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The Big Draco Malfoy Analysis

Jun 06, 2021
Throughout Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he had classes with a unique Slytherin boy who was important to the plot and experienced any kind of development throughout the story. Can you guess his name? It was me. Hey guys, this big boy. The


used to be part of a bigger boy


, an hour long monstrosity essay about Slytherin house and Snape and Voldemort and basically everything under the sun and yes, my finger slipped 7000 times and I wrote a giant analysis by Draco Malfoy and while I was having fun. Writing it was not the topic of the video and that is illegal and I don't want to go to YouTube jail, so I divided my essay into smaller essays and this, my friends, is Draco's essay.
the big draco malfoy analysis
Let's go back to the first book all the time. your story starts with the protagonist being berated by his cruel uncles and spoiled son and ends with him facing off against Voldemort, then there's that whole middle getting angry at our boy Harry in the middle parts of the story, well what if in the school? There is a competition between different groups of students, what if on top of that there is a group of students at school who are loosely aligned with the main antagonist in a way where they can't be directly confronted because they have plausible deniability, but do they do it?
the big draco malfoy analysis

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the big draco malfoy analysis...

Support Voldemort and his rise to power. This allows the protagonists to have a small baby version of the villain to fight by the flagpole until the bell rings and the real murderous genocidal monster manifests for these simple purposes. Harry's rival, Draco Malfoy, this child is born. like no other in the series he demands attention, he's like an overly pampered, opulently dressed hairless cat who hates you by simply taunting you from his cat tree as if he thinks he's in charge even though he's an eight pound raw chicken. . Draco is a boy born the same summer as Harry, because Harry is the boy who lived, Draco became the boy who grew up in a peaceful world.
the big draco malfoy analysis
They are both rich wizards with wizard parents, they attend Hogwarts and played the same sport, Quidditch, they even play the same position finder and that's where the similarities run out because in most cases they are intentionally written to be opposites. He's a Draco Malfoy, so to speak, he's the fool to his beau. I want to see the first two times Harry interacts with his rival in great detail, extracting all the sweet nectar of analysis so we can delve deeper into his mind. Harry meets Draco in Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions in Diagon Alley. Draco begins a rather mundane conversation with the boy next to him without realizing that he is actually the famous Harry Potter.
the big draco malfoy analysis
It's kind of funny because this is one of the only times in the series where you'll see Draco converse with someone who isn't one of his lackeys or someone he looks down on, just a neutral party and at first it's very normal, yeah Harry . if he goes to Hogwarts he rambles on about what his mum and dad bought him yes Harry if he has a broom if he plays Quidditch she comments that he knows he'll be sorted into Slytherin and god if he started in Hufflepuff he just lets him , it's subtle, but this is the first instance of Draco's propensity to inject his family into every conversation and simultaneously the expectations his family has of him and he has of himself.
Harry tries to answer Draco's questions honestly without letting it be seen that he doesn't. He knows what the boys are talking about and feels self-conscious because he doesn't have anything interesting to say, but then Draco sees Hagrid through the windows, probably surprised by this giant man staring at them. Harry is excited to know something Draco doesn't know. He tells her that the man's name is Hagrid and that he is a gardener at Hogwarts. He shouts OH, then remembers that he heard about Hagrid before hearing rumors that he is a savage who gets drunk and sets fire to his bed.
This is when Harry begins to shower on his new acquaintance. is understanding his elitism, Harry tells him that Hagrid is brilliant and that he is with them and when Draco asks why Harry is with him, Harry tells him that his parents are dead, Draco says he is sorry, but Harry doesn't think it sounds very sorry, then Drako. asked Harry if his parents were, he expresses that he doesn't think the type Lola should be at Hogwarts and that the school should be for old wizarding families and then very tellingly before asking the boy next to him his name.
