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The Best TikToks Only Girls Will Understand | SSSniperWolf

Apr 19, 2024
Hello friends, it's me today we are watching tic tac and



are supposed to


to see if I


them, people think it's a filter, but wait what I thought, he took off his skin for a second, oh yeah , this happens once a month. women shed like snakes just new skin every month we just build different for a moment I thought she wasn't wearing tights oh I thought the same thing for a second and then when she lifted her jacket I saw someone at the gym wearing these naked leggings the other day I saw her in one of the mirrors and thought that lady didn't have pants.
the best tiktoks only girls will understand sssniperwolf
I saw the cheeks out and then I looked closer and I was like, oh, they're just leggings, nude leggings. This is not the vibe of putting all my hair in the front and back, hey, you have to pick one. I have a nasty part in the back of my hair. When I shoot videos, I


care about the part of my hair that I don't care about. the back sometimes I literally just straighten it like the front of my hair, all I need is two strands in the front, put on a cap, it's a lot of work to have perfect hair if it weren't for the natural blessing If I have it, my hair is always greasy. dirty or curly can't win POV a hole in the butt alone 360 ​​no scope your soul feels like lightning just hit your back door if that's what you're talking about you know growing up I always thought there was something wrong with me I just feel pain Random, but I guess we're all living the same life.
the best tiktoks only girls will understand sssniperwolf

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the best tiktoks only girls will understand sssniperwolf...

No experience is unique when you get home and can finally take off your bra. How dynamic is the way you are just a skill. I wish I had nothing in this. The world is like coming home, take off the prison of your tits, put on some pajama pants, let the milking moms free the pants, make a woman perform. Today's masculine women do not know how to sit like a lady or act modestly because of their pants, which they no longer bow to. the knees but they bend at the waist exposing the chest that whoever was narrating this no longer bends the knees but they bend at the waist exposing the chest what is all this bending we are all talking about women as if it were a computer portable as I know you can bend your legs normally with pants.
the best tiktoks only girls will understand sssniperwolf
I literally lost my brain. I was seeing this. I'm revoking your privilege to talk about a woman again on a podcast before dinner, after dinner, that's how it


be, although some people really like it. Me included and that's what the button on your pants is for, that's why they call it food, baby, we'll like that you're pregnant, but it's all you can eat, breadsticks, but it doesn't look like you're in a car, but don't look gay oh sorry let me now do I look like I'm in? I like cars that can't be your uniform. It looks a little.
the best tiktoks only girls will understand sssniperwolf
I heard you like cars. Name every car ever created. girl vs gamer girl when you just play at home vs when you play on Twitch just be like this though what are you doing tonight? Come on, I can't, I don't have gas, she's driving a Tesla, the electric car, there's no gas, you I know what a valid excuse is when you don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I don't have gas, you don't need to know that my car doesn't actually need authorization, but what happens when there is power? blackout you can't charge your car also valid if your hair stands up it's just dead no oh that's cool the anime characters have this it's called ahoge which literally means dumb hair it's like that little strand that doesn't want to conform to society's norms and you are very cute.
I don't think that means the hair is dead, so my whole head would be on end since kids think they know everything. What are these? I'm worried I won't know what it is. ah, simple, really, hey guys, watching this, what do you think is a secret device? You know, I'm not even going to say anything, comment below, let me know what you think they are and if anyone knows what they are, I'll be on my own for a little bit. Impressed, if your girlfriend doesn't have the motivation to exercise, try this is Mar. I mean, it's a way to force yourself to do a plank.
She lines up all your most expensive lipsticks and you


