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How Does Harry Resist The Imperius Curse? [Harry Potter Theory]

May 09, 2024
Today's video is brought to you by a custom post Hello brothers, there is no doubt that Harry is a talented fighter of the dark arts and some of this is due to the fact that he has this unique relationship with Voldemort, but not all of it, e.g. . The patronus that Harry is able to cast is one of the most impressive feats we see from him throughout the entire series and that's all of him and although we don't see all three of these feats together, he is the only wizard who can


or survive to the three unforgivable


s and obviously the one he is most famous for is surviving the


of Evoda's corpse when he was a baby and again at 17 years old.
how does harry resist the imperius curse harry potter theory
However, Harry's extreme bravery in both should not be downplayed. In some cases he is still protected by his mother's love, in both cases meaning bravery or not, Ivana Kadava's curse wasn't going to kill him at least as long as it came from Voldemort and I'm not sure Harry knew that. second time. Still, he is also tortured by the cruciatus curse on several occasions and is eventually able to


it without feeling any pain. It's a little difficult to say exactly how he


this. It's right after he comes back from the dead and Voldemort is casting the spell. spell over what he believes to be his corpse and we know that Harry's sacrifice by going into the forest to be killed now protects all members of Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix at the Battle of Hogwarts from any spell Voldemort casts against them, so it is presumed that this same protection as his sacrifice also protects him in that situation, although according to wikipedia it is because the elder simply did not want to harm his true master, but personally I do not believe it because they are only literally moments .
how does harry resist the imperius curse harry potter theory

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how does harry resist the imperius curse harry potter theory...

He tried to kill him ago, although it was accepting that death that made him the master of death and it wasn't until after that hmm, no, it's because he took Draco's wand, so no, it's not such a silly explanation if I'm thinking of leaving a comment saying no it's because Harry took Draco's wand in a completely different incident, just stop, no way do it. I'm trying to get to the bottom of this and really point it out. it's


's inclination and his ability to resist the dark arts, more specifically when it comes to the imperious curse because in case you don't remember, he literally


this on his first try, he literally stops one of the most powerful curses in the entire wizarding world one of three they send you to a lifetime in azkaban just for casting without forgiveness and it was cast by a very powerful dark wizard and he immediately resists and there's no silly explanation like the elder wand or mom's death, that's not a silly explanation for how this happens today I want to find out why and how Harry is able to resist the imperious curse on his first attempt, brothers, before we continue, we must give a big thank you to today's sponsor.
how does harry resist the imperius curse harry potter theory
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resists perfectly no, but now two explanations immediately come to mind as to how harry is able to resist this particular curse and the first is simply that. harry is the one, he's fine, sorry, as moody slash crouch points out in this exact same lesson. harry is the only one who has ever resisted the killing curse, maybe this boy is uniquely and innately able to resist the dark arts, which i think is a compliment.
That harry can claim to be good at defending against the dark arts and it's not just because he defeats dark lords and hunts horcruxes and you know, binds the deathly hallows, but simply because he's drawn to them in the same way. than you He may have been top of your class in English, History or Maths, it's just the subject that comes naturally to him, so for clarity, yes, Harry is top of his class in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but not yet. I think it is like that. What was giving him the advantage to resist the


I mean, for one thing, Harry doesn't cast a perfect Patronus on his first try and he definitely doesn't master Occlumency from the start and again didn't resist the Killing Curse due. to his own dexterity, so what else is it possible that because he is in a classroom, literally crouching comes easily to him in this particular case, but to what end, he is certainly not trying to help harry to defending himself against voldemort and when you go back and reread this section, when you know he's a death eater, it reads differently, like he's almost convinced that the only reason he's doing this is literally just his own personal enjoyment by to be able to put students under the


. curse and I don't believe for a moment that he was expecting Harry to be able to get rid of the curse and I think that once he does, he is forced to respond accordingly and apart from that, even if there was something specific about the circumstances under Which Moody was hexing Harry in the classroom, even if that wasn't as intense as it could be in his most evil form?
Voldemort still uses it on Harry later and Harry still resists and Voldemort is definitely not stopping another. The popular idea is that Harry actually has help fighting the curse and that is why he is the only one capable of doing so. In the lesson, when the feeling of being under the curse falls upon him, we know that there is another voice within the Harry's head who is arguing with the orders that Barty gave him, crouched, in a bad mood, jumps on the desk, why, even if it's stupid, does he really jump on the desk, no, I don't think he does, thank you, no, really I don't want to jump now.
I don't know about you, but I felt completely compelled, so again, in your first pass of the story, you won't know it yet, but eventually we will learn that Harry does, in fact, have a little piece of Voldemort living inside of himself, a little piece soul. which we actually know gives Harry unique abilities, including his ability to talk to snakes or, eventually, literally transport himself into the mind of Voldemort himself, so one