Draco asked him his last name earlier. Harry can respond to his interruptions and by watching this scene he establishes that in Drago's mine other people exist for his sake. He is sociable but is very concerned with learning people's status position, so he knows how much to respect or judge them. He talks mainly to show off. about his family and his possessions, he's not completely socially inept, he asks Harry questions about himself, but he knows where he wants to take this conversation on the Hogwarts Express. Streiko will hear a rumor that Harry Potter is in a certain train compartment and when he goes.
To meet him, he will discover the identity of the boy who is next to him in Madam Malkin's queue. A type of conversation similar to the one in the movie. You don't want to make the wrong type of phones. I can help. I think I can say it. the wrong kind for me, thanks, but in the book after Harry doesn't shake his hand, he describes Draco turning slightly pink with embarrassment and saying and the rest is history. In Draco's second appearance on the Hogwarts Express we experience another view of him, his temper, his meanness, his neediness towards the people he sees, he is more powerful and famous than himself if your position is higher than his and you don't accept it. and you are not the jewel in his crown he goes into a defensive burst there is all this demand for power and control he wants to destroy harry the same way the white blood cells wanted to destroy bacteria he has to neutralize this threat immediately or else Otherwise, anything could happen.
The unknown is quite scary, it is quite reminiscent of the environment in which he grew up, where there is this fixation on status. It doesn't matter if he's the Minister of Magic or Voldemort's father Draco The power of Lucy's escort compare and contrast Harry's friends are her friends by sheer chance of her Ron is a boy she meets heading to Hogwarts on the train Hermione is the girl Harry feels responsible for warning about a The troll Draco's two best friends are children of Death Eaters, they are part of the sacred 28 pure-blood magical families. Within the ideology there is this obsession with purity and its opposite filth and let's appreciate how quickly and viciously during this Draco immediately used the most sensitive. piece of information he knew about Harry to hurt him he nuked him at the first sign of social rejection if he was polite and just kept his mouth shut he might have been able to befriend Harry, maybe even get him away from Ron and slowly influence him. who knows, Harry might have faced the sorting hat thinking that starting in Slytherin was no big deal and if Harry didn't have a strong opinion, he might have ended up in the dungeon with the snake boys changing the entire course of history. story now 11 year olds are not known for their emotional control but


is a member of the house whose most prized trait is cunning this is not cunning at all he is actually very emotionally unintelligent


can't read people or not He also cares and is too emotional to be good at manipulating people through charm, he defaults to threats out of fear hmm.
I wonder where he learned that I love how before Harry knows the details of what Draco is talking about or his ideology, he can simply recognize through tone that Draco is unpleasant even though Draco doesn't like muggles, he has enough in common with Harry's cousin, Dudley Dursley. These two spoiled blonde children are prone to explosive outbursts and will both have serious problems growing up because their parents are poisoning their minds with love. I think that in the hearts of some spoiled children there is something dark and desperate almost primitive. What do you do when you have everything right?
I think you overreact to obstacles, maybe it's because no one has ever said no to you before, but I think also. On top of that, maybe even more, the environment could make you neurotic. It seems to me that because Dudley and Draco like their lives and have everything, they get scared at the first signs that they are losing ground and I don't believe that. the feeling comes out of nowhere I think it reflects the disposition of their parents. Elleny Kasdan is a research professor of child psychology who focuses on the treatment of aggressive or antisocial behavior in children.
She gave this quote to Father Lee. Calm children are more likely to imitate behavior than to adjust their behavior to fit expectations; In other words, spoiled parents raise spoiled children. A polite and generous public-minded father could shower his son with his privileges and presence and still raise a polite and generous public-minded child. she continues from article What Kasdan means is not that parents are reckless or unreasonable in worrying about spoiling their children, but that they focus on the wrong mechanisms and do not analyze themselves closely enough. Petunia and Vernon Dursley strangely smother their children with gifts to assure him that Even he has no magical powers, he is special, the source of this motivation is a deep wound to Petunias caused by the fact that her sister suddenly received a letter to Hogwarts, absorbing all their parents' attention, disappearing for most of the year and dying young, so they go overboard appeasing Dudley and make Harry the enemy of the house who is acceptable to bully.
