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The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER...

May 19, 2024
Oh my god guys it's that diamond Ender Dragon OMG that's crazy these are the






so this first speedrunner shows up near a village and honestly


ything looks like be quite normal, the world generation looks good, has none. XP on his hotbar and he appears to be in survival mode, but when he goes to loot one of the town's houses, he makes a very obvious mistake: he accidentally presses Tab and reveals that he is playing with someone else, something that is obviously not allowed during a solo game. speedrun, but he doesn't stop there because after getting some hay and looting some more houses, he forgets to mute his microphone and you can clearly hear him talking to his friend, the same one on the


server, let's listen to it .
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
He puts the diamond in the chest correctly and it's no surprise when he finds this exact diamond in the next house in town that he loots. It's pretty obvious that he's using his friend to get the ops loot, but this isn't the only help he gets in the speedrun because As he heads to a nearby lava pool, he finds a random bucket of water on the ground and This guy has a terrible performance. Well guys, basically there's a new feature where water buckets appear randomly, so let's get to it real quick, but wait. Rewind the footage and take a closer look at this tree where the same friend we heard him talking to is trying to blend in using a wooden skin.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever

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the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever...

I think it's pretty obvious that he was the one who dropped the bucket of water there, so he uses the water. cube to start creating another portal and enter the abyss. He now looks like he's traveling in a random direction, but in reality he's following these strange particles in the air and these particles are clearly coming from the friend of his that we saw earlier in the race using invisibility. potion and this is confirmed when he is not silenced and we can hear him asking his friend to take him to the Fortress, let's listen brother, you are taking me to the Fortress, right?
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
This guy needs to learn how to mute his microphone in order to reach the Fortress. He kills some flames and gets seven rods, but he doesn't go to a Bastion to get Ender Pearls like in a normal speedrun because he actually finds an Enderman generator, something that definitely doesn't exist in a fortress and I'm pretty sure We all know who placed this generator here so head back to the Overworld and it's time for me to locate the fortress, but notice how it doesn't actually follow this eye of rage that it casts and it actually goes in a completely different direction where he somehow magically finds the fortress but makes a huge mistake that you may have missed because in this box you can see it clearly using the slash locate command which reveals exactly how he knew to dig into this block to find the final portal room, but take note. from the fact that there are no eyes on the portal which is a problem for the runner because he only has 11 eyes and since you need 12 to finish the portal he can't travel to the end but after the speedrunner loots this chest and tour.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
In the past, there has been an eye mysteriously placed in the portal. Now I would be suspicious of the friend we have seen during the race, but there are no particles in the air to indicate that he is there, but let's take a closer look. Remember when the speed runner. He tried to blend in with the tree earlier in the race, you've got to be kidding me, he's trying to blend in with the wall, well I guess we know where that extra Pearl came from, so the speedster makes it to the end, but watch how he does it.
I don't have beds, something that is very commonly used to kill the dragon, but don't worry because he finds a building called the bed house. What explanation is he going to give this time? Guys, let's use the new bed house feature. They just added it to Minecraft, yes. uh I bet my life savings this isn't a real feature so go into the house where there is a sign that says deposit obsidian and out comes all the beds you need to kill the dragon while this speedrun was clearly


, our next speedrunner could be even worse, this next speedrun begins, but look very closely at the world generation before generating a world in Minecraft, you will receive a list of all your previous generations in this menu and in the case of this player we can clearly see its majority.
The recent sprint occurred at 6:30 3 p.m. which means that any of your next


will occur after this time, so when the speedrunner finally appears in your world, how is it possible that the time will show 307, which is almost 3 hours before 6:33, unless that the speedrunner travels back in time, this spawn is completely fake and the footage of him spawning the world and spawning are actually two different clips just edited together, this will make sense soon, so the speedrunner appears and, giving him the benefit out of doubt, things seem pretty normal, mine some wood, make some tools. and finds a nearby village, but pause this YouTube video posted by Dream over 3 years ago, it was his official speedrun world record and if we play the footage, the world and dream speedrun don't look strangely familiar to the world in this speedrun , here they are both. of their spawns in exactly the same place, there is also exactly this super tall former cactus in the desert and there is also a pyramid in the same place in both speed races.
It's pretty obvious that the speedrunner is using the same seed from the dream world record speedrun to try to get an advantage and now it makes sense why he faked the previous generation, so he enters the village and starts collecting hay and collecting some beds, but when the speed goes to kill the Iron Golem, notice how the iron golem isn't actually attacking you. Back in a real Minecraft speedrun. The Iron Golem will always attack you after you hit it, but if you create one and spawn one on your own, it won't fight back no matter how many times you hit it, meaning this player spawned into Iron.
The Golem himself is off-camera to make it easier to fight, so he picks up some gravel from the iron mines and starts searching for a pool of lava when the speedrunner decides to open Dreams' video during his race. speed and begins to copy your exact game while creating the nether portal. You didn't think he was using the dream seed before, this only confirms it, so the speedrunner enters the Nether and follows a very deliberate path towards which he locates a nearby Fortress, but how could he have located the Strength so quickly? We will rewind the footage. just a few seconds earlier when the speedrunner added this random keyboard camera and, although it may look innocent, he deliberately placed it in the bottom left corner of the screen, the exact same area where chat and commands are displayed in Minecraft and if we put his images in an editing software and slow it down frame by frame, we can see that the speedrunner used a /locate command and tried to hide this command by adding the keyboard camera, but he did it only one frame late, so now it's obvious how we found the Fortress. quickly so the runner enters the Fortress and starts killing llamas and collecting some rods, then finds a group of Endermen nearby and collects some pearls, but notice how he can only create a total of six Eyes of Ender even though the portal ending requires you to be at least 12 means you won't be able to travel to the end but this will make sense in a few seconds so you go back to the Overworld and find the fortresses and when you enter the final portal room what kind of The portal of the cursed end is that it is clearly different from what a real end portal looks like and it is now obvious why the speedrunner only had to collect six Eyes of Ender.
I honestly don't even know if this is going to work, wait how did it work? then the speedrunner reaches the end and for some reason the Ender Dragon is already dead so I guess he just jumps into the portal and completes the race so start the next speedrun and watch the world generation very closely in a real speedrun. The screen should show this number reaching 100%, but in this speedrun you can see it cut the footage to 98%, so when it appears right in front of a village, we know it's using a set seed and edited the world generation to make it look real, but giving him the benefit of the doubt, everything looks legit at first glance, he doesn't have any XP, he's in survival mode, and he doesn't start with any strange items in his inventory until you look closer at the ceiling of this townhouse that has clearly been marked by the speedrunner with this slightly different colored ladder to mark the fact that this house has a chest with bread apples, expect a rocket launcher to remember this for later, so He leaves the town and begins his quest to find a lava pool. to build a nether portal where he suddenly stops and digs down this random block which magically takes him straight to a pool of lava, but how did he possibly know to dig well into this exact block if we slow this footage down from just a few ?
Seconds before, you can clearly see the position of the bread and apples on the switch of his hot bar, meaning there was a cut in his recording that allowed the runner to go off camera and find the location of the lava pool in mode. viewer to start building. his nether portal, but ends up running out of lava just one block away from finishing the portal, but somehow he manages to light up the nether portal and I'm not even going to try to explain how he does it, so he enters the Nether and immediately appears in front of a fortress, but instead of heading straight for it, the speedrunner strangely simply stops moving his character and stands completely still while the timer continues ticking.
Let's listen to the audio of him to find out what's going on. Jimmy, get off. Minecraft and go do your homework. I'm not kidding, he literally switches his tab from Minecraft to Con Academy and starts doing math equations. You can't get this back 5 minutes later anyway. He eventually returns to the game and heads to the Fortress where he can obtain it. 7even fire rods pretty easily, then heads to a nearby Bastion and ends up having a lot of luck with the piglin trades getting 16 pearls very quickly, but that's not the false thing about these piglin trades because he also ends up getting a compass, something that it is impossible to receive it from a piglin trade now you are probably wondering why the speed racer pretends to get a compass because how could that help him in the speed race?
