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Small Quick Ordinary Look at The Umbrella Academy

Jun 06, 2021
Do you like satisfactory reinstatement cases? Do you like people being murdered to the rhythm of happy music? Have you ever watched X-Men and said yeah, that was great, but what if there was more crying and daddy issues? And by daddy issues I mean an exploration of parental neglect and how it affects your ability to form meaningful relationships, communicate clearly with others, and regulate your own emotions as an adult. If any of that sounds interesting to you, then you should watch Umbrella Academy because you'll probably like it a lot. Like me if this is the first time you're hearing about the show basically on October 1st 1989 forty three babies were born to women who weren't pregnant at the beginning of the day a rich git named Sir Reginald Hargreaves wants to collect them all and study them and then use them to fight crime since most of them have magical powers, he managed to obtain seven of them and raised them horribly.
small quick ordinary look at the umbrella academy
The first warning should have been to give them numbers instead of names. They have normal names now those names were given to them by their robot mom Hargreaves built for them the show begins when Hargreaves dies and all of his children return to his childhood home for the funeral, although they are not actually mourning and some of them just seem be there to insult what's left of him. The show was actually based on a comic book written by Gerard Way. He wanted to make comics before My Chemical Romance blew up. I really like all the characters on the show, both the main ones. and the sides, I think the actors and actresses struck this balance between


ing like they all grew up together and know each other, but the awkwardness of having spent most of their adult lives avoiding each other always creeps in when going in order of number. he got super strong Luther, he's the one who was loyal to his shitty dad until the day he died and then the next day and the next day and basically the more time you spend with him the more accurate these memes become.
small quick ordinary look at the umbrella academy

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small quick ordinary look at the umbrella academy...

Damn my family, hey wait, what did you just say about my family? He also calls himself Diego, he can throw knives with inhumanly good accuracy and he's not going to hold his breath indefinitely waiting for his father to change, he's a strong and independent vigilante and he doesn't. I don't need a dad Alison is the most justified case of imposter syndrome in the world she has the ability to brainwash people with her words this takes the format I heard a rumor blank as in I heard a rumor I nailed this audition or scarier Lee I heard a rumor about you love me, Alison's marriage recently disappeared with a nuclear bomb, then we have Klaus, as we all know the problem with dead people is that they just don't have Wi-Fi.
small quick ordinary look at the umbrella academy
Klaus corrects that unfortunately dead people don't have a good connection, right? now, because class powers don't work when he's high and that's all the time, my number five favorite character, a teenager playing an old man playing a teenager, can move well in space and poorly in space. time, his father warned him not to time it. he traveled but he did it anyway he ended up trapped many years in the future where something mysterious that has to do with the plot had destroyed humanity when the story begins he manages to travel back in time with his family he is young again due to the pranks of time and he wants to stop the apocalypse but no one takes him very seriously so we have Ben, he's a mystery, so I don't know, I'm not going to talk about him, I'll talk about him in the full analysis, finally lucky number seven, unlucky.
small quick ordinary look at the umbrella academy
Vanya's thing is that he is normal, she has no powers, that's why she was excluded from the Umbrella Academy. Her father literally told her that there was nothing special about her at the beginning of the story. Vanya maintains this kind of exhausted dignity, I think. This was a really good use of Ellen Page, since Ellen is 5-1. The camera regularly uses her size to make her appear even more dominated by her brothers. At first she may seem like a kind of blank audience surrogate, but she snaps out of it. and she has some really great acting moments at the end of the season, siding with Hazel and Tasha are also very endearing as underpaid, underrated assassins who function as a buddy-cop duo, only they're evil and try to make Surely the world is ending and then there is Pogo, he is a chimpanzee that Reginald experimented on and gave him human intelligence.


s great and has a very comforting and comforting presence. I really like the way this program drip feeds information. It makes me watch the show more fun because you realize that all the little details you missed the first time in the scenes are recontextualized when you know all the things that character the background elements, if you're attentive, even notice the little sound effects that reveal major spoilers that we may have missed the first time because they just didn't mean anything to you yet, the way the characters bounce off each other feels really organic and cute, especially the sibling stuff, even though everyone is always running around, they try to make sure that almost everyone has their time with each other, but I still wish there were more group discussions, those were my favorite so Who won't like this show if you lose the marbles when there are a lot of them. of mysteries that need a solution and explanation, but no one is in a hurry to solve or explain them.
The characters don't feel like explaining some of the show's biggest mysteries just because they already know what the answers are or they just don't care. Some of the characters are passive for the first half of the story and don't try to advance the plot, they are doing things that will affect the plot but not on purpose, most of the brothers ignore five when he tells them that the world is falling. ending up. If you're the type of person who can't continue when you realize the show has one, two, or a few plot holes, we'll go over all of that in detail later, since as a YouTuber, 30% of my caloric intake It has to be from sesang because of


details or I lose all feeling in my extremities.
If anything I said sends you good vibes, I think you should try it. I really loved it, it stems from a lot of things, but I think it harmonizes all of its little pieces into something that feels very unique, okay, so I'm going to do the big analysis where I drool all over the show and I'm going to spill all the spoilers. , so leave unless you like that kind of thing, there are always options. A large part of the Umbrella Academy is examining the effect that Reginald's harsh abuse and emotional neglect had on his children. These emotional traumas metastasized differently in each of them.
