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I Found CASH, iPhones, Weapons & MORE In These Abandoned JUNKYARD Cars! It's Treasure Hunt Time!

Jul 05, 2024
Good morning everyone, Silas, he's back today and it's


to look for


in the


. It's been a while without


arriving because the prices have been very low and the few


that have arrived from warehouses and things like that. that my dad has been taking to his yard and he's been the one that's been going through it and finding all the interesting things, so I haven't had to look in cars for quite a while, but right now my dad is busy, so I had He brings the cars here. In fact, I have a little space.
i found cash iphones weapons more in these abandoned junkyard cars it s treasure hunt time
Not long ago this path was completely full and then I emptied it and now it's almost full again. The story of my life, but it won't take long to clean it up. again, but before I come in here with the charger and start grabbing these cars and pulling them out and pulling the wheels and the converters and all that good stuff, I'm going to take a quick look at them to see what's on them. I know if we'll find something good or not, actually they're supposed to bring me three or four


if they arrive while I'm still filming, I'll go ahead and film those two, otherwise I think there's about 13 cars here 14 cars here something like that plus two motorcycles, so I guess we'll see if we find something good.
i found cash iphones weapons more in these abandoned junkyard cars it s treasure hunt time

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i found cash iphones weapons more in these abandoned junkyard cars it s treasure hunt time...

I haven't really looked at them, I just looked through the windows and that was it, with that being said, let's get to First on the list, we have a very nice little Saturn right here, this car here. I actually already started recording and then I realized I didn't have a microphone plugged in, but anyway this door is closed, the passenger door is closed. So I have a video of me throwing that thing through this back window back here and after doing that I stupidly remembered that the locking mechanism is all the way in the front of these doors, so I'll have to move on. and knock down this window too and that will put glass all over the place where I'm going to be which doesn't bother me I'm used to it but it does bother people in the comments so if I have a problem with that I'm sorry no I know what to tell you.
i found cash iphones weapons more in these abandoned junkyard cars it s treasure hunt time
I don't really have


to get a Slim Jim and all that good stuff, so I'm going to break this window and enter bingo. Now I got it. if there's something good, oh, a pair of sunglasses, they're a pair of junk sunglasses, but they're a



, so we'll go ahead and keep them if we find anything else here now just for reference . I check all these things everywhere. I check the glove compartments. I check the center consoles I check the visors I check the ashtrays I check under the seats I usually take out the back seat I check underneath I also check everywhere in these cars however I don't always film every place I check because that would be super super boring and the video would be two hours long , so if you don't see me, look at a place, don't worry, I did check that place, a kind of funky lizard that has an interesting look and looks like a license plate. down here so we can take it out a bunch of wire hangers looks like there's an envelope down there now envelopes I have to be careful I can't open them and look at the camera because I don't want to show anyone's address so I'll take it out if there's anything interesting, I'll show it if not, we won't worry about it and this is all I


on this one.
i found cash iphones weapons more in these abandoned junkyard cars it s treasure hunt time
I have a lizard with a license plate, a pen and a pair of broken sunglasses, so no money or anything. there, but at least it's something that's still on the list, we have a Chrysler or Plymouth or Dodge minivan, whatever, this thing here is pretty nasty inside, so in my experience we're usually not going to do much research if you're like that inside there's nothing good anyway and there's no reason to get nasty for no reason it looks like we have a couple of coins here yeah there's a nickel and here's a dime it looks like and a penny at least