When he returns to the Overworld and opens his crafting table, he uses exactly this compass. to create something called fortress finder and with just one click a message appears saying fortress located and the compass directs the runner directly to the fortress and now it's clear why he made it look like he got the compass from a piglin so he finds it reaches the final portal room and starts to fill the portal but it ends up being just a short eye but wait look closer at this block this block is a smooth smooth stone when in a normal fortress this block is supposed to be a stone brick and when you break this smooth stone, you magically find a chest with the last criminal's eye that you need to finish the portal.
He clearly tried to mark the location of the chest using a different block hoping we wouldn't notice, so the speedster comes in at the end and This is where things get crazy, you're probably expecting him to fight the dragon, maybe with some beds, maybe even with a bow, oh no, no, no, remember when earlier in the race, the speedster pulled out a rocket launcher from this chest? Well he equips it and this next speedrunner shows up and immediately goes to mine some wood, then collects some rocks and then gets into a fight with the spider, wait this is the wrong footage.
This next speedrun begins and at first glance, everything seems to be pretty normal, it's survival. So, he selected the first slot in his inventory and has no XP, but watches the area around him very closely when he appears in a real Minecraft speedrun. Your character will always appear parallel to the surrounding blocks, but in this speedrun you can clearly see that the speedrunner is actually looking diagonally, all this means that the speedrunner already generated this world and the loading screen was fake, so he heads to a nearby village where you collect hay and get some beds, then open this chest. which contains some pretty interesting loot: apple bread and three diamonds.
You may not even realize it, but some of this loot is completely fake. A diamond can only appear in a specific town house. A blacksmith, but rewind the footage to a few seconds earlier. where we can clearly see that this house is not black, which means that the speedrunner placed the diamond in creative mode to get an advantage because he uses these same diamonds to create a Diamond Destroyer, that thing is powerful, so the race continues withthe runner watching. to locate a ruined portal and finds one fairly quickly, which seems awfully suspicious. We'll rewind the footage a few seconds earlier, where if you zoom in on this specific tree, you'll see how it makes out the shape of an arrow with its leaves.
This was clearly created by the speedrunner as a way to remember which direction the ruin portal was located, so loot the chest in the ruin portal containing two obsidian, pretty normal loot, the only problem is that it means that there is only one block left to complete the portal. So how is it going to travel to the nether shaft? The speedrunner takes out a dirt block and places it in the final slot for the portal and this guy is dumb. This is clearly not going to work. How did it work? I'm not even going to try. to explain how he made it so that the helm appears in The Nether and things seem pretty normal, he's still in survival mode, doesn't have any potion effects and starts searching for a fortress, but pauses the footage at this frame where the runner speed opens his inventory where we can spot a singular fire resistance potion hidden in the corner, but look a few seconds ago when it appeared in The Nether, he clearly didn't.
If you have this potion in your inventory, if you really place this part of the slow motion footage, you can see there was a clear cut in the video when the lava jumps completely forward in time, meaning the speedrunner cut the video and got the fire. stamina potion off camera, so using this potion is extremely easy for the runner to kill flames and get seven rocks. Now a normal speedrunner would head to a Bastion to collect ender pearls, but this speedrunner decides to go straight back to the most interesting thing and it will make sense soon, so the speedrunner shows up, but without the ender pearls he finds it Impossible to locate the fortress.
He finds a nearby village and opens a chest with some pretty normal loot bread and a stone. There is no way this is real Minecraft. object so that you get the waist. Stone places it and when he clicks he teleports directly to the fortress. That is even possible now, although the runner managed to reach the fortress, he still has no Ender Pearls to complete the portal, so he opens this chest and while it may seem like they are completely normal items, one particular item cannot generate in this chest is the lever and it is clear that the speedster places it there himself because he uses this lever to turn something very specific.
Turning off the lights is even possible, so the speedrunner waits until exactly 1 minute has passed before the lights come back on and let me know if he can see what's different in the world. Compare the final portal before and after the lights have been turned on. off, it has been completely filled, meaning the portal was filled by someone else as the lights go out, so the runner jumps into the portal, but finds an unsuspecting guess when it appears at the end: Herobrine's things got terrifying, so Herobrine writes in the chat demanding. The player throws each of his elements into the void as a sacrifice, so probably scared, the speedster obeys and gets rid of all the elements from him and after the sound of lightning, the Ender Dragon has been mysteriously killed.
It's Herobrine, I guess we'll never know this next speed starts with the runner mining some wood and making some tools, where he then finds a nearby village, he starts by gathering some hay and killing the Iron Goa, but the runner then finds a Una very strange house in the village called the lower house, what explanation are you going to give for this? Okay, let's go to the new house in town called the lower house. It's a brand new feature, so enter the house and the chest contains everything. the items needed to enter the nether, at least the house was named correctly, so using his items from the nether house, the speed runner enters the nether, where he suddenly starts building excavations through the roof and ends up directly in the Fortress, clearly already knew the position of the Fortress before recording, so the speedrunner looks for the flame generator, where instead he doesn't find it and the speedrunner is absolutely ecstatic.
Oh my god guys we found Notch at the speed race, lucky us, so Notch gives the speed racer a whole stack of fire rods. Since when did Notch simply give players items so the runner picks up his Notch staffs and starts searching for a nearby Bastion, but the runner decides to stop moving randomly even though the timer is still running, let's check his audio to find out what's going on? Guys I'm so sorry, my dad just told me I have to go take out the trash so I'm coming back and the speedster cuts the recording and realizes he's in a speed race, right 5 hours later, Sorry guys, I'm back.
I just had to take care of that very quickly so that the speedrunner finally returns to the game, but he really just cheated because if you look closely at his inventory, he suddenly has 16 ender pearls even though we clearly saw that he never went to a bathroom question, meaning He used taking out the trash as an excuse to cut the video and get the Ender pearls out of the chamber, so the runner created a portal and returns to the Overworld where he decides to start searching for the fortress, but strangely he doesn't use any of his eyes. provider to do so, but this will make sense soon, so after trying to search for it, Eyeless, a provider suddenly feels the need to dig into this specific block.
I have a feeling the fortress is under this block, trust me it's going to work and To my surprise this actually takes you straight to the fortresses but how did the speedrunner know to dig into this exact block if he didn't even use the eyes? Well, take a very close look at the surrounding area before the speedrunner dug in. notice this flower just a few blocks from where you dig well, this is a flower known as the lily of the valley, the problem is that this flower can only spawn in a flower forest biome, but we can clearly see that the speedrunner is in In a simple biome, this all means that the runner placed it himself in creative mode to remind him that the fortress was below this location, so the runner finds the final portal room and creates his eyes to finish the portal, but when the slider jumps, they send it.
The bottom line is that you may even appear directly next to a room that not only has a chest with all the items you need to kill the Ender Dragon, but also a fully lit end portal that you can use extremely quickly to be able to gather the items. overpowered and teleports to the end and by using these items, the fight ends very quickly. This next runner appears directly near a shipwreck where he is in survival mode, he selected the first batch of his inventory and is looking completely straight, it looks legit, but as the runner goes to loot the Shipwreck chests, we can clearly see another player trying to hide behind these wooden boards.
The problem is that this is a solo speedrun and clearly you are not allowed to have another player in the same world, so when the runner finds a God Apple in the Shipwrecked Chest, it is pretty obvious that his friend is the culprit, the runner then head back to Shore and locate a nearby village and head straight to a specific village house where the chest inside contains some pretty normal loot bread apples, a super battle ax, wait but wait. wait a second, how did the speedrunner know that this super powerful object was in this town house?