Both Dudley and his parents have these two ways of being, they have one foot in being a happy upper-middle class family and the other in these clogs that try to scream. to control his environment and everyone in it, so what does this have to do with Draco? Well, it's the same thing on a larger scale with a whole group of people as the enemy instead of one child. Draco's parents, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, spoiled Draco and raised him. an environment to believe that he is special because he is a pureblood wizard and the Muggles and Muggleborns of the designated enemy, the Malfoys, take his inherited and expanding wealth as proof of their superiority over the poor Weasley family, whom they consider blood merchants for not valuing their pure blood.
Status I believe that young Draco greatly admires his parents and seeks to imitate their mannerisms, values ​​and opinions in order to replicate his success, but he also absorbs a suicidal type of self-preservation that invents threats to fight against. Have you ever heard of defensive eaters and defensive eaters? eat all the food in the house so other people can't eat it first, that's what defensive power eating means and it's the basis of Draco Malfoy's identity. Draco is 11 in the first book, but he never gets better. To manipulate people, Molasses is a bit sneaky in the sense that he knows that the effective way to mess with Harry is indirect ways of applying pressure where he gets groups of people to go after Harry instead of confronting him directly, e.g. when Harry is chosen as Hogwarts.
Draco, second champion of the Triwizard Tournament, makes badges for other students to wear, so Harry continually faces everyone hating him, but from Harry's perspective, compared to the Dementors dragons in the bridge and Voldemort, Draco can't hold the candle as a threat, he's too prone. until comedian Lee's metaphorical anvils fall on him and crush the ego as the stakes of the story grow bolder and more powerful. Draco basically goes from being the Potter rival, the pathetic mini-boss, to the lackey of other more sinister villains and the movies actually hit this. I go up a notch by milking Draco more often for comedy, this may surprise you, but I don't really mind that the movies make Draco seem more like a coward because well, I don't think that says anything about him that isn't a true fact.
That he is a The Coward is important to the plot, it is his discomfort with violence that prevents him from fully embracing Voldemort. I mean, emotionally, that's just uncomfortable. Draco was raised in a time of peace brought to him by Harry Potter, the boy who lived to be resented by this jealous jelly. bean every year Draco continues to shrink as a threat by the time the Half-Blood Prince is hovering around Ron and Hermione discover Harry's new obsession with this idea of ​​Draco being a somewhat ridiculous Death Eater Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater and as I always loved this, they're like Harry Draco is horrible, like this is Chamber of Secrets, it's not even good enough to air.
Draco would like to try to fart someone else and karma wouldn't watch over him. from the other side of the map but of course they were wrong and it is at this point in the story that Draco transcends his role as schoolyard bully into more thematically complex territory. Yeah boy, he made all the wrong decisions,please make me happy. I don't want your help, don't you understand I have to do this? I have to kill you, he will kill me. If you search for Draco movie clips from Half-Blood Prince and the Deathly Hallows, one or two in the comments section, you'll probably see the phrase.
Draco Malfoy, the boy who had no choice, will be photoshopped in many dramatic photographs or gifts from Draco Draco had no choice in the sense that between the fifth and sixth books he appears to have been selected by Voldemort to cure Dumbledore as punishment. for the death of his father. failures that's Dumbledore's interpretation of what happened, so I'm inclined to believe it. He also didn't choose to be born into a home that would try to indoctrinate him into their wizard supremacist belief system, but I will say that I don't buy into the modestly popular. admirer's interpretation that Draco was hit or yelled at by his parents or even just crushed under the weight of expectations of him before Voldemort took over Malfoy Manor.
