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The Disturbing Reddit Lamp Story - MrBallen

Jun 03, 2024
We are in the right place for it, which is a very creepy house, yes, do you have a


that fits the setting? Yeah, yeah, there's actually a


, uh, I think it's one of the best ones I've ever told. I'm putting a lot on the line here, but for reference, I told it live last year in Texas to a sold out crowd at the Paramount Theater and this story got a great reaction because the twist at the end is something else and it has a home theme, so in 2004 there was a guy named Mitch who went to a college in Louisiana and he was a senior and there was a girl in his class named KLA who was also a senior and he just loves this girl that he wants to date. her more than anything and you know he's tried several times to, you know, court her, but she's not that interested, you know she's playing hard to get, but he realized there was something there, maybe maybe she likes him. and finally, he likes it. kind of acques and say okay, you know, we're going on a date, you know and they get along, you know and Kayla get along, you know they're an item and they end up graduating and after graduation they get married and in 2006 Mitch and Kayla They bought their current white picket fence dream home in Louisiana and you know life was great, you know they loved their careers, they were both very intentional about spending time together on the weekends and really letting you know their time together. as a very important couple and then in 2007, they have lived in this new home for a year and now they have welcomed their first child, their daughter, and then two years after that, which puts us in 2009, they have their son and then then they broke up, at that point they got their girl, they got their son and it's like life couldn't get any better.
the disturbing reddit lamp story   mrballen
You know, Mitch loves his work. His wife loves his job. They had this thing where every morning the father uh. he would sneak into the kids' room and he would scare them awake, you know, it was kind of fun and they always had family game nights on the weekends and Mitch and Kayla made sure to still have those romantic dates, you know, anytime. Whatever they could, they always got babysitters to spend time together, so this is like the American dream in many ways, you have this, this young family living, high school love, a demanding white picket fence, two and a half kids, a dog.
the disturbing reddit lamp story   mrballen

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the disturbing reddit lamp story mrballen...

It's 2009 and Mitch is in this little dream house and he's watching football, he's sitting on the couch watching football and you know it's like any other day and while he's watching the game there's a


that's in the back right corner of the room is nondescript, you know, you know, the Target


