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I Played Fortnite for 100 Days

Apr 20, 2024
one day in


is equivalent to 18 minutes in the real world and today we are going to play 100


on a new


account the goal is simple can we get from level one to fully unlocking our fortnite battle pass those of you who can? doing math 100


in fortnite is 30 hours this video took 30 hours so consider using codeloki in the fortnite item shop. Well, on the first day I took a look at that map that is completely unexplored knowing that this is our first game on a new account. I knew it. that this match would be filled with absolutely nothing but Bots, that's some juicy XP right there, oh look at that 4K XP before we start our adventure, time to clean up the city though.
i played fortnite for 100 days
I'm making a conscious effort to try to get as much as possible. gold as I can too because I'll need it for later, let's go to level two, once I cleared the Slappy shops of all the players and frogs, I'll take a taxi and go explore all the snow buyers now. As far as exploration goes, I want to try to explore the entire snow quadrant. This game, let's see how we go. I knew it, man, this is really a part. Lobby, oh this guy had a crown, yeah, this. I'm in a game with a guy who won a game I have reason to believe that this is not a real player okay boss GG we are going well one day in fortnite one Crown Royal hey there we go we have the glider we are already on our way to level seven let's how How many Crown Royals do you think we'll have at the end of this?
i played fortnite for 100 days

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i played fortnite for 100 days...