Luther has the most different reaction when contrasted with his brothers. Reginald expected Luther to be the leader of the Umbrella Academy, but instead, Luther became the world's most obedient follower in his quest to be recognized by his father. The way he defends his father makes his siblings feel uncomfortable and frustrated. He doesn't even want to admit that he identifies with their struggles to be able to as soon as he leaves them, something interesting to note is that from time to time it seems that Luther got closer to his father than the rest of those who managed to do so and the koi yard at dusk he says a few words just a father's favorite place, dad had a favorite place, yeah, you know. under the pieces of oak they sit there all the time, none of you do that, but at what cost, well, your body once Luther was the only remaining member of the Umbrella Academy, he was still sent on dangerous missions alone, you don't need to call.
You don't tell me my number anymore, why not? Because I'm the only one left after being seriously injured. His father managed to save him by injecting him with a serum that turned him into a kind of man-ape hybrid. There is an interesting parallel between him and Pogo. He actually makes me feel quite uncomfortable. They are both staunch and loyal to Reginald. Pogo is loyal because he couldn't have the life he has if Reginald hadn't experimented on him. The path Luthor went through made him Hargreaves' experiment twice by turning him into a monkey. He, as the expression goes, monkeys and apes are not the same, but you know what I mean, Luther can't even admit at first that he is not happy with what happened to him and only refers to his father saving his life. life, something that I found interesting.
Luther describes the moon as lonely, cold and silent, but he points out that from time to time the Sun would appear rolling over the horizon and if the light hit it correctly everything would look like white glass. I see this as a kind of metaphor for Luther's life. life in general your world is cold and lonely and only once in a while it's wonderful in your world too close and everything makes sense that little taste of something good is enough to keep you going for an absurdly long amount of time is what gives you makes him think that he is destined to be on the moon doing research at his father's request, it is what makes him think that his childhood was good.
I imagine his father thanking him in a stern way or learning something about his father that the other children know little about. things like that that would make him feel special even though they're not even close to the amount of praise he truly deserves for his loyalty and hard work, you can contrast the cool glow of the moon with the warm golden glow of the scene where Luther finally can have his dance with Allison, they can finally have the dance they wanted their children to have in the song they danced to is dancing in the moonlight, if that weren't clear enough, Luther's Ark doesn't quite seem like it. fact, but I think this is a good basis for a story about developing self-love and self-confidence.
I think Luther and bodies are the emotions of people who have or have had misguided loyalty to an abusive parent. I would like to share this quote because it is about them, no matter how much we try to ingratiate ourselves with our parents, their feelings towards us will not change when we fail to earn their approval, we may feel hurt or even angry, but many of us also believe that we have not tried hard enough. To please them, the truth is that love is not a commodity that can be bought and sold. Our parents will love us if they can and for no other reason.
Even so, it is easier to continue blaming ourselves because it is preferable to face the unthinkable that our parents do not love us. It is extremely painful to realize this. Most people would rather do anything than accept. This is the truth. It's not just painful. It is humiliating. Please answer me for what he did. You are sending me. there I sacrificed myself I never had friends and why nothing on a different note there are some details of the execution of Luther's story that are like licking my birthday cake mainly the revelation of Luther's body I think this subplot is not well capitalized because The Information is given to us in the wrong order and the pivotal reveal scene makes big mistakes that damage its story.
When you see Luther, you will


ly get the impression that he is trying to hide his body from him because of the high-necked gloves and big coat. which he wears all the time, if you look closely you'll even notice some discoloration on his fingers, but here's what's visually obvious about Luther, he's a big kid, he's a quarterback who wears a sports sash and wears another quarterback field as shelter, but no one reacts to Luther. like it looks weird, so I think most people will assume that Luther is big simply because of his powers, sure he seemed normal as a child, but maybe he continued to grow after adulthood, maybe because of his powers has the ability to become much more shattered. that a normal human in general, you wouldn't think that there is a real mystery or that something is wrong in Episode One Diego and the class of the two brothers whose initial reaction we can see and I don't think either of them convey how confusing the body would be by Luther.
It would be if you grew up with him in these few seconds in which Diego turns his head and seems to be analyzing. Luther makes his reaction a little closer to what you'd expect, but this bothers me later on Klaus' part. Klaus just seems impressed by how pretty he is. This needs just one more teaspoon of nervousness and then it would be fine, we needed to be alerted that Luther has a problem that has nothing to do with his powers and we probably need to know that his brothers don't know it? I think it would make seeing his reaction more entertaining, so the first clue we get that something strange is going on with Luther is when he gets hurt,


ly covers his arm and runs away, then we see him alone in his room and what you're supposed to do.
What I see here is that his arm is weirdly hairy so I watched the scene on three different monitors and I would have done more but I don't want to knock on my neighbor's door and ask him to watch Netflix with me because I'm shy but I've come to the conclusion that darkness does not helpscene. I shouldn't be any more uncomfortable with Luther's body when I see a scene of him standing in a hallway talking to Klaus than the first scene that is revealed, but I am because mostly what I'm trying to say here is that he's big and fluffy.
