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The Roblox Haunted Daycare!

May 27, 2021
Hey guys don't forget to subscribe because every time you subscribe you keep some bold baby from exploding see guys that's what happens when you don't subscribe so make sure you subscribe right now. I have to go, have fun, please don't. Let me be quiet, I'll be back, I mean, soon go and play with that teddy bear, goodbye sister, everyone took care of us and we're all bald, it's worse than that, we're all bombed, oh no, we should rub our bald heads. together for good luck, okay, wait, if this is a



, where is the


thing that's supposed to try to kill us? wait a minute, I don't see anything, you must be missing someone, oh my god, wait guys, it's my teddy bear, Mr.
the roblox haunted daycare
Fat, Fat, he's friendly. he would never kill someone and that's why Charlie go hug him look he would never kill someone oh my god no you're fat fat people give the best hugs come here I can talk to him guys I can talk to him , wait, okay, okay. He has never been so evil Mr. Peppa why does he do this? I thought we were friends, we were more friends than friends, that's why I went on a killing spree in the second round, no, no, kisses, you want to kiss him, oh God, yes, by youlight. Stop that stupid music, come back here, crawl and invest, boys, this is my fault, I'm the one who wanted to say fat, fat, from the tour shop, only I can do this right, wait, Mr.
the roblox haunted daycare

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the roblox haunted daycare...

Fat, Fat, I need to talk to you, let's talk. one last time instead of killing each other and if we kiss you know what you're not really fat in my eyes you're stupid oh my god I'm done with you kill me frank you're Mr. fat fat you were just distracting me rub that bald head for good luck alex zach distracted me for too long yeah I'm sorry, I'm sorry guys, but Jack is like, but actually Zack, could you distract me a little more from Jack, like no, but Light, I'll distract you tonight. Okay, round two, Light, I know.
the roblox haunted daycare
Charlie may be thicker like a teddy bear, but you can't run into her and die, okay, you guys say she's thick, no, yeah, but she's evil, yeah, she'll kill you, wait, come on, Charlotte, oh My God, resist as if there were no sticks. no sticks the light couldn't resist I couldn't I'm not going to open things yeah that's my key to my snack drawer no snack drawers I'm going to get your snacks charlie wow oh thank you, thank you guys, where's the blue door? It's at the beginning I already opened it oh thank you here goes who has the key you had the key all this time are you kidding me?
the roblox haunted daycare
Give me all your money or look where this thing is going I said, give me all your money Alex or else or what or else I'm leaving here no, oh wait, I don't know this way guys, this way we go, I know where you don't know the sims that the sims are sick sorry, yes, sorry, jack save yourself I have a key for each other what color pink oh here you listen open it oh because we are much better at games than in life stay away from them jax let me kill you you won't kill me it's 50 seconds oh my god where?
Do I have the key code? I have the key code. We need a black key. I haven't seen a black key. Oh, now that I just need to find my way home, wait, they ran away without me? Yeah, look at me, guys. I'm a big teddy bear what I want to see I want to see she looks like hey don't kill me okay I'll help you I'll help you find them I hope we get somewhere but we'll find them together don't worry about what you're not really going to help me I'm going to tell you jay is going crazy alex you have to talk to jake calm her down alex it's up to you please jade remember uh remember when um we don't have no good times together remember remember when um uh don't hear alex your head is very bald and shiny someone seriously just I was stunned I did it You're right Look at her She's so stunned Shut up Look at me Why aren't they dazzling Dying light has something to tell you, yeah, what's it like?
Shut up, shut up, I hate this game, I hate it so much, oh, we hate you even more, gasp, well, I hate you more, even though I'm nothing more than what you just said, okay. Maybe we'll be safe this time are those, yeah, oh my god, everything, you just smelled bald heads, really back here let me lick your bald head, no, I mean, no one's licking my bald head, like no, My head looks bald, except no one. No, no one is licking my bald head, but I literally saw a light lick your bald head like, Alex, please, I'm scared, your last words, look, it's scary, I told you so, I hope they hug you to death, oh wait, you can pass by.
I, yeah, that was amazing, Charlie, wait, what is that? Where are you? He just wants to hug them. Wow guys, what do you know, everything's at peace again, oh, is that it guys, who is it because I'm doing push-ups. You just saw me rub my head. It didn't even work, get away from me, sausage legs, you died. I really don't feel like dying a little today. No, no, thanks for asking, although I don't know, I have you, yes, you. I wanna die so yeah yeah no yeah yeah okay I got you yeah hey jack hi jax I got the key hi jax I put the key in y'all just need the kiko my little ears teddy bear can hear a lot of things, but yeah, but your teddy bear eyes can't see anything, you just get lost like people are running past you, I'm just a blind bear, leave me alone, done, yeah , yeah, oh come on guys escape, that means Charlie won't see free robux in that room. charlie charlie charlie no oh my god yeah you're still broke and you're dead yeah the two worst deaths

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