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The Boyfriend Tag • Safiya & Tyler

May 31, 2021
Surprisingly, this video will not be about feline herpes. Feline herpes, more you know. '*music plays* Hello friends, and welcome to the first video of my renewed channel. Woo Today we are going to do the Boyfriend Tag with my


. This is Tyler, my


. Boyfriend. Where's Crusty? He is also my boyfriend. He is off screen. But in a very platonic sense. He is breathing hard. If you hear heavy breathing, he is our cat. *Sings* Crusty's been here all night. *laughs* He's been here all night. He has herpes. Yes, if your cat has feline herpes, his immune system is compromised, so he catches a little cold and then snores at night when he sleeps right on top of your face.
the boyfriend tag safiya tyler
D: Hey buddy *herpes purring* The Boyfriend Tag is like a really, really old tag video. Basically, it's just a series of questions that we answer. And it's about our relationship and that's... it. So we won't play against each other No, no, we won't play against We're on the same team Yes So this isn't just 20 questions, Tyler interview. It's actually something like that. I'm Barbara Walters. Baabwa Bwaltas (Barbrara Walters) Barbara Waters (unintelligible mumbling and something about a cat...) Is this still a relevant reference? Do people know Barbara Walters? No no? She is not well. Although her Instagram is on!
the boyfriend tag safiya tyler

More Interesting Facts About,

the boyfriend tag safiya tyler...

Actually?! No, I do not know. When people say Barbara Walters' Snapchat is out of the woods. Like she's Kylie Jenner...Barbara Walters. I can't actually conjure up an image of Barbara Walters' lips in my mind, but I'd probably buy her a lip kit. Let's be honest. Alright, I think we should get into it because there are a lot of questions. I'm excited. Boyfriend Etiquette Question Number 1 Where did we meet? This is really an interesting question. This is an interesting question. So we went to university together. But we didn't date in college. No But we knew each other And we were not enemies We...
the boyfriend tag safiya tyler
We were not enemies either, but I Were we enemies? No, we were not enemies. Saf (Safiya) hesitated. Then we met again in Los Angeles a couple of years later. Two years after he graduated and right after I graduated. And that was like your first night out in Los Angeles, right? Basically because we had some mutual friends from Tyler's a cappella group. Yes, Tyler was an a cappella brother. Our most successful song was "Everybody Pees in the Shower." It is a good song. It's a good song actually. It sounds crazy but it's a good song. It's also true.
the boyfriend tag safiya tyler
Tag Question #2 Where was our first date? Our first date Ok, here it is... here's the- This is another complicated question It's a point of contention The end of our courtship, the beginning of our relationship It's a light on specific details Would you say? Yeah, I think we were friends for a few months and then we transitioned. She made me a friend, I made her a friend. Tyler invited me to Disneyland. I did. One on one. It wasn't supposed to be a date. But I interpreted it as a date. Which made sense And I had a great time I had a great time too...
The whole time I was there I was waiting for him to make some kind of move It was... here's the... In the... In the physical sense, I was waiting for him to kiss me, I was... There were many opportunities, and he didn't take advantage of them and then when he dropped me off at home, I was waiting for him to lean in to kiss me and he didn't and I was like a little offended. But here's the thing: I didn't want to use Disney for evil powers, you're tapping into nostalgia and magic for pickup, so I didn't want to do that.
Obviously, Disneyland is like a very intense first date anyway because it's like, the way we do it is like a ten hour day, yeah, then we went to dinner like five days later. That was our first real date and that's when we had our first... kiss. BUT. I will never forget not taking the first step at Disneyland. SMH Tag Question #3 Okay, what was your first impression of me? The real first impression was how easy Safiya was, is and always has been to talk to. Thanks love. I think the first impression lasts about two and a half weeks, right? and for two and a half weeks I thought, "Wow, we can talk about... everything." And then there was one night where we sat outside your apartment and talked until four or five in the morning.
Yeah. And it was like That was when we were still friends My first impression of Tyler in college I mean, here's the thing, like we knew each other in college but I didn't really know you but I thought you were a cool guy. It was my, ah, screen name, back in the day. Oh really? It was coolguy379 (AIM sound effect) when we met again in Los Angeles. I also thought you were very easy to talk to and fun to hang out with. And that's what I thought from the beginning. And I thought he liked it too.
I mean, was I wrong? *pause* No, you weren't wrong at all. Do I have a strange obsession? So what? Tyler loves geography and he loves geolocation. He likes to point things out and say "that's it!" Safiya is obsessed with sauces like she's legitimately obsessed with sauces. So, let's say you make a beautiful turkey sandwich, Saf will take that turkey sandwich and put barbecue sauce on a plate and then she will dip it or without fail hot sauce or mustard Yes., I really like sauces She is a gravy girl I could ... consider myself a sauce addict. How long have we been together?
At this point, I think it's two and a half years. Two years and a half. So there we go. Do you have any traditions with your girlfriend/boyfriend? A tradition? Do we have a tradition? Yes, we go to Disneyland every year. After our first "non-date" at Disneyland, every year on our anniversary, we have gone to Disneyland. So I feel like that's probably our biggest tradition!! 1!11! (Random background chatter) The Lord of the Rings tours New Zealand every TEN YEARS! She said it, I didn't, I didn't say that. Ok, sorry, GANDALF!!! SUPPPPPPP I feel like these questions are a little crazy Yes, there are a lot, at first glance.
You saw them across the room and said, "Robin Trabotski, I love you." What is my favorite restaurant? Your favorite restaurant? It's Bibigo OHH YES, yes, right there, well then yours is also Bibigo, yes, I'm not questioning if we can do that in this. come on *hits the table* CHALLENGE for you who don't know what Bibigo is, it's a chipotle style in which you like to choose, you know the things it contains.

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