In this scene I can see all the unpleasant details, the discoloration of his skin and the distortion of his muscles. This may sound super dumb, but the main thing that pisses me off about the scene. It's this dinosaur-footstep noise that plays as he walks away. These noises are not normally used when Luther walks. This gives the impression that Luther is suddenly bigger when I first saw the scene. I thought the reveal was that Luther gets bigger and bigger. He bleeds maybe in proportion to how much he's bleeding, but then I thought, well, he doesn't look bigger and that's because he's not, that sound effect shouldn't be there I think.
They wanted to use that sound to give you an idea of ​​his size and weight, but as a friend, I know it's big, it's been big the whole time and then your brain explodes because you realize Alison and Diego didn't know this and they're shocked. and then in the next episode they explain it, but it's like it's a big mystery, no one thought it was a mystery, that's not what that word means or you're so high that you think his whole body is a skin suit that leaves back, it was a bad start. and a worse father, the world is better off without him, Diego, my name is number two.
Diego's powers are a little difficult to pin down. He appears to have inhumanly precise knife throwing skills. I'm not exactly sure if that extends to his reflexes in general. Although Diego hates Reginald for all his emotional abuse and neglect, Diego is the one who essentially functions the way Reginald dreamed of with all of his children. He's a vigilante who fights crime and protects people and that's basically his whole life. He lives in the back room of a gym and pays rent there by doing janitor work. He is a rebel who has no real way to express his rebellion because he actually seems to enjoy fighting and saving people and it is implied that Diego thinks these things do.
His special detective patch, his ex-girlfriend thinks Diego needs to be a vigilante to feel like what he and his brothers went through at the Umbrella Academy mattered, as bitter as it is that he's doing what his father wanted him to do, validates his suffering because it was all that training that led him to have these special abilities, therefore, Diego's only real way to express his disdain is by doing petty things like stealing his father's monocle and breaking it, being a bad temper to the people in your life. or fight against Luther, which is the ultimate representation of being subordinate to Reginald.
I find it interesting that Diego seems to be the most upset person because his sister Vanya wrote a tell-all book about his family, they were all embarrassed by Vanya. writing her autobiography but it is Diego who continues to get angry with her. You're seriously going to do this today. You can expect her ego to read Vaughn's book and sympathize with her, but instead he doesn't want her to publicly tell the family story he wants to tell. keep it contained and secret, this is a big departure from the comic where Diego secretly loves her. They don't get along here, but they are united by the great amount of emotions they feel for Reginald;
However, at the beginning of the story, Diego's emotions about it. She's hot where Anya has gotten cold and I have a feeling that Diego might think that Vanya has no right to complain because she didn't have to fight like the rest of her siblings. Vanya's perspective on this is that she felt left out and that's why. she felt ignored and worthless as a person, you got a non-player sequel, but he was also my father, something totally underrated. I love this show, it's his mother, Grace, she's a robot. Reginald's heart grieves for Bill and feels like a breath of fresh air. because most of the time when I see a plot like this it comes down firmly to the side that the eyes are human in any meaningful sense of the term, the



interprets this a little differently and therefore produces me delicious and sad emotions.
In many ways, much more of a mother than Reginald ever was, but she is programmed to be that way. Sometimes she answers questions like my Google house, so she seems very inhuman, but she has these little moments that are so sweet where she seems so real that it just breaks my heart. Diego is the most attached to her and has those moments where he gets frustrated with her and doubts her humanity. He made the world a better place. Do you hear me? Stop trying to defend him. He treated you worse. anyone who worked for him for 30 years didn't even give him a room to sleep in, in contrast to his frustration with Luther, he feels very real love and emotions for this machine that may not be sentient and is simply programmed to say what he wants to listen after a fight we are ChaCha and Hazel attacked the house Diego goes looking for grace when he finds her he realizes that she has not noticed all the fights and sews a needle into her skin this is what makes Diego decide putting his robot mom home then repairs Grace and when Diego sees her again he discovers that she has changed.
I wonder what the weather will be like today. It would be nice to go to the park. I will never let you leave the field. Your father is no longer here. He can do whatever you want. He doesn't seem completely conscious now, but he's interested in going for a walk in the park and he doesn't have to keep secrets if he doesn't want to. He has evolved beyond what Reginald intended. being and now his world has expanded Diego values ​​independence and freedom so he seems satisfied that Grace at least is no longer Reginald's slave. He wishes Diego's relationship with Detective Patch was different.
It stands out to me as the weakest subplot of the season. The reason is. because there is a big disconnect between the living detective patch and the post-mortem detective patch in Diego's story is that there are two people that he used to date, they are somewhat similar but they have a big ideological divide because one person is a police officer severe and the other is a vigilante who breaks the rules they are at a crossroads their relationship cannot work so something has to change suddenly the eyepatch bends a little she calls Diego to ask for reinforcements but when Diego arrives on the scene he finds the dead patch and the window just slams shut they couldn't establish proper emotional intimacy and now their time is up.
The story of the post mortem patch is that there is a vigilante who wants to kill the murderers of the woman he loves, but he is torn because he realizes that she was someone he believed in people. could change when he is given the chance to avenge her, he forgives the killer, he realizes that Patch believed in people, that she saw the good in everyone and that she wouldn't want this patch, would you like it from her? She believed in people, she always saw the good inside. I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Josh has a way of honoring her memory.
