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THE HOLE IN THE GROUND (2019) Ending Explained

Jun 23, 2024
Hello what's going on? Everyone, welcome to the movies found in this entry. We explain that we are watching the winner of our previous viewer choice. Survey the


in the


where a mother's young son disappears into the woods behind his rural home when he returns. He looks the same. but his behavior becomes more and more disturbing and his mother begins to believe that the boy who returned may not be her son at all, yes I will say it, but first you know what we have to do, vote for the


chosen by our Next viewer, explain and I have a couple of weird things for you, this time your first choice is to kill a sacred deer, where a charismatic surgeon is forced to make an unthinkable sacrifice after his life begins to fall apart when the behavior of a teenager who is under his protection turns sinister. it has colin farrell and nicole kidman and it's pretty good and your second choice is the enemy following a gentle and stately college professor the charming and glorious jake gyllenhaal discovers a similar actor and delves into the private affairs of dinny venolinu's other man the visionary director behind the arrival of Blade Runner 2049 and the upcoming Dune adaptation, let me know which one you'd like me to cover by leaving a comment below or voting in the community tab.
the hole in the ground 2019 ending explained
The Hole in the Ground is a beautiful slice of Irish folklore dealing with shapeshifting creatures. that take the form of another, but this also comes to have a deeper meaning in the relationship between sarah and her son and how that bond changes and grows over the years as you watch your son grow up and inevitably change who They are, this is the type of the main metaphor of the plot of the film, since we will see the supernatural side as well as the mother-son relationship. I should also say that it was thanks to the success of this film that director lee cronin took the reins of a new Evil Dead Movie in development, which is pretty exciting.
the hole in the ground 2019 ending explained

More Interesting Facts About,

the hole in the ground 2019 ending explained...

We'll talk a little more about that at the end of the video, so let's dig into the


in the


, breaking down the most important history, themes and concepts of how to be evident in tackles. Looking at the


