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The Chosen Multiverse Moose Master

Apr 10, 2024
studied not only oh, not only have I


ed the four elements. from avatar The Last Airbender but two additional from Bionicle W Legends of matui ice and stone that's amazing amazing amazing that's from the discard pile Oh, you're from the discard pile holy moly I didn't deserve to get ped Story time do a story one word at a time, that's how all stories are told who a daup


when when me when I for the first time when for the first time was when for the first time was a when for the first time was young when for the first time was a young Jedi when for the first time he was a young Jedi the when I was where when I was like you when you when you wanted to do so much you could first when I was first it was this stupid story anyway hey, hey, enough, annoyance, state of


skill, oh, you remembered, wow, boom, that's a finisher I just cooled the manMaster Sword straight into Ganondorf's fucking chest right there, crazy, I can do a finisher, my ability is that I could do a finishing move before knowing what a finishing move was, well, I'll take it, I'll take it, it's true, we witnessed it. thumb Master, put your thumb on the table at any time, okay, Jennifer coolage, calm down, can I say the word?
the chosen multiverse moose master
I can't say the word that puts me in character, big mistake, say immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive, immersive theater me after going to Soaring Over California is flying over the world now it's world and it's crazy, did you smell those oranges in an immersive way? I guess it wasn't like that. There were so many polar bears on that walk now they are just running down the Hill. Oh shit, he was your friend. G willikers, it's okay, I'll take it, it's okay, I only do it once, that's it and that's it, I hope you had fun, I didn't screw up the city, it's okay, it sucks, that's my turn, you too, turn also.
the chosen multiverse moose master

More Interesting Facts About,

the chosen multiverse moose master...

One of my skills includes being able to recite. any infomercial for memory wow amazing no okay I can't believe you said Question Master answer a question with a question wow so you can use that any time eh I don't know can I my skill? I can recite 50 Shades of Grey. on the contrary, that's pretty horny, are you sure you'd like to listen? No, I don't want to get an erection, okay? God, those are pretty obscure categories. I love this one, this is my favorite. superpowers, super strength, invisibility, pyrokinesis, flying telinis, teleportation, oh, telepathy, necromancy, that's what. time, buddy, buddy, I was going to say sex, which is a superpower that none of us can possess, thanks, bummer, this is your penalty card to keep, it's your turn, okay, you have to name a skill, one of my abilities, this mother has a letter, yes. so the class itself is a skill, but I can do a perfect flip and kick someone in the face.
the chosen multiverse moose master
We can see it? No, you answered my question with an answer, you have four eyes. Oh, I thought it only applied to this chosen one. I did it. I didn't realize he was also going to call back because you asked them to do 50 Shades of Gray backwards and you said you couldn't because you'd get a boner. I was going to say that about the cart. field we can take it back okay I just wanted to put it in there okay now it's my turn you have hey cool skill idiot SK oh didn't you say sorry my bad oh slap jack hit the table like now oh my friend did it I don't say hit the table in succession like this I should have realized I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, damn, damn, that sucks, you don't need this, nothing that's epic.
the chosen multiverse moose master
Stinky, trailer, annoying, epic. I must name a skill, my tongue is strong enough to fight a the category chosen right now, the category is chosen, awesome movies, you start with me G williker Lego Movie Lego Movie, well, bummer, God, I'm about to leave, no way, how am I the only person who said the word I? Lego movie, Lord of the Rings, okay, he agreed, the postman, Matrix, Blade Runner, Troy, dodgeball, I agree. we can get together and accept that as an answer I was trying to think of the silliest thing I could, okay, hackers, hackers, very good sword, uh, I'll go with a Godfather primer, it's questionable, but I'll accept it, I think that's too questionable. okay dodgeball dodgeball also okay zookeeper Zoolander The Wedding Singer what I admit in my feet is fine, I admit it in my feet I could use a hot dog very bad look, this is your penalty C a Cave brother, hit this stop I'm sorry We're going to sleep late, turn it up again, what the hell are you doing? don't take out a weapon don't take out a weapon fren chill chill finally some content for the audience chill chill chill I was not a weapon, it is not worth the chosen one, the power of the Triforce is in that sword, she granted you the day of the good luck, call me Jennifer Coolage one more time, okay, Rigidler's mom, she's nice, okay, the last time I did that was when Max Reo's band came on.
I was amazing, what a version, yes, yes, I like those long lips. Whose turn is it, okay? I think it's my turn, go ahead, chosen one, when was the last time I was fabulous? Well, it was a good move last time. Fabulous, never surprising. Oh, I'm the question