I'm sure the people making this argument would argue that this is not intended to be a justification for his bigotry. just an analysis of his particular case of GUP brain, so the thought process here is that it's very dismissive to paint him as a spoiled child just because all his material needs were met, doesn't mean everything was as it should have been at home. I really appreciate this character, you have to look at the goo, you have to appreciate all of his lost, dirty, gargling Marvels that aren't in his head, okay, that's fair, I'll dive into that, but you all will dive into any thing except in real water.
I'm weak. swimmer things that are abusive to children can be put into two categories on the left side categories of action output categories of abusive actions or things like sexual abuse physical abuse and emotional abuse on the right side we will put lack of action this is what We call it neglect, you can neglect a child's physical needs, their educational needs, their health needs or their emotional needs, so I can imagine how some of you would be confused about how emotional abuse and emotional neglect are different. Emotional abuse is things like calling names or threatening violence against a child.
Emotional neglect is failing to provide support to a child, so when a parent gives little affection or attention—although to be fair, it's a distinction that will probably only be made in child psychology class—most people seem just mix them up and just call it emotional abuse, as far as Draco is concerned, sexual abuse can be taken off the table immediately as I've never seen anyone try to argue this point, while physical abuse is not a common accusation. I had a friend growing up who strongly believed that there was an intentional subtext in the Chamber of Secrets movie that Draco was being spanked by his father.
Your first impression of Lucius is when he puts his staff on Draco's shoulder to move him. The handle of the staff is a snake map, so it is something subtle and violent. images of the snake biting him and you know that there is the worst Malfoy, a Legolas who has been outside on the counter for too long and these bad vibes are doubled again when the movie Lucius grabs Harry and moves his hair with his cane to inspect his scar this is very sinister in the books lucia spreads her hands on her son's shoulders and stays with them for most of the conversation she never actually recognizes harry she just focuses on the weasleys so in this deleted scene lucia sees Draco touching an artifact in Borgin and Burkes and wisely hits that same object with his cane telling it not to touch anything.
I don't know why it doesn't make any sense, but he sure makes me laugh. Draco, don't touch, that will make you sterile. Because? you think you're an only child this is so irresponsible to leave this out like this oh I'm so upset Borgin and Burkes more like Borgin and idiots Draco help me wipe out everything here okay so this doesn't fit at all with the books on page 50 His father tells Draco not to touch anything Draco Draco is confused because he thought they were here to buy him a gift and Lucius says yes, I said I would buy you a racing broom and then Draco goes into a rant that he'll cover in a second, so that in the film's canon this would give off major bad vibes, it definitely gives this impression.
Draco is afraid of his father, but it is a deleted scene, but sometimes ABC Family inserts it into the movie as an upcut. It's kind of a mess, the point is only in the movies because of these subtle changes. Lucia seems like a more menacing violent man who can't keep his damn staff away from Draco and Harry. Thank you, there is no need with these people, enjoy your friendship. While you may notice that this is not the last time Draco in the film interacts with Kane's security team, Rigo actually likes his father's Kane cane enough to take him to Hogwarts, taking offense to his name when called incorrectly, perhaps because Kane. has violent connotations or the offensive connotations are that the lecherous Malfoy here is actually a staggering old man with the wizard Bing Crosby on the radio smoking a corn pipe, but the t LD L is for Draco, this is not a strike II, It is a treasure. object that reminds him of his father look, you look at it tenderly, it's a memory card, so I conclude that the story is not trying to tell us that Draco was physically abused, that this scene is trying to rewind the previous scenes and since Narcissa is not .
Really as always around Draco he probably wasn't physically abused now let's cover the emotional abuse going back to that conversation at Borgin and Burkes and this scene, twelve year old Draco complains to his father about how they left Harry on the Quidditch team and he didn't. . even well, he's just famous. Lou drops the dialogue and makes it pretty clear that he's patient, but a little tired of his son talking about Harry Potter. He tells Draco that he thinks it is less than wise to appear unfunded with Harry Potter because to most people he is a hero.
