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He found Giants then the Government Found Him | What really happened to Andrew Dawson?

Apr 19, 2024
Andrew started his Tick Tock account in July 2021 and posted all the typical videos of friends from work, his girlfriend, his dog and just goofing around, but starting in April 2022 his posting would take a strange turn and Andrew Dawson would become the center of one of the biggest internet mysteries in years, every story I cover on this channel is a suggestion from you and almost all of them fall into one of the few categories, UFOs,


cover-ups, men in black, missing people and


, well, Today's episode has it all. of these, this is the strange story of Andrew Dawson, foreign emergencies.
he found giants then the government found him what really happened to andrew dawson
Dawson, who called himself disabled, was just another guy on Tick Tock, even though Tick Tock is full of people posting conspiracy videos. Andrew wasn't one of them, his videos reflected the life of a normal 34 year old good guy living in British Columbia good job good friends close relationship with his girlfriend and kids probably that's why he wasn't prepared for the rabbit hole in the which was about to fall on April 9, 2022 Andrew was driving with a friend when he saw something on the ridge of Whistler Peak in Alberta, Canada,


is it? Person, man, seriously, don't stop, although his friend wasn't convinced, Andrew said he was a person, but on that Zoom from that distance,


ever it was, it was too much. big to be a person, well too big to be a normal sized person standing there, no it's not mate, if you've seen what I've seen now, that video got millions of views, yeah they keep saying that but you know I do not.
he found giants then the government found him what really happened to andrew dawson

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he found giants then the government found him what really happened to andrew dawson...

I don't like encryption. I know you said it right, what's more important. What you like or the views. Better to learn to love the stories about the Bigfoot Chupacabra and the Crab Kit. There is no such thing as a craft. Be the crab cat. Thousands of people at Andrew's. The comments wanted him to get closer to the mountain and try to figure out exactly what the object was. On our way we're going to find a closer location and I'm going to place my camera on something so you guys don't complain about it being shaky. He is in the truck because yes, the Internet is not calm.
he found giants then the government found him what really happened to andrew dawson
I have to agree with Andrew on that, the internet definitely has no peace of mind. Just look at all the comments on the YouTube shorts, but that's the mountain we're going to try to approach. Andrew's friend didn't think it was a giant, he just thought it was a tower or some large structure on the ridge, but it couldn't have been a tower because when Andrew came back to look for it he was gone. use this as a tripod to try to keep it stable for yourselves and it's not even there anymore, too strange. That's where he was yesterday Andrew talked to some locals about what he thought was a giant.
he found giants then the government found him what really happened to andrew dawson
Residents told him something lives in the mountains but it's not always visible. I talked to some locals and it comes and goes apparently I don't know, it's me trying to keep it super stable when something is paranormal. Do you know how difficult it is to keep it stable with the zoom all the way? The Canada area has had over 200 sightings of Bigfoot or Sasquatch dating back to the 19th century and the native tribes in this area have a legend about Sasquatch dating back a thousand years; In fact, the word Sasquatch comes from the Salish word for wild man or hairy man.
The last Sasquatch sighting was in 2014, when the news reported a bigfoot-like creature walking through the snow near Whistler. I'm pretty sure it's Sasquatch down there, I can't


see it very well, there's a little black dot walking in the middle of the snow. out of nowhere it's pretty big I can't zoom in anymore this guy is just running around in snowy lands it was no big deal this is Jasper National Park the same area where the locals gave Andrew directions to the place where he saw whatever that he saw, but even though he was driving on a public road in a national park, he was stopped by some type of


They detained me like some CIA agents. He told me to turn around and said I'm trespassing. I said it's a fucking public. a public area like a public park or whatever some local told me to take this path. I didn't see it on camera, but I'll be back tomorrow and I'll be ready to film right now because he stopped the vehicle that his truck was blocking. He said there were some environmental problems going on, I don't know, it was just that he told me to come back and said he was trespassing on private property. I don't understand it was awkward but I'll come back tomorrow to see if he's not there but if he is there I'll keep the camera and film because the only angle I could catch that I