some money that Penny is probably too worn out to save, but we'll throw it in the trash one of these days and run over it for a while and I know everyone says, oh, if you put it in this or that and polish it. with a toothbrush it costs a penny I'm not putting in all that effort what I do with these so I just throw them away like this, step over them and in a month I'll find it again and all the corrosion will be gone.
Next on the list we have a Nissan that comes from Illinois. I'll make sure to get those plates out of there before I crush him. Locked. That one is unlocked. Look, this car here, this one might have some good things. You can see how dirty it is inside his stuff everywhere, but it's not disgusting inside, there's a big difference, in fact, I see a penny or two down there, so oh, here's a phone, we're already on the phone , what we have? Nice iPhone here, I don't know what model it is, it looks like one of the cheaper models with just the Plain Jane camera, but I haven't found an iPhone yet, a newer iPhone and a car, no I don't think so.
I once found some old iPhones before, but that's actually cool. Well, friends, I was very worried about the iPhone that was next to it. I didn't see this. He went to see Jared to see if there was anything in him. He went to see Jared but he didn't leave. anything for me, I don't know why, but I always get excited when I find these little envelopes from the Bank. I've only found money on these once, but I find them all the time and they've never had anything for a while. Every now and then I find change and I think that if they


your paycheck and there are 42 cents left, a lot of times people take out the


and leave the change in them, but Cash Cash has only found it once.
Okay, I cleaned all the junk out of this seat and it looks like we have a lot of money here. We have one quarter one cent two quarters two three four cents. Let's get this out of the way. Yes. I will definitely lift this seat here. in just a second, but before we continue, you know I find quite a few wallets in these cars, sometimes they're empty, sometimes they have things in them, but you know I've never found a wallet like this here, look at this. It came out very very nice, I love the look of Damascus, yes this is a sponsored video by Ridge, but I use this wallet every day and have had it for several months.
I love this wall, it is very durable, it is comfortable to carry in your pocket. to go places and pay for things. I always get compliments on it. People ask me where I got it. You can carry up to 12 cards. I actually only carry, I think, four cards, three cards and two licenses in the back. I have a money clip so you can put some money in there. This is the offer. Christmas is just around the corner and if you have someone you have no idea what to give them. Super simple, super stylish and it doesn't just have wallets. but they also have key cases which also make great gifts because they have a