Well, let's go back to when the speedrunner first entered the village. If you look very closely above the house containing the Super Battle Axe, you can see the outline of a player wearing a skin that he thinks blends into the sky, most likely this is the same friend who accidentally got revealed earlier in the race and intentionally flew over this townhouse to alert the player that the Super Battle Ax was inside so the racer finds a nearby lava pool and enters The Nether, the speedrunner then decides to use a popular speedrunning technique for locating a fortress where they increase their field of view and use the number of entities to guide in which direction a fortress can be located, but when comparing their method to a real speedrunner it is obvious that this runner is simply using this as a distraction because at exactly the same time we can spot the friend we've seen during the race flying in a very specific direction and 20 seconds later if we hear the speedruns audio, I can actually hear a Discord notification and of course Suddenly, the speedrunner knows the exact direction the Fortress is located.
It's pretty obvious that his friend used a location command to find the Fortress. DMD gave him the coordinates on Discord that the speedrunner used to find the Fortress. he enters the Fortress, finds the flame generator, but only collects four rods and then, when he goes to locate a Bastion, he decides to collect only six ender pearls. A normal Minecraft speedrunner would often collect much more of each item to have enough eyes to finish the portal. but the small amount of items from it will make sense very soon, so the runner needs to create a portal to return to the Overworld.
The problem is that he didn't get enough obsidian to be able to build another portal until he walks with a pile of Obsidian magically falls from the sky and if you look closely you can see particles in the air, which means that his friend was throwing the obsidian using a invisibility potion, so using the obsidian, the runner is able to reach the Overworld and appears to locate the fortress very quickly, but giving them the benefit of the doubt, their process seemed pretty normal now, remember earlier in the race when the runner speed did not collect a normal amount of rods and pearls?
Well, he enters the fortress and he's only six sizes. of Ender is too little to complete the portal well when he enters the final portal room he finds a chest called item duplicator is this a new update I missed? Okay, he's got to be kidding, why is he actually putting on his salesman eyes? It's going to work, how is that possible? Well, I guess now it's clear why he didn't need to collect a ton of rods or pearls in the abyss, so with enough Eyes of Ender the runner reaches the end and when they appear. In the end, the friend doesn't even hide that they are part of the speedrun and they kill the Ender Dragon together.
This next speedrun starts and on the surface it looks pretty normal, you're in survival mode, there are no items in your and the runner's inventory. Looking completely straight on, however, look very closely at this townhouse in a normal townhouse, the entrance will always include a staircase right in front of the door, but in this speedrun we can clearly see that instead of a staircase there is a wooden plank, which means The Speedrunner deliberately marked this town house because the chest inside contains iron apples and a grenade launcher. Remember this for later, the runner heads to a nearby lava pool, but if you look closely, the speedrunner has an empty water bucket in his inventory. one with water, which means there is no way for the speedrunner to create a nether portal like a normal speedrunner, but somehow, even though his cube is literally empty, he is actually able to place water that is absolutely mind-blowing, so after summoning water out of nowhere, the speed runner enters the abyss now the problem with this abyss spawn is that the speed runner somehow has a fire resistance effect even though he clearly doesn't. had this seconds before when he was in the Overworld, the only possible explanation is that the speedrunner has already done it. traveled to the Nether and would have almost gotten away with it until you look closer at the corner of the screen where a singular wooden spike can clearly be located, the speedrunner tried to get rid of it off-camera but forgot to clean it. he then heads to a nearby Back Bastion where he collects gold blocks and starts trading with piglins until he finds, let's say, a rather strange looking piglin, but don't worry, there's no way this piglin can actually trade loot, wait , as it did? get ender pearls I'm so confused the runner starts looking for a nether fortress, but notice how fast the speedrunner runs much faster than the normal speed of the minecraft character, look closely at the top right corner of the screen, usually this is the exact area where the effects of potions are displayed in Minecraft, but the speedrunner has conveniently placed a subscribe button in the exact same place, which means that the speedrunner is trying to hide the fact that he is using a potion of speed thatprobably pulled out of the chamber so he finally makes his way to the Stronghold and after killing Blazes he gets seven rods now I want you to take a mental picture of his inventory right now you'll see why this is important in a few seconds for the runner leave the Fortress before randomly deciding to switch from Minecraft to Fortnite and literally start playing now, although it may seem like you're being silly by wasting a ton of time, you're actually using this as a way to try to cheat because when you log out in Fortnite and finally returning to Minecraft, take a look closely at your inventory, there is a Netherite sword magically added to your hotbar when this exact slot was empty before you started playing Fortnite.
It's pretty clear that he used Fortnite as a way to distract us from adding an overpowered item to his inventory off-camera. the speedrunner then returns to the Overworld. Now a normal speedrunner would now use the triangulation process to locate the position of strongholds, but this speedrunner claims to have a completely new method that is even easier to EAS. Let's hear everything you have. what you need to do is go to the nearest tree, go 10 blocks to the right and dig down, so no way this is actually going to work, it's not actually going to lead to the fortresses, how did it work?
Now you're probably thinking that this speedrunner is some kind of genius, but there's one small detail that reveals this method to be completely fake. Look very closely at the tree he uses to, quote, locate strongholds. Notice how the texture of this piece of wood is slightly different from the rest? Well, this is because the piece of wood is actually horizontal, not vertical, which is not possible to generate naturally, which means that the speedrunner deliberately marked this tree as a way to remember that the fortress was directly below it, so the runner enters the fortress and finds the Finish the portal room and enter the portal now.
A normal Minecraft speedrunner would use beds or even a bow to kill the Ender Dragon, but remember earlier when the speedrunner found a grenade launcher in this Village chest? Well, he equips it and nothing else is necessary. This next race is said to begin and at first glance it seems quite normal. He is in survival mode, selected the first slot in his inventory and has no XP, but in the bottom right corner the message appears that someone has. joined his wife's world, this means that the speedrunner is playing on a multiplayer server, something that is clearly not allowed during a solo speedrun, so the speedrunner loots some chests, collects some beds and starts fighting the Iron Golem, but while doing this, get closer and look very closely into the distance, where we can see a nether portal being built out of nowhere, clearly another player building it.
This is probably the same one that joined the world at the beginning of the race, so the runner heads to the man-made ruin portal where he enters the Nether and begins trading with piglins, where the runner manages to obtain 16 pearls of ender from a single exchange. which is literally impossible since the maximum number of pearls a piglin can drop per operation is four, but rewind the footage and slow it down a bit. If you look very closely, you can see that the final pearls do not come from the pig but actually come from. from the side and if you look even closer you can see particles floating in the air, what does this mean?
This is clearly the same friend we've seen throughout the speedrun using an invisibility potion and dropping ender pearls himself to get the speedrunner on his way. to a nearby fortress, but things only get worse because during his fight with all the Blazes, one Blaze appears to be slightly different from the rest, there's no way he really thought people would believe this is a real Blaze, so after get some rods, the runner returns. In the Overworld we've now seen his friend do some pretty funny things throughout the speedrun, but I don't think anyone expected him to appear on screen wearing a mask with fortress coordinates and I have to hand it to him. incredibly creative, so after looking at his friend's skin, he can easily locate the position of the fortress where he creates His Eyes of Ender and enters the end and conveniently appears right next to Spider-Man.
Is this really the real one or not? Just the friend of his that we've seen throughout Run Good, Spider-Man does all the dirty work for him and all he has to do is run on the surface and jump into the portal. The next fast race begins and there is already something strange, no, it is not. his spawn since he is completely straight and it's not even his hotbar since he has no items in his inventory and he is in survival mode, but look in the left corner of the screen, you can see a bonus chest, the problem is that we clearly saw the speedrunner.
