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The Craziest Thing I'll Ever Do!

May 14, 2024
I'm Kyote Peterson and I've been unwell for the past few years. I've done a lot of


s that most people would consider ridiculously crazy and, honestly, maybe just plain stupid, and what's crazy is that as Brave Wilderness heads into its tenth year, I think all of you will be blown away when you see up to where am I really willing to go now before I present to you or should I say reveal to you my current nightmare. I want to talk about the most frequent ones. questions I get asked I'm sure you can imagine what they are coyote what's the most painful sting what's the most painful sting I mean


y day I could be at the gas station I could be at the grocery store uh if people had 30 seconds of me time, that's the first


they go to and I love answering that question, don't get me wrong, but the way I've seen it over the last few years has been the most painful experience and there are three of At this point, three of my Most painful experiences are, without a doubt, something that no one should have to go through. um and make no mistake, the pain of something like a wasp running is actually very bad, a giant hornet exceptionally bad, pull it is still very bad, but I've been through a lot worse since then, stuck in my arm, look that, and the most painful experience in the world of bites I've gone through to this point is the Yellow Jacket box.
the craziest thing i ll ever do
It seemed like a good idea and it was My idea was to put those bugs in a box and I didn't think they were going to bite me that many times, honestly, I thought they might bite me once or twice and the funny thing is that my hand was in that box for a total of 3 seconds when I was like whoa that's enough I give up this is very painful okay my hands have to come out hands have to come out you're going to have to run because these things are going to be, let's put the door back okay , the door, the door, the door, help, help, I have it here, unfortunately my hand got stuck in the box due to a small design flaw and my hand ended up there for 10 seconds, so I received about 100 stings in this time period and a massive production of Venom because not only were they stinging me like the yellow jackets landing on my hands on the arm, they were latching on by inserting their stingers and just pumping out Venom, so that's not like a boom, They stung you and I flew away, it was just a bomb. after the bomb and it was horribly bad, I mean, the worst, so when I ran away from the box because the Hornets were all around us, it was probably the most panicked moment I've


been, probably the most panicked I've ever been since I had the beard situation that happened.
the craziest thing i ll ever do

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the craziest thing i ll ever do...