elegant design and you don't have to worry about your keys jingling in your pocket, on top of all that, right now you can save up to 40 until December.
On the 22nd, simply go to Adventures, that's Adventures. I'll put a link in the description below. You can save some money and get someone a cool Christmas gift or maybe you can get yourself a cool Christmas gift thanks again to Ridge. for making this video possible let's get back to digging into these cars okay I pulled the tabs out I haven't pulled it up yet we'll do it together if I can get that game to cooperate one handed here we go it looks like some money I see a penny one penny I think it's a penny and a dime that's all it seems okay so one is actually a dime and then I found a quarter in there too like piled up under those seat belts so not too Bad, you know, I was thinking that I'm not going to have time for lunch today and it sure would be great if I could get something to eat.
I am a little hungry. I also didn't have time to eat breakfast and then I found that below. the seat, so definitely an answered prayer there uh, but they're going to be absolutely delicious. I'm joking, please don't take me seriously. I thought I'd better qualify that now this seat here is kind of interesting. I don't know if I have done it. I've once seen someone use a Styrofoam cup as an ashtray. That doesn't really seem safe. I don't know what this courtesy door light is. Oh, it's one of those things where you open the door and it leaves something on the floor.
They're actually still there, huh? I wonder what the image is. I have no idea. It doesn't say what it says for Nissan, so I'm guessing it's just a Nissan logo. It's hard to tell them how to put the batteries in. Those and try them sometime, let's keep digging. I got some mosquitoes out, they never bothered me and last but not least we found a pencil, so not much there, here we go. I have the front door open, we'll look around here. I saw this sticking out some kind of charging cable. I have no idea what he's going for.
I see a lot of personal information here with names and addresses, so we'll have to be careful as we go through this. I may have to cut and stop a few times, it looks like we have two lonely pennies down there, we'll lift the floor mats if I can get them stuck out, come on, no, nothing on the front, here's another pen, that pin is a little dirty and Then we found a dime, obviously I covered it all up, but there's a check here for 267.96, so it's crazy and there's this here. I don't know what a bite is.
I have no idea, it's just one of those teeth whiteners and all. the things already came out of the box I threw all the papers on the floor I found more change I found an empty lighter and it looks like a record of some kind It looks like an iPhone cable look at this oh that's clear full of money and stuff, I guess I'll have to investigate that before doing it, although I'm going to see where this cable is. Oh, there's a dime in there that I missed. Oh yeah, okay, anyway, let's open this up and see what's here.
There is another phone. Are you guys serious? is this one that looks like an iPhone 11 is that 11 I'm not sure it's cool though two iPhones, two newer iPhones and a car. I have to say it's pretty sick. I went from no iPhones to two iPhones, let's keep it up and see what else we can find a lot of money, what is this? A kind of stick air freshener. This is for a local bowling alley. They also have a play area here. This is what they use in the playground. So my kids love going there. so I'll have to see if there's money in this or tickets or whatever they call it, a couple more of those, oh look I just told you sometimes they have money and I've only found it once. cash in them but I find change in them there's change here it's not much change but a little bit counts here's another one here and it's full of change too not a lot of money but you know it all adds up well let's see if we can figure out where it goes this chord, oh man, a lot more stuff, what do we have here?
I have no idea who it is, cans, cans, it looks like a lot of trash, but it looks like there's some money in here, but here's this. I'll have to take it home to see if it works. I found one of these deals, these nut removers, they're always very helpful for these things to break so easily because they have very thin walls if you tighten those lock nuts. I guess it doesn't even apply to this car, but I mean I still use them all the time to lock lug nuts and if you tighten them too hard or something you'll break them and then they'll be useless.
If there's anything else here, oh I see a dollar, it's had a rough life but I think the bank will still take it, so now we're in the cache to see if there's anything else there, there's a really nasty nickel that we're I'm going to go right there and, in fact, I think the rest of those things are going to stay where they are. Well, we start investigating this here. I already found two cards. I found a Panda Express gift card. I'll have to check that and behind. That is a cash app card and I don't know if there is anything on it or not.
I'm not going to show it here because I don't need anyone stealing your money if you're still logged in whenever I find credit cards or debit cards that are still active I always make sure to cut them into small pieces just to make sure no one can use them. I'm not sure what this is, oh it's a little vape bottle of some kind, I don't need that for sure. Five Hour Energy seems like a lot of money. I'm going to have to get all that out of there and see what there is. Well, I found. I don't know how much money is there.
I have no idea how much it is, but I guess just from the amount of quarters I figured out there's probably about five or six, maybe seven dollars in there. I found a real airpod there and only one, although I didn't find the case or the other one, so I still have to look under the seats and it's hard to tell. Maybe there's something in the trunk too. I lay face down and the only thing I found under the seat were three nickels. I'm going to go to the passenger side. He checks the glove compartment. under that seat and after that I think this car is almost done, it's been a really good car, so I opened the glove box and there was a ton of personal information in there, so I can't show that part, but behind All those things, we have two boxes.