be forced to do it. For you I could never iron for more than a minute, although everyone had a nice mirror and you need to be destroyed and that mirror that is the thin mirror. I have one of these and every time someone comes up and says is it just the mirror or do I really look that good if some mirrors are built differently which one do you trust mirror 10 from Walmart or mirror 12 from Target? I decide to trust the mirror in which I look good when your parents come home early and you I haven't finished playing the single mother simulator. um, excuse me about what you're doing in my house.
What are you doing in my house? I just want to bake cookies for my three kids. You all ruin this when your man doesn't talk to you. I have to give him reasons too and by reason I mean hiding things that he would be looking for. You will need your shoes. Leave me alone and then he'll walk to the carpet and say, Where did my shoes go? They were just here. all the same guys, you can literally just oh, the remote is here. I'm going to put it right here. oh no, where's the remote, honey? Have you seen the remote control and the protein where you can see it clearly, let's just rotate it?
I'll never be able to find it in the shaker cup, move it to another counter where it's least expected, oh, toothpaste, you're going to need that, right? Let's put it back here. I'll never notice him because he's used to me being in front. of all of you truly helpless. I love helping my boyfriend shave. Hey, what's that? The sounds that will fill the toilet even if you have ever noticed these hand dryers called Dyson air knives. Hey, look at the curling iron, so people like to put their hair on. on these you're supposed to curl it, that's not too much, I just twist it into a knot.
I don't know about you either, but these things are dirty. I wouldn't put my hair in there, someone on Tick Tock. I did an experiment, a public hand dryer has so many germs around it, so it's like if you just wash your hands, they're clean and it basically just blows out germ-filled air. It's more hygienic to air dry your hands and use the air dryer and when you get your sugary meow meow coochie and the beautician gives you a sugar wax palette that's it, I mean it's just sugar and lemon juice, you just have it. They give you so you like to eat, I'm sure they don't give you the wax.
The hair she has is like a reward when they ask me for an eyebrow tutorial. I don't know how to respond because I want to say, look, that was fast. I've never seen anyone do their eyebrows like that before. Oh, that was the tutorial I had. I have ever seen and like to use the pencil side. I've never seen this done. What's taking you so long to prepare? What do you mean? Wait, let me dry my eyebrows. It will take forever for her one, two, three, four, four seconds and eyebrows. done when you let a guy buy you a drink and now he stays next to you filter so accurate bro keep trying to get close do a little dance and you just like to stop no i'm just here for the free drink and that's it continue no you say nothing but a thank you from me when the watery soap keeps running down your elbow while you do your skincare routine it's not the vibe this is literally so annoying no matter how specific it is i can't believe we have the same problems just I'm trying to wash my face in peace and then somehow the water always wants to roll down my arm.
If you are wearing a sweater this is a problem, even if you roll it up to here the sleeves will end up getting wet. I must take it off. my entire sweater must be sleeveless so I can wash my face in peace. I never realize that self timer flash picks in the bathroom could turn out so good, those are good, they are like pros, this is the most realistic result. I don't know if well, if someone took them with a professional camera with a flash, you might have a ring light, but if I set up a tripod and took pictures, they would be something like this, not all bathrooms are the same and some people are very good in photography. other people yeah that's me telling my boss I have covid to go to LA sorry I can't come to work I'm sick I'm sick anyway you think your boss isn't going to find out hey Brenda, how are you?
Why is he texting her? I'm doing it I'm covering it a little better by treating you well so you're scheduled to come back in two days What do you mean come back in two days? She has a coven. She will need at least a week off. I don't think she can get in. I still have a fever and a bad cough. My throat really hurts. High temperature. Headaches. Yeah, what do you call all my weird symptoms. Yes, it's been a horrible week. How was it horrible? Your grandmother's story is seen. Lively uh oh she didn't block him you know that's why you post things to close friends omg lol that was weeks ago that's a good save oh really I'm sure you're resting in bed and very tired, don't you think?
Yo, why would I lie about having Kovid even though I just did, of course not? I believe you, it's just that your iPod must be malfunctioning, it says you're at Keith's bar, oh no, I left my iCloud on my work computer, you know all that. could possibly go wrong went wrong in this situation and it's time to admit you're stuck give me a second I'll get back to you oh he calls he never calls me well this is awkward it was even more awkward is when he finds his Tick Tock yeah , you're losing that job. Hey guys, it's me and today we're going to look at some ticking that only


are supposed to understand, so guys this video may not make any sense to you.
I will do my