I had this option disabled when I generated his world, this means that the footage of him loading into the game and him appearing are actually two different clips edited together. This will make more sense soon enough, so the runner starts off by breaking some wooden crafting tools and locating some buried treasure where he collects some pretty average gold iron loot, but then finds a suspiciously convenient ruin portal directly next to his spawn. and, although the loot in the chest seems to be pretty normal, this seed seems a little familiar after a little research. The official website looks at the second fastest speedrun ever attempted by fearless runner 1337 and if we take a look at the spawn we notice that it is exactly the same as this speedrun, the buried treasure is also in exactly the same place and the The loot is completely identical, which means that the speedrunner took the seed of this world record and used it to gain an advantage, hence he had to edit together His World Generation to make it look real, so that the runner ends up the portal and appear in The Nether directly next to it. to a Bastion and while that may seem very suspicious, that's not what's false about this part of the speedrun because if you look closer at the zombie pigman on his right, if you put the footage in slow motion you can see that there was a slight cut in the footage when this zombie pigman jumped completely forward in time, but why was there a cut?
Let's notice how the speedrunner suddenly acquired an iron pickaxe in his inventory when just a few seconds before we can clearly see that this same inventory slot was missing. an iron pickaxe, he clearly cut the video to get an iron pickaxe in creative mode as he knew you wouldn't care about the gold blocks in the Bastion without an iron pickaxe and what's even funnier is that he literally had enough iron to make the pickaxe normally, but he still decided to cheat, so using this pickaxe he enters the Bastion and successfully collects 27 gold ingots, but this is where things start to get interesting because it seems that the piglins are making trades without There is gold in his hands and what is even stranger is that we can clearly see that the broker still has 27 bars in his hot bar, which means that he has not even dropped any for the piglins to trade with, so, How are they making exchanges without gold in their hands?
Honestly, I have no idea and I don't know. I even want to challenge him so that the runner gets lucky with his trade and collects 16 ender pearls out of nowhere. Now, a normal speed owner would head to a fortress to collect fire rods, a crucial item in crafting. I seller, but this speed owner. he decides to ignore Fortress and instead builds a portal that returns directly to the Overworld. This seems very strange, but it will make sense in a few seconds, so the runner returns to the Overworld, but randomly he decides to make a bow and sail in a random direction until he finds a fortress in the Overworld, how is that possible? ?
Well, now it's clear why he didn't bother looking for one in the abyss, so he enters the Fortress, finds the flame generator and collects seven rods quite easily, then creates the Eyes of Ender and starts throwing them in the hope to locate the fortresses and to no one's surprise the eyes point to the fortresses being directly below the Fortress, so the runner digs down, enters the fortress and begins searching for the final portal room, which he seems to find extremely fast, very strange. Considering that he didn't use any techniques to locate the room like a real speedrunner, he might as well rewind the footage to when the speedrunner first entered the fortresses.
He notices how the block at the top of some of the doors is slightly thinner than the blocks on other doors. The thinner block is known as a stone brick wall, not a normal stone brick, and if you play the images, notice how the speed runner only enters doors with this thinner block on top, these were clearly placed off-camera by the speedrunner as a way to direct him on the path of the final portal room so that the speedrunner places His Eyes of Ender and teleports to the end now instead of immediately going for the dragon or even trying break the glass.
The speedster claims to have a new strategy to kill the dragon and me. I'll let you explain, okay guys, there's a new feature they just added called Secret Dragon Vault and we're going to loot it right now. Okay, last time I checked this isn't a real feature, why is it actually breaking obsidian? oh my god, it's actually real, so the runner enters one of the most powerful secret vaults I've ever seen in Minecraft, full netherite armor, a chest full of divine apples, and the strongest bow in all of Minecraft, and with This loot the Ender Dragon does not. last much longer, this next race starts and take a very close look at the world generation in a real speedrun, the screen should show that this frame is completely filled, but in this speedrun you can see it cut the footage before the frame is completely finished, so when it appears directly in front of a village, we know that the speedrunner is using a set seed and tried to edit the world generation to make it look real, but giving the speedrunner the benefit of the doubt, everything looks pretty legit during your generation, you have zero XP.
He selected the first slot on his hotbar and doesn't have any items in his inventory, but take a close look at the loot in this village chest. There is iron, there are some apples and a villager rocket. I'm pretty sure this isn't an actual Minecraft item, so the race continues with the speedrunner heading to a nearby ruin portal, but notice how he passed several rose bushes along the way, which is impossible since the rose bushes don't. They can spawn simple biomes in the biome the speedrunner is in. meaning the speedrunner placed them off camera to take him directly to the ruins portal location, so he opens the chest where he finds some pretty normal iron and obsidian loot, but he also finds a lever which is impossible since levers cannot appear in the village. chests remember the lever for later, so the runner grabs the obsidian from the chest and completes the nether portal.
Now you probably didn't even notice it, but the speedrunner actually just cheated because look a few seconds ago, when the speedrunner opened his inventory, we can clearly see that there is not a single flint and steel anywhere in his items, but we can clearly see that he used flint and steel to illuminate the nether portal, so how did he get it right? If we slow down this part of the footage we can notice a slight cut in the footage, probably the speedrunner went off camera and got a flint and steel in creative mode, so enter the Nether and the first thing you'll notice is that the lava is already flowing.
The lava cannot start floating until someone appears. The Nether and because the lava has already flowed all the way down, we know that the speedrunner had already entered the nether off-camera and this is further confirmed when the speedrunner doesn't get the achievement for entering the Fortress, the speedrunner then gets it randomly. a fire resistance effect although he never had one in his inventory and this will likely help him combat the flames, where he now gains a respectable amount of rods in a normal speedrun. The racers would then travel to a Bastion where they would trade with piglins. to collect ender pearls, but I guess I may have missed an update because firstly, I don't remember the gold block spawning in a fortress and secondly, I definitely don't remember there being an ender pearl generator. piglin instead of a flame generator, this guy can't.
He stops cheating, so he uses the gold he got from TheFortress And Trades with the piglins to obtain ender pearls where he slowly returns to the Overworld. Now this is where normal speedrunners would start looking at the criminal in hopes of locating the stronghold through a process known as triangulation, but this guy seems to have a different plan, remember when the speedrunner got a crowbar? this chest from the village previously in Run? Well wow, I guess this is the new method of getting to the fortresses, so finish the portal, but notice how the speedrunner doesn't appear on an obsidian platform like a real speedrun, but instead appears directly on the surface and also notice how the Ender Dragon seems to have lost some of its health before the speedrunner did any damage to it is now the only possible one.
The explanation for this is that the speedrunner already reached the ending and simply didn't include it in the recording and would have almost gotten away with it until you look very closely at the corner of a screen where a single nugget of the ending can be seen. found on the ground probably because the speedrunner killed an Enderman off camera and forgot to clear it now in a normal Minecraft speedrun the speedrunner would probably kill the dragon with beds, maybe even a bow but I think It's clear that this is anything but normal. speedrun, remember earlier in the run when the speedrunner got Villager's launcher so he equips it and dies while he kills the ender dragon, how can you be so bad while cheating?
The next speedrun begins, but there is already something false because look to the left of where the speedrunner appeared where you can see a sign showing the singular number three clearly placed by the speedrunner. Keep this in mind for later, as it is not the first number we will see during the race, so the runner enters the village where he begins collecting hay. and breaking some beds, but when the runner goes to kill the Iron Golem, he notices that it's not actually a return attack and if you look closely in the distance, you can see a second iron gold in the exact same village that he probably generated in his. iron golem in creative mode to make it easier to kill as player built Iron Golems cannot defend themselves so the runner is going to loot this chest from the village and although the items inside look pretty normal On the surface, if you look closer, the loaves of bread are actually in the shape of the number seven, which is the second number we have seen in the speed run and don't forget it, as there are more to come, so The runner creates a deer, gathers some wood and begins searching for the ruins.