, oh my God, no, you're not the question master anymore. How weak of me Tru, who's turn is next? you were? oh well I went, come on buddy, how many cards, wow, he just completely ignored you, the silence is palpable now you have to draw a penalty card. Indicates a skill that you did not indicate. a skill, are you about to die now, unless it's a lucky day, how do you feel bro, so fuck?
I wanted to do Rhyme Time so badly, what a hot dog is a real bonus, this is your penalty you have to give it to someone else, not this, I can change a


roll I'm going to make it very difficult for you do it right since I drew seven cards Now I'm out of the game wa however I can change a rule get rid of awesome I want to stay awesome again okay you only said it twice okay I'll take a pill oh that's so good okay I'll take one I'll take a penalty card, so I also think I forgot to take it.
Is this the painting from the live broadcast? I also forgot. the live stream painting probably yes, get a penalty Card wait I need to change a rule okay, but first okay, but first gu because I also said it, I also said it there and I forgot to accept the bonus, okay, whatever and um, good luck. Amazing day amazing devastating okay wait I need to change the rule of awesome Ru guys what are we thinking? Let's cook with this. The rule is that you can't say chosen. What holy fucking shit. Good luck. I have gone nuclear. Our own title. now banned, it's anarchy out here, good luck, we still say last time we failed, no, that was like 3 weeks ago Quiz master, you answered a question, oh holy shit, Lucky day, wow, someone's destiny is in my hands.
It could completely murder and annihilate. possibilities it's true but you know what I'm not going to do that straight to the chest straight to the chest through the heart and you're late oh awesome wow you give her a bad love I can't believe Angela is winning I have a skill, that skill is that I can suck air through my little one, okay, go on, come back again, because I'm following you. I can suck air into my bottom hole and pop it and fart on command, that's almost worse than when you told us I used to suck phones as equipment and it's a skill I use to distract my enemy or in a heist of some kind.
If I get hired for one, what kind of heist,


, master got your ass, now you're mine, devastating. Do you mind if I call my phone for a moment? They are at my mercy. I am, yes, just Question Master, answer a question, oh my God, I'm telling you the question, Master is my secret Katana, it's a pretty crazy operation, it was crazy. It's a shame to have Angelo say a Pokémon's name, that's before they start. Martin sorsi, you must say the name of a Pokémon at the end of your turn. Any Pokémon, good luck, challenging one of my abilities is that I can see in the dark, wow, that's why I wear these sunglasses. everything else is too bright, too bright, actually it's always too bright, so you'd say you were born in the dark, rock paper scissors, oh shit, best of three, who are you going to do that with?
I'm so scared right now, chosen no bo you said it, oh no, you said the word, oh brother, I bought you with that one, I bought you that one, I got you a bonus. I can change one of the rules, but I don't think I will. These are some pretty solid rules, wait. You have a card but you don't have to change your rule I'm not going to change a rule you answered that holy you just took it out you just took it out you just wiped it out I never heard of the underdog story, I took the, I've been destroyed, oh my gosh, classic mistake, awesome chosen, I don't even think you can do rock paper scissors, well you're done, it could be a lucky day, but no. be me chosen awesome, your combined efforts have defeated me, okay, the video is over, so it's Chance's turn.
Are you crushing yourself? What are you threading? Are you knitting right now? What are you doing? That's his ability. You just answered a question. I said what are you doing and you said practicing, damn, I told you it's sacred, this is crazy, Jesus, have you heard about the story of the underdog who just killed? before I couldn't perform it on myself now it's your turn chosen ah yes I one skill I have is to kill everyone with a question well yes, it's actually just a sa the obvious awesome oh sorry, slap, slap, slap, the table doesn't . but it's just the two of us, so stay tuned, fair, are you ready?
I'm ready H, you just answered a question, chosen saint to finish things, name a Pokémon, ah, the eyes of the world are watching chosen Pikachu, you have emerged victorious wielding your question, Master. You defeated all the saints, that was the most impressive feat we have ever seen in Moose Master. I think you could be the best choice. You are truly a chosen one. This is crazy. I have never experienced such power. power such devastating power is Kirby a Pokémon is he was between Pikachu and Kirby Thank God I said Pikachu if you had said Kirby that would somehow be simultaneously the most chosen and the most unchosen you could have said a pikachu pika pika this has been chosen Moose Master thanks for looking awesome, see you next time, subscribe to Dragon Ball Z Epic.

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