and what it means, we immediately understand that mother Sarah seems to be struggling with some type of anxiety. In the first shot she literally stares into space and looks down a little, then looks at her son Chris playing with some fun distorting mirrors around the house. his reflection takes on silly proportions after a moment, he turns to her and she forces a smile joining him and joking before leaving the strangely empty carnival, they indulge in some cotton candy and pass along a path to hell appropriately titled, behind them, yeah, that sounds good.
the hole in the ground 2019 ending explained
It feels like they are on their way to a new life having uprooted themselves from whoever the father in the picture was, something we come to understand a little more as our story progresses driving down a one-way Irish country road surrounded by rocks and trees. , the camera turns upside down and makes it look like they, too, are taking a walk into hell. This also feels like a brilliant reference that won't be the last on the path to your destination. Chris laments about wanting a bike. maybe next year she will respond by staring annoyed mumbling some kids in his class think his jeep looks like a pedomobile which he incorrectly refers to as a fetophile stupid kids distracted by his talk sarah isn't looking at the road he yells at her to look As he loses control of the car, he swerves and hits the rearview mirror telling him to wait in the car, he sees the one who almost crashes into an older woman wearing a long robe who looks away and whispers indistinctly and asks if they are okay.
the hole in the ground 2019 ending explained
Only more strange whispers grow in response, the lady turns to look at her creepily staring at her son, which disturbs Sarah, she grabs the mirror and shuffles back to the car in a hurry. They then arrive at the run down house where they will be staying and it seems. As if there was a lot of work to be done, Sarah immediately sets about removing the crusty wallpaper with a putty knife, probably not the best tool for the job but I guess it would work while eating, she asks him if he's done and he complains that it's cold.
We are suggesting putting a little Parmesan cheese powder on it. I imagine he declines saying that he doesn't like that type of cheese. You say: why is he talking about cheese preference? Believe me, it is important for her to know a safe way to make him finish his meal through a round of his favorite game counting from three and after one, they both throw silly cups at each other, which makes him laugh, which means that she emerges victorious. First you tell him that she knows her rules and orders him to finish her food. She goes down to the dirty basement and, digging through the shelves, finds a real paint scraper that she should have been using in the first place, which Chris takes it and who calls her, rushes over and finds the boy standing on a chair, scared, He points out a spider on the ground, Mom moans that it's too big to be afraid of, he captures it and wants to free it, but Chris disagrees and asks him why he doesn't just kill it, he says it's not necessary and we get our first real mention of it. dad grew up here, dad would have killed him, she sternly replies that she's not his dad, Chris doesn't seem to fully understand that they left their dad behind forever and asks them why they moved without him.
She dismisses it because it's not that simple. She becomes agitated when told that she would be right behind them considering her a liar and tramples the spider running into the nearby forest. Sarah chases him not far away, but immediately loses him in the dense forest and after a moment of hesitation, she continues searching, the wind begins to howl around her when she comes across a strange sight, an absolutely massive hole in the ground, essentially a sinkhole flanked randomly by forest on all sides, we understand that this is certainly a supernatural occurrence, but it also has metaphorical meaning.
Which means that, as the old Nietzsche saying goes, if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back, which means it also acts as a stand-in for Sarah's unresolved problems as a now-single mother, as well as your concerns about your child's care. and she will have to face these problems head on, the abyss staring back at her, exposing what she is currently struggling with and out of nowhere, Chris appears behind her, scolds him for running away, so he apologizes and in trying to understand suggests that he knows that. Dad makes her sad by going to give her a warm hug, asking her about the hole he cleans, grabbing her hand and dragging him back to the house, she passes out on the couch, and then wakes up with a glass of water confused by the sound of a door. opening and goes to see Chris, she finds him sleeping peacefully, she hands him her teddy bear and lovingly plants a kiss on his forehead the next day, she waits to pick him up after school when he comes out, the boy holds her head Down, she realizes who he is holding. a flyer for a talent show that encourages him to sign up as it is a good way to meet new friends, to which he sadly responds that he doesn't want to make new friends.
She tells him her own related story about how her mother convinced her to join the program. brownies where he quickly made a lot of new friends promising that he will be happy here in his new home at a dinner with a couple of friends, one of them in the middle of telling a story about someone who put a hand in his hat, pretty sure which is a trunk. another says his story sounds like a walkie-talkie, the nickname of a local old woman who lives by the bridge, the rumor is that she murdered her son, his wife Louise corrects him because she knows the real story from personal experience, the son The woman, James, was a classmate. of her many years ago and around when he was eight years old, one day at school his mother Noreen burst into class yelling crazy things about James, which caused her to receive therapy to treat what must have been her mental problems and her son was quickly taken out of classes when she was later released in an accident, killed her son and everyone agreed that her story is indeed tragic.
Later that night, Sarah wakes up to a loud slam of the door and this time, when she looks for Chris, he is not in bed and she hears more doors slamming. comes from below and finds it opening and closing rhythmically and although it is very windy outside, that makes sense, but there is no sign of Chris getting anxious, she returns to the pitch black forest surprised by a figure appearing behind a tree when Surrounding the trunk, now there is no one even more worried, she runs back home and calls the emergency services because he is missing, worried that someone has taken him, which is more accurate than she could imagine, then he hears a door and turns around and sees Chris simply. standing there she demands to know where he was limply replying that he was here, she still insists he wasn't after she just combed the entire house moments before, he asked her if she was okay, honestly no she isn't and visit a doctor.