today is the one I just posted before and there wasn't even nothing there, but I don't understand why the path is blocked.
I don't know, now I've read some debunkers on Reddit challenging this CIA idea, yeah, I read that, huh? What do those geniuses have to say? Well, they say the CIA doesn't operate in Canada. Oh, it hurts, it hurts. I like it. It gave me a stitch, hey Reddit, the CIA operates everywhere, it operates everywhere and even if you think the CIA doesn't operate in Canada, which is adorable if you think Canada's intelligence agency, CSIS, operates in everywhere and that's who could have stopped it or did. come back the next day, yes, he recorded it, yes, hot chilula, the foreigner left the house early to go back to the mountain and try to find the creature, okay, in fact, I woke up today, Rex, are we going to go on an adventure?
It's currently 5:30 in the morning I'm going to see if he's there early in the morning and I'll see if I can get up a little bit, I'll look at all these mountains that I have, they're everywhere around here too, that's the one that's good , let's continue with Andrew's trip back to the mountain, he recorded a couple more strange events that resemble many other UFO sightings in the area, but things get even stranger. Andrew


saw this over the mountain. Welding extracting something from here. There are two helicopters. The black helicopters. It's happening on Andrew's path. the mountain within the same hour or two now he looked everywhere but couldn't find the Giant in the mountains but later that night he finds the road where he was stopped earlier and just like he said there is an agent there in an unmarked car the officer tells Andrew once again that the road is closed the guy is here again yeah it's just him what's happening on the closed road turn around


yeah man just turn around please okay okay that Have a good night buddy Andrew doesn't argue, he turns his car around and heads home oh, that was up here, he's.
I'm walking past him again, I just turn around. I don't understand why it's closed, even though it's a public park or a public road or whatever, but whoever that agent is, they would do it. It won't be the last time we see him. Andrew didn't post any videos for a few days, but we'll soon find out why on April 16 he uploaded a video titled "being harassed." Does it look like the same unmarked Dodge Charger from the last video? The mountain is quite far from Andrew's house, so whoever stopped him on the dark road somehow


out where he lived and was watching him from the street, but he can't get some balls. running away like that he does, but like I said, Andrew is not a black conspiracy helicopter and a black believer, he probably doesn't understand how dangerous this move was, his fans tried to explain this to him after he posted that video, people in his comments They told him it was a stupid idea and that he should be very careful,


people got very nervous when Andrew didn't post a follow up, he had been uploading videos pretty consistently, everything that


