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The EASIEST way to declutter clothes (in my opinion ;) Quick & Stress Free Closet Declutter

Jun 03, 2021
No, I don't even know how to start this video. I don't really like to talk about simplifying


because I know all the emotions that are involved and how something is as simple as


, I mean, it literally is. The most basic function is simply to cover our bodies, but how does it become such an important part of our identity and how we present ourselves to the world as it is. It says about who we are and what kind of person we are, what we like and what we don't like and how when you have a great outfit that fits you well and you feel good, you feel like a million dollars, you carry yourself with confidence and I mean , it completely changes how you feel about yourself and then fast forward a few months and you've gained some weight and now those same clothes don't fit and now we feel bad about ourselves and we feel lazy and fat and like we're wasted. money on these clothes and it's amazing to me the wide range of emotions and feelings of the clothes of an inanimate object, so today I want to talk about a way that we can simplify our clothes in a very objective way where we try to just take the emotion out of it. because none of us have any extra emotion to devote to simplifying our clothes right now, but I know how incredibly liberating it is to have a simplified wardrobe of things that fit you and that you like, yes. um but I think this is really important and I think simplifying our clothes is really a form of self care when we say no you know what I deserve to have clothes that fit me and that I feel good in no matter what size I am.
the easiest way to declutter clothes in my opinion quick stress free closet declutter
I'm right now, it doesn't matter if I've gained any weight during quarantine, no, I mean, no matter what, right now, here today, I deserve to have clothes that fit me and that I feel good in, and I was the queen of, I mean, Tom would always be like that. because he would see me standing in front of my


, sometimes crying and saying I don't even want to go to church today because I don't have anything to wear that looks good on me and he would say, "Go buy some clothes, okay?" ". and we didn't have a lot of extra money at the time, but he said, buy clothes, take some of our money, go buy clothes and at that moment I felt like if I did that, then I was admitting defeat and saying, oh well, this.
the easiest way to declutter clothes in my opinion quick stress free closet declutter

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the easiest way to declutter clothes in my opinion quick stress free closet declutter...

It's the size I'll be forever if I buy two shirts that fit me in that size, and like I said at the beginning, I know how emotional this process is, so we'll walk through it in just a few steps. today to eliminate the excitement, but do it in a way that's pretty risk-


to simplify your outfits, so I'm the minimal mom. I'm so excited that other YouTubers and us can join me throughout this month. We can reinforce each other, so this week we'll all be tackling clothing as part of our neat January series, so I'll leave that link to that playlist below.
the easiest way to declutter clothes in my opinion quick stress free closet declutter
It will also be linked elsewhere, but I hope you'll check it out. I want to see how others approach this too, but today we're going to break it down into a few simple steps on how you can simplify your entire wardrobe with very low risk but very easy because, again, most of us don't have the energy right now. to get it all out. of our clothes on our bed and asking if each piece sparks joy or not, no, there's nothing wrong with that, I love marie kondo and everything she's done, but that doesn't always work for everyone, so the step number one is Like I was talking about, I had to recognize that I deserve to have clothes that fit me and that I feel good in in my


