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Jun 07, 2021
October 1st will be the day the new Squad Spooky Party collection launches on and today we're going to show you another sneak peek of one of the plushies and it's me, I'm live and I'm going to Party tonight and remember guys, these plushies will be super limited edition, they will be super rare, they will be so rare that there will only be 2000 of these live plushies available, so if you want one, buy it quick before it's gone. mark your calendars for october 1st at hit the like button and tell us which plush you want to see next and let's get back to this video guys welcome to the



oh he's so creepy oh he's sleeping he's not sleeping , he's looking at us he's looking at us I think he might be in love with us what ew not with me I have a date with him okay so let's start with this it's dark and I need to find my way back somehow wait wait a farm oh oh so Maybe you can Ask someone for help Hello, oh wait, what was that?
the haunted roblox scarecrow
So we were all out in the middle of the night doing something. I actually don't know what we were doing. What we were doing? Guys. I forgot I was chasing a squirrel and you guys followed me. It all started like this, there was a house, we broke the window because we saw a squirrel and we chased it into the middle of the woods and now we're here, yeah right, I'm pretty sure we were looking for lights that didn't- existing girlfriend oh my god, okay anyway it looks like we're on an abandoned farm maybe we can find a house and find someone here who can give us their phone number to call the police and help us get out of here, we're not freaking out Guys, hey, calm down, Zach, everything will be fine, oh guys, look, it's an abandoned cornfield.
the haunted roblox scarecrow

More Interesting Facts About,

the haunted roblox scarecrow...

Corn, I want some food. Well, it looks like it's closed. Wow, look, there's a look at the


