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the boys drunk cooking

May 30, 2024
three of them, three of them. and make sure they activate them. You have to hit them with the flat side of a knife. Did you remove the shell? I believed you, damn man, shut up. I am a professional MasterChef. Right now, he's flipping the meatballs. The narrator is turning the meatballs. ah look that's like a lot of ready juice guys, did you turn it over? I flipped it perfect, so this is the next step. I'm going to heat this skillet full of olive oil over medium heat. Is this a propane thing? I'm going to blow. this place Sky High what's the medium you put right there the timer is back who gave this guy a knife play pool play pool oh right, okay, how much time do we have to play?
the boys drunk cooking
I don't know until the next timer goes off, I have to do it. I'm sure it's okay. I'm going to go make sure the timer is set. I didn't mean to fall down the stairs, but I actually fell. Set the timer please, what's going on? Okay, you're next, okay, crazy if you donate that. at 45 degrees oh I'm scratched right yeah buddy what's going on in the cards they're beautiful your calculations man equations happening physics oh never hit a shot oh no I missed it. Can I ask a question real quick, aren't we supposed to? be


spaghetti and meatballs how to draw a card narrative, could you read it?
the boys drunk cooking

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the boys drunk cooking...

Take a job. I'm a little confused because with the cards while I was here I rearranged the cards. The cards have since been reorganized and no. I don't know who did it. I'm being very serious right now. He was here alone, but someone reorganized them. Hey, you're not lying to me right now. I literally don't speak it. What happened to my jacket? What is the end of? My thumb is gone, why are we here? Shot time, baby, take your chance. Take a nipple, please, don't take anything else. He is a man, yes, up. I'm trying to take care of my friend if this guy ends up having a seizure. the floor I would feel really bad, but I would if he said, yeah, everything, hey, we're splitting it in half, I'm trying to split it, now you're putting the drink in, it's dressing it up, buddy, we gotta finish this together.
the boys drunk cooking
I'm going to kill myself, heat the oil in a non-reactive Sans frying pan to two to three quarts over medium heat. I did it an hour ago. Lightly hit the garlic with the flat side of a knife with salt and crushed Pampers. Lower the heat. golden, it's been brown, but after browning 35 ounces of canned Italian plum tomatoes we're at ah, can I open another one please? I need another one about seven ounces man we need about seven ounces of that there you go back to medium heat I can't believe we're already three hours in buddy what are you looking at?
the boys drunk cooking
Hey, I have a problem, guys, I can't, I can't raise my hands, they're like blocked, that's not good, like they're hitting me. hands okay, okay, okay, this, so you unlocked my hands, dude, yeah, my Mobility again, it's crazy, please, I'm trying. Hazel, calm down, big guy. I'll do whatever next. 10 fresh basil leaves torn, I can do that. I'm breaking Out of these sheets, have you ever been sexually assaulted in your kitchen? Call 995-5515. My whole body hurts from falling down the stairs. About 20 minutes ago. Wait. I'm receiving a call. It's a drum. Oh boy, oh, look so good, oh, come on.
I have no idea about this ketchup right here, man, please give me the drum seal of approval on this ketchup right now, please, that's it, we're criticizing your sauce. Hey, listen, listen, man, Eddie is really passionate about his ketchup, drums and, uh, he gets really worked up. sometimes he's okay, you know, we try to give him the benefit of the doubt, listen, I'll call you again, okay, hey man, that smells delicious. I just heard you tell Drumsy that Eddie had never made a sauce before. Right now please tell me that Goods smells good, wait, wait, don't you realize that the timer hit zero for like a minute?
The police are looking for me, who keeps writing these cards, man, how about I pull out another card, oh altar or jellybean, okay, explained and or? show what's in the narrator's closet now, we take a jelly bean or show what's in your closet, oh I don't want to show what's in my closet, we don't think about it, that means we have to try, no, that means . He has to take a gummy, but the card says gummy. I mean, every time we've said, he's having a drink, he's having a gummy, we'll have a drink. I'm not going to stir the basil for about five minutes, but the red pepper.
I think we need a decent amount. What did the drummer say? I forgot you called. I don't remember that he was just, he was giving you, he said he wasn't gay and then he blew my cock, they are drier. re perfect meatball chamber I have meatballs to serve oh I almost slipped on that man who threw up Where is my covered laptop? It's covered in milk. I put milk before. I thought it looked like it needed some milk, but come on. I'm going to base your steak. I'm going to ask the question very quickly. You didn't bake some meatballs.
Neither my eyes nor my arms for this challenge. I have to tie my hands behind my back. I have to tell my eyes and put his hands on my elbows. and the narrator has to tell him what to do because I can't talk, man, this is crazy, it looks like you're walking with a sausage that's an open flame down there and he reaches down to find the spoon, the spoon now. He was going to taste his new delicious sauce slowly, very slowly, take it to your mouth slowly, for the love of God, raise the spoon, I'm raising it.
Eddie was so excited at the news, oh you're so close you can almost taste it. yeah, that's amazing, congratulations on learning how to cook your new sauce, just switch off, stop taking another one, there was no card for that, okay, we're almost there, place the meatballs on a serving platter with spicy tomato sauce and finish, did you buy a pound? of spaghetti for the four of us no, no, this is enough, shut up man, I know a woman, you've said that 12 times, it's never been good, all we have to do is season it, please don't do that, right?
Who came up with this? video idea I'm so


I think I just met an anti-minority man no way man eat this card die instantly oh god next card is I'm slipping guy who spilled chocolate why This guy breaks the entire spaghetti floor dancing? We're not on a mission, why don't you learn that? amateur. I'm going to die, why am I the only one working? They just called him a dying fool, he eats another jelly bean and draws again, cute, cute, Eddie, and draws again. Yes, this one. says beatbox the guys make a lot of spaghetti why aren't you there I'm on camera right now everyone and he's heating up the meatballs and I'm on camera because I'm having fun he's a fucking HR when the moon I love this guy he sucks, y'all You guys suck, we've been making spaghetti for almost four hours.
I'm putting this spaghetti boiling, I'm putting it in there, man. I'm going to season the water, oh my God. I'm gonna put cream on I'm gonna pee come on foreign cameraman come on dude I know you never respond but please this time I need you to respond come on Josh didn't respond please grill him in the chat right now because he He didn't answer us hey brother, get the meatballs out of the black cupboard, holy man, he can't even keep up with us hey, you did it, the spaghetti is ready, me, me, me, me, line everyone up, it's Al Dente, this is it .
Dente, all made up, oh no one, you don't have yours yet, this is mine, it's actually very good, good job, Eddie, it's beeping, Eddie, a guy, draw a car, respond or shoot, what's the m-a-w-i for the microphone to make a wish instead of 2020? Basically, Molly, those are the wishes of 2021. Oh my god, the guys are making a lot of them that left the garlic bread soggy, shut up bro, we made this sauce together, man, we looked at this, oh, look at that, oh, like you tell me. right now, like you, no, no, no, don't show yours, it's been five hours, it's time to say that they are just fruits of our labor, when brother, that's so good, it actually is, really, in reality, super slaps, wait, that's so good. actually so good no way man it's so good yeah dude that's so weird bring it man there's no way to marry her there's two fish before the guys don't tell the story Look at the merchandising of the Christmas collection, you've never seen anything like it. special like the


' dance shop a Christmas commercial where is the narrator where did he go hey that means you have my other spaghetti what is that wait wait what is that wait what did I not think our spaghetti would actually be made this video internet tell us right now this spaghetti or this one i should even call this spaghetti that looks like butts and penises or spaghetti chat which one do you think looks better

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