That made the Dark Lord disappear. This will be a bit more important later in the video, but that's important to me. He's not telling him not to fight him. He is saying don't even let him know that you don't like him. which in the game Lucius is playing is solid advice if you're not a Death Eater why do you hate Harry Potter so much? I don't think Draco feels like he can't disagree with his father because one of the main ways he disobeys his father throughout the story is upsetting Harry, now in real life he witnesses a positive interaction between a father and a child does not refute the abuse, but when constructing a fictional narrative when there are very few scenes of Draco talking to his parents, the clues have to be It was dropped that there is some friction between them, but overall, Narcissa, how strange Once shown, she seems like the ideal loving mother who would do anything for her child and Lucia seems like the ideal loving father in the books and a stricter, colder but not necessarily abusive person. father in movies, this leaves negligence.
Draco's medical, educational, and physical needs are met, so he leaves the emotional needs behind. Drago's parents seem extremely supportive and affectionate towards him when Drago wants something like being on the Quidditch team. Lucia makes money moving heaven and earth. to get Draco what she wants and get her the right equipment; in fact, Draco's parents don't even seem guilty of some of the more common suboptimal parenting practices, for example before Lucius goes to prison and Voldemort takes over Draco's life. Draco doesn't seem to be crushed by his parents' expectations of him. Draco seems to have genuinely absorbed all of his parents' interests and values ​​at this point.
I'm sure some of you might say: Well, waiting isn't teaching him to be a bigoted bully in some way. It is complicated for two reasons, so the first problem is to investigate properly. This would require understanding the Harry Potter allegory as a specific and well-thought-out allegory. By investigating the intolerance of that topic, I would have to come to understand the psychological effect. in real people I was taught those ideas when they were children and then I would have to translate that to the fictional character if I had to choose what particular bigotry blood supremacy is supposed to be a substitute for because my mind would choose racism because of the fixation on purity of blood and miscegenation, Miss Burch believes that muggles are not that different from us, she would have given her way for us to mate with them, the mixture of magical and muggle blood is not an abomination, but it is something that should encouraged, the problem is the The allegory is not intended to be anything specific or is simply not well thought out and it is the details of the Harry Potter universe that make the commentary fall apart, for example, details such as the existence of wizards who spontaneously come from non-magical families and vice versa. the setting makes it so that people who can't do magic are almost not present in the story and when they are, they are annoying or stupid.
The second problem is that once you consider how much goo is clogging up the allegory, it simply becomes difficult to accept. Seriously, you know I'm proud of what I do here, even when I cover children's literature or teen dramas, but I had this moment or glimpse into the abyss you know and realized I was spending hours reading academic articles. and books that contain images of dead bodies so I could apply that knowledge to a Harry Potter video essay about Draco sadboy and it was at that moment that I realized that any just society should banish me to the desert with an ax and half a Snickers bar. so here is my conclusion for this section of the video.
I think everything that happened between Harry and Draco was mostly Draco's choice. I think Draco dug that hole for himself every year with Harry even though his father explicitly told him not to do this. shortsighted of you, it's somewhat less slytherin about Draco if you see that Draco is just a victim of his parents' abused circumstances, the fact that he doesn't have a Redemption arc and that he never faces Voldemort is probably coming seems really strange, but I don't think that's the focus of the narrative, and therefore acting like Draco has no choice maybe misses the point.
Harry, the protagonist of this story, was raised in a horrible environment, but he is a very loving child and is very willing to forgive. in the world, he cares deeply about his friends and will sacrifice a lot for others, he will literally die for you. Draco would not have survived the events of the story if Harry was not this Gryffindor of the Braves, the curious thing about the Malfoy thing is outside the fact that the father is a high-ranking member of a terrorist sect and the mother presumably supported him. Throughout their marriage the Malfoys are quite ordinary, they are just another rich family.
