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The Cast of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Plays 'Guess the Guardian'

May 30, 2021
It's time for something fun You feel the chemistry between them You've seen the camaraderie between the


of Guardians of the Galaxy But how much of that is real and how much of it is what they call showbiz nonsense It's time to find out how well these superheroes get along. you know it's time to play guest the keeper here we go contestants this is how the game works I'll share an interesting fact a little fact about Chris Zoe Michael Dave or Kurk your job is to write down who you think I am I'm talking about you, you understand whose fact it is , if the fact is about you just write to me, we assume you will know if the fact is really about you, whoever gets the most correct answers is the winner and if you


correctly Gearmo will reward you.
the cast of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 plays guess the guardian
With an ice bag, that's ideal ice for cocktails and to reduce swelling caused by injuries. Whoever has the most ice bags at the end of the game will be the winner. Are you ready to play Guardians? Let's get started. Let's start with. a relatively easy one the first question is this


collects lunch boxes who is this


make sure you can't see each other's boards and leave your pens Michael is cheating that's why he wasn't invited to Japan we're fine really aners at the same time time The survey of lunchbox collecting keepers says the answer is Zoe says Dave Chris says Dave Michael says Chris oh Kurt says Zoe and Dave says himself that's a win for Dave that's a win for Dave that's a win for Dave get an ice pack there you go There you go you can put it on thank you thank you please put your ice pack away.
the cast of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 plays guess the guardian

More Interesting Facts About,

the cast of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 plays guess the guardian...

What is your favorite lunch box? Dave. I have a Green Hornet lunch box from 1967. The Green Hornet. How cute, what's the reason you collect lunch boxes. you like lunch so much that you needed a lot of boxes to put in I need to have food nearby okay, very good next question here we go this guardian was once suspended from school for making and deploying stink bombs homemade stink bombs who is this guardian? right, Kurt's done, everyone's done, okay, show your boards, the keeper is, oh, everyone says Rooker, except Rooker, who says Kurt, the answer is zoy.
the cast of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 plays guess the guardian
I got away with it twice, you get a packet of R. What's up? What is this in high school? I was, I was. I was 12 and I was trying to get the kids to like me, so I did it, I got away with it twice and then the third time I did it for two weeks and it was horrible, wow, wow, it was fun. In doing them, you didn't realize that you had a little junior terrorist in your midst. Try to make our next question these days hello, here we go in high school. Also another high school question.
the cast of guardians of the galaxy vol 2 plays guess the guardian
This guardian gave his teacher a piece of concrete and told her. it was a piece of the Berlin Wall good guardian wait wait wait damn Zoe you have the advantage with two bags of ice your answers please Pratt Pratt Chris Zoe Rooker and an exclamation wait oh is that the name was Chris Pratt who did this Chris, what? what have you written on and one for Kurt too please? G g was cut out of the movie so he's a little sore no he's in it he's in it for a frame yeah he's almost in yeah Chris it crossed my mind but I.
I'm like Chris never did that, what did you do? Chris, this was the teacher, this was maybe the best teacher I've ever had because I'm still fluent in German, frowning, Novak, I had this strange compulsion to kick rocks and I had and and If I had where I was going, I had to kick the rock until there and I was late so I put the Rock in my pocket and then she said Kristoff and I told her and I told her the story. I told him that my cousin was in the Navy and that he was there during the fall of the wall and that he had given me this piece of concrete that was actually like a piece of sidewalk.
Have you ever told him the truth? I don't think I ever told him. She's the truth, so I need you to know FR Nook, that's what I am, I am. I will always be indebted to your wonderful teaching and I love it. You felt bad about it and you were a fantastic teacher. How do you say sorry in German? No light FR Noak okay, there you go FR Noak, okay, we have a tied game right now, as far as I can see, Chris and Zoe are tied. The next question this Guardian cut off the tip of his finger with a brick to win. the love of a neighbor who is the guardian who went to this awesome gentleman extreme lady no Rooker Rooker Rooker Kurt and it was Kurt in fact I have a bag of ice receive a bag of ice Michael receive a bag of ice Michael your first bag of ice wow Kurt why did you do this?
Because I was three years old. Oh, you're three, but she could make me do anything. She said. I bet you won't cut your finger on the brick. I told him yes. I'll do it, you did it right, you don't believe me, it was Goldie H, they sold it, they had to show it to who, oh my god wait, it was like really, a bit like I was that stupid, our final question. we have a three way tie the final question is this guardian lost his virginity in a tent in a neighbor's backyard who is the guardian lost his virginity or his virginity in a puppet in a neighbor's backyard very well, let's look at their boards The board says Rooker laugh laugh and only Dave says Chris, it wasn't Chris, in fact it was Michael Rooker and we still have a tie, that's right, we still have a three-way tie, here's the tiebreaker question in the first game uh Movie Guardians of the Galaxy how many times does Vin Diesel say I'm Groot how many times the one who comes closest is the winner unfortunately Michael and Dave have already been eliminated, but Dave, you have so many lunch boxes that I don't need a prize anyway, okay, Let's see, reveal your boards, uh, okay, the closest answer is Zoe, the answer is 13, congratulations, no.
J, no, the answer is 12, actually, but Dave was also 17. Dave doesn't have as many ice packs as you do. Congratulations on bringing you your award Zoe, congratulations, we've got something for you that you're really going to like: it's a barrel for all your ice and all the ice anyone wants to give you and for our audience, everyone in our studio audience tonight will get a a couple of tickets to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 in IMAX 3D, so congratulations, thanks guys, thanks for watching. If you like it, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest videos and if you didn't subscribe anyway, it's free, who cares?

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