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The Elder Wand Has A BROTHER | Harry Potter Film Theory

May 03, 2024
down to the rowan wood section and see what all the fuss was about and whether or not that suited Dumbledore. "Row wood has always been a favorite for


s because it is reputed to be more protective than any other and, in my experience, makes all types of defensive spells especially strong and difficult to break. It is often stated that no witch or dark wizard I have ever had a rowan


, and I do not remember a single case in which one of my own rowan wands has gone to do evil in the world Rowan occupies the happiest place among lucid and lucid people. pure of heart, except this reputation for virtue.
the elder wand has a brother harry potter film theory
It shouldn't fool anyone. These wands are equal to any, often better, and often outperform others in duels. I mean, I'm not reaching, right? like Dumbledore, especially after the events of "Dumbledore's Secret" with the qilin, which, if you need a refresher, the qilin is this little deer creature right here that is very rare and has a unique power, the ability to judge the purity. of people's souls, and if he finds someone who has a truly pure soul, he will kneel before them, and guess who he kneels before in "Dumbledore's Secrets"? Spoilers, it's Numbledore, and that feels very, very, very relevant, but let me go even further because it also says that rowan wood is supposed to be the most protective of any wand wood, and another important thing that happens Al At the end of "Dumbledore's Secrets" is the destruction of the blood pact, something that was thought impossible and yet was achieved because Grindelwald casts a spell to attack and Dumbledore casts a spell to protect.
the elder wand has a brother harry potter film theory

More Interesting Facts About,

the elder wand has a brother harry potter film theory...

Besides that, do you know who else fits the description of a rowan wood wand almost perfectly? Ignotus Peverell, who, let me remind you, would have been the original owner of the wand and was the purest


at heart. What sanctification did he create? Oh yes, the Invisibility Cloak, whose true magic and power, according to Dumbledore, is: "'The true magic, of course, is that it can be used to shield and protect others, as well as its owner.'" The Wand of Elder belonged to the first


. Dumbledore's wand belonged to the third, and I think they were the ones who made these wands, not Death, but this may be even cooler because while I think they made the hallows themselves, that doesn't mean they didn't come across the Death, like Death with a capital D, because who were the only people who could see thestrals?
the elder wand has a brother harry potter film theory
People who have witnessed death. However, in the case of the Peverells, it could have been a little more literal. It also means that Second Brother's wand is out there somewhere. (sighs) I wonder if he had important descendants. (Voldemort laughing) (laughing) Oh yes, him. (rumbling bass) What do you think, guys? Does Dumbledore possess Third Brother's wand? Do you fear Priori Incantatem with Grindelwald? Let me know all your thoughts in the towel section below. Thank you very much for liking this video. If you want to see our full review of "Dumbledore's Secrets," be sure to check out this video right here, but otherwise, until next time, Ben, I'll see you in another life, bro.
the elder wand has a brother harry potter film theory

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