Draco comes from a loving background that he had. a sheltered upbringing and that should be a good thing, it should be good that nothing bad happened to Draco and that he wasn't traumatized or abused, but the Malfoys only love each other and only respect power, so naturally Draco doesn't. knows how to love. and respect anything that isn't exactly like him, like many fictional characters, from Nick Carraway to Holden Caulfield. Draco's name was carefully selected to hold meetings according to visiting Draco's last name, Malfoy, is Old French, it is a combination of the words mal meaning bad or evil and Foy meaning faith or trust taken literally his last name means bad faith bad trust evil faith or evil trust since French and English They have roots in Latin.
The prefix mal is quite intimidating and is found in all kinds of spooky words such as the malice of an enemy, a poorly formed plan that goes horribly or a malignant tumor. This makes mal a great mouth noise to insert into a antagonist name like Maleficent according to author JK Rowling. The name Draco comes from a constellation, as all notables on his mother's side of the family are nobles. and the oldest black house is named after something heavenly. Draco is Latin for dragon, so the constellation is a dragon with a quadrilateral head on a long body and super short, stubby legs, with pathetic, plain legs.
You can't imagine it as a thick European dragon. but one of those longer snake boys and in some myths is interpreted not as a dragon at all but as a serpent or a sea serpent. This gives Draco a name with a connection to snakes without being super on the nose like a snake. Oh, whistle, boy. I'd say eat your heart out to werewolf macquaire Wolfington, but let's be real, the name Remus Lupine is really cute and you're jealous. Draco can be seen in the northern hemisphere all year round, but he says he is so big that, ironically, it is difficult to tell him apart.
He is surrounded by more easily identifiable constellations with brighter stars such as Hercules in Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. By putting together Draco's full name, I get some interesting omens for hisrole in history. A combination that catches my attention. Bad Faith Dragon Now as anyone who has watched any number of reality shows will tell you that there are two states of matter, real and false. Draco Malfoy is like a super fake calling Draco a dragon in bad faith is kind of interesting if it foreshadows the character not living up to expectations of him being something fierce and deadly when we talk more about the Deathly Hallows in the final section I'm going To talk about Draco's wand or rather, Harry has Draco's wand and uses it to fight Voldemort, let's all of you, wise and wicked, learn in this trivia the symbolism of Draco's wand.
It's quite famous when it was discovered that the core of the wand is unicorn hair, fans everywhere went oh that's cool, wands with unicorn core are the hardest to turn to the dark side, the core of the wand may literally die, but unicorn hair is a core held by many. characters throughout the story the wood of the wand is not Draco's wand it is hawthorn wood the entry about hawthorn wood was clearly written just for Draco as he is the only known character to have won the entry describes that it is a paradoxical tree the flowering leaves heal but reeks of death the wands are suitable for healing magic but are experts in curses the wand is prone to failing disastrously if mishandled The hawthorns themselves are beautiful trees with white flowers they grow the fruit in July and the fruit is ripe in October It is a tree with thorny branches in which birds like to make their nests in Celtic folklore.
It is a symbol of protection, love and spring, which is the season of rebirth. And you know, if someone needs a rebirth with streiko, they really need magician Jesus, so try it. aSummarize the images here. I think the core of Draco's magic is that this position is a soft thing used for dark purposes under Voldemort's thumb. Draco slowly withers throughout his sixth year. He falls behind on homework. He makes himself sick so he doesn't have to attend Quidditch matches. all of his time is spent repairing the disappearing cabinet, you know, even Draco's mission here reflects the duality that follows him: he's causing destruction, a historic infiltration of Hogwarts by repairing something that's broken.
