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the fastest man in skyblock

May 31, 2021
The more I play Skyblock, the more I face the growing sense of dissatisfaction. Sure I got rare items, minions, riches, but at the end of the day I couldn't get the one thing. I came here for the only thing that really matters. speed Speed ​​is the only stat I care about in Skyblock and the admins are determined to prevent it from increasing. I mean, I collected one hundred and sixty-five fairy souls and this is what it gave me: it almost quintupled my base health. I got a ton. Defense I have a lot of strength 3% extra speed 3 that's nothing, that 3% speed could be buggy and it doesn't even work and no one would know it's a placebo speed levels the best part is that speed only matters if you're not sprint jumping in a sprint jumping is like 30% faster than a normal sprint so speed doesn't even matter unless you can increase it past that point but everything in this game is like ooh you have a mythic refinement plus 1% speed, oh, you have a speed. talisman plus 1% speed, you're telling me that Tia the fairy can give everyone the base stats of a Greek demigod, but if I want to walk a little faster, that's too much to ask, there are three sets of epic armor in the game that I have. conscious and one of them from the sugarcane collection focuses on speed which gives more 30% for the low price of 600,000 he won you can get the same speed that everyone else gets by pressing the space bar if you want to go fast in Skyblock There is only one The way the rebel sword allows you to convert 50 mana.
the fastest man in skyblock
I don't care, it allows you to convert 50 to 20 speed for 30 seconds. You get mana from intelligence and it's much easier to increase intelligence than speed and so I started working. to get the magma armor, a set of armor that at most gives more than 200 intelligence, I don't get any comments like oh my god, techno blade, where are you going for the magma armor? It barely offers defense, you should have chosen the emerald armor. wrong ok the emerald armor requires like 600,000 emeralds to get it you have to take up a whole slot here to get it and in the end it won't even matter because I bet they'll update the sky block by adding new endgame legendary armor crafted from of enchanted orphans that will give like three times as much defense and then the emerald sets will be worthless while I'll still be too fast to handle them for the last few days.
the fastest man in skyblock

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the fastest man in skyblock...

