with its


horns and for the lion-hunting buffalo, results in horrendous wounds all too often,Unfortunately for the pride, this injury could not have happened to a more important lion. this female appears to be the female leading the hunt. she seems to be the one who is a little more dominant than to the others, such a large injury and such a key member of the pack is a huge problem, her ability to hunt will certainly be affected and it could mean that hard times are ahead, it is really essential for her to get better, there is a lot of mouth to feed for Grace to recover.
A true taste for meat is vital to her development, but for now she will have to wait. The neighbor Pride of Hollywood has no such problems without knowing that his absent males have crossed the river again. They are feasting on a buffalo. They killed yesterday today much to the chagrin. from a flock of hooded vultures, usually white-faced, these birds blush when agitated if, for example, they are not allowed to climb a carcass, old Hill is now attracting larger white-backed vultures, so the Smaller birds are pushed to the end of the tail, although bone-in meat is the hooded vulture's preferred food source.
When they are desperate, they will do everything they can to get food. Lions have a short intestinal tract, so rotting food can pass through quickly and it is the rancid remains of any meat that are on the menu. To this flock of scavengers today it seems that if you are prepared to eat anything you don't have to go hungry still near the river Nathan caught by the returning Hollywood males look at this lovely male here look at that lovely boy two huge males Al Returning to claim their territory, the pair suddenly increased their pace. Okay, they mostly figured something out.
Oh, this is fantastic. I think they are actually heading straight for the three females they are passing. You can see the females anyway, but after? a full month away their sudden return alarms the lionesses who might see them as a threat the second male is in pursuit the males fix their eyes on a particular female there is the other female the driving force in each male is mating is what motivates there sometimes, nomadic behavior, she is still running, the chase continues for almost 3/4 of an hour, but eventually the heat forces them to stop, interestingly they only sent them tags, now they are clearly claiming their territory with no receptive females, no It's clear.
How long will the returning former rulers stay in Zambia's Luanga Valley? Things are coming to a head. For 2 years, Hollywood Pride has been without Cubs and now they finally have a trio of newborns. They are being invaded by punks from the neighboring Pride. If these Intruders find Spoty and his brothers they will kill them, but it's the dry season, it's getting hotter and hotter every day and it's like 45° and the low river level has allowed the long-absent Hollywood men return to their old territory. perhaps they will provide the protection that Spott and his brothers desperately need everything feels like it is ready to explode now located in tropical Africa the sunset in luanga happens incredibly quickly in the space of 20 minutes the landscape is in darkness but this is not stops The recently returned Hollywood males patrol their old territory unaware that the punks have been mating with their females.
They smell, mark and call a behavior that is supposed to secure their territory and deter rival males from entering. They encounter a leopard with prey that quickly requires AAS. action leaving the peir to feast below the lions are expert scavengers who also steal carcasses from wild dogs hyenas and even other lions it was thought that the food collected can provide up to half of the big cat's diet at night the males continue patrolling until the midnight the couple has not met the invading punks and located all the runaway women so that Hollywood's males make the fateful decision to return to their other Pride.
It is possible that if they had found their newborn cubs, they would have stayed to safeguard them. The Hollywood Cub's best chance to protect himself from the invading punks has just disappeared across the river. Dawn is the closest thing. to rush hour in the animal kingdom with a night shift back home and many species on the move before the heat of the day, although the punks have decided not to go anywhere and stay in Hollywood territory, their continued presence is a massive threat to Ava and her Cubs, however, the new mother has a more immediate concern and has been forced to leave her little ones in hiding.
She is on the move calling. In reality, no one answers these calls. AA is trying to reconnect with Pride from her, probably because she is hungry. The Lions can. go four or five days without food, but obviously the mother needs to produce milk for the little puppies without enough to eat. Aa's milk would dry up in a matter of days and her cubs would starve to death. I think she's actually been trying to hunt him down, probably unsuccessfully. She's actually pretty hungry, she's just walking around somewhere in this gym and she'll appear next to these poops at some point during the 2 hours Nathan has been following her, this is the closest she gets to any game and there's still no sign of the rest.
Hollywood Pride's hunger is also becoming a big problem for Grace and Punk Pride. It's been 3 days since they last ate their protagonist. Hunter is still out of action and they are struggling to cope without her. When Pride moves away from her, the Lioness shrinks. Limping behind the dry season brings all animals closer and in this excess a pack can be successful in almost 40% of hunting attempts, but this time it is not desperate to nurse and still learn the habits of hunting. Grace interrupts, everyone will have to do it. go hungry a little more spotty and his brothers have already spent 7 hours hiding and the longer their mother is away the more likely it is that a hyena will discover them a few meters from their hiding place if he discovers the Cubs he can Well, we will take the opportunity to get rid of future competitions.