The portal now pauses the footage at this point where we can clearly see that the ruins portal contains eight pieces of obsidian. Now the runner turns to the side and kills the rabbit to eat something, but when he turns to look at the portal, there has magically been a piece. of obsidian added since there are now nine blocks instead of eight and of course the chest contains one obsidian, the perfect amount to finish the portal, but how was a chunk of obsidian added to the portal? Well, let's go back to a few seconds earlier when The speedrunner killed the rabbit.
If you put the footage in slow motion, you can see that there was a cut in the video when the player magically teleported slightly to the left, allowing the speedrunner to exit the chamber, place the extra piece of obsidian, and fake it. as if it never happened, then the runner enters the Nether and, giving them the benefit of the doubt, the spawn appears completely legitimate. There's only one problem when he heads to a nearby Fortress. Look very closely at this wall where the number eight really can. You can see it on the wall. Remember this number along with the three and seven we saw earlier in the race.
Now the runner enters the Fortress, finds the flame generator and obtains seven rods quite normally, then heads to a nearby Bastion where he finds it. an abnormal amount of piglins much more than it can spawn naturally and when the speedrunner accidentally hits a piglin, they do not become hostile and attack it, something which is impossible since piglins will always become hostile after you hit it, which means that the runner changes the game. peaceful modeoff camera for the runner to gather His Eyes of Ender and leave the abyss. Now, when the runner appears in the Overworld, look very closely at this tree where for the fourth time we can mysteriously see a number in the speedrun, this time the number three.
These numbers will make sense very soon, so the runner casts his salesman's eyes and locates the strongholds and when he reaches the end, this is where things get strange when he appears, he is greeted with a very strange looking chest and when the runner tries to open. If given the option to enter a password during the race, we saw the sprinter find four different numbers, first we saw the number three in a random sign, then LS of bread formed the shape of a seven and then he saw the number eight . on the wall in the background and saw its final number like leaves on a tree, so of course there are only four possible numbers that could be the password to this chest and when the password is successful, the runner finds a known interesting item like The Storm Hammer giving the racer the ability to summon lightning any time they want, yeah, that item is overpowered.
This next quick run begins with the runner appearing directly in front of a village, and while everything appears to be completely normal, take a closer look at the bottom. In the left corner of your screen there is a singular piece of pig on the ground, which means that the world had already been played and you forgot to pick up the item after killing a pig, but that's not all you did outside of it. camera because look closer. on the door of this townhouse, a normal townhouse contains two torches, one on each side of the door, however this townhouse only contains one on the left, meaning the speedrunner broke one of them before recording and this will likely check this specific. town house because the chest contains bread apples a carrot sniper wait what the hell remember this for later the speed runner continues the race by collecting some hay and killing the Iron Golem to get iron and make a cube when he immediately goes to This very suspiciously placed dirt block and he digs down, which coincidentally leads him to the lava pool, but how did the speedster possibly know to dig into this specific block?
The only way a grass block becomes a dirt block is if something is placed on it. and since we can clearly see that the speedrunner never did this, the only explanation is that he placed the dirt block in creative mode to easily remember to dig into this specific block and find the lava pool for the race to continue with the speedrunner creating a portal lower. and entering the abyss where the speedrunner finds a nearby Bastion, so using his gold he begins to trade with the piglins to try to obtain the loot. It is important to note that every time you cast a gold input, a piglin has a 2.18% chance of giving you four Ender Pearls and because the speedrunner only has three gold, the absolute maximum amount of Ender Pearls Ender that he could get is 12, however when the speedrunner finishes trading he gets a total of 15 Ender Pearls, the only explanation is that the speedrunner changed the Ender Pearls loot percentages from four pearls to five for a single exchange couldn't be more obvious, so he collects his pearls and heads to a nearby fortress.
Is it just me or are there a lot more llamas than usual? spawns well if we pause the footage on this frame we can see a flame spawn egg hidden in his inventory that he forgot to get rid of meaning the speedster simply used the egg to spawn an insane amount of flames so he easily picks up his rods and then finds a strangely suspicious wall that clearly resembles the shape of a nether portal and of course this position spawns the speedrunner directly into the final portal room. It's pretty obvious that he marked this specific location because he knew it would lead him to the portal, so the speed R places the eyes and reaches the end in a normal speedrun, the speedrunner would probably use beds to kill the Ender Dragon, but we can clearly see that the speed winner doesn't have a single bed in his inventory, remember? when at the beginning of the race the speed rer found a carrot launcher in this chest in the village, this is going to be interesting.
I guess the Ender Dragon couldn't handle a simple carrot launcher. The next beit appears directly next to a ruined portal, suspicious, but considering its spawn seems quite normal, we can say that it is legit, however, the loot inside this ruined portal chest is a different story because scattered among obsidian and gold there is an element that cannot be generated in this chest, this piece of Blackstone and although it can appear. incredibly, in this block it will be an extremely important part of the speedrun very soon, although the runners appear directly next to a portal without enough obsidian, you are forced to search for a nearby village and although the village appears completely normal on the surface, there are a.
A small detail that reveals something incredibly suspicious is going on because you look very closely at this town light pole. A normal village lamp post contains four torches, one on each side of the block, but in this speedrun one of the torches has mysteriously disappeared and once the speedrunner realizes this, they decide to dig directly under it, which leads to a completely finished nether portal. It's pretty obvious that they broke one of the Torches to remember that there was a ruined portal under this specific lamp post, so the runner enters the portal and heads into the Nether and without scanning or doing any fast running techniques, of They somehow managed to locate the Bastion almost immediately, but rewind the footage to when they first appeared.
Look closely at this pool of lava, if you look closely you can see that it creates the shape of an arrow and This arrow points in the exact direction of the Bastion, the runner clearly messes with it before recording to point in the right direction, so after collecting 16 Ender Pearls, a normal speedrunner would look for a nearby Fortress, but this speedrunner strangely decides to start building one. Nether Portal, even though it hasn't been in a fortress and doesn't have fire rods, instead of using flint and steel to light the portal, they decide to use gold, how is that possible?
Well, the speedrunner enters and they appear directly in a fortress. Since when did they add a fortress portal to Minecraft so that the runner finds the flame generator where he collects nine rods very quickly, then builds a normal nether portal and returns to the Overworld and, using the triangulation process, locates the fortress and enters the Well, remember when earlier in the race the speedrunner found this Blackstone block in the ruined portal chest? Well, he uses that same block as the final piece to create the Super Infinite Matter Sword that deals over 128,000 damage with a single hit and the Ender Dragon.
He doesn't stand a chance against this weapon. This next speed. The runner is so confident that he believes that he will somehow get a world record. Today is the day I'm awarding a world record for speedrunning in Minecraft, so let's take a look at it from the beginning. how it doesn't show any world generation and jumps straight from the loading screen to the spawn is very suspicious but giving him the benefit of the doubt his spawn looks pretty normal he's in survival mode he selected the first slot in his inventory and even gave us a timer to track speedrun, but nothing can prepare you for what's about to happen.
Jesus this must be a new update I missed so Jesus shows up and breaks a sand block leading to a chest which of course. contains some of the most powerful loot in the game, so the speedrunner continues to look for a place to build a NE portal using the obsidian he received from Jesus, but in this box we can clearly see that it changes Game Hunter Survival, which means that there was a cut in his footage, I suspect he was looking for the best coordinates to place his nether portal, but he forgot to hide this message, so he enters the Nether and once again the chat exposes his trap, but instead of Search for a Bastion to obtain the gold needed to trade. with piglins he magically gets all the gold he needs, you guessed it Jesus, so he tries to find a piglin to use this gold and he seems to find one, but if you look closer, in slow motion, you can see that the piglin does this movement very fast and unrealistic, which is very different from the movement mechanics of a real piglin.