I don't know if there's anything in them. Let's get them out real quick. This here feels pretty empty. This isthis stuff and then break it, but we'll do the best we can with what we've been given, here we go. I love making disasters. You know, the inside of this car was clean, full of good stuff and the trunk was like Disappointing, but we found a little money, so I guess it was almost worth it. Alright guys, I have everything set up here behind me. We'll check it out and see what we find. I went ahead and counted the catalytic converter. as junk car treasure, you know, I didn't take it out of the car, it was just inside the car, so I think it counts as junkyard treasure.
I looked it up, it's only around 250 dollars, not one of the really high ones. some, but someone already did the work for me, so it's pretty good. I have no idea where to start with this stuff, so I guess I'll start with some of the important stuff at the back. I found the new antifreeze thing, the jumper cables. I found the boss amp. I don't know if it's good, like I said, and this was put together. This speaker is a little clunky, but you know what I'm giving away anyway. Beggars can't choose. a couple of little owner's manuals, oh here's the iPhone cable before I forget it's not much use.
I'll probably throw it back in the car, but here are a couple of owner's manuals. I found the 45, what size was that? Yeah, 45 Auto, a little more half full maybe three quarters I found a bunch of pins Lots of pens and pencils and that kind of stuff I just put them all in a bag I'll go through them later to see which ones work which ones don't of course I have my license plate here that's on the car. I found a lot of money. I think this may be the biggest change I've found in a video.
This could be a record right here. I think overall I didn't count it. That's accurate, I'm obviously in a bit of a hurry, so I counted it roughly, but there's almost fifty dollars in change here, there's about 44 45 somewhere in there, so it's definitely cool, we have a pair of prescription glasses. and a pair of sunglasses I have a small collection of tools here actually some good ones here I have a couple of flat head screwdrivers I can always use them I have a line of sixteenths of 10 millimeters and a half inch and an eight millimeter socket I don't remember what Size 5 8 and then my little nut remover and then here I have my funky little lizard.
I really don't know why I saved it, but I did. It is what it is. I have this alley card that I need. To see if there's still something to that, I found the guy's cash app card back here. I need to cut it later. I looked for the Panda Express card. Guess how much you think was in this. Let me know in the comments. Back to that, in just a minute we found the little lights on the door. I don't really know what they are, if I even want them, probably not, but I don't know, I kept them anyway, of course, we found four dollars in cash. three a dollar in that car and a dollar that's all broken in that other car we found the original little penny with the cross cut out we found a little frog ring we found a little cross I found a rabies tag I forgot to show it on camera when I found it I found, but I thought, you know what, why didn't I find a fancy little Cadillac emblem and then whatever it is, I don't know, it's a treasure trove of junk, I can't be picky, of course, I found the capsules of imitation air and then we find the real Airpod.
I don't know if he's a professional or if that's what he is. I don't know what model it is. It's probably worthless anyway. Then we found the little peloper card and then of course my favorite items. It has to be these two iPhones now. I don't know if they turn on or not. I'll take them home to see if they turn on. If they are unlocked, they are probably locked. I guess they usually are, but even just for scrap value it's a tidy or scrap treasure this here I actually have this exact phone at one point, but you know, it's just the novelty of knowing that I found a couple of iPhones late model in a car, well, let's go back to this card here, what?
Do you think it's on this card? I looked it up and I usually find gift cards in these cars and they're usually almost always completely empty once in a while they have like a dollar 19 or 42 cents left or something stupid like I looked for this one it still has 25 on it so I'm eating well that night . I could not believe it. I was pretty excited when I found that out, so in terms of money, there's some pretty valuable stuff here. variety of interesting things and really most of these things came out of about four cars, a lot of those cars we saw today were almost completely empty some of them were empty there was nothing at all and maybe a couple of pennies if that, but then other cars I had tons of things like the Cadillac and the Nissan that were definitely hits, but anyway let me know which of these is your favorite item in the comments, tell me which of these you like the most.
I'm going to have to go through and compile all of this. Now I'm going on another adventure this afternoon to pick up an old truck on the outskirts of town, so I think what I'm going to do now is go grocery shopping and wash my hands because we're on the growing side, Clean them up real good, bring me something to eat, bring me something to drink and hit the road. I hope you enjoyed this video. I know it's been a minute since I made a scavenger


video and I apologize. For that, I hope more cars come and I can make another one soon, but you know I'm at the mercy of what comes, if I don't get good cars with good things, then I really can't.
Make scavenger


videos, but it worked for you. I hope you liked it. If you did, please like this video. Tell other people. Share it. Usually these videos are pretty popular, but the only way this video will be popular is if you guys help me boost it. I really appreciate you checking out all my stuff I posted, stay tuned. I don't know what's going to happen next, but there's always something happening here and just a really quick add, don't forget my second channel. If you're more into adventure type stuff and less into car stuff, then be sure to check that one out too.
There will be links in the description for these things I've talked about. Go see them and, as always, I hope. Have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day. Remember to go out, look for an adventure, and maybe you can even do a little scavenger hunt. See you next time, thanks.

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