The Cubs have to stay quiet. Fortunately, this female hyena has her own little ones and her need to feed the stxa is irregular and the Cubs are safe for now. The hours of walking and calling from AA have paid off. We have been following this female and we must have covered about 2 3 km and I want to say it is absolutely amazing that this female has just encountered another female line of a quite young one of about 4 years old. This lioness is also the pride of Hollywood and there is a lot of affection between the two. It was absolutely surprising that the distance that we've followed on the ground that we have is that these two somehow collide with each other.
This playful behavior is believed to strengthen social B. A lovely reminder that despite the difficulties they face, these are social animals that greatly enjoy each other's company and there is another benefit, hunting in pairs could increase the chances of They get eaten, there are a lot of footprints, it's a very, very busy area, so there's always a chance. something really descended, I walked directly towards them, it is a perfect territory to ambush, but catch prey. In the heat of the day it won't be easy, but with his Cubs to feed AA he has no choice but to try.
Lions have two main methods of hunting, stalking begins. With a stealthy approach behind cover, hunters are not as fast as most of their prey. An adult lion can reach 60 km per hour for 200 m. A wild beast can H 80 and keep running, so getting close is essential before launching a final blast. acceleration especially as open country, the other main hunting method is the ambush, which as you would expect involves hiding and waiting with neither method being successful for Aor and the lioness, the pair calmed down once again. I think it's too hot now, so she'll probably leave. give up and just rest in the shade I think it's going to be a long day under the bush during the hot dry season temperatures in Luanga can reach 45° in the shade zebra stripes are believed to absorb and reflect heat in different ways breaks for To create small currents of cooling air, an elephant dust bath not only repels insects but also serves as a primitive sunscreen despite its adaptations.
The oppressive heat means most species are inactive during the day, but at dusk it's feeding time and a large male buffalo has wandered a little too far from his herd and a little too close to most of the Pride. from Hollywood. What is happening there? The lies are hunting buffaloes. The lions are chasing the buffaloes. This large male weighs more than six times the weight of the Lioness stalking him. Nicknamed Black Death Buffalo. They are extremely dangerous, most successful hunts take place in the hours of darkness, in dense cover and with a group of lions against a single prey, with the light diminishing, this could be the perfect scenario, so we thought that the day was over, but Nathan just radioed to They say there's a hunt after dark.
The thermal camera team rushes to the scene, but they are more than 10 km away. This is crazy. They are totally guiding us on a Wild Goose CH. Please, I can't see much at the moment. arrive Hollywood Pride have cornered the huge and highly dangerous Buffalo we are so so close I mean 5m away the


drama of a night hunt is something rarely seen But the unique abilities of the thermal camera reveal how the Lions surround the Buffalo To avoid escape, the Lions want it done as quickly as possible because it is very dangerous for them.
Buffalo have huge horns and Lions can be injured very easily by large prey like this. The Lions try to attack from the back jump. on top of the animal and used their own weight to throw it to the ground. It is an incredible feat to defeat this enormous animal that will feed the entire Pride. Eventually, the weight of numbers makes pride win. They bite at or on the throat. nose and mouth to suffocate their victim seeing them like this is simply a completely new light it is quite extraordinary the work done the Pride of Hollywood is clothed however all the Commotion has caught the attention of one of the invading punks although it has already been mating with him Right now, no one in Hollywood is happy to see him, but the man is not alone.
He has brought the entire Punk Pride with him, including seven hungry CBSs, with no men of their own to fight in their corner and exhausted from the hunt, the Hollywoods are forced to retreat, allowing the Punk's Pride, including the Cubs, to descend on the feast. even with little grace and the three-month-old baby is certainly enjoying his long-awaited meal. This is an important teacher. Grace has joined the ranks of carnivores. The dry season and falling river levels. exposing muddy shoals that can trap the unwary providing rich profits for the lions having had their last meal provided by a stolen buffalo dear to Grace's hands her next on a plate she may have acquired a taste for meat, but Grace still has much to do learn, especially when it comes to dining with a large man who is about to discover that he has to know his place, she limps away, but interestingly enough a larger cup comes in and follows her, either to reassure her or out of curiosity , why is it happening, but she's not.