Also, the shape of the piglin looks slightly different from the real one. All of this points to the piglin being a real player, most likely one of his friends, simply using apiglin skin so he gives this quote unquote piglin his gold in hopes of receiving some loot but instead of fire rods his friend piglin accidentally gives him sticks how can you be so bad while cheating ? So he finally gets his fire rods and goes back to the Overworld and it looks like he's actually trying to really speed up because he starts casting his salesman eyes to try and find the strongholds, but while he's doing this he finds a pretty interesting mom or should I say Sonic, how many updates did I miss?
Sonic then blesses the speedrunner with a speed effect that is apparently level 1.01 and I guess he's so fast that now he just teleports straight to the end, even though the speedrunner got some incredibly overpowered loot earlier in the race , you will notice that it does not. I don't remember bringing any bed with him, something used by almost every sprinter in a sprint race, but I guess this guy had a feeling that he would magically find sleep at the end, wait, that's not the real one, right? TRUE? And sleep gives the speedrunner a netherite axxe with sharpness level 255 and it's clear that the Ender Dragon doesn't stand a chance against this speedrunner.
This next race starts off normally enough with the racer logging some wood and crafting some tools. The only possible problem could be the fact that the speedrunner has the room. Selected slot instead of the first, but we will let it slide so that the speedrunner finishes breaking this tree. Why is there a ladder? There is that dream. I don't even know what I'm looking at, but I guess I missed it. the update when they added dream ore to minecraft now there is also a chest in this strange cave that the speedrunner goes into and what do you know?
There are a ton of overpowered items including a dream block that can apparently be turned into ingots and then a full set of armor since when did Dream get all of these things in Minecraft so fully equipped with the dream armor that the speedrunner is headed into the abyss, but immediately notices this strange block of TNT right when it appears, which is impossible as The only place where TNT can appear naturally is under a temple in the desert, which means that the speedrunner planted this here in creative mode and this makes sense because after turning off the TNT a hidden chest is revealed in the floor where the speedrunner gets a nasty amount of Ender.
Pearls from the Chest Now normally the runner would head to a fortress to collect fire rods so they can create the Eyes of Ender for the portal, but in this quick run the runner completely ignores going to a fortress and this may make sense later, so the runner returns to the Overworld and takes a very close look at these grass blocks as soon as he appears, they actually appear to form what appears to be an arrow pointing the speedrunner in a very specific direction for the runner to follow the direction of. the arrow. and wait, wait, why exactly is he a grizzly bear?
More importantly, what does a grizzly bear look like? I'm just not going to ask any more questions, so right here the slider makes a blatant cut to the footage of him, as we can clearly see, changed his game. to survive and after jumping into this random pool of lava the speedon falls down a hole straight into the end portal, you guessed it, and now it's pretty obvious why he placed an arrow because it takes him straight to the end portal location. then the runner appears at the end and immediately why are there random dream NPCs at the end?
He now also finds what is a version of Wither. In the end, this speedrun is so strange, so the runner opens a chest with two. Different things first, a rainbow scythe which is clearly not a real weapon in Minecraft and also gets another wither head and finishes the Wither uh I don't think it's a normal wither, why is it so scary? Fortunately, use the rainbow scythe that the speedrunner obtained. in the chest, somehow kill the Ender Dragon without being demolished by this wizened madman, uh, maybe because the speedrunner is somehow in creative mode, this next speedrunner appears, but pay close attention to the join message in the corner bottom left, this message may only appear when playing on a server that is not allowed to speedrun and after getting some hay and looting some chests, notice this strange black figure in the corner that clearly looks like another player's leg , remember this for later, the speedrunner heads to a ruined portal but doesn't seem to have flint and steel to light it, but when he turns around, it magically floats to the ground when it clearly wasn't there before.
He is also missing a piece of obsidian for the nether portal, but when he turns around, he is there too. Take a closer look at the sky when you can see some particles floating around, which is a byproduct of using the invisibility potion that obviously comes from the player we saw earlier in the speedrun. Plus, by putting the footage into audio software, you can see it exactly. moment when he drank the invisibility potion, so he appears in The Nether and begins to search for a fortress where he begins to fight the flames to try to get a fire rod, but even though we only see him kill four flames, he somehow has eight fire rods in his inventory now, this would mean that each Blaze drops two rods even though they have a maximum drop limit of only one, the speedrunner clearly messes with the drop percentages of the loot, then heads to a Bastion where he starts throwing gold.
Piglins tries to get Ender Pearls and miraculously gets 16 Ender Pearls from a single exchange, but after putting the images into an editing software we can see that the pearls come slightly above the piglin, not the piglin itself, which means that his invisible friend from before is actually the one who throws the pearls, then returns to the Overworld where a very specific place has been marked to create another portal that, of course , teleports the speedrunner directly to the final portal room and when he reaches the end he notices how half of the pillars are completely missing and the ones there have no crystals, so the runner takes out his bow and starts shooting at the Dragon when a random sword falls in the sky called Dragon Killer, which was clearly his friend's. and I think the name speaks for itself, this next speedrunner appears right next to a desert pyramid, but why is the floor filled with sand and not sandstone and the central block is lapis lazuli, not blue terracotta, meaning the speedrunner clearly messes with him before recording? and when it falls there is no pressure plate and everyone knows that the desert temples have a pressure plate and of course each chest has extremely powerful items after leaving the village the speedrunner needs to find a ruined portal , so why is he digging?
In this Random Lake pit, of course, digging takes you directly to a ruined portal, then you appear in The Nether directly next to a fortress where you don't even bother fighting the flames, instead finding eight flame rods in a fortress chest which is clearly impossible since they don't even appear here, then he finds a Bastion right next to the Fortress and after trading with piglins he gets all the pearls he needs and returns to his portal, but on the way back notice a very strange shape. on the ground that has clearly been tampered with to build a nether portal here and after digging directly from the spawn location, it fell straight into the fortresses and after turning on the portal, the speedrunner appears directly on the surface instead of the platform. black obsidian like a real speedrun, the rest is normal, we move in this next speedrun that begins with the runner extracting wood and making some tools where he locates a nearby village, but for a fraction of a second we can see a very strange item in his inventory , remember this for later.
Speedrunner walks through the houses of the town until he reaches the blacksmith, where he not only finds a chest with a bucket of water but also a portal. How is he in a lava pool? After forming the nether portal from him, he then enters the Nether where he locates a nearby fortress. but he only decides to kill a single Blaze and also finds an ender pearl in a very suspicious and obviously fake chest in the Fortress that he clearly placed in creative mode and when he turns around he finds another portal that takes him directly back to the abyss. portal now with only one eye, the speedrunner begins to locate the fortresses and once he does, he digs out and enters the final portal room where the final portal already has 11 Eyes of Ender placed, which has more than 1 in N billion chance of happening, but the speedrunner has no beds, so how is he going to kill the Ender Dragon?
Remember earlier in the speedrun where he had a very interesting item in his inventory? Well, he turns out to be a trigger and I'll let the pictures do the talking. By itself, the next one begins and our speedrunner appears next to a village where he finds some crazy loot in the first chest of his, including fire rods that are not possible to spawn in a chest in the village. He also loots a ton of obsidian. but do you notice anything? The red textures around a chest lock clearly show that it's a trap chest that doesn't spawn in villages, which means you obviously put it in creative mode and instead of heading to the nether portal, it now wanders away until it reaches a very strange area of ​​blocks that was clearly manipulated by the speedrunner to build another portal and this becomes obvious when he magically appears directly into a fortress, but the speedrunner already has fire rods so why would he need to be in a fortress because this Fortress contains a piglin generator instead of a flame generator, which is obviously not possible in Minecraft, making it incredibly easy for a Speed ​​Runner to get all the pearls he needs and the Speedrunner also finds a pre-lit. nether portal conveniently on your way out of the Fortress, which is clearly different from the one that spawned it, which teleports you directly to the final portal room where the silverfish generator is missing and the speedrunner crafts his eyes and begins to illuminate the portal. end towards until Wait, is this guy seriously being attacked by his mom on Discord and now he has to do some chores?
