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THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE : Stories For Kids In English | TIA & TOFU | Bedtime Stories For Kids

Jun 03, 2024
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Hat Family Tia, can I have t-shirts? I'm bored of these, but


, we received these two months ago, isn't it too early to buy more? No, I want more t-shirts, Tia, I'm not happy, okay? Look, let's go to dinner, what is this? I don't want to eat sandwiches. I want a chicken salad with


. There is a variety of food on the table, but you want a salad. What's happening to you these days? Hey, Tia? I'm not happy maybe if I had more toys or clothes I would be happy you are ungrateful just like the




What do you mean Aunt the


and his


Once upon a time on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea there lived a fisherman and his wife in a small cabin the fishermen used to go to the beach every day to fish he was very happy with what he had but his wife was never happy ah this cabin is so moldy and damp it stinks.
the fisherman and his wife stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
I'm tired of cleaning it. upstairs every day on the other hand the happy fisherman was in love with his wife and every day he brought her something to make her happy but no matter what he did he couldn't make her happy if he brought her fish she asked him for crabs if he brought her apples she would ask him for mangoes Ah, you don't understand, I don't want these apples, take them at once. The fisherman became discouraged, but the next morning he returned to fishing in the hope of finding something to make his wife happy. He sat on the seashore and was waiting for a fish to get caught. on his fishing rod, after a while he felt the tip of the fishing rod move, he immediately pulled it and to his surprise, a shiny golden flounder appeared. to the surface oh look, my wife would be so happy too please let me go I'm not a fish I'm a prince under a spell please let me go I will grant any wish you have asked of me what did you do? just talk, you heard it right, please don't kill me, let me go, ah no, here you go, I won't kill you.
the fisherman and his wife stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids

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the fisherman and his wife stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids...

He had never seen a talking fish before the surprised fisherman immediately released the fish and ran to his wife with great excitement he told her about the talking fish but to his surprise his wife was furious as always what you are amazing you release a magical fish without asking nothing save the fish you could have asked for anything in return like a big house what come back now and ask the magic fish for a new home that makes me happy. The fishermen found it difficult to refuse his wife's request and returned to the seashore to find the magic fish again.
the fisherman and his wife stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
Oh magical fish, come out, I need you to grant it to me. a wish and just when he said that the magic fish swam to the surface, what do you want? Tell me the fishermen, you see, my wife is not happy at all, she is tired of living in a dirty cabin, she wants a big and nice house, come back , fisherman, your wife has a new home now the fisherman caught the magic fish and immediately went home to his surprise his wife was standing outside a big house where the cabin used to be she was glowing with happiness my dear wife, now you have a new home new house, are you happy? dear I can't say that for now we'll see you later honey that night while the fishermen were sleeping his wife couldn't sleep at all and when the sun came up the next morning the wife had a new demand to make to my dear husband I thought about this all the time night but I want a huge place in fact I want to be queen what you heard well go and tell that to the magic fish the fisherman once again stood on the seashore and called to the magic fish to which he swam the fish came to the surface once more and asked what the fishermen wanted, oh magic fish, my wife is still not happy, she wants a palace, come back fisherman, your wife is a queen now and once again the fisherman ran to his wife and entered the huge palace where she was. home.
the fisherman and his wife stories for kids in english tia tofu bedtime stories for kids
It used to be he looked at his wife sitting on a throne happy as always the fishermen beamed with happiness and kissed his hand oh darling are you happy now dear that's a great question we'll have to wait and see oh look my crown that night the fisherman fell asleep while his wife couldn't sleep she sat up and looked at the moon and stars all night the next day she had another request to make at The Breakfast Table my love I'm still not happy I want to make it be able to control Day and night Time keeps running out I want to control the time And I want to live above the clouds Oh baby, what are you saying?
Isn't this abundance of wealth and power enough for you to go to the magic fish? and ask him to grant me my wish once again the poor fisherman lowered his head and headed to the seashore he called the magic fish tell me fishermen what do you want now the fisherman told the flounder everything about his wife's wish the flounder immediately He granted this wish too go home fisherman your wife now has what she wants the fisherman ran to his wife only to find an empty land instead of a palace he called his wife but she too was gone immediately he ran to the magic fish sobbing oh Magic Fish, my wife, I can't see her anywhere, where is she?
What happened to her? She asked to live above the clouds, so there she is in the unknown world. Oh no, no, please bring her back all this while I asked you to Grant. My wife's wishes, can you grant me a wish? Please tell me what you want. Fishermen. The fishermen asked the magic fish to bring him his wife, but this time he wanted her to be happy. Go home. Your wish is granted. He ran excitedly and saw his wife standing outside the cabin waiting for him. Oh, honey, look, I'm back. I'm happy I learned my lesson.
I don't want anything, I just want to be with you here in our cute little cabin oh honey I'm glad you're happy I just want to see you smiling all the time and the fisherman and his wife hugged each other as they walked happily inside their little cabin wow I liked the story and that you learned tofu I learned that we should always be grateful for what we have for your favorite Rhymes


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