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The HARDCORE 4 CORNER Challenge!

Jun 27, 2024
brother, self-pickup pain. that's actually 500 IQ. I'm not even angry. I'm not even angry. No, that's so clever. No because I just left all my inventory in your. You're okay, what do you have? I have no healing, no shields, yes I can. Say it because you're in the desert, you try, I see you, I see you, GTI simulator. Winter definitely has he can't sit still or something like and has the floor is lava, oh, this guy, whoever has the guy with the Galaxy, yeah, the Galaxy. guys about me, he's actually like no he's bad, yeah, I mean, he doesn't have mats, but by the way, he doesn't have mats.
the hardcore 4 corner challenge
I'm definitely teaming up right now. This guy is coming, he has to go, oh, he's fine, he's fine, oh brother, he was close, brother, he got in. Oh, God, he was in. There buddy, I'm locking myself in again, good luck, hey, good luck buddy, we'll catch him in the end, where's my shield? Oh, there we go, wait, does this cure me? Yes, okay, this is good, thank heaven that heals me. I need to try to get some white medicine in here because I'm, oh, I'm low, I'm low, there are probably still barrels around here. I trust the barrels, that's fine, man, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing.
the hardcore 4 corner challenge

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the hardcore 4 corner challenge...

I'm just eating to eat buddy what's going on disappear bro oh this looks like an action I want to get involved in wait so I can't heal but Winter is taking the healing medallion. I think so, so the ending is screwed here, he's not there. the desert he's looking for barrels to sip on I think there's someone here brother who's here hello oh I'm dead I'm dead uhoh oh it couldn't end forever oh no oh no no no there's no healing there's no healing by the way They're hitting me right now with the fists, bro, and the Zone ain't headed south, yeah, yeah, it's Fist City, oh no, he got good mats, but the guy just gonna do it unless, oh, wow, who is this guy ?
the hardcore 4 corner challenge
I need, I need to heal, man. He's a different guy, he's very excited about this, do you know what I need to get out of here? I need to get out of here bro oh SLP truck wait that slurp truck could be huge dude gimme this delicious so good hey where is this? over the beach, boy to friend, I don't know if I want to kill him, maybe try to let him become one of One V. I'm looking for people, bro, I'm looking at this terrain, okay, it's not even. the ground maybe the underworld is where I want to be okay that's an AI yeah GG we'll take it every day of the week oh he had gotten angry.
the hardcore 4 corner challenge
I just got blessed by an AI. Alright, eight left, brother. No I don't know where Winter is, but I want to get back to that, um, the action there, bro, oh, that's an AI, oh, wait, who is that? Well here we go, he can't be cured, he's got his 200, he needs to keep this up as long as he can, yeah this is all the health he's got, if I were him I'd be hiding, I can't lie, oh no bro, It doesn't hide. I'm chasing this guy, there's an AI right here, but I'm chasing him. this player, hey buddy, what's up man?
Okay, here we go crazy, we go crazy, oh no, oh no, oh no, he's just taking a piece, oh, here we go, hey, what are you without the gloves, buddy, what are you without the cuffs, come on Oh? No he caught it no buddy no you're not doing that to me but my god bro I'm back to 1 HP and I can't heal bro what is this


? Oh no, he's literally at 50 health, he can't heal. winter is chilling man, he's got mythic AR, he's got the medallion, he's got full health, pop, seven situations, dude, he's one of them with his own Wastelander


, maybe he can't stop moving or he doesn't have a shield.
I hit Rebo a little. Treat like discreet run it this will work fine this this will work this will be fine buddy I'm running out of real estate at this point where my shield is Barrel I don't know where everything is oh here's one yeah there you see he found one he didn't get it , oh my god bro, he didn't even get over it, dude, oh that's a rip off, I needed that shield bar, give me the shield, I'll take anything right now, I really don't. I know this point of interest very well. I don't know where the shield barrels are.
Okay, we're in the top five three Alha players besides me and oh, let's get up that hill. In fact, it's a nice hill to be on, so I can. stand on this, okay, oh, okay, I can't stay there, but I can stay here, come on, where are the people? That's Rattle Royale 80 down dude, what's blood? I think he is doing something stupid oh no, I don't like this. forever oh winter verse finished wait we'll finish it early I don't know if this is the fight you want buddy just broke up with me oh this is going to be I don't like this D can you just touch me and I'm dead what oh there's only one other guy left , yes, he is a real player and he is using and he is using the mythical car.
Mythical car with Black Knight skin. Okay, is there a car down here, buddy? I'm so confused about what's going on now yeah, no, sick, that's a car, yeah, that's one of the other players, come on, come on, we got this guy, come on buddy, shoot, that's him dead, hyper, Flint down, oh, we got all the medallions, all the mythical ones, oh, we. they're locked in for this 1v finale dude this is a stressful fortnite game right now i'm really rooting for him over here but i don't see a world where he pulls this off bro i got nothing you gotta find a campfire here, let me, I'm going to message you real quick, I'll find you like a campfire, oh friend, my goat, yeah, if you go to the top left, there's a campfire on the beach, okay, yeah, until up to the left.
Upper left Zone oh you pulled right no, no, the new Zone, the new Zone has one, the new Zone has one, very good, huge CS, CS. I like this one, it's a one V one about the winter verse, who will make it happen. Yes, it's time I can. "I still don't get it right, the new Zone has a barrel and a campfire. I need this. I need to get the campfire and then I need to get the barrel and I might have a chance here. Oh, I almost broke them. Feed that baby. Feed that that me." m I'm stressed right now, but I have to make sure, it's me versus winter, here it is okay, okay, let's go back to 100, I think it gets 130, I think there are three barrels here from memory, okay, we have a little Health 120, that's all. we have we are stacked if I lose this somehow I will be surprised we just don't need to touch the floor the floor is lava for us we can live without the floor you know we can build he won't notice I really hope where is Winter brother?
Where is Winter brother? Where is the? Where is Winter? He's, he's hanging around right now. I see it, what is he doing in the reboot? oh 100 no oh my god wait it's going in oh I can't touch the floor I can't touch the Floor N Winter's got the Nitro bro. I'll be terrified because he was over 30, oh oh, I'm being that I can. Don't touch the ground, oh my god, the wind is taking damage to the ground. 13 Cheers, he's panicking, oh, I'm, I'm being, I'm being dusted. I'm, oh my God, it's over, oh, come in, come in, come in, oh my God. no, why did I make the second brother? no, oh no, oh my god, Wasteland, the challenge, complete the terrain is lost, what no, there's no way, bro, there's no way he was that close, bro, I just shot him with a trick, dude, I thought that it was over. all played when I'm all played oh dear GG friend of GG

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