I've had eight magma cube minions produce magma cubes non-stop. and we are almost ready to craft it, but until it is ready, let me introduce you to the other method of increasing intelligence talisman spam. If you can get as many talismans as you can, you can refine them all to give more intelligence and it's just really useful technically, the plural of talisman is Tallis man, but that sounds really stupid so I won't say it as far as I know, these are most of them. talismans in the game, but there are still a couple that we don't have.
the fastest man in skyblock
Let's start looking for them while our minions farm the rest of the magma cream. There is the spiders' lair. I was told that at the top of this mountain there is a special mini boss that almost no one knows about and who drops a rare talisman. I've never actually seen this mini boss, but Haskó told me he was there and I can't think of any reason why he would want to fool me. Let's go to Haskó 1v1 in the Colosseum fireball. Everyone was lost. Oh I see you idiot, have fun being stuck there forever, yeah we're fine.
the fastest man in skyblock
I don't think there are stairs to get higher than us, so we're going to have to use this grappling hook that someone gave me, yeah, yeah, that's not it. not high at all we oh hey that's nice in my way oh my god this is great that was terrible yeah okay I see how it is I'm going to go here and uber and there's nothing here I've been scammed Why is there snow? the bottom wait wait that's the mini-boss he's hiding in some corner like a clam come on come on let's have a battle BAM and he died in one hit and there's the talisman he was prepared for like an epic battle and he just just dies in one fell swoop, this must be our Saitama feels oh no, I crawled out and got caught in cobwebs for the next half hour.
Thanks, Dark Souls is constantly refined into talisman until you get the refinement you want, it takes a lot of money, so we're going to have to raise some funds for an auction on an upstairs porch. I'm thinking 100,000 and I confirm that some people pointed out the techno blades and you rightfully just rant about not killing pigs, in your last video you had five stacks of pork chop in your inventory look look buddy you have to believe me, I'm a good person, okay, I didn't even kill those pigs my slaves killed after many days, we finally did it, we got enough levels to add five crits to our amber bar Oh, finally, okay, how long does it take dad?
Luton? Three oh my goodness, next is the feather talisman. It is quite easy to make. The problem is that I have to kill another 700 chickens to get the recipe. Why is murder and small defenseless animals the only way? to do anything in Skyblock, trade Psyche for a Skyblock I had been told that there is actually a talisman out there that is exactly what I'm looking for in terms of quality, it's the rarest talisman currently in the game and it gives speed, but the problem is the only one. The way to get this is to kill bats and there are no bats on the map.
It says there's a 1% chance of it dropping from killing a bat, and from what I've heard, the only way for bats to breed is on the roofed forest island. so we bought one at an auction like a loser, it cost like two and a half thousand gold, whatever, I'm rich, let's go to the roofed island, spawn some bats, not many bats on this island, I think they pranked me Wait, there's a bat. So what is this bat? Come here, come here, die, I didn't let him fall. I think I figured it out. I think this weird spinning box can spawn bats and I thought they could only spawn in the dark so I built this ugly giant. platform and now I'm pretty sure it's based on the day/night cycle so that was the point, let's get back to it, thanks, bats are usually pretty annoying to kill.
I'll just fly to the middle of nowhere, but this bow shoots heat-seeking arrows so out of here no, no moon, no, don't do it, don't come down, no, please, please, I need more bets while we wait the sun sets again and I can. also announce our cheap pork chop auction slash aah Technol blade wait there are actually two bids where is it? little good, no, no, wrong direction, tie, yes, no, no, reverse, where is it? I hate this bat, he's making fun of me, that's what he's doing. I'm going to start stabbing them with Lewodan's sword three, let's see if that helps, no, oh, I'm camping.
Now, man, a bat is going to spawn and it will be hit immediately where it will die, die, die, pinpoint accuracy, incredible accuracy, no, no, come back, come back, no, and there's no talisman and the sun is rising. I have passed it time and time again. how we are in this bat talisman and now there is a lawnmower outside, my name is going great, by the way, die, I don't begin to think that I should have bought the talisman from the auction, it's not fun, but it's not this nor is it this, why is there a real bidding war for my pork chop, it's been two actual hours and I'm starting to think I should have gotten more than one island, please, no magma cubes of this incredible chaotic energy, meaning you will never be able to catch them, they just break free. freeing myself it's been so long that I gave up and bought three more roofed forest islands and none of them have been in the boxing that spawns bats.
I got scammed. I spent so many hours not being able to get the bat talisman that now I have enough magma cream to make the armor so let's do that first we'll just make some pants, make that helmet, make those boots, brute, brute, brute. I think they updated the game so you can't profit from growth, but I think you can. we can add it with books oh we can do it later and now we refine, the refinements become more powerful the higher the quality of the item and we have epic armors so the refinements will be quite strong but they are also more expensive to refine. so I brought 800 thousand coins.
I'm trying to be smart, which gives the highest speed and intelligence of any refinement, hoping that eight hundred thousand will be enough. We got our first smart piece, ah, that was really easy, so it looks three times smarter. sage, okay, that only took like two 220,000 coins, but we did it, we got, we have a full set of sages, put it on the armor, I'm so smart, look at this, where was this intelligence during the finals? We haven't even started with the set bonus that can give us 200 more, come on, yeah the farm, the magma armor on the farm has two more hit points, yeah, I can feel myself getting smarter, oh god, I'm surrounded, there's only one way out of here, we have permission to activate. warp speed then it's oh my god they're flexing Oh god we're going too fast I can't, I can't control it no, I've been trying to get this bat talisman for three days in real life.
You better give me that much speed. Here comes the Sun, the last bat of the day, please, please, just give me the time, one percent speed.

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