She doesn't seem too happy to have company right now. I think she'll be fine, but obviously the punk scolded her a little. I guess all mammals are really going through a process of learning manners, essentially a kind of What You Can and Can't Do. What is pushing the limits. So it may be a tough learning curve, but this will be her family unit. Basically, it will grow as part of this Pride. Grace needs to learn to fit in. family and quickly, since next time she might not come out so lightly. It's been over 36 hours since Nathan saw AA and his Cubs.
Eager to know if she has returned to them, he returns to her la in the bushes and appears. She's been busy, we just met AA, Hollywood's mother, and she killed a zebra. I mean, it's absolutely fantastic that she, as a single less, takes down this zebra all alone, now that aa has eaten her hungry cubs, they can finally get the sustenance they need. I need it too, it's really lovely to see them playing and nursing with mom, although keeping the zebra carcass is a potentially dangerous decision, the smell can attract hyenas who could kill the Cubs and with the punks.
Even in Hollywood territory, they also pose a threat. That's suddenly very real, as one of the large males is incredibly close. This is as deep as we've seen the punk kids in Hollywood territory. Aa's flattened ears, wagging tail andhead lowered, indicate that she is extremely disturbed with the zebra right here, the males just. It's probably not the best place to keep your Cubs right now. It looks like these guys might try to take over this territory and if they do, I'm pretty sure these Cubs won't stand a chance against a powerful and aggressive. carnivorous like many other species in luanga the best option for AA and her little ones is to run and hide the next time the peak of the dry season causes a bottleneck in the river, literally all life down here hippopotamus Crocs and lions Clash AA introduces their Cubs to the rest of the pack oh, they're here, but the little three make it.
I only see two and, between Grace's spirits and Pride, a family dispute breaks out and the puppies are attacked. It is October and in the South Luanga National Park it is dry. the season has peaked the daily temperatures are a scorching 45° the Lioness steps out into the heat of the day behind her three brothers three future kings if they can survive this critical first year like all lionesses her mother Ava keeps the Cubs hidden from the world She has been separated from her Pride since they were born 6 weeks ago. The Cubs were blind and for their first 10 days could not walk.
They are now growing rapidly and beginning to venture beyond the confines of their hiding place. The Cub's vocal cords are getting stronger. They have developed a repertoire of vocalizations except for the characteristic roar that comes with adulthood along with tigers. Lions are the only big cats that roar. The sound is louder than that of a jackhammer. Adult males use it to announce their presence and intimidate rivals and, worryingly, AA can hear. Roaring nearby are two unknown males who would kill a cub that is not their own AA cannot fight them alone she hides her Cubs, but if these young ones want to remain protected AA must find and reunite with her family, the right of the Pride of Hollywood.
Now they are 3 km away, Hollywood Pride has held this territory for generations and surrounds our filming camp oh. 20m away with no fence between filmmaker Ktie and lion specialist cameraman Nathan have spent the last 6 months embedded in Lion Country oh my goodness, things have happened here you will never believe, but nothing has prepared them for what will happen next week because conditions here have reached boiling point, almost all available water has evaporated in the heat. It's only 10:30 in the morning. 41° and uh, it's not even the hottest point of the day, which means that until the imminent rains arrive, the winding luanga river has become a battlefield, this is the source of life for all of Langang, literally , all the wildlife is attracted here, the elephants are coming down. the buffalo herds go down the players go down so you find a lot more predators the lions the leopards and things like that go down this way the biggest danger to the lions often comes from their own species the more lions concentrate in a smaller place in the area there is more chance of conflict, it is not good for our Cubs, it is a miracle they survive, really with everything that is happening.
Yes, 5 km from the camp there is a group of outcast females who have been fighting to keep her two Cubs alive. Brothers Prince and Ziggy are now 18 months old and live with their mother Rosa and some aunts. A research team that studies carnivals has placed the necklace on her with the help of her loyal sisters. Rose has been on the run with Prince and Ziggy since they were attacked. by a wandering male, Lian, last year, they became known as the Outcasts to gain greater protection for their Cubs. A few months ago, Rosa tried to reunite with the former Pride of her, but the Pride has been taken over by new males, the punks, not the parents of Prince and Ziggy. and therefore they are a threat.
Rosa's flirting didn't go over well with the Pride females, but she's still determined to get the punks to accept the Cubs from her. This will increase her chances of surviving the dry season and this time she has brought reinforcements who will be her loyal sisters. helping marginalized females has distanced punks from pride in her. Prince and Zig watch from a safe distance as the sisters attempt to seduce the three males with their feminine charms. Females are doing more than just flirting, distracting themselves, mating is a cunning tactic by females to manipulate males. Mating is brief but can occur more than 50 times a day.