. Didn't you know what it was for him? That's really sexy. look how rusty he is, although i know well that rust is so hot, how funny would it be if he just came back to life and killed us all, no that would be cool, i mean guys make sure you subscribe and help us escape from this crazy scarecrow, it's free. and besides, you'll never miss a video from us, but isn't that the scarecrow right behind you? Oh, you're right, shiver, woods, oh, what nothing to do with pirates, well, welcome back to another round of scarecrows, okay, who is, is, is?
the haunted roblox scarecrow
Like I'm not even here, eat lights, you're the scarecrow, yeah, oh no, he's there, but he's looking behind the tree, you're not supposed to see me, he's trying not to turn on the light 'cause you know what I got, I was going to sneak attack. "All you're like halfway from behind the tree is like you're all the way out now oh he's sneak attacking yeah it's not mine it's not my fault I'm so wide it's your fault back off see what ?" I have right here what is that's true my ak-47 ah anyway everyone run well you know what a crossbow should have come here like oh that's good oh you just ran with your brake nevermind I thought you ran into this trap you know which would be really fun if he camped light, he's already shot as soon as he wakes up, charlie, why would you carry that giant lollipop because they're hungry? you will attract flies, that's disgusting, flies just light up, it's like flies.
the haunted roblox scarecrow
They're killer flies and they just get hot and she dies oh my gosh okay though um oh my gosh how are we going to get out of here? Did anyone discover something? What do we do? Why are you going after me? Come here, you got me humans. Move away, Alex is right behind you, why did you go for her? Oh, you're right, Alex, try to catch me, try to catch me, come on, get her, catch her, you're trying to make me try, are you serious? She really escaped, wait, drake, open up. Yes guys, come on, can we escape now?
No, that's just a door that's not the exit. Why is it shown that although it was like Drake opening a door, it was all that Drake had cut down a tree? Thank you for the good influence you have. breathed air drake took a glass of water drake and jade got married and had 50 kids drake didn't want the responsibility of the kids to go away drake left oh my god okay go so apparently we fixed the generator now wait oh, It's missing. It seems broken to me. Hey, look, I have one, I have a chainsaw. What if it just isn't going to work?
See, wow, it's all fixed. This camera is coming this way. What are you down there, shut up, Light? You know, Drake, you know what this needs more. I have a what idiot, are you serious who will be next? That was really awkward, yeah, oh, embarrassing, that's just us, although you can do it if we, oh God, it's so close, it's so close, I tripped over a branch, he died, tripped over a branch. You just died falling off the branches, you like it, you tripped on the branch, you fell, your head just hits a pebble and you get knocked over, die, oh no, dead, I don't think that's what happened, no, clearly That's what happened, uh, yeah. yes, she reshoots that clip, look like she died from a jade pebble.
I'm much smarter than this. I'm not going to die for that ugly thing. I heard you were eating my corn. Oh yeah, you know your corn is so obsessed with corn that there is no. corn jade i'm really excited yeah but after missing like 10 shots alex you need that key i don't know what to do alex is going to be okay the light is like missing every shot he takes with that sickle i thought you said he would miss yeah well that's it What I mean, you were still, what am I supposed to do? I'll miss nine out of ten shots and that was like the tenth shot.
There's your lucky shot. He finally did it. Whatever. AlexAlex. What I have is a shovel. Funk. My God. Oh, creepy, you sound a little rusty, you need oil, I'll oil you up, James Shade, you just like to use your own oils to oil, milk your oils, buddy, you need to milk your oils, she offered you her oils, come on, I know how stop the scarecrow. Do what I said, we should offer him a wife, oh yes, that's right, hey, drake, drake, we mr. scarecrow, who looks very ugly, have the perfect wife for you, jade, yes, you know what the material is of wife, that's right, someone called light, so Anyway, I would take it, although if it weren't dead, no, I'll take Jade Mars.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry Charlie took her away. Sorry man, you have to kill Charlie to get Jake. It isn't true. That's what he gets for killing lights, so I. took jade okay then what give me I'm going to kill you now I'm going to make you I'm going to make you an exchange I'm going to make an exchange I'm going to make an exchange what is this for you have the lollipop this lollipop right? It's not even a real one here, drake, I'm pretty sure that paddle is expired. No, I work 10 days on it. I have my own record here.
You see this corn maze popsicle. That? Why don't you describe it a little more? I'm confused, what do you mean the corn maze is well used but intrigued? I left my gun. These are all palettes in front of me. I thought it was a corn maze. So you're trying to say you suck your corn. God, I was distracted by the central lollipop. I have a gun. Whatever. I hate you, oh my God. Well, I'm not. I'm not going to be your wife anymore. Oh, I'm not worthy. No. Oh my God. Of course i am. I'm so sorry for killing you, gasp, wait guys, who's the scarecrow?
Well I don't know, I think it's Charlie, but I also think Jade and Drake are just friends now, so make your move, I can't let anyone can, oh my god. I was kidding she's on the kill oh yeah right I found one I have a crossbow but someone else should take it because I don't know how to use it and the last time I died we didn't have a shovel why didn't we? We all come to this place. Are you kidding me? Why didn't we have shovels? I'm dead I'm dead too She killed us all Oh, are we really that bad at the game?
When we go to an area, you need a shovel. None. of us have the shovel we are fools alex imagine you are walking in the forest right yeah and then you see this walking towards you from the trees if there are more of us we can join him and he can't defeat us all at once oh my god, what's going on? Get ready to hit him as soon as he wakes up to prepare against him, he can't kill us all at once, he can't kill us all at once, well he might as well die yeah. oh no it's jade I haven't seen jade what's wrong where are you oh she's right behind you where oh oh she's stunned alex don't run to her oh my god alex saved me wow just for saying that alex I'll let you live one Well that Has no sense.
I also thought Zach was annoying. Yes, no, don't try it. No, no, it doesn't work like that. If you guys really make it this round, can I eat his corn? Oh wait, no, now it's jade. that's my corn now I hate you oh yeah I'm lying I'm sorry guys I'm a terrible liar I really need to stop I'm so sorry guys Charlie let me grab some of that popsicle I'm trying to fix this there it is . light and charlie jd oso no one after being so weird what was that disgusting sound? yeah, kill charlie, hurry up, kill her, she's going to escape, kill her killer, charlie, you can escape, it's just one more reason number one, one reason why she should kill you.
I'll be frank with you about how wonderful your corn is and then you'll make a lot of money when you sell them the currency. It's not really for sale. Oh oh yeah, you're right. Its not for sale. It's so strange. a little demon crawling towards someone else like he's going to get them, like I say, get your souls, your soul is ours, oh, I shot him, run, run, run, it's okay, so we get the shovel, I got the board, it's okay, hurry up, up guys, come on, come on. go, go, go, move, okay, I've got the board, I've got the board, I'm not going to fail this time, I have to play because of that stupid mistake you just made, I don't know how that happened, I ran away, I barely ran away waiting for you oh my god I did it you're so dumb charlie you're so dumb oh my god you're so dumb oh my god I just broke my game my game crashed because I hit my computer what is it no it's not a bird it was making a scarecrow noise You idiots, scarecrows don't make noises, I don't know, I mean, I just imagine that's what they would sound like if they were real and they couldn't, don't try again, try again. okay, wrong sound, yeah, okay, scarecrow, scarecrow, scarecrow, that sounds more believable, whatever it is, who has the blue key, yeah, yeah, I'm right behind her, wait, look at those bright blue lights bright on the scarecrow, oh, yes, yes, you want. touch them no what's going to die hey alex stay away from me you stink why don't I smell like blueberries don't you smell like corn you have it like you have drake I wonder if this farm is run down because no one wants corn with blueberries it's very delicious rotten corn it's not hey i fixed it i see you want to get out of here hurry up come on hey drake oh my god you're so bad zach this is embarrassing buddy i'm targeting you so who's stupid now eh who's stupid now yeah yeah i win blueberry scarecrow claims victory .

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