The problem is that Patch never expresses these opinions about Diego, much less about anyone else, poor Patch, for the sake of In the development of Aygos, they ignore the real personality they gave him. There were opportunities to give Patch some dialogue to show this merciful side of her, but they were never taken. It makes me wonder if there was some pivotal scene they cut and someone who worked on it. The show is looking back at the season like guys, we cut that scene why is she expressing the value system if that's not what happened. The writers didn't take advantage of the opportunity in the scenes they had to do this, for example, the moment where Diego says that Patch lives for The Patch to remove the scum could show offense that his suspects are called scum, but his monologue takes a Different Direction: He lectures Diego about how this behind-the-scenes paperwork thing is how the real convictions actually happened and, honestly, they'd have to rewrite most of them. of his dialogue to fix this because patch is a real value system it is irrelevant in this situation patch just wants Diego to stop playing with his crime scenes so he can use all the existing evidence for his case and put the culprits behind bars , but cha-cha is a time-traveling killer who will never see jail because the world will end in a few days, okay, so the doctor in the script puts on his glasses, so let's obey the amount of time he give to this situation.
You need to fix it by the end of episode four and still. four scenes with Patch and Diego while Patch is alive, but you need his death to be important to Diego's character development. First of all they should have been an already established couple during the show, even if they have an unstable and unstable relationship. I think too much about his dialogue. it's a little wasted on this back and forth of Diego saying he's attracted to you and rolling his eyes saying I'm not attracted to the absurdity coming from the guy dressed in spandex it's not spandex it's leather that he used to wear like they didn't need to be separated to have exactly the same dynamic of vigilant police.
Diego's pinky prints will still end up all over the crime scene, so getting into trouble won't change. Another thing that needs to go away is that the patch has to like him. Diego, this is super awkward, but I don't think Patch will love it. I can barely find any evidence that she likes a... like a sim that they were seen together. She Tasers Diego when Diego makes dirty jokes to flirt with her. She doesn't laugh. She won't even crack a smile because you think that's life, so she uses her horrible childhood against her in an argument.
She seems spiritually exhausted with him, as if she knows that she will have to arrest him one day. The only reason I know he likes her more. that a friend deep down is because he's just a fictional cliché and she let him drink from her travel mug, this is seriously the most intimate thing we see them do, even when Diego tells her that her mother died, they don't give him a good dialogue. It is implied that he opened up to her, but to what extent he is such a co-worker. E, she doesn't even go for a hug, like give him a fucking hug.
Jesus Christ, she left her mommy her robot. This show has no idea what it's seriously thinking. defrost the ice queen, yes, this year's love by David Gray is playing, but the lyrics describe a relationship we never saw. Diego's shadow is caressing someone's corpse. He was nothing but a migraine. Two busy parents. He's always Ellison. her problems with her father in a drive for fame, she has found another avenue to gain validation and attention, although at times it seems annoying, it doesn't seem to bother her that much, it works as a band-aid for her problems and has made her very rich, but trick testing allowed Trude to reach the top and it may feel a little empty for her.
He has done incredibly horrible things with her powers in the past, mainly brainwashing someone into loving her. I heard a rumor that you probably didn't leave me. her husband since he has the ability to leave I hope it's not Luther but his adult voice saying it so it seems unlikely or maybe he could have told his daughter to make sure he really loves her mother so always and I don't know. the main thing she's worried about is the disintegration of his marriage and the loss of custody of his daughter. Allison's ex-husband, Patrick, divorced her for using her powers to take away her daughters' free will whenever she was being disobedient.
The example we see her using her powers to make Claire sleep notice anything she can explain to Patrick and we know some things off screen, like she brainwashed him to stop crying or that she ate broccoli, which, honestly, he'd probably be more disturbing to see on screen despite the extremely horrible things he's done. With her powers, Alison doesn't seem like a sinister person to me, she doesn't even seem like a vain, holier-than-thou celebrity to me, she just seems like a normal person with above-average hair and makeup. The ways in which she is manipulative are usually linked to her sincere desire to protect him.
We see this in herself with Vanya and her boyfriend Harold, although she doesn't use her powers even once, she knows Harold is shady before it's obvious to the audience. He is subtle but. You can see in her personality where the impulse to abuse her powers comes from. She believes she has perfectly calculated what is a justified and unjustified invasion of someone's privacy and autonomy. She simply knows better than she is more experienced and right enough to trust her gut reactions. So the thing about Allison is that she's not using her powers because she unofficially swore to stop.
I don't do that anymore. What happened? The same thing that always happens. I made a wish and it came true and I couldn't take it back, but really. she's not using her powers because her powers would just break the plot right away. No, you don't want her to tell why it's after five. Your brother. I've broken down a spreadsheet to figure out which of the two brothers interacts. the least, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's Allison and five for Allison and Klaus Allison and Klaus don't tell meIt's surprising because Allison can literally solve one of Klaus' main dilemmas in one sentence.
I heard a rumor that she no longer drinks or does drugs or if Klaus doesn't want to permanently separate herself from her coping mechanism, she could just do a I heard a rumor that you won't drink or do drugs for the rest of the week if she can get someone Don't be sleepy. fall asleep because he remembers that Clare doesn't just go to bed and stop complaining, she falls asleep immediately, that probably means he could hypnotize Klaus into thinking he doesn't feel dizzy from drugs, so the writers said: don't let them talk or walk past your the class goes through the solution new problems don't even ask if you asked we have to make Alison say no and that would make her seem unsympathetic and if she says yes that ends prematurely your coffers are like when you go to tie you up Well, you know that Alison eventually uses your powers, yes, we'll use Vanya's section to go over that scene in detail, but when Alison's throat gets hurt and she can no longer speak, the entire trajectory of where her character was going changes and I have mixed.