Well I guess something happened because the speedrun just cuts out there. The next speedrunner starts with the speedrunner spawning right next to a village where he already has XP before the race starts and after collecting some hay, why are there not one but two, three 4 and five iron golems in the village when a normal village only contains one? He then travels to one of the houses in the village where one of the doors has somehow already been opened and then finds 11 ender pearls in the village chest, which is impossible since ender pearls cannot spawn. in these village chests, meaning he clearly placed them before the race started and when he goes to kill the Iron Golem to get some iron. he doesn't get the achievement for collecting it, which means he had already messed with the Golems before he started recording.
He then finds a nearby shipwreck to go looting, where he finds nine fire rods, which there is no way fire rods can't appear. shipwreck chests, then locates a nearby ruin portal where he finds the exact amount of obsidian needed to complete it, but he already has the Eyes of Ender, why does he need to go to the abyss? The race is pretty normal, so we move on to this next speedrunner. He starts off by creating some tools and finding a pyramid in the desert where he starts looting chests, but he takes a closer look at this specific chest, there is a red outline around the lock which means it is a trap chest. it's not a real chest, which means he put it in creative mode and the speedrunner also has a Blaze Rod in the chest, which is impossible.
Blaze Rods can't spawn in desert temples and when he finds a nearby lava pool, the speedrunner is having a lot of trouble. When building the portal, he decides to look up a YouTube tutorial on how to do it during his speedrun, which would clearly be wasting too much time on a real speedrun. After completing the portal, he heads into the abyss where he finds a fortress. and collects some fire rods, but when he goes to the Bastion he only collects four ender pearls instead of the usual 12 to 16. Remember the specific number of pearls for later, the speedrunner returns to the Overworld, where he immediately digs into a place seemingly random place that just so happens to drop you straight into the fortress, but look closer at the floor.
This is the floor of a real fortress that clearly does not have any cobblestones in this fortress that was clearly placed as a way to take the speedrunner directly to the final portal room, but wait, this final portal looks strange, why is there only four frames when a normal end portal contains 12?Well, remember, when the speedrunner only collected four pearls earlier in the race, there's no way that's going to work next. Speed ​​Runner appears right next to a raider outpost, but notices that none of the raiders are attacking him even though the speed runner hits one, because if you look closer at his hotbar, Their hearts are completely edited and the speed runner is actually in creative mode.
Because mobs don't defend themselves in creative mode, you then find the chest to loot The Outpost, but when comparing it to a real Pillager Outpost, the chest is placed just one block to the right, meaning the speedrunner placed it accidentally in the wrong place. In creative mode, the speedrunner then finds a nearby village, but only decides to loot a specific house that has a Netherite sword, which is impossible. Netherite swords cannot drop from village chests. He then finds a nearby lava pool where there is clearly a spot for a NE portal. He has been marked and it is not surprising that this location leads him directly to a fortress, however, he finds a Blaz generator in a very unusual place.
It's obvious that Blaze's Spawners can't spawn here, which means he set this to Creative before recording and even though the runner only kills. two flames, he has seven rods in his inventory, let's advance in the next speed. The corridor appears right in front of a chest and oh no, I feel a little bad for this village. I'm not going to lie, did you really have to delete it? the villagers like it ah let's just hope it's calmer in the background uh that was pretty quick now this is about to be crazy and there go all the crystals yeah the inner dragon doesn't stand a chance well, I guess you just finished that speedrun on the next Speed.
The race begins with a slightly arrogant speed. Racer Brother, this quick race will be very easy: he's going to loot a chest and build some tools to use, but while he takes his boat out to sea, focus your attention on the chat. it is the Serbian language when the speedrunner clearly speaks English, remember this for later, the speedrunner continues traveling underwater creating a portal and entering the Nether and the speedrunner manages to find a bastion by collecting some ender pearls and a fortress by collecting some Blaze Rods , but pause, this is the leaderboard on the website for 1.16 RSG in Minecraft and if we take a look at the second fastest time ever recorded, does this game look familiar to you?
The speedrunner literally put his face camera on an existing world record. speedrun and when compared side by side this is hilariously fake and I submitted the race to the real This next speedrunner shows up, but there's immediately something off. This is the angle when you spawn for a normal Minecraft speed run, but you can clearly. He sees that it is slightly tilted upwards, meaning that he has already generated this world, then he heads to a nearby village where there are not one, two, but three iron golems when a normal village only spawns a maximum of one, so that the speedrunner picks up some beds and loots some chests before heading to a nearby lava pool and starts creating the Abyssal Portal using a bucket of water, but just a few seconds before we can see that he didn't even have a bucket of water in his inventory, but if you play this clip in Slow Motion you can see a slight cut in the footage, which means the speedrunner took the bucket of water out of the camera.
The speedrunner then enters the abyss where he searches for a nearby Fortress and after collecting seven fire rods heads towards a Bastion to exchange pearls, but takes a closer look at this specific piglin, which seems a little strange when compared side by side. of the other with a real piglin, you can see that he is literally just another player with a piglin skin, which explains him getting 32 ender pearls from a single exchange which then makes his way back to the Overworld, where he appears on a beach completely normal, but there is a piece of sandstone that the speedrunner clearly marked at the beginning of the race, which explains why he dug directly into the fortress to set his eyes on the portal and the rest. it's normal, we're moving on to the next run, it starts with our speedrunner appearing in a village and looting a ruined portal chest, which would be completely normal until you realize that it's impossible for fire resistance to appear here, remember the fire resistance for later, then grab your Lo and look for an iron golem to kill, but why are there not one but two, three, and four iron golems in the village?
When a normal village only contains one, return to the ruined portal and the Nether, where the speedrunner drinks his fire resistance and jumps into a very safe pool of lava that suddenly drops the speedrunner right in the middle of a fortress. . Once in the fortress, the speedrunner begins searching for a flame generator, but there appears to be quite a few more flames than normal, as explained. If you look closely at the top right corner of your screen, where a second Blaze spawner was placed in creative mode after collecting his fire rods, the speedrunner needs to find a Bastion, but pay close attention to these specific blocks in the wall because after turning around the speedrunner miraculously finds a Bastion and although the cut is not clearly noticeable, we could clearly see beforehand that there was no Bastion in sight, now the rest of the race is quite normal, so we move forward, This next speedrunner literally exposes himself using a keyboard cam, the race begins and the runner appears in a good seed near an underwater rift where he begins to create a nether portal using magma and this is where the first sign appears that it is fake , the speedrunner appears to have his hands completely off his mouse for a brief second, but simultaneously places the flint and steel that ignites the nether portal.
How would it be possible if he didn't even click his mouse? Now spawns directly next to a bastion where he gets something from extremely lucky trades and a seed also has a fortress within Pearl's distance of the Bastion which is extremely rare and this is where things get very bogus: the speedrunner appears to crack his knuckles where both hands are clearly away from the keyboard and mouse while his Gaml shows him fighting flames at the exact same time, let's pause, let's do some research because this is literally impossible and after going to the official speedrun website .com, we see the four fastest speedrun 47s of all time, where the game is strikingly similar to the speedrun we just saw and is clearly fake when you realize that the speedrunner simply placed his keyboard camera over a speedrun that already existed.
