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The Future of Vehicle Recycling - Cars stripped, boxed and on eBay within hours!

May 24, 2024
when eBay invited me to come to what they believed was the most advanced car scrapyard in Europe, possibly the world, where the car goes from being removed from a reserved conveyor to a database, dismantled, inspected, parts packaged , those pieces are photographed and put up for online auction. They then packed it up, put it in a box, and put it on a shelf, all in the space of a few


. I said yes, I'd like to come and have a look at it, and there are two reasons why I used to come to the scrapyards. all the time when I was a kid and they were very, very basic, dirty, muddy places.
the future of vehicle recycling   cars stripped boxed and on ebay within hours
I want to see how life has changed and two crucial things: We throw away so many car parts unnecessarily and I feel like we should reverse that process and reuse more before a car is gone. take off to the big Crusher in the sky and that is the basis of this video. I'm going to see how all this stuff works in the real world in world 2023. I'm Johnny Smith, welcome to the late break show, thanks. You're a foreigner, this is how the


arrive, of course, on a truck, this one just arrived now and these


are going to go directly to this line here and this line here is actually where they get a barcode, they get a code of bars and their destination.
the future of vehicle recycling   cars stripped boxed and on ebay within hours

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the future of vehicle recycling cars stripped boxed and on ebay within hours...

It is decided and by that we mean the people, the experts decide what parts of those cars are worth, what is going to be kept, what is not and then, from there, they will immediately go this way, the first thing they will remove, the tires and the wheels, and then they're going to remove all your fluids and contaminated stuff up there, we'll go there in a second, so that's the first part once the car has the barcode, of course, it's in the system and you know exactly what is valuable and what To not get a better idea of ​​what goes on in this huge facility, I have a Whistle Stop Tour from Mark Trent, the CEO of Charles Trent Limited, okay, now what we're doing is we're starting to walk towards dismantling. facilities and what you will see here on the right side is just a waiting area for


s waiting to be deeply contaminated and then they go directly to the dismantling on the right so that all the forklifts that pick them up will accompany them here, so All of our forklifts elevators are electric so they are charged on site by our new bh1 facility which is solar controlled so our energy efficiency is really world class so all the solar panels on that huge new building around . 75 of this site and the only reason why 100 of the site is not working is because it's not actually connected to that solar because it's a pretty big site, so here we cut this is what we call the fuel farm um, so basically recovering the oils from the gasoline and diesel that we use in our forklifts.
the future of vehicle recycling   cars stripped boxed and on ebay within hours
Last year, 2022, the government decided to have one type of fuel and that was white diesel, so there was a discounted fuel with it. plant and equipment duty but that was removed in 22 so now we run all our cranes or anything diesel here but most of our stuff is all electric now yeah okay so you get a discount for the gasoline staff. you get a staff discount on fuel yeah so that's one of the benefits of the job so Johnny now what we're doing is we're moving into what we call deep pollution this is where we eliminate. all the fluid so we're removing the brake fluids the engine oils the fuel whether it's gasoline and diesel this takes about 15 to 20 minutes per


and that's so we can drain as much as we can obviously we're going to be We will dismantle in the next processes and what we don't want to do is have the oils and water fall all over the floor, yes it is quite clean, actually, yes, considering how many we do a day, I was going to see the oil being reused, you know, everyone is going to recycle, so everything that comes out of these vehicles is either reused or recycled, yeah, okay, so it's again another component of vehicles that people didn't realize is recycled, yeah, or is reused.
the future of vehicle recycling   cars stripped boxed and on ebay within hours
I have done all the preparation for the decommissioning now, so we have done the Depot one and we talked and talked about the Depot as well, so now we are in what we call the decommissioning and there are two types of disadvantages that we do, this is the high value , the large number of parts and they are all different vehicles or electric vehicles and also pickup trucks and four-by-fours, these are the vehicles that are dismantled in this particular area, it is a real hive of activity here where we are going. To focus on this now, this is a Tesla Model S damaged by an accident, we now know that salvage Teslas are valuable products, things like classic cars converted to EVS, they use battery packs and motors, but now we are going to try to follow to these guys.
There's a lot going on here to dismantle this car in the next five or six