, you know it's a red lamp and Mitch, he's seen this lamp a million times, he's at home and he's watching football, but at some point he notices something strange about this lamp and he looks at it and for some reason the lamp itself is not the bulb but the actual physical lamp like the base is blurry the rest of the room is in focus there is a lot of light in the room but the lamp is blurry and then Mitch is He's, you know, he's looking at the lamp, he's, he's rubbing his eyes to see if there's something in his eyes, but still the lamp is blurry, he goes back to the TV, it's not blurry, you know, Mitch has good eyesight, this doesn't make any sense and then Mitch finally you know he's worried about this, you know something's wrong with me and he gets up and walks over to the lamp and as soon as he gets up it's still blurry and he touches it still blurry and he's like, okay.
the disturbing reddit lamp story   mrballen
I don't know what it is, but he does the typical reaction of, you know, like whatever male medical problems are, yeah, it's like he's probably having a stroke, but you know, whatever, then he goes away. turn around and come back. He walks over to the couch and tries his best to ignore the still blurry lamp, so he's watching the game, he's watching the game, he periodically glances over but he's mostly focused on the game and then sometime toward the end of the football match, the lamp changes. remains blurry, but you know from the corner of your eye that he sees that he moves and looks and the lamp, having not interacted, no one has touched the lamp at this point, but the lamp is now upside down, which is how you know that it doesn't .
the disturbing reddit lamp story   mrballen
It's possible that he's upside down and now he's blurry and now Mitch is looking at this lamp thinking, "Well, big problems here, something's wrong." It's entirely possible that he was having some kind of medical emergency, but for some reason that Mitch just couldn't place. he didn't dare call the doctor, I mean, this is a situation where you call the doctor, something is wrong and he knew it, but he didn't, he just couldn't stop looking at this lamp, he, he, no. watching TV, he's just looking at this blurry lamp upside down and at some point that day or that night, his wife Kayla and their two kids come home and the moment she walks in, you know, Mitch snaps out of his fixation. . and he thinks he should tell Kayla about this lamp.
I have a medical emergency. He should tell her, but again he doesn't and in fact he quickly thinks to himself. I can not tell. I'm going to pretend. this didn't happen, he forgets about the lamp and goes and sees his wife and kids and it's a normal night, she doesn't realize that he spent the day looking at a lamp that is blurry and upside down and you know that when Kayla came in, the lamp wasn't blurry and the other way around, she's not experiencing this, so that normal night, you know they put the kids to bed and you know Kayla and Mitch are going to bed too, but then after Kayla He fell asleep, Mitch is there. wide awake, you know he can't sleep and there's something telling him to go down and look at that lamp, so Mitch gets up and goes downstairs and goes to the couch and you know the light isn't even on right now, but even in darkness realizes that it's still blurry, that it's still upside down and he sits on the couch and just looks at the lamp and all night long Mitch sits on this couch and looks at the lamp in absolute silence and then in the morning , Kayla comes down, you know, during the week, so it's a work day, she comes down and finds Mitch on the couch and asks him what are you doing and he runs away and says, oh, you know, I was.
I didn't feel good last night, you know he's lying to her. I wasn't feeling good so I came here and actually he says to her you know what I feel so bad I can't go to work today and Kayla says like you did. I've never taken a day off from work and you haven't, you don't seem sick to me because of what's going on and he says no I just don't feel like doing it so Kayla says it's okay but she's thinking that there is a red flag here, you know, but she doesn't know what it is, so finally Kayla and the kids leave for the day and Mitch stays home and stares at this lamp all day, he's staring at this lamp and at night, when Kayla gets home, it's like 8, 10 hours later, when she enters the house, all the lights are still off except the red lamp and she sees her husband, who is now not coming out of his trance, he is sitting on the couch and she's absolutely focused on this lamp and when she comes in she says, What's going on with you?
Reactionless. Mitch is completely focused on this lamp and not responding at all, so Kayla thinks that, oh my God, something is obviously wrong and then she grabs the phone and calls the doctor to ask what I do about it and at the same time yells at him. Mitch on the couch, no reaction, shoos his kids away, you know, come up, we'll take care of this and so on. While this is happening, Mitch, who can tell you that her wife is on the phone with the doctor, eventually can't even hear her anymore, she completely disappears and is left alone with this lamp and the lamp starts changing for the second time. now, in addition to being upside down and blurry, the lamp starts to grow inside the room and as it grows it takes up more and more of this field of vision until this lamp is so big that it is now basically consumed by the lamp and it's at At this point you start to feel a blinding pain in your head and you don't know where it's coming from and then you hear a ringing in your ears and then all you hear is people screaming everywhere and it's pitch black, the lamp goes out. has been. and then he opens his eyes and looks around and he is surrounded by a sea of ​​people looking at him and he is on the ground, it is broad daylight, he is no longer in his house and he is looking at this crowd that looks like a university. children and he is looking for his wife and children, he cannot see them and he stands up and he does not know what is happening and while he is shouting for his wife and children, Kaya, he was shouting for his wife and children, a police officer.
The officer comes charging across the circle and grabs Mitch and without saying anything picks him up like a grown man and just runs with him to his police car and the whole time Mitch is like I don't know what's going on here, his head is still as you know, he still has a pain in his head, he has no idea where he is physically, he has no idea where he is and they throw him into the back of this police car, obviously, there's an emergency going on right now and the cop, without saying anything he jumps into the driver's seat and they start speeding down the road and as they drive Mitch just starts saying where are my wife and kids?
What's going on and the police officer said, Sir, he just hit his head, I'm going to take him to the hospital and finally the police officer takes Mitch to the hospital and they end up, you know, the doctors and nurses treat him, but Find out what really happened. Mitch was a senior in college and was tackled and hit by a football player. head on the ground and he was unconscious for a fraction of a second like 10 seconds or something like that and in those 10 seconds his brain built a whole life with a wife with children with the white picket fence the house none of that existed he never had a wife, He never had his children, they are not real and then he realized what had happened when he was in the hospital and he had to grieve the loss of people who never existed and it ruined his life.
He made this great post on Reddit with this question. anything where he tried to tell people what it's like to basically have lost your entire family that doesn't exist and said to this day he still has dreams where his little son comes running around the corner and he is always 5 years old. you know, and then that was his life and it destroyed his life and it never existed, it was just a figment of his imagination, man, pretty crazy, right, yeah, did you approach this guy since you've had? They've given so much attention to this story, yes, and what he's like.
No, he doesn't want to talk about it. He did the AMA on it and that's it. The guy wants to disappear. He goes to therapy for this. Basically, he gave permission but he doesn't want to. part of it, I mean, he's trying to cope and now he's about our age or something, maybe mhm, yeah, I mean, for him, I mean, how do you deal with something like that? Because for other people it is like that. It never really happened, you know, come on, but for him it was like years that were implanted in his brain as a complete story, a complete family.
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