Snape rescued Drago at the last second and he is not forced to kill Dumbledore the question when entering the Deathly Hallows when it comes to Draco the story is how far can this go you know the old classic can this sad boy really become completely evil or will he be redeemed whether or not Draco deserves a Redemption arc? It is a hot topic of discussion that is still debated to this day. Some people see Draco as a sensitive person who is not cut out for this, a bully and intolerant, but not to the level where he can kill and not feel anything, so they feel it is strange that he is allowed to live, crawl and lick their wounds without doing anything important.
There are different reasons why people feel this way. Some people feel that it seems like an incomplete, unresolved sore. Other people are very attached to Draco and therefore feel that he was deceived. Also some people just. I think Tom Felton is sexy and they hate to see him cry and they want to see him happy and it's a bit of a boring answer but it's an answer and it's kind of an answer that Rowling defers to and you know she could weave this beautiful web about how people feel. They relate to emotions and characters not so much literally but almost as the shadow of the emotion they project.
Maybe you don't know what it's like to be a brainwashed blood racing thug, but maybe you understand the emotions of feeling traps like the You dug yourself into a hole you can't get out of, but you know what I've known, the Harry Potter and Draco fanbase is basically between Tyler Durden and Rick Sanchez in terms of how good the average audience member seems. understand this character, Draco. he's definitely a cool, confident, bad boy and not a fundamentally insecure, attention-seeking coward who immediately reaches out to any authority figure he deems important. I think someone will say: hey, yeah, hit all those stupid teenagers who get into Harry Potter, oh no.
We're not going to do that, that's boring, listen to me, listen to me, all of you who are making and watching those gotcha life Harry Potter videos. I see them out there racking up thousands and thousands of views, they are still too weak, their thirst is. You are not strong enough, you are not willing to interact with the character as it was written, but you know what matters to me, see the pentagram, look at the pentagram, make a pact with me, swear that you will post shame every day and no one will be able to do it . convince you not to do it anyway, oh yeah, Draco's biggest act of defiance against Voldemort starts on page 458, this is when he pretends not to know who Harry Ron and Hermione are, which saves their lives, but also It is interesting in that the actions are small and continue. heroic, in fact, in the movie it's not very clear to me if Draco is lying on purpose, so it's good that they added this line in the confrontation in the room of hidden things where Harry confirms that this is what happened, he told me I knew now. in the movies it was actually raised whether Draco should have a major act of defiance against Voldemort.
There are these images of Draco running past Voldemort shouting that Potter is going to throw Harry's wand. Someone on YouTube edited a scene from Harry Potter to put this back into the movie and it has over 3 million views and the salt in this comments section, you know, I have sympathy, but it's delicious. I can't believe people lie on the internet, why do people just make things up in the comments section, let's comment? Hundreds of votes claim that Draco throws his wand at Harry in the books, oh darling, no, no, Harry just takes Draco's wand, steals three from Draco's hand on page 474, and then hits it back at Draco.
Gray with an epic triple wand, dumbfounded, this is like the Tony. Pro skater Hawk's combo move of possessing dumb werewolves, what are you talking about? Ryan G, more like Lion Yi got it. I also can't understand if Harry becoming the owner of the Elder Wand and Draco's wand is a crucial piece of information for the plot. not by disarming Draco with magic but by literally disarming him by fighting him like a muggle like two brothers fighting over a toy. This is either nonsense of the rules of the universe or genius. This book came out in 2007 and I still haven't decided. des Fillion Voldie doesn't know it yet, but he's in trouble because the wand he's using during this final battle actually belongs to Harry, the doors betrayed the code disarmed Dumbledore but didn't kill him, then Harry disarms Draco and so Therefore, he takes possession of all of Draco's powers. loves so much harry has the Hawthorne that Draco had for years and the Elder Wand now the Elder Wand is a little fickle you took apart its owner and it just becomes yours it's not sentimental it's not attached I know it seems strange but you have to keep in mind Note that magic wands in this universe are almost alive, here's the thing, although the same cannot be said for Draco's wand, according to Rowling, on the subject of wands with unicorn hair cores, they are the most fateful of all and, in general, remain strongly united. to its first owner, regardless of whether he or she was an accomplished wizard or witch, so the fact that Harry can use Draco's usual one is really strange, it's not even like a wand that Harry finds on the side of the road. , it's this kid's wand who has been resenting him and hating him basically since the second time they spoke, the wand really shouldn't work for Harry, but it works well and I think it's because it's an extension of Draco's will.