Prince and Ziggy take the opportunity to sneak up on them, but they have been discovered quickly in a flash, another hand coming between the male and the Cubs whenever the Cubs are threatened. of the scheming ants begins mating while the Darkness beckons the Hidden World of the night is revealed and the distracting mating continues. Prince and Ziggy stay nearby. These are determined females. The matings have been going on for 18 hours at dawn. Nathan finds the group by the river and it looks like the females have been successful so we have the females sidelined and Prince and Ziggy among the females and two of the males here too so it's looking more and more like Prince and Zig are accepted, you know, I think they.
Now I have a good chance, their mother Rosa. She seems to feel confident that they are safe with the punks, so Prince and Ziggy's mother went back to the bank and left them here alone with a couple of their aunts, but her confidence is wrong and you're about to get your Cubs in trouble. The family appears, these three females are mothers of seven young cubs earlier in the season, the young one survived an encounter with a dangerous pack that they started running, he is starting to run towards the Cubs and the eldest Cub pip spent 24 hours lost in the bush dodging hyenas. and leopards, he needs to get back to his mother, so the mothers are on high alert for dangers to their cubs and might now see Prince and Ziggy as a threat.
C addressed a rather angry outcast female, what is actually quite evident is that females are kind. growling at the other Cubs it's almost as if the two separate subgroups aren't particularly happy with each other's Cubs at this point the dominant female of Punk's Pride can't hide her animosity towards Prince Ziggy and launches an attack. Prince runs for cover. but Ziggy is frozen in place and takes a beating. Prince is now all alone and right in the sights of the lioness, he is frozen with no one to protect him, suddenly the dominum bomb inexplicably tries to protect Prince, perhaps Rosa's efforts have had an effect, she gives Prince the chance from running for his life, so it seemed that Prince was particularly singled out, attacked and thrown out, and ran off into the distance, the traumatized and injured Cub ran as far away as he could after hearing the commotion that his mother Rosa led in Pursuit. which leaves Ziggy trapped.
Ziggy is now alone with the rest of the Cubs, so he seems to be staying pretty quiet and flat and trying not to draw attention to himself, but he is so surrounded by women that he just beat up his brother with Ziggy. Still in danger, his loyal aunt tries to diffuse the situation by leading the Cub away from the pride, and just in time the angry lioness lunges again, this time at another of Ziggy's ants. As the dust settles, the Pup runs away and Ziggy walks away. There he walked away clearly a little traumatized and quite alert and looking back in the direction of the rest of the pride he walked away a few hundred meters further down the beach Ziggy surrounded by danger not only from the lions, hippos and crocodiles are everywhere and This is the first time in his life that Ziggy has been without his mother and brother, he is completely alone and we are not sure where Prince is at the moment.
I mean, he could have gone up this road and he could have gone in too. in any direction really Prince is gone 5km away the three youngest Cubs Hollywood could be in trouble Nathan heard a report that the little ones had been attacked and in the heart of his territory he made a disturbing discovery so we're thinking at the pride of Hollywood and we have come across these two young males, this is the area where AA keeps their Cubs and these males are a big risk. I think, unfortunately, if these males were to encounter the Hollywood Cubs and they were not the parents, they would certainly try and kill them and there is evidence that one of them recently came to blows.
You can see that the male is actually licking the scars on his leg, so he's certainly been in a fight. Nathan sets out to find AA and her young trio and hopes she has them. to safety in a small cop near camp, he sees movement in the brush, oh my gosh Cubs, I only see two, but Nathan can't find the third Cub, it's actually quite distinctive, the third one has little spots almost like a leopard, unfortunately I don't know. Look Spotty, Spotty is alive, he should be close to his mother as the minutes tick by. Dawns Spotty hasn't made it, unfortunately, there were three at the beginning and now there are only two, but she has done very well to keep them. guys alive, it has never been more important for AA to locate the rest of her pack and obtain greater protection for her two remaining Cubs.
Her best hope for survival is to join the rest of Hollywood, but they're three miles away and focused on food. They just found Hollywood, they came across a leopard in a tree with some prey and, um, we miss them, they steal it, but it just happened that they managed to take it from poor Leopard. Leopards often carry their prey into trees to avoid it being stolen by larger carnivores such as lions or hyenas. This time it looks like the tree just wasn't tall enough while she's eating it. Pieces fall from the trees and the lights fade.
