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The Countdown Mystery Has Been REVEALED!

Jun 18, 2024
There is a YouTube channel called


and every day they upload a video counting down to something and there has


a little update because each of these videos has a mysterious code in the description, there is a string of numbers in there, but it has


discovered. that if you translate those numbers into something, you will be redirected to another video every day, a new video is linked and this is what one of them looks like, that's it, so let's investigate this new



because it's even bigger than before so before we start click subscribe because I'm surprised this


is even deeper than I thought so a few weeks ago I made a video on this channel explaining how they now have a new set of numbers because this happened. 2 years ago you can see the number 100 2 years ago it was something before where Countdown released a video every day of just a number, those are all the videos are just a number like this is the number 100 from 2 years ago, it's just a dingdong sound.
the countdown mystery has been revealed
It's just a Taco Bell, but when Day Zero came, we were fooled, that's what happened, so today I found out what this new countdown will lead us to and I'm not too happy about it, so let's take a look. In the most recent videos, I happen to be filming on a very important day, day 69. This video is a little different from the others because each of these videos, as we go to 73, just a random one with another sound, it's a little more sinister, that's it. that's it, but if we go to 69 it's a little different because of course memes. 69 okay, that's the only thing different on this day, of course, let's look at the new mystery here now, these numbers I thought were like maybe. you could replace them with letters or something and you really can so I was onto something there I just didn't know what but I got a lot of messages from people so let's look into that and also look into what. day like in 69 days what does this fall on because there's something I missed okay and I'm really angry so let's take a look at this string of numbers first.
the countdown mystery has been revealed

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the countdown mystery has been revealed...

You would think they were random, so it's actually something called ASCII. which is just another language, so what we're going to do is take all these numbers and put them into an asci translator, so put them all in here, now what we're going to do is put them on the same line. so the countdown has made this a little tedious for us, but luckily we don't have to worry too much about it because, look, I'm smart, we can use this similar website to remove the line brakes and heck yeah, I do have. So let's put this into ASCII and this is what we get.
the countdown mystery has been revealed
It is a random string of numbers and letters. What is this language? It is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Exchange. I'm not a coder. I had never heard of this before, but. apparently it's big, so what we need to do is take this random string of numbers and letters and let's go back to the number 69 that you see at the top here, where the video URL is. We're going to remove everything after the clock V equals prime. that's the unique ID for a YouTube video and we're going to paste this new code that we just got from the description and go there and where what you see takes us, which takes us to another YouTube video.
the countdown mystery has been revealed
Actually, this code is a lot more than we think it leads to a whole new set of YouTube videos and not many people have been here yet, so let's take a look at what these videos are because look, each and every one of them. Countdown videos are like this every day. one just has a code in each description so it leads to a new video so instead of getting one video per day we get two of the countdown per day so what is this this secret video of the day 69? Let's look at it, it's just that, it's 1 second long and it's just a bunch of beeps, this one I recognize as another language, this is Morse code, so a dot and a dash, that's what Morse code is made of, there's nothing in the description, so that's where the character search ends because the character is now in the title.
I've had people text me a big yell to meow at the electronic cat they decoded every day until day 87. I had to do the rest here, but it's okay, they were a big help. in fact, they showed me all this mystery like they were telling me about ASC II or whatever, so they did it every day. They got all the videos here by combining the titles into Morse code and it becomes this and Morse code is super easy to translate, but we're not. We don't even have to just grab that code we can go into the description and someone in the comment has been doing a really good job decoding this stuff so the current mors code is this here until today 69 so let's copy and look at this , so this is what leads to a bunch of random letters this is really confusing, what is going on?
Then all these letters will decipher into something. There is even more to this that this person has linked, he has linked such a large YouTube playlist. This user basically solved the rest of the case for us, so if we go to this playlist that they linked, they have every single Countdown video on here, all of these like these secrets that keep getting uploaded every day, so they're doing a really good job on that, but they've also linked in the playlist description to this right here, this, this from GitHub and in doing so, this is the countdown ARG tool, so an ARG is an alternate reality game that is What is countdown?
It's like a game on the Internet that you can play. It just uses the real world as a game, so it's not like a video game, it's a real life game. Mysteries you know, so you can enter the different numbers of the day. and add morse code right now, there is something even crazier is the hex code of the video, so these countdown videos not only have a secret message in morse code, but the thumbnail itself, the color of the video, The background color is also important. This mystery, what the hell, whoever did the countdown actually thought of this?
So this blue is really important, this orange is important, this purple color, like this lavender color, everything is important, so what are these colors for? Well, these are like hexadecimal codes like this. a hex code from one of the videos, it's a specific color and we can use it to complete a puzzle, so scroll down even further and this is where everything is


. countdown, fool, oh I'm mad, countdown, look at this. This is where everything is


down here, look at this. I already know what it is. They've gathered all these hexagonal shelters and filled them into a map.
It's like a pixel art of a very iconic meme. I don't know, do you see what's on the screen right now? Do any of these colors look familiar to you? Oh, look at this one, very similar to what we're seeing here, come on, we're dealing with a Rick Roll countdown, now it's even. worse than that, so there's more going on here, so if we go to morse code, all these random letters actually lead to something and they're like scrambled letters, but look, look what they have, Morse code letter map, Never Going To Give You. Upstairs will never let you down, so each little bit of Morse code is translated into a letter you can decipher and is slowly completed.
Rick Asley will never abandon you. This is a super elaborate Rick Roll countdown, so we have the morse code calculated. and we've got the hex codes worked out because it's figuring out being Rick Asley but there's still something else why on the 69th why is that today, you know, let's take a look at what is actually 69 days from now because on the Day Zero when you see the final video released, we're probably going to get Rick Rolled because in 69 days it's July 27th and that's apparently a random date, but I missed one very important thing, look at this, when I was never going to quit to you, maid, on July 27, 1987, right?
Just kidding, this is another Rick Roll, because it actually leads to a Rick Roll. I thought you know maybe they wouldn't, maybe it would be something else, but no countdown is just another Rick Roll. I'd be surprised if Day Zero isn't a Rick Roll, so subscribe if you want to see more of this because I will continue to cover this channel and any other similar developments. I'll probably check out the hex codes in a month or two just to see how Rick Roll develops a little more, but Yes, there is the answer to what's going on with this more extended mystery in the countdown this time because before it just led to a day, but this time there is more of a game in this whole mystery, so thanks countdown, whoever is doing this is really smart.
I like setting this all up, but it bothers me that it's a Rick Roll, so hit subscribe. I'll see you next time and keep flying.

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