The feelings about it, the ammonia in the scene where Alison makes Luther call her daughter and talk to her is one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the show, on the other hand, Alison's arc just fails as soon as gets injured. Alison loses the ability. to express complex ideas to each other, ideas that I really want to hear, instead of Alison writing more complicated sentences and lingering on them longer or having a character read them, they stare at Alison and take several seconds to write a word that It doesn't answer people's questions. Now I understand the dramatic appeal of this.
You have a character overwhelmed with guilt, shame, and pain over how she has used her powers throughout her life in particular. bending her own daughter's free will and making her husband see her as some kind of monster who is a threat to her daughter, she remembers something from her childhood and realizes that she was being used as a tool to portray Vanya as well. of all this and I think she feels like she has to fix Vanya to fix herself and the world. She is trying to redeem herself from the sins of her past when this was written.
I think they had a feeling they would be renewed for a second season. It won't be the end of Alison's story in the future, when people binge the first season and go straight to the second without missing a beat, it probably won't be a big deal, but as it stands Alison's story just touches background. It's not like she has anything to do, she becomes the pacifist of the group and insists on saving Vanya and finally makes the decision to spare her sister's life. I wasn't sure where to put this section, so I'm just going to put it.
Alison, since it seems to take up more of your screen time, I'm not sure where they're going with Luther and Alison's relationship, so I don't think the show is like, your uncle Luther is your stepdad now, I think what them What we're looking for is more like a I value our bond because it's silly, the sounds I like are the most normal and least unpleasant part of my childhood and it taught me lessons about love and that maybe made us socialize better than our others brothers, but I don't think they were stuck on the landing because they constantly feel uncomfortable with each other and then the cannon answers what I think, so I don't know, maybe they go to town anyway every time.
Luther and Allison's scene starts, so even though they can't have some nice, genuine moments, I always feel like the writers are grabbing my hand and telling me to run and I'm like, where are we going, buddy? and the writers just go ahead and say, oh if you have incest, we're just kids, you were never just kids, you were meant to save the world, Klaus giving up trying is a lot easier than giving up on Karen, let's start with This flashback scene isn't about Klaus, but I think it shows something interesting about the way he is characterized.
Thanks Wanda. Look, the first time I saw this I thought, "This is so forced, what the hell is he doing? Can't he listen to his dad?" Yelling at them to get ready is very realistic for someone his age, but then I realized it was just a blatant cry for attention, he wanted to get in trouble, it just went unnoticed by his father, this is the kind of kid who has given up on get prepared. positive attention and will now settle for any attention span, which is a documented reaction many children have to having emotionally neglectful parents and it makes sense to Klaus specifically because Reginald is like this training, yeah, throw him in a mausoleum full of creepy ghosts and wait.
Let me stop crying now if you allow me to exhume this. Klaus is kind of the opposite of Luther in this sense in that Luther always had the hope that if he followed the rules enough for long enough he would be rewarded. Klaus recognized that it wasn't going to be like that. He happened and stopped trying very early in life. He is rolling something on the table when he was a teenager and an adult. Klaus is opening his old stuffed animals for pills like his piggy bank the day before his school trip to a place with an amazing gift.
His powers were the reason Reginald adopted him, but he is becoming useful to his father as Vanya by choice. Significantly, the substance abuser is the one whose powers function more like a mental illness. Listening to the dead makes it harder for him to concentrate and sleep well, overall reduces his quality of life, and Klaus reacts to his powers in the same way that many people who hear voices in real life self-medicate in a medical way. inadvisable. In this season, he is an addict and fighting that takes up a lot of his screen time, so it's a good decision that he has this practical basis.
They're not trying to make everything about his father's horrible childhood. Those are just layers of why he fell down this rabbit hole and The fact that the brothers are affected to different degrees and have problems that could have existed without Hargreaves makes everything feel more pleasant and natural and this brings us to the next point. Not a complaint, just an observation. Our guide Klaus is the member of the trash gang. Umbrella Academy, you can't change your mind, man, so Allison's power seemed to have been tweaked a bit from the comics and if Diego can still hold his breath indefinitely, no one mentioned it, but they weakened Klaus Klaus' Explorer, His powers are behind a paywall. and that paywall is called self-improvement narrative Lee, I think this is a good decision and it only causes a few minor hiccups and they remember to fix most of them while Klaus is included in the merchandise and presumably has his heroic moments off screen and his powers. he's never shown to be helpful in the flashbacks, he's just there and I think it's really funny that they don't even try to pretend that he's the recognition guy, come on, then there are more guys in the hallway who know Luther didn't say that.
It was Klaus and he said, come on, Ben, a creepy ghost, he told me there are seven guys in that vault. Netflix took away all my powers. Why will we congratulate them? They remembered to change the meaning of the children's numbers that they originally numbered. in order of usefulness/how much Reginald liked them and saw potential in them. I like that because it adds another layer of gross Reginald nests with these kids, but I'm glad they gave up. The show only shows Reginald choosing who. I assume it's Vanya because the mother dressed the baby in pink and white and the name Vanya is originally from Russia.