Spirits are praying because there is not enough food to go around with the Lions still hungry. Katie hopes her search for food will bring them closer to AA and her Cubs. They are the only Cubs Hollywood has this year, so it is very important that they are well to ensure the next one. Generation, so let's keep our fingers crossed for those where the temperature has now reached 50°C, even on the river bed, large areas are nothing but dust around what's left of the water. Temper flares. Predator pits predator against predator and even the film crew feels the heat as it approaches. in the car everyone is still as the day comes to an end Prince and Ziggy are still separated from their Pride Outcast we still haven't seen Prince anywhere we have looked high and low and he seems to have moved away Ziggy has stayed in the same place throughout the day, the day has almost come to an end, the s are just behind us and Ziggy is all alone, it could end up being a pretty long and lonely night for Ziggy, since Prince is not here and he has to keep his distance from the rest of the pack. his biggest problem is his own food, but there are a number of other things, possibly other males are passing through the territory, hyenas, elephants, buffalo, I mean, there is water right next to him, you have to be careful with crocodiles, There are no guarantees of what is coming when the night falls zigzagging.
He doesn't have the pride of it, but he's not alone. More than 6,000 hippos live in luanga. It is one of the largest concentrations in the world, with almost 50 animals per kilometer of river, although they remain in and around the water throughout the day. Vegetarians venture ashore at night to feed the larger males eat up to 60 kilos of forage a day. Every hippo sees the lion as a threat, so Ziggy keeps a low profile. His only hope is to reunite with his family, but he is nowhere to be seen. Ziggy faces the longest night of his life. 500 BC m.
Nathan is interested in finding out what happened to the Cub so we're just searching the area where we left Ziggy last night and there are a lot of footprints up and down, he's been here a long time, you can actually see him. Later here it looks like Zigy alone, not Prince, so it remains to be seen where Prince is. Ziggy hasn't moved, he's definitely hungry and Nathan has seen that Punk's Pride can kill not far away, I think we're a few hundred meters from here, he's looking in that direction but he's not making any attempt to move in that direction. with the threat of being attacked.
The Cub won't risk venturing any closer. He knows it's not a good idea to go. There Ziggy needs to move to a safer place, but he's too nervous to go more than a kilometer away. Ziggy's mother, Rosa, with one of the punks behind her, is looking for her lost glasses when she set off in search of the Prince. Ziggy was still with the pack, so Now he has no idea if any of his Cubs are of equal concern: whether the single mother AA has managed to keep Spotty's two brothers alive and has managed to reunite with the Pride vultures.
Hollywood. Vultures are circling near the camp, a sign of a massacre in Hollywood. The territory where it isbuffalo slaughter is not too far from where the Cubs were kept, so we hope to detect if mom and the Cubs are here or not. Some very fat bellies, ah, they're here, the Cubs are here, they look great. They have literally been introduced to the rest of the pack. Now such a lovely moment of meeting his extended family is an exciting time for the Cubs. They have grown up hidden in a bush, so this is a fairly new development for them.
It's a bit of exploring all these new faces the pack isn't used to playing with little cubs it seems like a lot of the young chicks are very curious about the Cubs luckily they are pretty tough the Cubs are certainly doing their best and a little bit Los Staring and striking lions are a very social species and the bonds built in the pride are an essential part of the cub's future. It has been a successful introduction and living with the pack will provide the extra protection the little ones need from the unruly males with temperature. flying the herd retreats into the shade choosing to abandon the kill well most of them do it it's pretty funny this male basically refuses to give up his prey so this male goes into the shade a pair of vultures they land, he runs back, he chases it, he comes back go to the shadow vs come he runs back, he chases them, so this is like a continuous event, there is almost no meat left, you wonder if it's really worth it under this scorching sun, a He often forces the males of the pack to protect a prey, he seems that young. one is a little overzealous, although the Hollywood Cubs are now much safer in the body of the pack throughout Africa, only one in five Cubs survive the age of two and attacks from their own species are the biggest threat to their existence, worryingly after hours.
Searching Rosa still hasn't found either Prince or Ziggy, but when she enters an ebony forest with one of the punks in tow, the PE seemed to catch a scent, something causes the male to stay behind while Rosa is attracted down a ravine, it's Prince, her puppy. The ferocity of the attack on the beach was too much for Prince's young body. When you see the C that could grow into something big and beautiful face down in the mud, it's very sad to see that Rose's bet to have her Cubs accepted has failed. I mean, we really have to try to stay emotionally detached from who we follow, but you can't help it.