to explain to you. What can I do if I understand this? So I was sending pictures like this to a guy and he was like, "Oh, what's under your blanket?" the guys asked to send a photo ok so this video is for all the short girls so if you're not one of them keep scrolling ok stop accepting all the tall guys. I'm six and three. I want to have D1 athlete kids so please leave them to me thank you one of my friends asked well the tall guy is there I'm like they're happily married to all the short girls she's six years old, but he needs one, what girls are like when they come down the stairs, what girls are like when they run what girls are like when they take off their bra and lie down in bed boom what girls are like when they come down the stairs funny it's a little embarrassing I was doing that in front of the mirror the other day I was doing that like anime running meme I'm almost done, I slap myself in the face I'm just kidding, they're not that big guys, I know how I want a fat girl with a nice big butt and a nice pair of tatas until we sit down and realize that we are alike. the Buddha statue and then the moment they see our insides when we sit down, they kick us to the curb.
You can't have a butt without some guts, just get that through your head. She's right, she's right, it's like you can when you're picking me up and then as soon as I eat something, get comfortable, sit down, everyone wants to, but they'll have guts when he shaves his beard more, but he already asked your dad your hair, now you discover how to break it. Take it off because you're not going to marry a hero, calm down, it's not that deep, luckily it grows back the first few times. I did it the way I like it, look at it, I'm like you did this, why how could you do this?
They don't realize that they look 10 times better with a beard and instead it bothered them it gets hot, it itches, it turns me on Mike, are you a girl? To this day I hate turning on my mic because it's absolutely necessary or it's the end of the game and I'm trying to unmute my computer real quick, you all are hot trash man, every time I try to talk to straps, it's just wait there's a girl in the lobby no dude that's the wall let's confuse the guys. I'll try not to get confused when you don't have any.
Oh, I know what you did there. I know what you're smuggling. leave the quick fold basically if you need some coochie cotton. I really made it up on the spot. You have friends, they got you and they will do everything they can to make sure no high school boy knows what they look like, so girls. Sitting next to me in the bathroom very slowly opening her maxi pad baby, listen I know you're not going to open any bags of chips, open that Max step, slap him in the panties and get out so I can fart, okay, those are really good people. the school was really doing that I think I was one of those people, I apologize for that, like they slowly opened their pants, like I couldn't let any of these other women know the breaking news, they all know that no one goes to say, "ew, everyone does it." confuse the guys difficult Edit effort honesty empathy respect hey that's not all guys don't just move my man put him in a big square let's confuse the guys Kotex ultra slim platex our YC Maxi pistol I think you all know what which is a maxi and we are not talking about a dog, let's confuse the kids, clay sheet,she's being brainwashed or something, she just decides to wrap the little nails like that and then when you get up, it's like every time we sit on this we lose some hair, pain that girls go through, right?
Never burn my head, I burn. my hand is like when you straighten your hair and then you touch it right after and it's really hot that's how you do it that hurts oh hitting your nails against something yeah that's what I was talking about about cramps I feel like if you have cramps you need like at least a day off a month unnecessary pain yes, I'll be in bed the rest of the day it's not even fair oh girl dries her hair too gently our sister drags her hair yeah, actually I never thought of doing it that way that's pretty good, I braided it overnight, don't wait for it to dry, but when I wake up it's still wet, it was just a waiting game with me, can you check if everything is okay?
Thank you, yes, everything is fine, but not there, you are fine. Oh, little one, look at me, you know, I feel like it's always a sensation like you feel like there's a stain, there's a leak, there's something there, but 99.9 of the time there's nothing but you and your imagination, things that girls do in the shower, oh no. oh, make fake YouTube videos, fake plots that you planned but never said to make so no one checks to make sure there's no murderer, okay you know what I thought, this was going to be inappropriate, but man, I make enough videos in the last place.
I need to make videos in the shower. I'm afraid the shampoo bottles will see me embarrassed. Myself trying to fake an argument, yes that goes through my head and stays here when I'm alone in the house. I have to check every inch of the house to make sure there's no killer when I tell you this man is doing so well. when I tell you that this man is Scrump delicious, it made me want to let me tell you that I have never related so much to a tic tac scrub, Julius, the way she just is a girl, you're good, you're fine, just the guys from anime really made me act like that, normal girls.
She's fine, doing my mascara, fine psycho girls, oh, it took me a second. I'm like, wait, what is she doing different? Is there something with a technique? She applied her mascara with her mouth closed. I don't know how people do that and then me. I saw someone have the audacity to say that it doesn't matter if you open your mouth or not, no it really does, when you open your mouth it pulls on the skin, so you have less chance of getting the mascara. on your face it's better ok it's a scientifically proven advantage for mascara application you can't tell me otherwise when you think it's red but it actually is like that oh no go to jail or maybe I should go to the Jail, that's what I think it means. illegal, everyone is too comfortable with this app, how I see myself, I, I, and then I change, see, my mom sees me, oh, how my friends see me, um, I disagree, my mom sees me, how my friends see me, she is always trying to feed me.
I mean, I guess that's a good thing, it's a good legacy.

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