every day, so no matter what size I am now, that's what I'm going to do. building my current wardrobe around if I lose weight in the future, that's awesome and then I'll make adjustments to my wardrobe, but right now it's the size I am and the size my wardrobe needs to be, so I had to commit to that first with myself.
the easiest way to declutter clothes in my opinion quick stress free closet declutter
It's almost like a form of self-care that in my current wardrobe I'm only going to have clothes that fit and feel good in the second step. So I would like to build this wardrobe from scratch as well as clean out your lay down and make your bed and then start building your wardrobe based on what you are currently wearing so I like to start on the left side of the bed with what which I'm using further to the right. Now, it could be lounge clothes, it could be work clothes, whatever you wear the most, let's start with that, okay, in a given week, how many pairs of pants do I need for that type of clothing?
So for me, if it's household stuff, okay, I need four pairs of tights and then I look around again, you don't have to take out all your clothes, you look at your closet, your dresser, the piles on the floor, the Laundry basket in the corner, wherever your clothes are. I mean I've even gone so far as to take bathroom stuff off the bathroom floor or out of the laundry basket in the bathroom just for this so I could build my wardrobe and then put it back so I can wash it? but I'm going to start building on my bed what I wear regularly, so again, leggings, casual tops, so I'm just putting them on the bed, how many I think I need, but here's the key with this.
It's just that I only put things on the bed that I like to wear. I'm not going to put on that pair of jeans that are too tight and I have to use the elastic band on the button to keep it closed, which doesn't go on the bed because Again, rule number one. What I did with myself is that I'm building this wardrobe with things that I like and that I feel good in, so I'm not going to force this wardrobe if I'm trying to get my leggings out and I'm okay, I'd like to have four pairs of leggings.
I only find three that I could say fit me well and that I feel good in. Then I'll make a list of the things I need. It filled out my wardrobe, so I'll add a pair of leggings. Okay, I'm checking my jeans. I may have 30 pairs of jeans, but now only one or two fit me. How many more pairs of jeans do I have left? Do I need to add a couple or do I realize you already know? I don't wear jeans as much anymore, so I might have thought I needed four or five in the past, but this current season, here today, where I am.
Right now I can get by with two pairs of jeans, so okay, I'll let it be, how many pairs of pajamas, how many short sleeve tops and we just build this wardrobe in our bed and then we like it, okay? How many dress blouses do I need? Well, right now I need like two dressy blouses, so I'm picking my favorites again. They may be hanging in the closet. They may be on the floor. They may be in the laundry room. I just take them. wherever they are and I place it on my bed and as we go through this process we build our wardrobe on our bed and again the beauty of this wardrobe that we are creating is that everything fits and we feel good in and if there is any gap in We write our closets down and then we're going to be intentional about filling them, so I think most of us don't approach our clothes this way, we just see piles on the floor. and things hanging in the closet and we feel like we need to hold each item and make a decision about it, but that is very


ful, especially now, when we are already feeling a little restless and emotional and then we are supposed to go through every piece of our wardrobe and I mean a lot of us have tons and tons of good clothes and we're supposed to go through each piece and decide if I want to keep it right now, it's too


ful, so this way.
Instead of building our wardrobe in bed we're just picking out our favorites so this may not be suitable and that's okay so we build our wardrobe and yes I mean put your comfy stuff in there too, your sweatshirt hoodie, so "If you're at home, you know what I like? I like to have nicer things at home to wear during the day, as you know. I've said I tried to up my game with what I wear around the house , but I'm still going to have two super comfy sweatshirts that I wear on the weekends or hoodies or whatever and that's fine, we incorporate them into our wardrobe in bed and the great thing then is that what's left are just the things that They weren't made, the cut isn't bad, it's just things we didn't choose and we recognize that we always overlook it, okay, now we know, that brings us to the next step, so now I need to make a plan for these things. that's left, so there's three different things we can do with it, we can pack it up, so it could be something seasonal that you just want to pack up or it could be something that you're hoping to fit back into, I understand.
It's as if most of us hoped that once the world calms down a little, yes, maybe we'll have the emotional capacity to lose some weight. Wouldn't that be great? So I don't want to get rid of all those clothes that are one size smaller but I'm not going to continue punishing myself for having them hanging in my closet because I don't know about you but that doesn't motivate me to see a dress four sizes smaller doesn't motivate me to go down. weight Now I know myself if that motivates you great, keep it there for me, those things don't motivate me, they make me feel like crap about myself and again I go back to step one.
I won't do that to myself anymore. No, no, no, so I could do it. I decide I'm going to get rid of it or I might decide I'm going to put it in a quarantine container. I know some of you said don't call it a quarantine container. We're tired of that word right now. It is a moment. I'll say it like a clothing bin, a savings bin, I think I forgot what the Clutterbug cast calls it a time capsule, okay, call it whatever you want to call it, but decide how much you're willing to save for later, so I want to show you.
I bought these cool cloth bags on Amazon, okay, I just bought them recently. You've probably seen something like this before. They fold up nicely and are small, which I like, but here's one I have. all my off season stuff on it and I really like that even in our small ikea closet I can stick this on top. I used to store my off season stuff in the basement in a rubber toe box, so I like that now I can put it in here, put it on top and then it's really easy to move things around, but it's also a good size like This one, it actually fits a lot of clothes, so you could get one and label it one size smaller, two sizes smaller, so if you're hoping to fit back into it, you know it's great and then you can throw it in the back. top of your closet under your bed in a storage space so I think they're great because I think clothing is an area where it should be quarantined. or whatever you want to call it sorry I'm used to that word um it's really effective because it just gives us a little bit of time to separate ourselves from her and decide if we really miss her or not so number one. you could store a quarantine on number two, you could donate it even through a thrift store or putting it for