so far


in a single week. but then nothing started the rumors about Tick Tock, people speculated that he was kidnapped or maybe something worse finally after three weeks Andrew returns with another video but this one is very different from the others it's called an official update Hi guys, I just want to give you a update I'm not dead, I'm not gone, I've just been busy with life, I couldn't post and update you guys, so now I'll give you an official update on what's been going on, sorry to disappoint you. guys, but all the videos that I posted, all the videos that I posted were scripted, they are just fake, they were strictly for entertainment.
Sorry to disappoint you, I just need to give you a quick update and make it not suspicious at all. Andrew is leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, he never posts like this and in every other video he posts he records himself, but in this video the phone or camera is on a tripod and this video has a ratio of slightly different look. than the other videos of him, which means different phone oh no and look into his eyes, doesn't it look like he's looking at someone else in the room? Many people pointed out that it seemed like Andrew was forced to make this video.
People continued to speculate whether or not Andrew was coerced, but 10 days later we would learn the truth from Andrew himself. You may never see meatballs again. My videos were not fake. For the title of that video, Andrew wrote, Too many things have happened and I can. Not having to keep silent Andrew was finally ready to tell the world what happened to him the next day he would upload another video Andrew's life had become complicated a story that began as simple curiosity about a tall figure on a mountain descended into a saga where Andrew He is being followed and watched by a mysterious agent working for an anonymous agency, but is forced to record a confession recanting everything he said in his videos and then recants 10 days later saying the videos were real.
It's now clear that whoever forced the confession out of him was following his Tick Tock account, but the big question was who else Andrew could have clued us into when he posted a video the next day titled military, what's that? That wasn't there yesterday, so we sighted a humanoid figure or some type of structure on a local mountain disappearing the next day strange objects in the sky over the mountain helicopters circling and transporting large equipment in or out of the area and agents of the government closing public roads then surveilling and possibly kidnapping people and now a sinister black structure that was literally built overnight in just one month Andrew went from a happy, fun and normal guy to anxious and paranoid, it's not paranoia .
If people really follow you, that's true. On May 13, Tony Merkel, the host of the Confessionals podcast, contacted Andrew on Instagram about a possible interview. Tony received no response, but just over a month later, on May 23, June, Andrew responded Tony asked Andrew if the videos were real or a joke. Andrew said it's all fake, it's all fake, it's fake and then Andrew asked him why he saw that Tony posted a link. to Andrew's confession, Andrew responded that he can't say anything about it and that it didn't happen. Andrew didn't tell Tony that he shouldn't talk to him, and to be sure, the video of the structure on the mountain was Andrew's. latest tick tock video but kept posting on Facebook Andrew's Facebook posts were mostly photos of family and friends, jokes, and random positive thoughts.
He was excited about a trip to Mexico he had just booked. It seemed that Andrew Dawson was ready to publish the entire Mystery Mountain. behind him and continue with his life, unfortunately that would not be possible. Andrew's followers fell into one of two camps: one, people who wanted him to keep digging for more answers so he could keep posting videos of what he found, and the others, telling Andrew. that he stumbled into a very dangerous situation and that by posting these videos that were being viewed by millions of people he could be putting his life in danger, his fans urged him to stop posting videos about whatever it was, they told him to hire a lawyer and went to The media felt that the only way Andrew could protect himself was to publish his story in the news, but although Andrew said he would not remain silent, that is exactly what he did, he did not publish any more videos and refused interview requests.
I won't say another word about this, but it appeared in the local paper about a week later, oh, it went to the media, eh, good idea, no, it didn't go to the media. What was in Andrews' obituary in the newspaper, oh no, on July 1 about six weeks after Andrew's last Tick Tock video, his obituary appeared in the Campbell River Mirror. Online speculation ran wild: whether his death was a coincidence or is this yet another example of a whistleblower suddenly disappearing and what Andrew saw on the mountain if anyone was looking. to close these mysteries, they were not going to understand it Andrew Dawson died on July 1, 2022 he was only 34 years old The story of Andrew Dawson was one of the biggest Internet mysteries of the year, but is it true?
Well, let's go step by step. By the way, the video that started all of this was the Giant on the Ridge. Now I've seen this mountain reported as Whistler Peak, but it's not like Ridge is actually a canoe. Andrew Mountain took this video while he was driving south on bc5 or Yellowhead Highway. We knowThis is because at the beginning of his video we see the sign for a Regional Park next to Cedar. Now, if we follow Andrew's route and take images that are not cloudy, we can see that this is the correct mountain and if we get closer to that peak we can see the object.
Andrew thought it looked like a giant, it was just the top of a cell phone tower, but the reason the tower disappeared in a later video is because he was recording a little further down the road, where the road turns to the west, which leaves the tower outside of you. the UFO video was taken over a different mountain now, while this could be a UFO it's probably just vapor trails, the reason it looks bright orange is because the video was taken while the sun was rising. Now the helicopter video is fun. It seems like a lot of stories we covered. aThere are black helicopters circling, but that's not what's happening.