This next speedrunner is trying to beat the world record for 1.8.9 random.seed, but look closely, the race starts quite normally with our speedrunner spawning in a village, but do you realize that in a split second we can see a frog in Minecraft that not only does not appear in the e biome but does not exist in Minecraft 1.8.9 the specific version that this speedrunner is running for the speedrun continues collecting beds and looking for a ruined portal finally the speedrunner finds it and once that the speedrunner appears in the abyss we see these textures updated for Netherrack and blocks that do not exist in Minecraft 8.9 clearly, the speedrunner tried to get an advantage by running a newer version of Minecraft, but by submitting it for 1.8.9, this next speedrunner He starts appearing right in front of a village where he gets some hay and loots some chests, then he finds a lava pool nearby and starts creating another portal, but take a closer look at his face cam during this process, when the speedrunner stretches, we can clearly see his hands off the keyboard even though his character is moving at this exact moment, if you look even closer it looks like the speedrunner has a controller in his hand, however, earlier in the run , when he opened his inventory, we could clearly see that the mouse cursor was being used.
All of this points to the speedrunner using pre-recorded data. he footage, but pretends he's playing, so he enters the abyss, but the lava is already flowing as he appears, meaning he was already in the abyss before recording. He also doesn't get an achievement when he enters the nether fortress after collecting fire rods that he heads for. the Bastion where he gets the Ender Pearls and back to the Overworld where he starts throwing the Eyes of Ender, but notice how when the speedrunner throws the eye he deliberately turns 90° and runs in the other direction, which makes no sense. because the eyes actually lead directly. to the location of the fortress, but he excavates this specific location and finds an End Portal that has clearly been built in creative mode.
This next speedrun seems normal at first with our speedrunner appearing in a village, but suddenly the speedrunner immediately digs out of the village and falls straight into some heavy dams, but after a little web search I found this exact seed taken directly from a YouTube video called the best Minecraft seeds for speedrunning, which explains this incredibly lucky seed and when you enter the portal room there are already 10 eyes on the portal which has a one in a billion chance of happening and take a look. look at the edges here, they're not filled with lava like a normal portal room, which means the speedrunner manipulated them in creative mode, which explains why he breaks this specific block, which leads him to a random chest that has the perfect amount of eyes you need and you get to the end.
I've seen enough, let's move on to the next pie, this next speedrunner starts by mining wood and crafting some tools, then finds a nearby shipwreck where he finds some pretty good loot, except for the fact that it is impossible for obsidian to appear in a shipwreck chest. He then uses the obsidian to complete a nearby ruined portal where he appears right next to it. now, in a fortress, after collecting his seven fire rods, he finds a Bastion right next door where he finds an abnormal amount of piglins and manages to obtain four stacks of Ender Pearls, which is clearly impossible.
He then returns to the Overworld where he digs into a very specific block that coincidentally drops him straight into the fortress and after reaching the end, how come the Ender Dragon has already lost some health and why have all the Ender Crystals been removed? the pillars? Let's move on to the next one. The race begins and the runner appears directly next to a desert temple where he already has 1 XP and after entering the pyramid, the central block is blue concrete, not blue terracotta, which shows us that the speedrunner had previously messed with it before recording and when the speedrunner falls inside.
At the temple, you are greeted with OP items from each chest and do not ignite any TNT after stepping on the pressure plate, you continue the race and head to a nearby village and for a brief second when the speedrunner checks his inventory , we can detect it. a singular command block hidden in the corner that is not only impossible to survive, but we'll see what he does with this later, after looting The Village, he makes his way to find a ruined portal where he has just the right amount of obsidian. to finish it and once the speedrunner enters the abyss, he appears directly next to a fores, but note that the speedrunner decides to return to the Overworld, create a boat and sail in a random direction towards the earth, then find something strange.
From an entire beach of normal sand there is a singular piece of sandstone that the speedster digs into and lands directly in the final portal room, showing us that he clearly tried to mark the place with something he didn't want us to. to see, but there is a problem of where the speedster is supposed to get his Eyes of Ender. Remember how the command block from earlier disappeared and in its place is a button on the wall that activates a command that gives the speedrunner 11 Eyes of Ender clearly? showing us that he used his command block to get these pearls and after he enters at the end, the fight is pretty normal so we move on to the next race.
He begins by breaking wood and making some tools, where they then find a nearby village where they enter a blacksmith. house and finds an enchanting table that doesn't appear at the blacksmiths, he also conveniently finds a netherite sword and enchantment bottles in the chest right next to it that have clearly been placed in creative mode now after enchanting his sword he looks to kill an iron. golem uh is a diamond golem that literally drops diamonds when killed then needs to find a ruined portal nearby and is it just me or that doesn't look like a real ruined portal at all and the portal is guaranteed to be fake because there is Being a trap chest instead of a normal chest, now once he enters the chasm, the speedrunner needs to find a fortress where he digs into this wall, turns around andhe magically finds one, but this Fortress clearly wasn't here when he appeared in the speedrunner and then finds a However, this is clearly not where a normal Blaze generator is found, which means the speedrunner placed it here in creative mode.
After collecting all of his Blaze Rods, the Speedrunner makes the interesting decision to return to the Overworld without having to go to a Bastion where normal speedrunners get ender pearls, however when he reappears he somehow has 16 pearls. of ender that must have been taken out of the chamber. The sprinter then attempts a familiar sprinting technique known as triangulation; However, when comparing his technique to real sprinting, he clearly has no idea what he's doing and is just darting his eyes in random directions, but somehow he still finds the exact spot to dig from and what do you know? ?
This takes them directly to the final portal room. The speedster clearly didn't use triangulation. but I located this using spectator mode and once the speedrunner reaches the end he finds a random chest with beds to spawn in which is clearly fake so let's move on to this next speedrun which starts by spawning on a mountain but a As it goes down we see something. a little suspicious, the shape of a nether portal is outlined on the wall right when he spawned, keep this in mind for later, the speedrunner eventually finds a village in the desert which he loots, then travels back to his spawn and this is really strange. structure that has clearly been tampered with and not what, so this next quick run starts with the runner mining some wood, crafting some tools and finding a nearby village where he enters this house and finds a chest with some pretty normal items, some iron, some bread, it's a dragon egg, remember this for later, so the speedster then goes to kill the Iron Golem, but in addition to dropping iron, the Iron Golem also drops flint and steel, something that is impossible as flint and steel cannot be released from the Iron Golems, so the speedster travels to a nearby ruined portal and uses the flint and steel he obtained from the Iron Golem to enter. to the abyss Okay, so the speedrunner is in the Abyss and he takes a good look at the areas around him when he appears because he goes to this wall and when he turns around he's magically in front of a Bastion, but if we compare this to the area where was just seconds before, we can clearly say that there was never a Bastion there, which means that he used turning towards the wall as a distraction to make a cut.
In the speedrun, this is further demonstrated when he accidentally opens his chat and reveals that he used a /locate command, but even with all these cheats, the speedrunner decides to completely ignore the Bastion and never enter it, although in a normal speedrun the Bastion is used to trade with piglins and get Ender pearls, but this decision will make some sense in a second, so then find a fortress and start killing some llamas, but these llamas not only drop fire rods but They also drop final pearls, which means that the speedrunner didn't just mess with the loot of the flames, but now it makes sense why he completely ignored the Bastion, so he collects all the rods and pearls he needs and wants to return to the Overworld, where he finds a very specific location marked.
He set out to build a nether portal, but if we look closer at the speed owner's inventory, he has no obsidian, so how is he supposed to create a nether portal? Well I guess he's deciding to build it with Nether Bricks, I'm not really sure how that's supposed. to work, wait, how did it work? So the speedrunner returns to the Overworld and ends up finding the fortress and enters it so the speedrunner fills the portal and reaches the end and the first thing you notice is that all the final crystals mysteriously disappeared and the second thing you you'll notice is wait, is that a threaded final Dragon, this world is so cursed now in a normal speedrun, beds are usually the preferred way to beat the game, but I'm not sure if they are negligible.
The beds will be able to handle the Threaded Dragon well, remember earlier in the race when the owner of speed found a dragon egg? Well, he uses the egg to spawn his own fire dragon which he can actually ride if you enjoyed it. Subscribe, bye.

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