Leave a comment below. As much as I like the locky skin, from now on we'll be using whatever skin we're on in the day two battle pass. I started pretty well and in these first few days my goal is to try to complete as many challenges as possible, especially the ones that expire soon because I won't be able to get them back now, this is only my second game so of course you will get people like this, the games continue being pretty easy and of course we'll walk away with our second Corona victory in our second game and we're already coming out of our first skin in the battle pass.
i played fortnite for 100 days
Well, you will notice that over the days we will change quite a bit, now not only do you have to take into account a large amount of challenge XP that is coming, you also have to take into account this supercharged XP if you don't know. How Supercharged XP Works Essentially every time you don't play a day of Fortnite, your daily challenges accumulate into Supercharged XP and for each day you miss it, it is compiled and combined. I've never done this before and I don't know how. how much you get per day so I don't know when it will end but it will end.
i played fortnite for 100 days
The big question is can we go three at a time and, uh, the answer is oh no, at this point, well, really, I like a pretty hard ELO. So we have some players and we go from winning to not winning. Day six definitely started off a little rough, I got a little lucky with this one, but you know how we do, we're working hard to get as many Crown Royals as we can. for this video and somehow this guy doesn't get angry and what we're doing is a lot of progress on the battle pass right now so I started when I went live on Twitch that's right I stream on Twitch now you guys can follow it by the way. Lachlan I actually streamed most of the series on Twitch so you can see it's not fake, but yeah, there are some streaming snipers in here, a couple of bad ones, a couple of good ones, a couple of really good ones um, okay, we're already at level 20.
Well, a fifth of the way there will surely be easy. I was wrong anyway, we ran into a real OG grinder, except he couldn't get all the gold, so rest in peace, my boy respects that, even though he got further than me. I probably noticed that there are a lot of mistakes in this season, one of my favorites is this one, yeah, no, no, I love it when I can see a super zoomed-in version of myself, it's actually super sick, although it's okay because we're just getting started. a whole new day with a whole new look, but you know, we make some memes here and obviously an air base was needed for the broadcast chat and someone was there to join me.
Where are we aiming? This guy right here oh no, I missed it. It's a lot like discovering places on the map, if you actually chat with NPCs for the first time you'll get a pretty decent amount of XP and end up on day 10 of a free Victory Royale, but that'll be number four for crowns, look now. However, it's getting to the point where I'm running out of challenges and it's actually going to get difficult. I was right, but this battle pass keeps moving. They say 13 is an unlucky number. Well, I want to show you my 500 IQ strategies, oh oh, that's true.
I died by default on the 13th. The thing about my Twitch chat is that I have a group of people with high IQs who also come up with great ideas, like for example, there is a challenge to block shots by holding the guardian shield , but most players stop firing their gun as soon as they take out the shield, they even came up with an idea to abuse the AIS that way, it's so cool, so we got a quick Shield XP because the name of the game is XP and that will be a new page in the battle pass for the 17th. and now we welcome our first teammate to the Power Rat series, it's actually Luna, but for some reason I wanted to change her name to rat , now Luna is a Pro Player signed by proxy, so this one is a bit of a cheat because the victory hours become a bit easier if you go Pro Player on your team, if I have to get the Pro players to reach the level 100, we're doing it and guess who we see in our first maker game, how.
Great this is making me starve for loser fruit you know she even offers me a hug and the funny thing is we were both about to take out our shotguns and shoot each other and of course Luna does this no that's what I was going to do. oh you saved me, you saved me brother, we were both about to shoot each other in the face and then he ran her over, that'll be one, oh, lose a fruit in this series, you'll see it again and you know Winter is a little crazy. dude kind of easy at the same time okay i've done it chat I'm a Twitch TV streamer now I shoot down Sky bases I missed every bullet that follow is disgusting even though the stream is interrupted by the losing fruit it's well we made it to get the dub and that will be our sixth Victory Royale now obviously the name of the game in this series is XP and part of that includes doing your daily challenges.
This is my first discovery in Creator XP mode and I did it mainly for challenge just to get my daily XP and it wasn't even that much but as you can see the XP gain rates in creative modes are crazy but not all They're the same, but there's one at the end that you'll want to look at, because it's actually crazy how much XP you'll get over the next day. Me and Little Grind Upson Gun Game uh he wins one yeah it's not a race effect run the game. I never thought that Neymar Jr would help me in this challenge. but he is thank you very much, one of my favorite numbers is 21 and that day someone built an amazing locky code sign.
This is your official reminder to use the locky code in the Fortnite item shop. Please help me pay for energy, it is expensive at a time. You're bossy and the glory of someone writing your code in Fortnite and then the next minute luciferuit attacks you in winter, except this time they do, well, Kath just shot me and killed me, that does it. 1-1 with me and luffu but she technically broadcast snipe so we have to do this bullying abusive gameplay power loser fruit I don't want to do it in case I really follow them I actually do something even though I talk really. this report did absolutely nothing, although it's all good because we're getting another dub, another Crown victory, and a new skin in our battle pass, the Doom Slayer.
I'm actually killing it in battle, pass me some, we get a little board, so we decided to make some duo squads to make it a little harder and yeah, I had a lot of fun doing it for a real dog, so much fun all around anyway, day 25, congratulations, we're already a quarter of the way there now again, you're probably thinking this is a guaranteed challenge, but you're wrong and I'll show you why I'll actually be the most broke guy when I lose uber charge and just I don't know how long it will last, although it is good news, Chad.
I have almost discovered the complete map. I just need this little spot here and I'm done. Now we are supercharged. Currently I get 1500 XP per elim and that's really good, but in this fortnight I found the most innovative XP exploit for this series. and I'll be honest, it doesn't make any sense at all because it's this, oh my god dude, a berry is incited, that's right, each barrier I clear from this bush is 630 XP, each bush has four berries and they come in batches of three . fast bass bushes that are like seven and a half K XP per catch, very generated, so Luna and I go back to work a little, look how close this rock is to getting this fresh skin, oh him, so so close and then something very, very bad happens, oh, there's the chat.
Supercharged XP is gone, oh no, yes it's gone, that's right, the days of getting 1500 XP per kill are over every time I get a kill. I only get 250 now and now each Berry only gives a hundred my supercharged. XP ran out at level 38 and that's really bad, but we're at seven Crown wins now, so that feels great too. Day 28 was quite different, um, yeah, no, let me show you who this other guy is, okay, let me clarify. the whiteboard no, no, no, I can't do it to all of you, you were right, why did I trust them?
I suggest everyone keep an eye out for botches in their next game over the next few days. I decided to hang out in creative mode. XP rates. they're at least the same as Battle Royale and I just wanted a different change of pace play a small gun game play a small hole play whatever was popular and it was fun because I