He asks if he has a history of anxiety disorder or if he has tried any medication, no and no, what about the scar? He asks: a small one on her forehead that shows when he removes his bangs. She says it's because of an accident that happened a year ago and that she gets sick sometimes. irritated, which to me seems like evidence of domestic abuse, courtesy of the unknown baby daddy, probably the reason she left in the first place, he gives her a prescription for some medications, tells her to check back in a few weeks, and sends her back.
That night she reflects on taking the pills and finally decides to do so to get some rest. The next morning, Chris surprises her by waiting for her there with some flowers that he claims she found in the garden. She is initially worried that he has disobeyed her rule to go after her. he goes out alone but relents by calling them beautiful and giving them a hug at school, it seems like his social life is being resurrected seeing Chris hanging out in front and chatting with other boys, which means he must be making some friends, hooray, he asked . the boys name a butler he mentioned she thought he didn't like her but he's all oh so I don't have to be his friend not making friends is good she reminds him this brief positive moment fades when they return home they meet him bridge that we know is where Noreen lives she stands on the street in a white dress and starts walking towards them sarah comes out to calmly confront her asking her to get out of the way asking her if she is Mrs.
Brady yes again to clarify this is the son's mother that James mentioned at dinner about the friend who killed her own son under strange circumstances, she responds with more strange whispers before squawking, that's not your boy. Iris Santa appears apologizing for her, since he likes to wander around her, introducing himself as her husband. asks her son's name and is surprised sarah returns to the car when they are staring at chris and proceeds to hit her hand on the window repeating that that's not your boy and hits her head violently against the glass still freaking out death tries to subdue her As they walk away what's that all about she must be thinking that the same thing that happened to James is happening to Chris but of course it's easy to assume that she's just going crazy working on the wallpaper, she's making a great progress. then doing the same forehead kiss routine to a sleeping Chris, I mean she looks good, you know who knows what Doreen was talking about anyway, but she still seems to have more questions for her, she stops by his house and listens to the crows crying in the trees and finds Noreen. dead, with her head buried in the ground and the crows feasting on her corpse, well that's not a good sign, no answers for her I guess, and Sarah is obviously affected by the scene, a detective then tells his story and focuses elsewhere on Chris's arm wrestling. with an officer in the other room suddenly violently breaking the other player's wrist, but it was just a dream, the boy laughs and cheats with both hands to win the fight, it seems normal, it's okay, everything indicates that sarah is starting to think that maybe Noreen isn't so After all, she takes a shower and, worryingly, finds blood on the towel and notices that her scar is now bleeding recently, which shouldn't be possible, and seems to represent those concerns of parents who are starting to take over your life right now, I guess it works. at a junk shop in town run by Louise and tries to ask her about her children, wondering if they ever act out of character or when she looks at them, she doesn't recognize them, she is of course they are children, one moment they are monsters . and the next minute they are angels.
A worry. Louise asks if she is okay. She says it's been a fun few days. Another aspect of raising children. It's totally normal. They change as they grow and no longer look like who they once were. Banning an entire wall of mirrors, they are all covered in black cloth, understanding that we are at the funeral ofNoreen and she enter the room containing his coffin, her head also covered with a sheet, she inquisitively extends her hand distracted by the centered death, apologizing for her loss, which he says is fine, at least she is at peace now. and asks her to join him for a drink while he looks at a photo of his son James on the wall.
He remembers how he lost a tooth playing games that James referred to as a badge of honor, he remembers all the way from the day he was born, Noreen feeling for the first time that she understood what life was all about with her birth. , we both did, he says looking out the window wistfully for his lost family, he asked him if he felt the same Sarah nods her head and then asks him what he said about Chris not being his son. He tells how after James' eighth birthday, Noreen started saying things like the boy was different and seeing little things that only a mother would notice like small pebbles rolling down a hill that soon turned into a landslide the specialist thought there was. lost her mind but was still convinced that her son was an imposter and not really her son supposedly when she saw Chris that day it reminded her of her own. son she asked him what happened he admitting that james was hit by his car getting emotional and thinking that it is wiser to remember the good times instead of the bad leaving sarah appearing in the boy's photo on the wall in consideration at nightfall she goes for one jogs through the woods, which she would certainly avoid if only for the creepiness factor, and is stopped in her tracks by an alarming sight as she discovers one of her son's dolls face down on the ground and continues towards the edge of the hole seeing it move away Down there, she sits staring into the abyss and watches the earth being sucked into the hole.
All this strangeness is clearly starting to weigh on her at dinner. Chris greedily eats some spaghetti. Sarah seems put off by his behavior and asks. about the flowers she picked and if she went to some other place like the forest he innocently says no and she takes out her trump card the doll she found demanding no more lies from him he angrily responds it's the truth putting his hands on the table that she he throws across the room at Sarah trapping her against the stove oh yeah, for a little kid to be able to throw a table like that is definitely not normal because no scrawny boa is that strong, I mean I wish I couldn't even do it.
