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Can we Destroy a Washing Machine with Rubber Bands?

Mar 31, 2024
Why did you do that? You were going to stab him too. You're right. We worked very hard and now you start again. Are you kidding? I can't believe that's what You understand he's saying he's too far away and now time starts again oh my god dude it's making strange noises it's making strange noises it starts again oh you only have a


band, It's been an hour, so we still have one more band, this is Olivia, what? Does E5 mean? What does E5 mean? It's broken. Ours is broken. It's broken. I love the manual. What does E5 mean?
can we destroy a washing machine with rubber bands
You have to fix the


. What? Damn, what language is it? This water feels like too much to exceed. That's great Molly, yes, Molly, yes, you have to call customer satisfaction. I'm calling, no, don't do that, hey Siri, open Google, are you trying to fix the



? shut up, they're closed, they're closed, the water feels like too much, we need to get some water out, wait, that's what it means there's too much water in it, dude, it just keeps running, where's Eddie going to water the water? Tree, oh no, Eddie is coming with the water, brother, what are you doing?
can we destroy a washing machine with rubber bands

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can we destroy a washing machine with rubber bands...

Eddie, what are you doing? Don't stop, it's got too much, keep going, it's too much water, get out of here bro, it's okay everyone, calm down, we're all friends here, I'm sorry I slipped. I slipped, I'm sorry, E5 means there's too much water, there's too much, no, there's two, you're being a kid right now, bro, it's watering the power strip. I stop here, come on, oh, it's heads, yeah, oh wait, I didn't. See it again now it's heads, yeah, let's watch it, but it's the ABC, you turn it around, this is your challenge, here it is, uh, eat a whole watermelon, break it, break it, break it on the tip of my foot, pressure with your thighs, oh oh. that hurts hey hey oh juicy it's heavy oh my god I thought you were giving it to me hit me something refreshing bro actually a really good watermelon oh guys you're missing it wait where is our


machine like a good boy how?
can we destroy a washing machine with rubber bands
Eat the show, how do you do it? Red team, how are you doing? Tryin' to talk to me, we're tryin' after you hug that


band, there's spaghetti in my shoes, man, look, you like that, you like that man, yeah, how? doing here blue team I'm having uh you want something you know what I'll make some announcements it's really hard I could impregnate with a watermelon what's the worst day ever if I came out of a play yesterday I flew 20 hours through this I love it and where Is the timer ringing? Shut up, mmm, well, it's a nice break for the watermelon.
can we destroy a washing machine with rubber bands
If I'm ready, oh yeah, wait, wait, that was exactly watermelon juice. I move Bear Grylls, ah, some watermelon to drink, not my own Bear. I think we are the best team. You know, they think they're winning right now, but we already won. Our washing machine is


ed. We won. They don't even know it. Yeah, well, I guess we should go see how they're doing. Great, stand around them God, you guys need help, oh spaghetti, oh guys, it's time for a challenge, you're almost done. Can I at least go get my washing machine? No, the round is over, brother, you should take a break.
I love spaghetti. I know they cheated. in the meatball straight to the meatballs I saw it there so it's okay, what is it? It's Tails, yes it's Tails, you know what this means, there's nothing more you can do to hurt us that you haven't already, are you sure I need you? everyone should drink three drinks of water Oh, that's easy water, yeah, yeah, water, yeah, it was like Flint's or something, technically there's still water, but he's got a whole pool of water right there, bro, right? you know what I mean? Yes, H2O, three shots of good old wine. good old text in water oh well, looks like someone's going to have to go get it in the meantime, juicy and i got our washing machine back look at the sauce trail look at the sauce trail it's a fine line look at the sauce trail you're alone following the trail, it's there, we found it, okay, let's get it back.
I'll go get you your water drinks, okay, thanks man, seriously, what are you doing? I'm going to get my washing machine back, we're back in the game. baby, wait, wait, stop, let me run it, we'll be able to throw it away if you ride it, I can't, I can't even go, hey, you ruined our best friend, you ruined it, you broke my washing machine, I'm still. In the game, baby, we fell, brother, just face it, we fell. I have the water. Molly left that. She left that. There is nothing to scare them. They just stood there idle with a brick.
Haven't you heard us enough? oh leave my baby alone what's the reason? fooling around you're getting back in the game I'm sure they're back by now ah where did I see you spit it out that's disgusting he didn't do the challenge you spit it out no I did the challenge it's not in the video you made everyone in the audience wants to know a fun fact of the day when blue whales have the largest whale on Earth next to Molly. I just don't want a fun fact of the day. Did you spit out the challenge? I didn't do it and essentially spit in my face as an announcer, you get another challenge, what's not for me, for Molly, I drank my little thing, not for you, we're on a team and now you gotta have time Getty, what's skinny time, Skinny time means taking a sip, right?
Right? Look well, oh Molly, I don't think you want to try this spaghetti man that's a mouthful, no, it's not like you're going to add the machine, that's the one we caught, oh, look at that, look at that cooked spaghetti, bro, whoo , Eddie, oh. Is this what you wanted Eddie oh no, that's gross it's just Mexican that's just gross oh wait, wait, isn't this your spaghetti too? Isn't this your spaghetti too? I can't unfreeze men, I can't do it yeah, Aussies are weird, you guys should throw it up, you haven't even done it, oh I'm 40 right now mate please don't make me do this Neil there same, I will get behind you, please don't do it.
Yo, do this, come on, that's not a sip, it's half a bottle and there's remains in there. You did it. Why are you so angry? We spent all day cooking that dish and now you don't want to try it, just do it. slow man please wait wait I have to take a breath why is he drinking spaghetti sauce do you still have that let me hold your head oh there's still more I don't want to film anymore welcome to the power struggle No I am I'm glad it's on the tarps, so Josh, we'll see later, so in this spaghetti pressure washing game.
Red team versus blue team. Red Team. You said you're done. We give up. You give up. Let us go home. So here it is. The thing is we had more challenges, you're saying you're giving up, no we have to keep going, wait, but this is what I said at the beginning of this video, the first team to


their washing machine wins, yes. I think the blue team won the moment Molly threw a brick into her washing machine. All the other challenges could have been avoided if you had paid attention. Yes, the blueberry. Yes, the ball breakers won.
Wait, he's saying they won 20 minutes ago. They actually won an hour ago and we knew it just because we were talking about it, we were just hanging out eating watermelon, yeah watermelon is really good, watermelon was delicious, well you guys were trying really hard, this has been another video about the boys. Be sure to head over to Boys Dot Store for amazing products and we'll see you next time.

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