power maps and they weren't really giving out much XP So that was it. that I called Boomer, who runs all of our Fortnite maps, and said, "We need to get more XP on our maps," so we did, but you'll see that later, but now that we're back on Battle Royale Island. and I'm with MAO and MC creamy and we're not really going to work with XP here we just have a little fun and do a little trolling you know we make some memes here on the channel and we found this bug where you could spawn a lot of fish and we wanted to see if we could spawn so many fish that we could crash someone's computer oh wait guys no wait where did it go? oh wait, you know, frames go where the fish are ready for it.
It's unreal bro, well I'm trying to get creepy, it's true, we made this guy's device fail. I don't know if it's on Xbox or PC, but I can't hang up. I would sum it up as a skill issue and while taking out the mythical boss in the Citadel, I realize that I got 2000 XP for killing that guy. Gotta kill this guy every game, not for the big Nerf XP we'll take 2K, especially if we can do that every game. with a capture the flag that will give you 500 and yes, I will also hunt the llamas because they are giving 500 XP.
Hunting wildlife is also a pretty meta way to get XP, we're starting to get efficiency. of XP and Battle Royale went down a little more and that will mark another page in our deleted battle pass, we are updating to White Doomslayer NOW luckily I lost my friends and we are back to solos, but we took a dub on the first one. one and that will be the 13th Victory Royale crown. I have full intensive purposes. Creative mode will be like our Dragon Ball Z Time Chamber because you go in there, train, get a lot more XP, and come out a better player.
At least that's what I tell myself every time I'm there because after the Time Chamber we will come out with a new page in the battle pass and that officially marks the halfway point, but we have to work because we don't . i have that supercharged xp so we are talking w w and after some challenges we will get a whole new skin; However, unfortunately I can't find the images for the next few days, so we move on to the next page of the battle pass. which means we have to play with this, a Crown Royal 18 update, it's in creative mode, we're actually going to hit the well here, which is giving out some pretty good XP rates, we're getting like 5K XP per shot at head.
The key with this one is definitely trying to get those headshots for the extra XP, but unfortunately the Creative XP only lasts so long, so this time we're back to Duos with my brother. You know, the Crown Royals are a little bit easier if I'm playing with some friends, so that's exactly what I tried to do in the second half because with the days left we're shortening it a lot to see if we're really going to pull this off, speaking If I don't do things, unfortunately I die. but it's okay because now everything depends on my brother and, unfortunately, by losingraces in the family, I had three HP, three at the end of this day and we'll do that too, why not?
You know, you know, it will be our twentieth Crown Royale. I think the goal is to try to get at least 30. One for every hour of Fortnite we have


