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The Great Subway Jalapeño Scandal

Mar 27, 2020
Well I just have to say I've had enough, you guys may have heard of this cool little family business called Subway, yeah this is what Subway is cool about, okay I've tried most of it for you. Part of it they just put out sliders, those are pretty horrible, Brad is a little limp and the meat is very moist and the guacamole looks like poop moly if you know what I'm saying, but for the most part the


is pretty lit I guess I take the


. all the time I have like six inches it's like a few dollars in hell it's not that many calories and what do I get in that sandwich every time I hang out put some


os in you guys like


os right it goes


in a sandwich and they're very tasty, so I've been noticing for quite some time that it seems like every time I put some jalapenos on my Subway sandwich I'm biting into a big, hard stem.
the great subway jalapen o scandal
I'm talking about it very hard. shitty inedible part at the top of the pepper that any sane person would throw in the trash after cutting the pepper, but my experience with the subway jalapeño stem seems to have transcended location, status, hell , I can't escape the damn thing now, some of you might come up to me and say "okay, see you later Gus, this is probably not worth making a video about, okay, I hear you valid point if I can make a very concise counterargument, why don't you take a bite of it for me?" because this is worth making a video for, okay, so just to show you that I'm not going crazy today, we're going to go out on the town and eat a bunch of Subway sandwiches, all with jalapenos, and we'll do it. count together how many sandwiches have stems, but in that picture you name a princess minute no adjustment here we are kids, first stop, but only jalapeño and honey sandwich, place number 2, white sandwiches 5 feet long, meter number three, only jalapenos on every sandwich, place the last meter of the day, thanks guys, kitchen where we are at the forefront of discovering the latest in the fast food industry.
the great subway jalapen o scandal

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the great subway jalapen o scandal...