I mean, we've always hoped that Prince and Ziggy would make it and, unfortunately, Prince Prince didn't make it. t Rosa stays in the grove near Prince's body while Ziggy Rose's last remaining pup faces the prospect of another night alone with Prince having died. Now it's going to be incredibly difficult for Ziggy to survive alone, there's a good chance Ziggy will encounter the same thing. destiny as his brother and now his hiding place has become unsafe. Ziggy's chances of making it to the end of the dry season are diminishing every hour that the Punk Cubs, whose protection killed Prince, are only a few hundred yards upstream, usually a Pride zone. the females share raising their cubs as a group, they can defend them more successfully, but today not all the mothers are present, so on the other side of the river there is a female who actually kept all the cubs, so It has five larger ones.
The Cubs and the two smaller Cubs and they all run up and down playing everywhere after having crossed Feast on a buffalo in the night, young Cub pip and his six brothers ended up in the territory of a rival Pride, although they seem oblivious At any threat and a disturbance running around the lone female, I can only imagine that she is quite irritated and wants to return to this side of the river and hand them over to their mothers. With nightfall approaching, the Lioness risks a long night in enemy territory. or she and the Cubs have to cross the luanga again.
The Anga River is famous for having one of the densest populations of crocodiles and hippos of almost all the rivers in Africa. These Cubs are the future of your pride. Now the seven face challenges from crocodiles and hippos, but help is available, the rest of the Pride females appear on a sandbar halfway across the river, whether they are safe or not, they are going to Go, the presence of the lionesses seems to deter the crocodiles from attacking, but a bigger problem lies ahead. On his way is a three-ton hippopotamus determined to defend his expanse of sand.
Pride spreads. The hippopotamus realizes that things are changing and is surrounded by Pip and his brothers are safe. 6 hours have passed since Rosa discovered the Prince's body and stayed with him. From looking into the distance in the direction where Prince's body is, it is believed that when a cub dies, a lioness suffers high levels of stress, seems to be in mourning, is very silent, does not even hunt andalas that literally walk on top of her , if her other pup wants to survive, Rosa needs to move on, she needs to find Ziggy after dark. Rosa continues crying while all the animals around her continue with their nightly routines, eating, sleeping and hunting.
A leopard's night vision is up to seven times more sensitive than a human's hearing is five times sharper, helping it identify a lack of guinea in the dark mass of a fig tree. It is a short and highly efficient hunt, although a guinea fowl is not a big meal and is one that even a leopard needs to pluck. first to return to the ebony grove Rosa begins to move and shortly before dawn she walks away for hours she retraces her steps visiting old haunts of the outcasts Ziggy hasn't eaten in 4 days and is too young to hunt alone without his mother.
I'll starve in the heart of Hollywood country, Gully by Camp contains the only water left besides the Luanga River and the pride has decided it's safe enough to bring their two youngest members, not only are all the lions still here, but also my Cubs and her. They have also gone down, it seems that pride has joined them forever, meaning that in addition to their mother, the Cubs now have 10 aunts looking after them. Lion Pi females have this incredibly strong bond where they will go to great lengths to protect their crowns. They are built to try to keep the The Next Generation is in their DNA, it is running through their blood, the Hollywood Cubs are safe, but there is another young man that Nathan is desperate to find before the rains come.
After hours of searching for Ziggy, he spots a trio of lions sheltering under a bush and one. One of them appears to be a young male, it's this one here, the second one looks a little smaller and has spots on his legs and a familiar face appears, this is Ziggy, he's fantastic. Nathan is delighted to find Ziggy with his mother. He looks in good condition. Mom is here, yes, it is great news for him. Rosa and a loyalist have retreated from the Punk Pride outcasts once again, they will provide him with food and give him a good chance to grow enough to gain enough experience to survive on his own.
He certainly seems to have been a great fighter, he keeps coming back, so he certainly has the determination. I think to survive a year from now, Ziggy will be ready to fight for his account, but for now his family is looking out for each other. It starts to spin, it's amazing, we've just been sitting here watching and almost this, the most sudden feeling of coolness and that smell of rain has just started, the dry season is over and finally the pressure cooker atmosphere diffuses and wildlife may disperse. Once again, far and wide, all but two of our Cubs made it through their most dangerous year, so with luck and a little determined parenting, one day these little fighters will be the kings and queens of luanga.

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