Grace could have taken that into account after that we see Reginald return home with the babies and the strollers are already numbered, unlike in the comic. where all the strollers are just black which means if I'm right Vanya could be number 7 on the show because she was 7th pick up which makes sense because I don't think this Klaus is ranked higher than this poster 5, the main damage caused here. it's for Luther since his number 1 position becomes a little more symbolic so let's talk about weapons real quick and I promise we'll get back to Klaus. It's hard to find a sweet spot when it comes to characters getting caught up in storms of bullets.
You need the characters. being insecure enough that you're afraid they'll get hurt, but confident enough that the show doesn't break your suspension of disbelief because you don't want to feel like the character has a plot under their


, yes, the Academy has a handful. of disconcerting moments in which the characters are outdoors and should become Beefaroni but magically no bullet touches them. My favorite is when someone says it was a good idea to have four people running away from gunshots in a straight line. down a bowling alley Lane, do you know how slippery those lanes are?
I've erased them just thinking about the bowling lanes. This photo is great, but it's ruined by the fact that you can't turn off your brain. That's why I think. All the great gunfight scenes in this show are the ones where it's five against each other because he's a teleporter. The biggest gun-firing moment is when Ben hears gunshots coming from inside the theater and points it out to Klaus, but they also see cha-cha walking around. towards the theater if you're busy playing a game or something. I don't even know how to describe this in a way that does it justice.
Okay, with the grace of Cosmo Kramer stumbling into Jerry Seinfeld's apartment. Klaus runs into the theater shouting guys. It's cha-cha-cha cheese that comes waving his arms while he jumps some steps and then looks towards the door through which he entered from there to turn his back to the theater of non-stop shooting, nor does he immediately run for cover. Luther has to yell at him to get down, so yes, in these few seconds he should have been shot and it reminds you that everyone has plot armor at this point, but it reflects a deeper inconsistency in the way they write Klaus and this probably be just the best example of it.
I didn't know there would be weapons in the room. I heard gunshots coming from a boy. You didn't learn anything from Vietnam. It is at this point in the video that there were people who had not seen the show or did not like it. Vietnam, how well I know, was born in 89, what the hell is happening? He is supposed to be close to being Klaus and since ChaCha and Hazel tortured him, it makes sense that he would be afraid of ChaCha, but this is the final episode of the series. season, the sound of non-stop gunshots must have been deafening, yes he's your comic relief, but come on, you don't have to accept every opportunity the universe gives you to treat Klaus like a clown he canonically served in the Vietnam War. where her boyfriend Dave was shot like with a gun, that kind of undermines what's going on if the fact that he was in the war only matters when it's the designated time to feel sad about Dave, it's time to let him that experience extends to other parts of his character I don't want to feel like I'm a little kid and the script is his helicopter dad who has his day so planned out that they're scheduling time for his mental breakdowns Klauss it's half past twelve, it's time to go to your anguish What flavor of anguish do you want?
I don't want to go to my corner script of heartbreak. I want to be a comical character and I want to run around, hit people and steal ice cream trucks. Klaus, if you don't go to your angst corner you don't get a banana sticker I hate you you're not my final draft let it be known that I think they were better at juggling causes problems in the first half of the season when it was just creepy extra angst and abuse the inks were okay when they had to add vietnam ptsd and dave dropped all the tomatoes to be fair how can this connect to anything from your perspective?
He was absent for ten months. The most traumatic experiences this character went through occurred off-screen. What type? That just makes me question the decision to keep the Vietnam subplot. He's in the comics. It is totally different from this. The idea of ​​an addicted medium who has a dead boyfriend and has to stay clean to see like that. That's me, the one he looks like. I know the point of all this so I'm going to write a little letter to no one in particular and it says question the Vietnam War and all the i's are dotted with little hearts because I love you, I know you're still a good person and otherwise I would never You'd risk it all by coming back here to save us all, so Aidan Gallagher does a great job or it's Kelleher, his performance is completely in tune with the adults and their cool layers, both in how his dialogue is written and how he delivers it.
I can easily imagine Jonathan Banks doing half of these lines, but he's always subdued enough to not come off as a kid pretending to be mature, but just an adult in an awkward situation, but you know there's a funny plot hole in Phibes. naming our plot hole is fun,yeah the youtube channel avenue is already melting my brain anyway five names he doesn't have one because he disappeared before being named except not really because they made a mistake they say Ben here we go Ben and they say Ben. and Vanya here and Leonard have written their names on their little homemade platform for their figures, we can see here that they all have normal names except five.
I don't know how they missed this, they'll probably address it eventually, maybe they will. I'll do something about it, maybe mommy robot gave him a stupid name. Most likely, you perceive numbers not as a classification system and do not find anything particularly degrading in having a number as a name. This is quite appropriate since Five is the one who has the least problems with Reginald. There are a few reasons why he didn't experience all of that. He's had more time to get over it. It's kind of


potatoes compared to the hell that was his life in the post-apocalypse. and he probably regrets not listening to his father, although five is my favorite, I'm not so sure about his Ark, people keep telling him to let the apocalypse pass, but obviously he doesn't because the problem is not solved, but sometimes the characters make it seem like the five's problem is that he needs to learn to get closer to others that he needs to stop trying to do things on his own but he does this even from the first episode he looks for Vanya in episode two he recruits Klaus is a bit inconsistent with the amount of help he needs, sometimes doing stupid random things, like not properly dressing the wound because he thinks it will slow down the group.