I was wrong because I thought, man, there's a lot of Venom, if anaphylactic shock is going to take over, this is going to be that moment and I know you'd love to see me inject an epinephrine pen, but I was seriously worried. At this point, luckily, about 15 minutes after the fact, when I was in excruciating pain, I thought, "Okay, no allergic reaction, but my God, my arm is getting bigger, I mean, comically big, it looked like the hot one." dog that you put". in the boiling water and then on the grill and you think this thing is going to explode and my tendons and bones are going to spill everywhere and I was like, well, great, like you know, an hour at Pain's.
the craziest thing i ll ever do
Bad, but it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse and it's the worst, most painful experience I've ever had. 36 hours of unbearable pain. I could not sleep. I couldn't sit still. I couldn't even shower. In fact, if the water touched my skin, the nerves were so sensitive that any temperature of the water would cause an immediate stinging pain, so when I remember that situation, people say coyote, what is the most painful bite, the experience of pain The most painful was, without a doubt, the Yellow Jacket Box and what's worse than the Yellow Jacket box just wait, you'll see it coming, stay tuned before I get to my second most painful experience first.
the craziest thing i ll ever do
I just want to say thank you to Better Help for sponsoring this video, it's a new year. which means it is the perfect time to reset your mind over the span of a year. I work a ton and whether I'm filming videos or launching conservation initiatives, my brain is pushed to its limits and that's why therapy is so important. Stress management is crucial for everything. I do, it's important that my mental health stays in tip-top shape, like me. I'm sure you have big goals for 2024 and if you need help balancing the direction you're heading in, I recommend checking out Better Heal now.
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That's coyote. I love happy accidents, especially when they come in the form of plants, I guess, so my second most painful experience, which is new to me, is the one I can talk about because it's not technically a bite or a sting, it's actually a nettle we were in Australia last year and I discovered something called gimpy gimpy and lo and behold, the gimpy nettle, which is the most painful poisonous plant in the world, was also on Cape York Peninsula, so we traveled there and then I proceeded to Find and place this leaf on my skin.
Now that I knew what I was getting into, I was able to read articles about how painful the poison from this plant was and how other people had been bothered before and ended up in the hospital and to be fair, these are people who fell into one of these plants and they had it on their face, neck and entire body. I was fine, great, just a little bit on the arm should be fine, it wasn't fine, it wasn't fine at all, in fact the nettles once the Tricom tips broke off. My skin immediately started burning because the poison went below the surface and I don't remember much afterward because the pain was so intense.
I remember trying to remove the nettles with those wax strips and it didn't really help much. Hee, I mean, I was up all night sweating and my arm was swelling and I thought, "Oh my God, some people say this pain lasts for months." I didn't take as many nettles as someone would on a plant. and the pain lasted 24 hours straight but what I didn't anticipate was the nerve damage, this arm was ruined for 6 months after the fact I would just have these burning attacks and my arm would turn red and I would be like whoa that came out of nothing and then it stung and then it hurt and then it stung and I think eventually my body absorbed the Nettles and Poison that were still there or eventually my skin expelled them, but no Don't kid me, for six months straight I suffered incredible discomfort what I call nerve damage in my left arm from the lame kimpy and when you think of a plant as something so toxic that it is capable of putting a human through so much pain and the Several people after the fact came up to me and called me coyote As a friend, what's up?
Are you going to start experimenting with plants? I say, well, we already reached the top of the mountain with the lame lame, but let's go. Go look up the others out there and maybe create a plant metal pain index. I mean, it's a possible thing, I guess, but when people say coyote, what's your second most painful experience, the lame coyote takes the prize, but I can promise you this: the lame coyote will be nothing compared to what we're about to do. about to reveal Cleveland in January it's cold, okay, we've reached layovers and queues. I'm going to head. inside and let's meet the mysterious animal that lives here that will be our first candidate for the extreme sting experiment I'm a little nervous painful stings painful plants what's left painful stings this next one was also my idea and This was me facing fear because the Giant desert centipede is really something that has given me ebgb since I was a kid.
I remember the first time I saw a giant desert centipede in Arizona and knew right away that it wasn't something to mess around with. So when we thought about being bitten by one of these intentionally, I got a number of warnings from people who live in the southwest saying this is bad, you don't want to do this like it makes grown men cry and I was like K pan doesn't cry some people think I cried in that video, I didn't, my eyes were just watering because I was in so much pain, just cut the cut, the cameras cut the cameras, we have to get the poison out, we have to get it out. some Venom on my arm and you know something that we also learned in the process of making that video, we thought well, Venom extractors are a cool thing, this could be an opportunity to show how a Venom extractor works and to be fair , he got roasted by several different medical experts and the audience after releasing that episode because it turned out that Venom extractors are a terrible idea, so I didn't know that at the time we found out through the audience, thanks guys, and in fact I wonder if that didn't make the situation worse for me, but in the 24 hours after the giant desert centipede bike I went through a level of pain that could only be explained when someone got me a saw because it would be better to cut off my arm than to do it.
It would be going through whatever this is and the centipede venom was actually attacking my blood cells and exploding them from the inside out, so try to imagine that, like inside your arm, this reaction is happening and the arm is it's swelling and swelling and swelling and similar to the box from The Angry Yellow Jacket I was like a man like it was a human arm able to open um this is actually the only time I received medical attention for a bite now we don't film any of that um but I went to the doctor and I had to take an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever that night because the pain was so unbearable.
I was actually very nervous about where he was going. Fortunately, I recovered from the situation. on this huge welt, it itched for weeks and lived to be bitten another day. That episode certainly attracted a lot of attention and enthusiasm from you and I said after that stipe bite that I would never, ever be a coyote again. Peterson will never be bitten. for a centipede again, giant desert centipede or any type of centipede, in fact, I avoid centipedes whenever I can so far, this is our idea, which is a really big centipede and you're probably telling yourself that there is no way this guy is going to get bitten by that animal yes, yes, I definitely am and this is what's different.
You guys are used to seeing me bite and sting in an edited environment. We are trying something new. We're going to do this bite as a live stream on YouTube. So for the first time you guys will see Coyote Peterson raw and uncut behind the scenes exactly how these things happen. I have no idea what's going to happen, what kind of pain I'm going to go through, but we're going to give you a front row seat to this experience, so why the hell would I be doing something like this? It's for the views. It's for money.
It's for fame and notoriety. Nothing of that. This is for conservation over the last 10 years that we have worked. building Brave Wilderness to be a microphone for the animal world and for us conservation is, first and foremost, extremely important. A couple of years ago we launched an initiative called save the horns and I'm excited to announce that we just got 22 critically endangered black horns. The rhinos delivered to two reserves we support in South Africa is a huge victory but it is not limited to just the delivery of the rhinos, we need continued support so these livestreams will act as fundraisers not only to help save the horns, but other conservation issues in the future and other conservation initiatives mean that there will be more than one live broadcast of extreme experiments, so prepare yourselves.
I promise the entertainment coming in 2024 will be unlike anything we've ever done in Brave Wilderness, but get started. In April it will be the first, so stay tuned to our social networks, we will give you all the details you need to know and you will be able to see the coyote Peterson set his jaws with the largest species of centipede. on the face of the planet it will be extreme, it will be painful, it will be educational and it will do great things for the conservation world and I promise that 2024 will be one of the wildest years in Brave Wilderness. story I amKye Peterson be brave stay wild we'll see on the live streams

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