. I think it's a pretty good goal. The next day, while working for group 21, we meet this very epic streaming player. They shot us all the way, built us an amazing love heart, took the selfie and then used them as clay pigeon shooting for Crown Royal number 21. Now the next day was a very terrible situation. I had no mats or health and was Cornered by two different teams, but a lovely sniper came to save the day and I was able to quickly escape while being chased by two different teams, unfortunately, I ran into another team and this team was quite interested in the chase, let's take a break here I have zero mats I don't even have 100 health I am effectively dead there is no way I can get out of this but what if I told you there is a way out?
Thanks for doing the injections. Greetings to Castro and Reginald. I was actually crying at this point and I made sure to treat it. My snipers are very good at killing them and taking them out of the game. Now you're probably wondering if we won this game and the answer is no, all that hard work for nothing. A new day of Fortnite generated new creative XP. Time to get some crazy XP in the head, look at those 8K pops, they don't last forever, although I only lost three or four and then they ran out, it's a quick little injection of some XP because we're barely on track to reach our goal at this point in the video, I'm really worried if we're going to do this now, after we exit the Time Chamber, we get a new look on our battle pass and that's really cool and everything looks pretty good. except the next day we encountered everyone's worst nightmare a hacker but my brother thought he had removed the hacker and started removing the L and then was quickly reminded that he didn't so after my brother I did a new reset, let's press it now. a look at the top left at my brother's health and in three two one is completely dead now in the chat it says it's a marksman rifle it's a DMR these don't reach 200 so I have to be very careful by pushing the enemy.
I guess this isn't actually hacking what they're doing, they just turn off the modem and then try to shoot you and then turn it back on and while you're frozen they just stack four bullets in your head, but it's okay, because my chat was able to alert me that the hacker was actually dead. Oh the hacker died L hacker L hacker chat imagine hacking and dying imagine cheating and still losing it can't be me that will be a win Royale and actually Crown Royale number 22 Now with the audience number 22 on the books it's Time to do some solos, that's exactly what we did.
Actually, this is a new day of Fortnite and a Duff is going here for a cheeky victory which is 24. Now we go back to. Duos with the power rat, as I mentioned above he is a pro player so wins will stack up pretty easily while collecting berries for XP, someone wanted to ruin the party again, that's right, the losing fruit wanted 1 vs. 1 and you know what I. I'm losing four even though I'm risking a Crown Royale here, I'll do it no, no, no, I just won, come on. I celebrated so much I lost my headphones. Shout out Hyperx, by the way, I want to see it.
Link in description yes they are trying to celebrate it so hard that I died in the storm and didn't get any victory in the Crown, in fact we didn't get any victory because Luda lost her wish. I'm going to tell you what this little guy could really be. pretty washed up and that's because on day 85 we actually played a team challenge with MAO Lannon and MC Creamy it essentially came down to a 1v1 between Ludo and I, if I won I got 500 bucks but yeah just cast take a look and be careful, oh. learn it's okay because in the next game we have a dark team that is from our power Discord, we are still putting out some pretty heavy shoes, sorry, so we were saved by a gold shell and a real one, it is head to toe in gold, but what? how many crowns did he get?
Damn, it's crazy because I thought there would be more, but it's still very impressive. His name is literally Crown Grider, by the way, speaking of crowds, although we won't be able to get one here today and that will be goodbye. Darker Roo because I decided to reload some doors with my brother, but lo and behold, we do threesomes and we actually have it again, what's up? That's really crazy, yeah, that's crazy, right now, we actually have a dub, I like to believe. This person was creating a lucky sign code, but he's okay, we have to try hard here, we don't have enough time to mess around.
This time I got the dub with Dark Guru, which is 27 crowns. This person decided to create a great ad, I think. They wanted me to add it, I'm not going to lie, I think my tracking is pretty good here, huh, but it's not about the tracking that makes this clip important, it's because we got to level 93 and that's important because that's the Ageless slow scrolling oh they have the skin now we just need to get the edit style right tier 93 we have the best tier 100 skin we've had in fortnite for a long long time first time I think in eight nine or ten seasons he hasn't had it.
It hasn't been a third party, you know, collaborative design which is really cool, we love the story of Fortnite, yeah, the first game with Ageless, we're going to do some work here, uh, grinding out more wildlife because that's where There is XP. I shoot my brother on a rocket ride, but then of course I'll go 1v1 to win. Unfortunately, I lose, but it's okay because my brother wins. We now have an upgrade to our creative XP and instead of just getting shot. and you know, not making any progress, these guys decide to let me shoot them in the head for easy XP.
We have a week of fortnite days to get approximately three levels in fortnite. I took one of them off the screen, so anyway, quick work of those dailies to make a level 98 to start, come on 98 I don't know why, but I have a chocolate chip to celebrate, no, it's a long way, you want to reward yourself along the way, yes, we make quick work of this solo and that will be Crown Number Party, that's right, we got at least 30 wins for 30 hours of fifteen days. I'm very happy with about an hour and a half to get two levels, but I think I know what I can do to make this happen.
The plan is simple. let's go to Lucky Blocks, our own Lucky Blocks, it's at its peak right now, there are only a few people, but every time we break a Lucky Block it's like searching through a berry tree, so that's right after discovering that the XP rates were really bad on On our creative map, I had them buffed, and Boomer on the power creation team did a great job because now you get like three paid XPS on the head and since I recorded this video, They have been improved further. Look at that 10,000 XP per non-supercharged elimination wait can you hear me oh wow legit comment oh I finally got it I got my mic open that's bad just being here just recording yeah yeah no yeah no that's fair enough well , my daily XP is here so we have to bounce You guys want to get crazy XP too be sure to load Lucky Block into the game and don't forget to support us too with the power of code so close to the end and I can almost taste it so we'll get some of these. dailies out of the way spending all our gold farming all those berries getting all those kills getting all those dubs that's right full piece btw GG 21k What you have to do to get there is survive six people, that's right, day 99, here we are.
I think if I search for enough chests, I'll also get it one day in Fortnite One Crown Royal, we're already on our way to level seven, let's go. We are a fifth of the way through as we begin a new day, a new mask. Look, now it's getting to the point where I'm running out of channel challenge. Oh, there's the supercharged XP gone. I got 2000 XP for killing that guy I have to kill this guy every game okay there it is so it's chess that's it give it to me and that's it ladies and gentlemen the story is complete we go from level one to level 100 in 99 days of Fortnite and it's time to reap the rewards, here we are going to unlock the last so-called level 100 style of weapons for Ageless, ah, what a champion, what an absolute champion, and here is the last day of fifteen days in our level 100 skin.
Well, welcome, it will be my last game. on this account let's show them who the real king is, straight elements, come on, what a fitting end zone the Citadel is, 100 days of a fortnight and it ends in the foreign castle, oh my god what the hell I couldn't get over any of my damn raps oh oh well sometimes you can go all the way but you can still lose control, yeah no it's amazing

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