Here what Andrew saw is called hella logging. This is when helicopters are brought in to remove trees from inaccessible areas and that building Andrew saw was actually the Jasper Sky Tram. Even how did he build that? Overnight they didn't, it was built in 1964. Andrew was also joking or he really didn't know about the SkyTrain Ram. He's from the area so it's safe to say he knew about it and I'm sure he wasn't the first. time he saw a helicopter transporting logs so far, Andrew's story doesn't pan out, but things get a little more complicated when it comes to the CIA agent or whoever it was, it was definitely the same car that was in Mountain Road and vandalized far from his house, but whether this guy was a government agent, it's hard to tell from the footage.
There are a few frames where we see him pretty close up, but if he's a man in black, he's the first one I've ever seen wearing tucked-in elastic pants. at Timberlands, well maybe the outdoorsy and fashionable Canadian Men in Black might be, but I'll let you decide, but the agent doesn't sound like the authorities have the roads closed, turn around, really yeah, man just turn around please yeah man just. please turn around a little casual have you ever been stopped and initially the officer is distant and somewhat robotic that's not that they're a jerk the police are trained to establish Authority at the beginning of an encounter this guy doesn't sound like a cop to me and It's definitely not like a Fed, yeah man, just turn around please, now the officer was, quote, driving a 2015 Dodge Charger.
We know some Canadian police agencies use that vehicle, but if it's a government vehicle, Why does it have a non-original exhaust system? Hello good morning. and that was not professional surveillance, you don't park right in front of the target's house with the engine running and the lights on as far as boats go, that's a big fail and very suspicious now, Andrew's forced confession It was definitely strange, but it's not like that. I think it's okay when Andrew looks off camera, he looks forced, like he's done acting. Andrew was an aspiring musician and was excited about all the views he was getting on Tick Tock.
We know that he liked to act for the camera. We could be watching a performance here, but. I could be wrong, maybe I'm being honest, but if they really forced him to make this video, I think it's strange that the image he used for the thumbnail was of him looking away like he was getting attention, do you think who Did you force him to make the video? would have stopped him from using that frame and drawing attention oh maybe he was giving us a sign that someone was in the room with him maybe, but if a government would go to the trouble and risk kidnapping a person and forcing them to publish a tic tac video that the government could easily force you to delete all the videos about the mountain or force you to delete your account or just delete the person who owns the account, which they did well.
Andrew's death is the strangest part of this. The whole story and yet there are some details that don't add up. We have been able to explain almost every one of Andrew's videos. I think we've solved everything he saw in or around the mountains, or at least we have. There are pretty strong cases for a hoax, but Andrew's death isn't so easy to solve. There are aspects that seem like a scam, but there are aspects that make me think that he might actually be gone. Andrew's obituary appeared in the local newspaper on July 1. but anyone can post on that newspaper's website without a death certificate.
By looking at the source code of the page, we can see that his obituary was first published on July 1 at 7 am, but he died on July 1, so he passed away very early in the morning. and then someone sent an obituary to the newspaper just a few hours later, that's strange to me now there have been at least two people who have confirmed Andrew's death, they supposedly said he was depressed and took his own life now, could they be part of the deception? in covering insurance, but faking your own death is not easy his Facebook page has been changed to a remembrance page that attracts a lot of attention.
Andrew's girlfriend created a couple of videos after his passing that seemed pretty candid, well most of them do now. I don't love the idea of ​​posting ticks about your partner's death. That seems strange to me. Why put something so painful and personal online? You are a boom. Yes, I know I've been told this isn't all that unusual for tic tacs. To me, it feels a little unseemly, but everyone processes grief in their own way. By the way, I'm not going to link to her social media if you really want to find her, it's easy enough to do, but please don't comment on her posts. or contact her, just leave her alone, every comment you get is what happened to Andrew and if he really left then all those comments have to be torture.
Now some other things are strange. There is very little information online about Andrew that I couldn't find. birth records death records residences phone numbers what schools he attended employment history arrest records or really records of any kind the only background information I could find came from his Facebook page, but I was able to find members of his family I found his grandfather, who Andrews named after I found his mother I found his brothers I thought it was strange that his sister didn't post anything about her brother's passing on her social media and now she posts every day if he is really gone his family has my condolences but if he is alive then he has my congratulations if this is a hoax it is good if it is not a hoax it is really very sad with me foreigner yes I really hope this is a hoax and at some point Andrew reappears maybe post a video of tic tac explaining everything and how difficult It was to keep the secret for so many months and then he could live his life, raise his children and when they grow up tell them the story of how dad fooled everyone on the Internet.
Something tells me he'll never get that chance. Thank you so much. So much for hanging out with me today my name is AJ that's hecklefish these have been the files And if you had fun or learned anything do me a favor like subscribe comment share those things really help the channel and I like most of the topics we cover on this channel today The topic was recommended by you, so if there is a story you would like to see or would like to see more about, please go to tips. A special thanks to our sponsors who made this channel possible without you there would be no channel so thank you for everything you do and if you want to support the channel please consider becoming a Patreon member or purchasing something from the Wi-Fi store.
Struggle. People surveyed say coffee tastes better coming out of a lizard cup. Four out of five, uh, hey, it's. just science what you say, that will do until next time, be careful, be kind and know we appreciate you, thank you.

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