For the most part, he's just very bad at explaining himself and this problem is made worse by how poorly his brothers listen to him and taking it seriously, I think his flaw as a main character is that he is extremely arrogant, he thinks he has earned the right to look down on others. people for what they have gone through. I don't think about unimaginable things, things you couldn't even understand, but because this flaw is curious that the show doesn't take it very seriously. The biggest leap 5 takes in his development is giving up the object of emotional support from him.
Deloris is his mannequin wife who was with him for many years in the post-apocalypse; She actually has a consistent personality: she is kind. of a good angel on your shoulder Delores has definitely earned her place in the emotional support object Hall of Fame, but because most of the story is about her brothers with their own baggage, sometimes it can feel like five are the only ones working on the main plot, everyone rejects the call and just does their thing for the first five episodes, for some this lasts even longer, it just happened that I'll be doing something that relates to the plot by pure coincidence, so that five is the only thread that connects us to the strange and interesting world of the controller and the two Assassins who follow him, just another example of management, sticking it back to the walking man.
I really like it. the two Assassin's diligent work focuses on ChaCha and the quiet but defecting Hazel you can watch this shit don't you find it interesting how


people live their lives agonizing over kitchen cabinets as if the entire fate of the universe rests and if they choose like blue or asparagus green and your point is sometimes beauty in the mundane, the color hazel emerges as the most three-dimensional character. Chacho never gets to stretch out of his workaholic self. I will sink with this ship attitude so as not to touch. Overall, I think it fulfills her role in the story in a fun way.
I was surprisingly surprised by Hazel's romantic subplot that separates the duo. I was surprised because I think this is the kind of subplot that could be ruined very easily when Hazel starts talking. Agnes, a waitress at the donut shop, finds her very endearing and she really makes him question himself. Agnes has been saving money to go to the country and open her own donut shop. It will take her about a year to save enough. money to do this, but Hazel knows that the world will end in a week. Agnes has worked her entire life for this and the cosmic injustice that is being done to her brings out Hazel in the end, she can't save this world, but she can.
At least she tries to run away with her hazelnut and Agnes is a rare example of a May-December romance with a much older woman and Steve Blackman had to fight to get it. People were giving him pity and he thought they were being hypocritical basically because pairing much older actors with much younger actresses is kind of a common blueberry right now and I'm celebrating his victory because I understand that what he saw in Hazel's life is a time-traveling assassin, it means he's simply seen everything that Agnes is too. I've seen it all, but in a more mundane way, having been a waitress for 30 years, she's a muggle, but Hazel finds her, why Hazel was getting reflective, he wants to retire from his career and do something different, and Agnes he feels the same even though Hazel is so much more. younger and Agnes is not a time-traveling assassin at the same stage of life and they share the same interesting mix of world-weariness, optimism and appreciation for the little things, so my award for second best couple at the Academy umbrella is for Agnes and Hazel. five and Dolores our first obviously we can go home now Ben is the brother who died there's not much to say about Ben but it's a little frustrating that the characters know all the details but we don't know the words on the statue of him.
He gives off a sort of suicidal vibe, but what we do know is that his passing was a major breaking point for the family. Of all the Hargreaves brothers, Ben and Klaus seem to be the most comfortable with each other and this is funny and makes sense because Klaus sees his dead brother more often than his other brothers. I like how when Klaus isn't exactly sober, Ben has his hood up and isn't talking, he seems a little sleepy, like Klaus is having trouble communicating with him. It's just a nice touch when Klaus is sober Ben can talk freely and seems like a calm guy.
I like his outfit. He looks older now than he did in the last painting of him, but maybe it's just the costume change. He is sometimes shown reading without being sure how he can do that. he leaves the book so I think it's like his ghost book. I do not know how it works. Maybe that's what happens when you burn books. They go to ghosts looking for negatives. I don't know. Most of his personality is like being Klaus. life coach why don't you try starting your day with a glass of orange juice or some eggs? Hey, life isn't supposed to be easy, life is hard, but if you were a ghost following your drug addict brother because he's the only human being who can talk. to ghosts probably like that you would be so remember kids burning books hashtag and going to literacy you know what I appreciate the fact that Vanya often doesn't wear makeup and when she does it's always a reflection of how she feels and how much effort she wants to get ready and on top of that the fact that when she wears makeup it's like a mascara blush and a cold natural lip color, suddenly she doesn't like to cut the crease or make a perfect eyeliner because, as I would do it? she knows how to do that, she usually doesn't wear makeup, most shows know how to think about a character's wardrobe and hairstyle, but you'd be surprised how many shows just put makeup on people to try to make them look pretty and really they do not think.
Through how a character would do their makeup or how much makeup a character would have, literally everyone's makeup is thought about on this show. Allison has this takes a lot longer than it looks like makeup, you can tell because how the crease is planted, she looks at that. Beautiful clouds just stick things together, try to make it look like it was all done with a single product slathered on, so you can imagine it just has a patch of crusty eyeliner where the scientifically calculated amount of makeup is that no boss would complain about. Chacha makes her eyes very heavy and dramatic and she wears false eyelashes and it feels so much like her character.