Drake I won't take direct action but he knows that Harry has to win the Battle of Hogwarts when talking about Voldemort it is often mentioned that he can't understand love and this usually comes up in the context of him not understanding Snape's motivations , but it is also true that Voldemort does not understand the voice of the mouth that Voldemort cannot assure. the status of the Malfoy family or even their safety is out because that's all they care about, that thing people say about the Malfoys not being the true evil of the story because at least they love each other, yes it rings true in mouth.
The boys look curiously pathetic at the end of the book along the hallway between the tables he walked and saw the three boys with mouths huddled together as if they weren't sure if they were supposed to be there or not but no one was paying attention to them , Yeah. They're not exactly Zuko in this Redemption arc, they're stumbling gracelessly to the other side of the war, their pride is badly damaged at first, it might seem really strange that Rowling would argue with you on Twitter about Snape, but she'll constantly remind you. that Draco is not someone to look up to after all Draco was only 17 at the Battle of Hogwarts Snape was an adult when he changed his mind and we know for a fact that his change of mind did not lead him to treat the other people around him with more respect, but this is my theory, my theory about Rowling's mine palace, what happened, this Snape is a simple thing, you can look at a few select moments in his life and imagine how things could have been wildly different for unravel what is wrong. with Draco would require a rewrite of his entire happy childhood before he even shows up at Hogwarts.
The sorting hat knows that Draco is in Slytherin before he's even in his head because Draco thought he knew exactly who he was and exactly what he wanted, but he was wrong. What is Draco when he's not a spoiled brat? The mocking bully. A snake trying to get away from larger snakes that eat snakes. Rowling has written a more detailed account of Draco's life after the war and how he still lives in duality. She describes him as living at Malfoy Manor, the house he grew up in with his wife and son, she is still very wealthy, she collects obscure artifacts from her family's history, but keeps them in display cases and never uses them, in her own.
Rowling's words, however, her strange interest in alchemical manuscripts from which attempts to make a philosopher's stone never hint at a desire for more than wealth, perhaps even a desire to be a better man. I have high hopes that he will raise Scorpius to be a much kinder and more accepting Malfoy than he was in his youth. her article. concludes that, after all, in debt there is the risk of rekindling unhealthy fantasies, an inextinguishable facility. Milady's of Mabini, where does blood supremacy end and Draco Malfoy begin? We'll have to throw that question out into the universe in the comments section because I wrote this entire essay. and I don't know, but I do know that Hogwarts did nothing for him but let them rot in an echo chamber, hmm, if only a YouTuber would hibernate for months and emerge from her lair with that same essay like a pale ghost ready to challenge your local. ghost to a shelter oh yeah I did it I wrote that essay it was me the working title is the Snakey Boi trilogy and I'm really happy who gave me the right so when I went live I was very impressed with the non-toxic .
My subs seemed to be like my mods literally had to do anything, that intrigued me a little, so people have been asking for it for a while and I've decided to officially launch my Discord server, but you can also follow my Twitter if you want . to watch me post trendy raccoon videos and finally, do you need more hours of this particular brain and voice rambling aimlessly in the background of your life? Well guess what mate, I have a patreon and I would like to thank all my patrons for their support I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the editor of this video Oliver's pieces channel is linked below Draco crazy boy mouth noise Draco and Josh dinky malformed Fall Out Boy Mako Out Boy Draco Malfoy Draco outside the house Co house James Rogers Draco Tolstoy Draco waters waters Rico Malfoy that's his real name strike oh shit

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