, which is a big ask for a Tesla. They already have a shopping list of what they want from this car, knowing that they are expected to inspect it for damage. exists before it gets here, these code labels will be placed on all the parts, so they are preparing it to remove the interior doors, this gives the car its complete identification and the condition of the parts. The different thing from dismantling one of these is one of the Piston cars. Obviously, the main risk involved is electrical.
You can see that it is much more dangerous than a typical vehicle. We have high voltage stuff that, as you yourself know, you get. a shot of that yeah you don't want that no you don't have much time to do a lot of things yeah what are the main parts that come out of this particular car so we start with the panels to get the First we close the doors and then we start taking out the interior and then we work forward we start taking out the dash once everything is removed then we lift it up and start working on the electric motors and the battery okay cool let's get it on. some cameras somewhere and look at them so you can see that the Model S looks very different than it did an hour or two ago.
There are a number of pieces methodically stacked here, but this is the part. This is what really interested me. This is a bit. Now where we remove the motors, I believe this is a dual motor car and the battery pack, so how long does it typically take you to get a dual motor? Tesla removes the motors from the battery pack to finish, we can do it. eight hours, wow, no more than eight hours, if we do more than eight hours, we're hitting home runs, actually eight hours, oh, there we go, that's one of the main connectors, isn't it from the car to the backpack?
In this part, this is where the entire rear motor of the Tesla, the subframe assembly, comes out as one and once it's on the pallet, it will break down into its separate components, so the suspension will be removed from the motor itself, so that's it. the main engine in its entire subframe. Glory out of the car, it was only left with the front motor and then the steering rack and a couple of other parts, but that's the main part that's probably the most desirable along with a battery pack that just disappeared. somewhere in that way, so now we've moved into our production facilities and this is where we take the technology used to build the vehicles and basically reversed it, so this is the really new development, yeah, this, this.
This development was launched on August 22. Yeah, but it's been five years of development, so it's been a long time in development and we're still learning, so you know, we started in August. We've given ourselves about a year to get it right, so we have two, as you can see, we have two, two lines, yes, both exactly the same. The car starts here while a full vehicle continues. The escape continues. Exhaust, it goes down through the line, it goes through several stages and at each stage they do exactly the same thing at each stage, so going back to the barcode when we were at the inventory stage, yes, at each stage, the car is that car.
The thing is that the car on the computer, the computer then tells you oh, so it has screens, yes, yes, so this screen will tell this guy who is exactly suitable to take off the Civic, yes, while we, as we are, while we break down the vehicle. We are also bringing back high value commodities, the more aluminum the extremities of the wiring, yes, the heavier the steel, the heavier the iron, and as we go down the lines at each stage, it does exactly the same thing and They will recover exactly the same. The only difference is they could remove different parts at different stages, so there could be more someone, there are vehicles on average, we remove about 10 parts from each vehicle that passes through these lines, so this is like a car, since it is connected like this. logged into the system, yeah, the light comes on, so it's in green mode right now, so each operative has about 15 to 20 minutes to process their stage, um, if it goes to a low level, no , it's not much, so 15 to 20 minutes. to remove all the parts they need, so roughly we get off a vehicle every 20 minutes right now, so they all get out every 20 minutes, one gets out every 20 minutes, so three or three or four are processed per hour at this time.
So when it's green, it's basically the same thing, it's good, it just got going, yeah, when it goes to Amber, it's um, we're in the middle stages and when it turns red it means it should already be done there and obviously , Yeah. is flashing that means they want help getting someone else to give them somehow they're stuck on something so give them some advice I was going to say because every car is different every car is different you never know when you're going to have a stuck bolt or a problem, yes that's it, you are right, not all cars can be different, however, when you start doing multiples like we do every day, every week, we start to learn some of the fast routes, fast, okay, fast, you get things, you know, the cars that take longer, that take longer, yeah, right, so this is the victim that I'm going to follow the process.
This is a 2019 mini. a very young mini, it was run in but it still has a lot of parts and so far all it had was the fluids drained from the station that you see, and the wheels and brakes were removed. tires and then the battery was removed. It's where this incredible new advanced processor begins, like an assembly line but a disassembly line in a modern factory. At each workstation, the car's identification is scanned and labels are printed for each component that must then be removed for sale. The real skill. Here the clock is ticking and it is important to remove parts without damaging them, such as these complicated groups of rear lights on the mini, so it is crucial to remove panels such as the hood of the mini, not because they are recoverable but because later on in this line the engine needs to come out, making it easier to access, it goes to a cart to be recycled or, in some cases, there are pieces within that panel, like doors, for example, that will be specifically recovered elsewhere.
Plastics such as the hatch panel and wheel arch liners are segregated and end up in these separate bins, eventually they will be recycled to become other wheel arch liners; In other words, the car you drive probably has wheel arch liners made from another car's wheel arch liners, really new cars like the Minis here have great value in their interiors, which is why this particular Cooper would like They are removing everything inside. Technicians must decide which parts are sacrificial in order to access what they need to keep. You don't want to remove the levers unless you have to.
You will definitely go in the trash, basically the pieces you see being brutalized will not be resold, they will go directly to the


center. Trent's largest outlet is eBay, so they want to make sure the pieces they sell comply with eBay's Certified Recycled Green Parts program. or CPR, in other words, as a consumer, you combine the confidence of knowing that these parts are genuine OEM and that, in addition to fitting correctly, they have been triple checked to be of the highest quality as a used item, which basically means which are of the same quality as the parts your car was born with, but obviously contribute to less mileage and less manufacturing CO2 compared to a new part and are also much cheaper.
This incredible mechanical arm holds the car and tilts the housing up to allow quick and safe access to the underside. Now the precious metal catalytic converter can be cut off for


and in a world where these parts are frequently stolen they can always be traced. the DNA of this car and can be proven to be legitimate the engines are removed to either be sold as a replacement invehicles for shipping, so they basically changed the size of the vehicles for sure, yeah, in other words, they crushed them, as you can see here, oh yeah, here's one, so it's all electric again, solar powered. wow power, that's cool, this is where I try to identify a car by the door handle and they are filling the bins with junk motor, yes they all tie up the motors, yes, so each one are all commodities here, so there are usually two arctic merchants available.
Um, so we divide all the materials so that eight products from the East have a different value, yes, there we go, we have seen the story of the car entering the most advanced salvage yard in Europe and this is how it ends, but as you can see In what we just did, a lot of things are removed from the cars, so it's kind of like a modern version of a repairman can work, but with a lot more precision than the old junkyards. Thanks for watching this episode of Late Break Show. I hope that gave you an idea of ​​what happens in The Scrapyard Vanguard.
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