Are you kidding? After trying to take a nice relaxing bath to clear his head, she has been given more evidence that something is wrong and Chris hears strange growling noises coming from his room. He peeks through the keyhole and then climbs under the door catching a spider. crawling on the floor Chris's hand appears and grabs it looking through the keyhole she sees him put the bug in his mouth and eat it which is a far cry from him standing on the chair terrified when he even saw a spider before Well, that's one way. to conquer his fears I guess I'm just going to eat that that will show you she retreats behind his door and he joins her jokingly asking her where she is she fits she's in bed where else he wishes her goodnight and tries to play coincidentally he comes back on a nice day and stomps away as a result of all this, she calls a doctor about her child's strange behavior, but the doctor tells her that it's not the strangest thing a child has ever eaten, but she He tells her that he used to be terrified of them. sure he's not himself anymore, he thinks maybe she's the one having trouble asking, the medication is helping and then he asks a much more personal question: where is Chris's father and what's up with the scar and if in It was actually an accident, although the scene ends before she responds.
Everything continues. To add that her husband was in fact abusive as suspected and, as part of her concern that her son could end up inheriting his violent tendencies, knowing that she will have to investigate this alone, she takes a camera from the junk chop and places it carefully. on her son's wall surrounding it with other small bricks to hide it from view and Chris almost catches her red-handed but quickly replies that she is here to do the laundry and then put the clothes on the clothesline and goes to Chris looking curiously from the window above her responding with a half-hearted gesture, yes, something is wrong with that girl, surely, she goes back to her pills, she deliberates again about whether to take them and we don't see her decision until a little later, in the next scene, finishing his hotel with a view. the inspired wallpaper looks great sarah, yeah let's make it look like a freaking hotel, that's a great idea, chris comes downstairs, she wishes him good morning and invites him down for breakfast, she tries to fix things between them, telling him that she loves him very much and apologizes for acting strangely lately, sometimes when you're an adult, life gets blocked by worry, she says, which is literally the whole thing with her character warmly saying that when that happens she looks at him and remembers what life is really about he reaches out and caresses her face going to the scar on her forehead she stops him she doesn't but he continues running his fingers over her and then He digs his fingers into the wound which looks quite painful, but luckily it's just a dream.
Once again, her wound seems to symbolize her past abusive relationship, as well as his concerns about raising him, which he is literally digging into here, which really illustrates what this is about. She is struggling with real life. It's not much better listening to Chris creepily singing in his bed and combing his hair because it's time for the big talent show, his class performs an eerily appropriate folk song about a swamp by the valley, oh, and the hole by the valley, oh, and then it's time for Chris's solo to get really weird, singing normally at first. which then turns serious and dark and the audience disappears, only the mother and son are left in the theater while he finishes the lyrics in the valley-o and just stares looking quite strange ah, it's just another hallucination that embodies all the Sarah's fears and then she runs through these school hallways and she can't escape all the exits are closed Luis finds her breaking through the fog asking her if she's okay she gravely states that that boy is not her son so who is he Sarah asks her admits it sounds crazy but he knows her his own son echoes what dez mentioned about his wife noticing little different things that only a mother would notice.
Louise then asks him to go for a walk but then Chris shows up and she literally runs the other way in a race, no time to explain to my son. I have to make a big bug song proud of you and he goes home to check the camera, he must have found something, he goes to Dez's house and sees that all the mirrors are now uncovered, he explains why his wife, even after 30 years old, he still checked it every day to make sure. was still her husband while the mirror she thought reveals who someone really is, she pulls out the camera with something to show him now convinced that the same thing that happened to James is happening to Chris, even though he is sure there is nothing wrong with him. , begs him to take a look until he finally gives up on looking at the images himself, blankly saying that he doesn't see anything again and declaring that James wasn't James, leading to frustration, he articulates enough is enough and throw the camera on the ground and walk.
At that moment she asks to tell him that she is crazy, but he admits that he can't and leaves as if he is convinced that Noreen couldn't be right, even if the camera proved otherwise, however, we can't really see well what she does. We caught ourselves no matter what, she seems to have shaken Dez at home. She tries to get the broken camera card out with a car key, which she wouldn't personally recommend, and Chris pesters her in the living room by asking why she ran away. away from him at school sarah using the excuse that he wasn't feeling well but now he's much better you won't run away from me again will you? he asks calmly since he doesn't like being left alone, she's like never I leave you, you little weirdo, asking her if she's hungry, of course she is, and this gives Sarah the opportunity to perform another important test.
She offers him to make him her favorite and, as in the dream, he goes up and runs his hands over her face, giving her a hug and telling her that he loves her by opening the trash, here we see her pills there, indicating in that previous scene that she, In fact, he chose to stop taking the meds, calling Chris over for dinner, handing him the powdered cheese and asking him if he wants some. Sarah says she doesn't like it and he helps himself, which we remember that the real Chris didn't like it ah parmesan always exposing children doubles classic horror trope there is a more infallible test to recognize the identity of the child his favorite little game that we saw before She counts down to three and makes silly faces but he doesn't call again so she finishes it alone.