on the market or number three, you could try to sell it, so if you have nice clothes, a lot of people recommend it if you are Voy to do like Marketplace to make a lot of clothes very similar to I'm trying not to say a lot of clothes very similar to a group of clothes on Marketplace and you just say oh, they're all this size or various sizes. and then sell them all together instead of trying to make individual pieces if you have the extra capacity and energy to do it right now I think that's great but if not then donate them I think it's good to get it out of your house but again it's up to you How much energy do I have to put into getting rid of these extra clothes, but what makes this feel so safe to me and how I can say it's almost risk-free is that you're taking out all the things that you always wear and that's what makes the cut. in bed, you don't get rid of anything you wear daily, so the things you'll find left over that you're packing or donating are all the things you overlook every day and never pick out unless all the clothes It's not washed or something, going through this process makes you feel very safe to separate yourself from the rest or at least leave it. in storage and I hope that's what you find, it's like a reverse process of going through our clothes, but it works really well and you can finish it very


ly and again, I like that you don't have to collect everything. your clothes leave them right where they are like it doesn't matter because we're just picking our favorites but the cool thing about it if you go through this process the cool thing is when you walk up to your closet or your dresser wherever you keep your clothes and you open it up and you think that everything is an option for something I have to wear today makes it very easy to get dressed in the morning you feel good about yourself because everything fits, it makes you stay up a little longer doing laundry because if you have a more simplified wardrobe you have to doing laundry more frequently, but that's a good thing, it's a really good thing and you can just keep less inventory which also feels super good, but you still have the same amount of options as before because again you put away everything that you use regularly and you just you got rid of the things you don't use, so even though you have less Clothes, you have the same amount of options, if not more, because usually when I pass byThis I find things that I really liked and fit me, but they got buried and I just wasn't wearing them, so I generally feel like I did.
More options at the end of this process and then when you go to buy the pieces you need to complete, okay, I need a pair of tights, you feel good because you are buying it very intentionally, it's not like in the past. where I would go peruse the clearance rack at Target to watch sports, of course, I mean something to do accidentally, acquire all kinds of clothes that would fit me someday and more dress clothes than I would need when I really only needed in -home clothes and something else along those lines, I know this is true, but just because something looks good on a hanger doesn't mean it's going to look good on me just like I saw this blouse and loved it. pattern, I'm not sure if you can see there's like a little beading in the way so I think it's really cute and it was on clearance so it was meant to be right and I got home and I put it on and I was like: What am I doing?
I don't like anything that is tight around my abdomen. It just never flatters me, but it looked so cute on the hanger and I've seen other women wear blouses like this. and I loved it, so again, I know this should go without saying, well let's get on the hanger, it doesn't mean I look cute, but just a friendly reminder that just because it's cute on the hanger, let's take it home . I still think this is really cute, but I'm not going to wear it because I don't feel good in it, so just because something is cute doesn't mean we should keep it or that it will look good on us, we can still think it's cute and still so I end up donating it, so I also know that like some of us, you may have a lot of work clothes that you're not wearing right now, but you don't know if you'll end up wearing them again. where one of these bags like this or a Rubbermaid contour container, something like that would be very useful, I would recommend putting them away and moving them to a different section of your closet, but right now, in front of you, front and center, just things that it's for this current season that fits and that you feel good in and again, I really see this as a form of self-care, not only do we feel better about ourselves by taking out the things that don't fit, but it makes it very easy. getting dressed in the morning, I mean, you're reducing decision fatigue and using willpower to get dressed in the morning and that feels really good and if you tend to be someone whose bedroom looks like your clothes have exploded from everywhere.
It really helps with that too because you have a lot less clothes to manage so it's a win-win situation so I'd love to know if you've streamlined your wardrobe lately? Do you have good things to say about it? Do you have any tips that you found when simplifying your clothes, that's been really helpful. What things hang on you. I know we've spent a lot of money on things that can feel so bad, but again, you're worth it and it's okay for everyone. make mistakes, so that's totally fine, but let us know below it's fun to hear your input and your comments too.
I'll put that clutter-free January playlist up below and it's been fun too, like I said last week, we did cooking. I'll include that playlist too and hope you find some good motivation as you work on different areas of your home this month. I mean, really by the end of January we could have made great progress on our house, very well, I hope. Have a good day I love you I hope your clothes fit and you feel good and I'll see you soon

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