suggests that the voice we're seeing conversing with Barty Crouch Jr. Moody is literally that piece of Voldemort's soul that helped Harry resist the curse and at first glance that explanation seems like it could work, I mean, after all, Voldemort is known to be one of the best people in the world.
Oklahoma of all time and because occlumency is the ability to fight off attacks of In my opinion, this seems to fit quite well, but I personally don't love this explanation because Harry is terrible at occlumency and very competent at resisting the imperius curse, which also makes me feel that occlumency is not the necessary skill for this. resist the imperius curse, which makes sense because snape has very easy access to harry's mind during his lessons. The other reason I don't like this explanation is because it depends on that part of Voldemort's soul being quite active and developed enough to not only be aware of Harry's surroundings, but also help him resist this curse, but take, for example, that disgusting baby-looking thing that Harry finds in King's Cross, that's not the piece of Voldemort's soul that lived inside Harry, that's Voldemort's soul. that is the primordial soul and that is the state it returns to after Harry defeats it.
He's so broken and broken that he's just stuck in limbo forever, which I personally like because I think death would have been too good for him, especially since he brought it to us in the In the World of Harry Potter, Does Dying Hurt More? quicker than falling asleep? In any case, that's the condition Voldemort is in and I can't imagine the piece that lives inside Harry is any better. Harry doesn't spend time with her. He's not like Quirrell. or Tom Riddle in the diary as if that piece of soul is very neglected, so he is certainly not capable of fighting dark magic or arguing with a powerful Death Eater like Barty, crouching on top of that, as we said before, Voldemort himself Prime then uses the imperious curse on harry and if it is the part of voldemort's soul that is helping harry surely it wouldn't go against valdi prime's wishes we are on the same team so again what does own Harry that allows him to fight this curse? 14 year old boy fighting one of the most dangerous curses in the world.
I think there's still one skill that we haven't talked about yet that Harry possesses that he's been training his entire life and that is that Harry is never willing. blindly following a voice of authority harry's defiance, especially as it relates to the morality of any authority figure, is a kind of secret weapon, this training, if you will, would have begun the moment he was taken in by The Dursleys, where Harry is someone who has absolutely no point of reference yet is able to easily recognize that Dudley is being treated much better than himself. Dudley is something of an authority figure in Harry's life.
He is much larger and is able to influence the other children in his class to effectively use him as a punching bag both are excellent examples from the beginning illustrating the idea that just because you are in charge doesn't mean you are right harry He also faces off against characters like Draco Malfoy on his first day in the wizarding world after having spent nothing more than a train ride in this new environment. It's true that Harry met him before at Madame Malkins, but Harry is still a huge fish out of water. I mean, just for a second, he tries to imagine how hard that would be for an 11-year-old.
Old man who's never had a friend who would reject the hand of friendship from someone like Malfoy. I think I can spot the wrong guy. Thank you. I mean, see that blonde hair slicked back? See how he is standing at the top of the stairs? Underestimate the stairs, but even beyond that, Harry finds himself at Hogwarts, the first place he ever felt like home, and constantly breaking rules that could literally get him kicked out again from the only place that ever felt like home in everyone. The consistent name of protecting the school or defeating Voldemort or meeting Malfoy in the middle of the night for a duel, all of these things are equally threatening and worthy of expulsion, but if we fast forward to the Goblet of Fire, we find Harry in the cemetery. seriously outclassed not only by a group of Death Eaters but literally by the most powerful dark wizard who ever lived, and despite that fact, Harry goes out to duel Voldemort even though he knows he possesses no magic that can defeat him. or if you move fast. even later you have Rufus Scrimjar, who is the literal minister of magic and asks Harry for help.
In this case, he's not even malicious, he's literally just trying to boost the morale of the magical population, but Harry says no, sorry. I don't agree with your methods, I won't help, the point is that Harry literally spends basically every momentof his life challenging untrustworthy authority figures, he rarely accepts an unjust status quo because that's the way things are and that doesn't mean Harry is incapable of listening to anyone. it just means that establishing that trust first is key and I think this is precisely why Harry is so good at resisting the imperious curse because it requires you to immediately question the extremely tempting, almost happy voice in the back of your head that He insists that you do it. something and these moments can seem so obvious when we believe that whatever Harry is doing is the right thing, but in reality these would be very challenging moments facing someone who has much more power than you, but again, it all goes back to Harry. secret weapon, he is not easily manipulated by power and I think this is unique to his classmates who find it easylisten to the voice and say well, you are the teacher, the minister of magic, the newspaper, you must be right, you have a trusted position, so I must trust you, and here in the real world it can be immensely difficult to know when to challenge them. positions of trust, but harry has not walked that path, he has learned to question authority and as Dumbledore so eloquently says, simply asking, is a right thing in itself, if so, you do it no matter the cost and I know that Dumbledore He's talking to Newt. here, but it's still the exact same quality that Harry always asks about, it's kind of true and I personally don't think it's a coincidence that the two students that Dumbledore connected with so much share this quality and I personally love this explanation because I think it shows that strength of character can be as powerful as powerful magic and I also think this is a characteristic that many of our most beloved characters share.
I mean, we have Dobby facing off against her teachers, the Malfoys, we have Arthur Weasley. who faces off against lucius malfoy, we have professor mcgonagall, who is undoubtedly more magically powerful, but still faces off against professor umbridge in the name of the safety of his students, even neville faces off against the golden trio when they go to hunt for the philosopher's stone . and there you have it guys, that's our explanation for why harry is so uniquely capable of resisting the imperious curse for our question of the day, what do you think? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the towel section below, but guys, thanks so much for tuning in, make sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already.
If you want to see more Harry Potter action from us, you can watch this video right here to see how the Philosopher's Stone works. otherwise guys see you next time goodbye

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