The boy just looks at her and does nothing and now she knows with absolute certainty that he is not her son. He gets up from the chair and approaches her. singing so repeatedly that he is not her son becoming more stern and animated with each step he takes towards her, with a trembling voice, he asks her what is wrong and lunges at her, grabbing her by the wrists and throws her with ease hearing the blows fall. screen as she screams no and is thrown onto the table, then regains consciousness in the forest looking and sees Chris digging with blurry vision and grabs her mom by the hair and puts her head in the hole the same way she found him. noreen means chris most likely.
He killed her to keep her secret, luckily the crows haven't reached Sarah yet, watching as her hands begin to move and she struggles to free her head, gasping and coughing after doing so. Phew, that was close! Now she drags him still unconscious back to the house and goes down to the basement passing by the broken mirror of the car from before, she picks it up and shakily brings it closer to her face worried about what it could expose and we see that her reflection is really a monstrous shape, not his son as you suspected and he showed his true form as Noreen thought, the light begins to flicker erratically as the boy stands up, she asks him what he has done with him and he attacks by strangling her, the two fight around the room until When she manages to get free, he starts screaming and convulsing at the same time that the light flashes and she decides to get out of there, leaving him in the basement and closing the door now that there is literally no longer any doubt that he is obviously not her son, there is only one left. place to go for answers: hole in the ground that lets it suck her into the earth, she is in an underground area fortunately still with her trusty flashlight because it is dark because down here she finds a path blocked by rocks and removes them to accessing a long tunnel struggling with the tight spaces to continue through anyone else, she suddenly receives downward vibrations, especially when she gets stuck in the earth, repeatedly kicks the earth to free herself and enters a larger chamber, discovering a human skeleton with a missing tooth, which must be Noreen's son James, he remembers.
That sports injury thing, yeah, he lost a tooth and whatever happened to other skeletons, he finds Chris still alive under some vines, grabbing him and comforting him, telling him that mama bear is here, the meeting is interrupted by strangers growls behind some sort of formless monster that begins to take shape with saliva dripping from its mouth and it seems that there are actually multiple monsters down here that call the underground their home. The best way to describe them would be changelings prominent in Irish folklore who take the form of their victims after feeding on them without time to However, a closer look as Sarah pushes him with a real sun back into the tunnel, a monster finds her. chases, grabs her arm and she responds with several blows of the flashlight and when she turns she is greeted by a surprising sight: the creature has taken its form.
Apparently, all it takes for the monsters to take our form is just a touch, unfazed by the sight, she continues hitting him with the flashlight and breaks free, exiting the hole back into the forest, reaching the house, she heads inside to look for the keys. but she is stopped by fake Chris's knocking noises downstairs in the basement and then his voice changes weakly calling for her mom. She decides to take a more permanent approach towards this monster as she assumed the form of her son moments later upon seeing a fire begin to burn inside the house. well I hope that works, who knows with these things, they don't really stick around to find out driving back down the country road they traveled on with Sarah breaking down and crying as Chris starts to wake up in the back seat, then we see the After After her harrowing time in the countryside, Sarah returned to school after giving up her career when her son was born.
Chris joins her and they both look much happier now and they also have her bike that she wanted so badly at the beginning. Well, her. She plans to kiss him and she lets him play, but her mind hasn't quite moved on, sheshe peeks out the window and points a camera lens outside, where he circles on his bike and takes some photos, she, concerned, looks back through them. but he actually seems to be her guy, there's no sign of being a dumb monster, sure his face is a little blurry, but those things happen all the time, notice that the apartment is adorned with an entire wall of mirrors, like in the of Noreen, showing us that, as did the unfortunate one. mother, he hasn't really moved on at all and will live in constant fear and worry for the rest of his days about Chris becoming a double again, the scars and damage will never go away, that's the point: you can't move on. , but you have to do your best and you know that kids will get weird when they grow up.
We have reached the conclusion of this entry


in holy land. It wasn't exactly reinventing the evil kids subgenre, but I did it. I like the overall style and tone Cronin chose here, which brings me back to the aforementioned new Evil Dead movie titled Evil Dead Rise. No, it won't have Bruce back or connect with Mia from the previous reboot, but it will be a completely new story. Being located in a high-rise apartment building, a marked departure from the cabin in the wooden surroundings that everyone else used, but also, as we saw with the hole-in-the-ground style, it will probably have a tone and feel generally very different. than any of the previous entries, sort of more of a slow-burn indie horror thing, you know, which is definitely different from what came before, although I'm still a little hesitant about doing another standalone Evil Dead movie.
I'm cautiously optimistic about what cronin will bring. especially since he was hand-picked by Sam Rammy, I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we get a trailer or something, maybe next year if we're lucky until next time, don't forget you can send me requests for any movies or TV shows you would like me to explain to you by submitting them through any of my social media accounts on founflix, a bit of a drawl appeared there 80 miles cinema social social what did you think of the hole in the ground and is it final, are you excited about evil dead rise?
Let me know your opinion in the comments below. make sure to like, subscribe and follow thanks for watching found movies. See you next time.

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