Here I present 20 Subway sandwiches purchased at various locations in the Los Angeles area. All of these sandwiches have one shared characteristic. I asked for jalapenos on them I didn't ask for additional jalapenos, this is the regular amount of jalapenos they gave me, but every subway worker behind us here we have the board where I will be saying in each day of the calendar boxes how many stems of jalapenos I find in each sandwich here is the information that I will present to you today about these twenty sandwiches, what percentage of them have stems and how many stems in total I found in my 20 Subway sandwiches.
the great subway jalapen o scandal
Ah, without further ado, let's get started. Listen guys, I get it, I'm a number one holy sandwich. Bing Bing Bing from the beginning one two boo-hoo-hoo this almost makes the cut, but she clears two stems for sandwich one, well what do you know? It's a landmine-free sandwich. stalk once time for sandwich number three number four one stalk oh my god ladies and gentlemen two stalks three stalks these are big boy stalks too you can't eat this is indigestible I'm not looking for that please don't look for that that's a quote from Danny but three stem sandwich because it was a good year I was a junior in high school sandwich five one stem two stem there's not even pepper in this this is just a pure stem three stem another pure stem for this one I should Come, but even I'm going to let it go.
the great subway jalapen o scandal
This is going to get on the radar. That's four stems to Sam's five. Now you can see that I'm not crazy. Okay, no laughs. What is this look at this disgusting burnt stem? Don't eat that Simon, look at that Brodie, each other, pure stalk to death's black ass, stalk three four, look at those five disgusting five stalks in sandwich six, sandwich seven, I'm in heaven, it doesn't matter, here's a shell one two, Joe here he comes. the number eight right outside the door, it's the things we hate, yeah there's a stem one, just one stem on the number eight, okay can I just say we carried eight sandwiches and only one sandwich has no stems, there's a piece stem just a cool stem, what is this?
Well, it's a big piece of stem, this isn't a stem and I won't count it, but that's disgusting, four stems in a sandwich, nine, boom, one, two, three and four, holy shit, that's a disgusting stem, it's okay, we got here, look. here guys, it's a whole stalk pointing right at you - oh my god, it's a smorgasbord of stalks three four five oh my god, these are disgusting, look at this, this is from a sandwich, right here, look at this disgusting, look That, it's like a landmine with each other. bite and here's another nasty six hey, what do we have here?
Mom's cooking some dinner, looks like we're having stems tonight guys, hey we've got number 14 in the building, looks like she's stuck to the brim with a stem, am I right guys? look at this ass that looks like a stem here one that doesn't turn that's how Squidward walks one two look this isn't a boy again I'm halfway there getting closer just so you can see what I'm looking at here for all of you at home I think that I'm exaggerating, first, I'm the second, this is what I'm talking about, although this is literally inedible, disgusting, this is a complete weed in your sandwich, okay, we're in the bottom five. we have a stemless sandwich and that one was possibly like oh stem right here, one stem Oh look, here's your damn Bob, the tomatoes, the whole damn head right here, folks, see that stem right there, 3, okay, three sandwiches at number 15, there are 16 there. come on, three sandwiches, ah, shut up, blow here, they used to say that in the '50s, before they learned curse words, three before this, crayons were my most expensive video and it was like, I think, ninety dollars or something So, ladies and gentlemen.
I am witnessing the most expensive Gus video of all time and I dare say it is the stupidest Gus video ever returned to you. The guy with the pillow spread still exists. Hey, I'm going to kill you. I will return it. Oh my gosh, just take a look at this. You see it? and of course, friends at home, this is not a squeaky clean Tom Bergeron AFV jalapeno, what you're eating is rotten weeds, there's another one, two, three, hey, it's a banana pepper and ask for that guy, that shit is going Accumulating very well, just three more. open it up, oh, here we go, look at that stem and here's two, right there, okay, let's get into some of these examples so people don't think I'm just cheating and just making it up, look at this.
It may look like a normal jalapeño at first glance, but it's the tips of some of these. Look, that's a complete stem. This is some hard, nasty ass. You remove it immediately. Look, it's a stem phone. Here's another one. Same thing, friend, half the stems. I'm fine and they're not even connected to actual pieces of edible jalapeno. It's literally just the stem. How does this happen? Here's another one for a sandwich. To the left of the subway, it doesn't look good. I'm making the jalapeno. counting just a weekly jalapeno Kevin for you perfect, you know what I'd be like, yeah I was about to leave, sighs, wait, we run a lot, okay guys, come on, he's here in good shape, he's small, he's just more than Wow Wow, hear this.
It's the last sandwich Eddie is here, he hasn't been present in this experiment so far, stalk right at the end of the piece there and here's another stalk right there, you see that bad beauty, oh wait, oh, we have a stalk of last minute buzzer three three one two three okay buddy I'm going to ruin your line flippin here I just realized you're a doctor okay Eddie so I bought 20 sandwiches of these 20 sandwiches how many do you think what percentage what percentage Do these have jalapeño stems? Well, I saw I mean, you just showed the last one, yeah, so I'll do that, even before I'd seen that one, I would have guessed that in 20 sandwiches, when you said it was a big deal, maybe you'd find like 12, 12 sandwiches, No.
The usual 12 stems and all the sandwiches are fine because you're already saying there's a big problem, but then I thought of three, so yeah, 100% dude, 95% of these, literally one sandwich out of 20 had no stems. , these are the individual ones per sandwich stem. count six five four four four what the heck and unit for the difference that was at four different Meters okay because even let's say mister's waist training is this is how jalapenos are made and they deliberately say push the stem in there at least a employee I have to be like I can't do that, yeah, he's sitting like that, like on a conspiracy level.
I do it again. I'm excited about the fitness. I'm excited that this is some really good content for this part, but holy shit, I didn't. I think it's bad until they cut them at home so they can be shaped. So I really don't know who supplies them. It's the seal. That's where we found this. That's why they say we need more women in stem research. I don't think that's related. that's all dead yeah okay yeah yeah my follow up comes up there so after all was said and done on 20 sandwiches we found a total of 50 stems that's a lot of stems G dang which one is the lesson here?
Don't know. how to fix this subway with hell man I'll keep eating your greasy little sandwiches but get this crap out of my mouth this twist knows 2020 turn it off hello we're recording tests tests 2 1 2 I listen, I'm going to just Let's be honest with you right now. I just got off the road. I'm on tour right now. I've been on planes, trains, and cars for dozens of hours over the last week. Some of you might be like me, maybe you. You have the travel bug or maybe you have other downtime in your life, maybe you are a student who is now back to school and you are going to spend long hours in the art room, maybe you are an athlete who goes to the gym for hours straight. time I don't know you're not coming to my door I'm going to help you well listen we have downtime at all kinds of times of the day and what better way to fill that time while doing other things than by listening to something on audible, well let me tell you about audible. audible has an absolutely unmatched selection, including a huge number of original documentary series audiobooks that you can listen to and even some really entertaining shows through their audible originals.
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I don't know if you have read that book before. Don't read it. Listen to it on audible. They can do a lot more in audible. .com guys you're going to save a damn fortune and if you don't even want to visit you're out check it out you can text Gus who's G to 500 500 and you'll get the same amazing deal so listen up. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth. I think that's probably an outdated phrase. You heard it straight from Gus's mouth. Audible visit. Check the links in the description. Thank you so much to audible for sponsoring this video and thank you all for signing up.
Rod Ball. and supporting the channel, okay, see you in the future, some more memes. I'm going to take a steam shower and eat some instant ramen noodles, bye guys.

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