I think it's the perfect amount of messy effort. Yes, my blend is tough, but I'll shoot you with these $12 House of Lashes lashes. Look, you can literally die crazy, so the bottom line from the Umbrella Academy makeup review you didn't know you needed, but did know, It's that the show constantly reinforces who its characters are and uses even the smallest details, okay, spend a lifetime trying to forget. About the shit you went through as a kid, you know? Can we go to Wendy's? Okay, so let's not avoid the heartbreak anymore. Have you ever seen Mr. Rogers Documentary, Won't You Be My Neighbor?
He and I had a childhood where you weren't allowed to be angry, you weren't allowed to show your anger and we were never able to, it scared us, music was my first language. I was afraid to use words. I didn't want to be a bad boy. He didn't want to tell people that he was angry, but he could show it through the way he played the piano. I could literally laugh or cry or be very angry at the tips of my fingers. Fred Rogers was the creator of the educational and neighborhood television show Mister Rogers for children as young as kindergarten.
The program is slow and relaxing and very focused on everyday rituals, such as tying your shoes to feed the fish. The program focuses on giving children uplifting messages and teaching them things in life like making mistakes and dealing with the losses of others and tries to teach children that they are special and unique. Rogers wanted children to think that they have value just the way they are and I think that is a good foundation for developing self-esteem. I have seen people break down when, for example, someone thinks they are worth the world. They are smart, so being smart is the basis of their self-esteem, but one day they fail a test, make a mistake, or realize they are falling behind other people in class when that trait is the basis of everything.
The structure of a person's self-esteem can collapse because then they say well, what am I if I'm not intelligent, I'm nothing, what do I contribute, Mr. Rogers wanted to remind people, as cheesy as it may sound, that you are special just for being yourself, because you are not replaceable, you don't have to achieve things to justify your existence, you are fundamentally lovable and capable of loving others just because you are. human, taught the importance of both emotional expression and self-regulation. You can express your emotions and then learn to control, understand, and relate to them. In 1983, Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist, called the ability to understand your thoughts and feelings interpersonal intelligence.
It is separate from another similar-sounding category of interpersonal intelligence, which is the ability to understand and communicate effectively with other people. Interpersonal intelligence is a skill that many people struggle with and can make their lives difficult and cause problems. It affects your ability. to make long-term plans for your life and career, get motivated, pick up bad habits that are negatively affecting your life, and evaluate your mental health. Vanya has very little direction in her life, she just has a skill that she struggles to find true mastery of. In this it could mean that she struggles with internal dialogue and because of that she doesn't know what she wants out of life, her career or a romantic relationship and how many years you've been stuck in the third chair at any given time, it's not about practice, It's about Whether you have something special or maybe you just don't, you can put in your 10,000 hours or you can pursue something you're really passionate about.
The violin isn't just something she enjoys or uses to express herself, it's her first time. and last ditch effort to make her existence matter, there was no one around to teach Vanya that she had value on her own until it was too late and she didn't believe it. I find it interesting that Vanya was in many ways a sensitive and volatile child. child, but instead of working with Vanya Hargreaves he decided to dampen his emotions, he gave up working with them, but Vanya was a very young child when he gave up, he decided to hide the whole thing, he never let her know what was going on or why he . he decided to medicate her to protect other people even after she grew up, this also shows a very twisted side of Hargreaves wondering if he really was so sure that Vanya was a creature of habit that he would continue taking the medication forever.
More or less true, she might never have stopped if someone hadn't stolen the pills from her. The scene where Vanya slits Allison's throat to stop the rumors in her is extremely shocking. I still remember the way her jaw dropped the first time I saw her and Vanya panics. crying and pleading was very heartbreaking it's an extremely chilling scene and it's tragic because they just don't know how to talk to each other or trust each other or when to back off so the emotions run high and everything keeps escalating and when Umbrella Syndrome enters from the


and makes a disgusting comment that is very appropriate for his character.
If you had told me at the beginning of the first episode thatVanya was the big bad, I would have been surprised, apparently I was one of the few people who didn't see this coming from a mile away, I understood it of course, but the funny thing was that there was never a Wow Twist reveal moment, in Instead, the story took a different tactic of slowly adding pressure and undermining Vanya at that moment. She was in his suit turning off the lights in her apartment. I really came to appreciate this slow-motion car crash that is Vanya's story, even though it would have been unthinkable to me in episode one, so they made the excellent decision to put her in a black suit and she looks adorable and unnerving as her apocalypse brings burdens attacked, he plays his violin, the colored strips of his suit and the violin turn white in a way that is visually similar to his comic book counterpart and it is ethereal and beautiful his transformation into The villain of the story and the bringer of the apocalypse could could have been avoided if she or her family members had been better able to cope with her life's struggles, but the way Umbrella Academy paints the story continually points out that it was never given to them. the tools to do this because the adults in their lives failed them now as adults they have to build the tools for themselves or each other and part of that is getting out of their own little worlds, their little square because as much as it is cute The sequence dance in the first episode represents their freedom from Hargreaves and also represents their split from each other, so if you don't know, I'm looking forward to the second season and that's all I have to say about Umbrella Academy for now, who are they? the cute art fans? send me on twitter cute cute cute if you like this video open the nearest window and yee out loud to the moon

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