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The Best Peanut & Nut Butter To Buy At The Store - And What To Avoid!

Jun 05, 2021
What's up ladies, family? I'm Bobby, back at the grocery


because you guys have been requesting a video on nut


and wow, I dug deep this last week and there's a lot to cover, do you think that would be nice? It's easy to grow back in my day, it was one thing to have



and that's it, now we have


butter or almond butter, coconut butter, all these different types of things and it really comes down to reading the ingredients because now more than ever. They are introducing so many low quality bad ingredients here in the form of palm oil sugar and native Raja oils.
the best peanut nut butter to buy at the store   and what to avoid
We're also going to talk about Noster peanut butters and nut butters. Why does palm oil and everything else have the highest protein content and the lowest carbohydrate content? Even jams and jellies, we'll hook you up big time, so before we get started, why don't you hook me up? Hit that old subscribe button because we're posting three videos each week, two videos on the weekends, and one live stream during the week. so go ahead and click on the Bell icon right below the video because you don't want to miss these live streams. We are making a recipe from start to finish, asking questions and answers.
the best peanut nut butter to buy at the store   and what to avoid

More Interesting Facts About,

the best peanut nut butter to buy at the store and what to avoid...

It's a very fun moment. Well, let's start with the big thing. criminals of all and unfortunately the type of peanut butter that is art and I grew up with Skippy Jiff and Peter Pan, all you have to do is look at the ingredients that are the ingredients in this video, read the ingredients if it's not two ingredients. nuts and salt we put it back in, so we go to the back of the Skippy ingredients and it has peanuts, but then hydrogenated sugar, that sugar, the oil that contains cotton, soy and rapeseed oil. Cottonseed oil is one of the cheapest agricultural oils you can get. terrible for you, it's highly processed with a lot of chemicals, then we go to the jiff and the jiff has peanuts and sugar, fully hydrogenated vegetable oils again and molasses and a ton of added sugar in here, very low quality oils and why do they put these oils in here including Peter Pan's because they make it more shelf stable they will last longer on the shelf and make it creamier it essentially makes it non-stirring and I know we all want to know how to stir so when on Instagram I said, "Hello, please." tell me something healthy and unstirred, so I have news for you.
the best peanut nut butter to buy at the store   and what to avoid
If you ever see the words Noster on a label, return it immediately because


are peanut butters and nut butters made from nuts that have fat so it's one hundred percent natural to see them? separation of the fat and the nuts because that's


happens when you grind nuts when you put palm oil and hydrogenated oils in here so it doesn't stir, you don't want that so that's a telltale sign that you want to put it back in now. I would do it. It's


to buy organic peanuts and organic almond butter because I've talked about this in the past.
the best peanut nut butter to buy at the store   and what to avoid
Peanuts or legumes that grow in the ground. They are heavily sprayed with pesticides and chemicals on the almond trees. Even though they are trees, they spray the ground. They grind a lot around the almond because when they shake the almond trees they don't want any grass or bushes to impede the harvesting process that infiltrates the almond, so I prefer that you buy organic, that being said, it is very complicated with nut butters because if they add anything else to the butter, I would prefer if you didn't buy it organic, so this one from Maranatha is organic, but if you look at the label, it's made with palm oil, we'll talk about palm oil in a few minutes, but I I would stay away from that because it's a really bad oil and I would prefer you use conventional because I don't want it to have anything but nuts and salt in it so I would put this one back in and there are a couple of options here at Walmart instead. this is a really cool brand crazy Richards so check it out if I show you the ingredients here there's one ingredient peanuts that's it that's why I prefer this no hydrogenated oils no sugar no oil Palm.
I prefer to train. to conventional versus organic if they don't add those ingredients, that being said, there are a couple of really affordable options here at Walmart, first of all, Smuckers, right? Smuckers makes a natural peanut butter that just has peanuts and a little salt, very very good and Smuckers. you have the organic here, which is just peanuts and salt, two great options that I would totally have and then you can also get the Walmart organic brand; all it has is peanuts and salt. Now looking at the ingredients list, the critic in me says what kind of salt they can use when we are done with this video, check out our salt review video.
I would prefer they used salt that you can see when they don't specifically say so, they are using a typical bleached agricultural salt which if you watch the video is highly bleached and highly processed, but it's too deep a knife for this video. I'm happy that they're not putting other things here, but I'll show you, for example, that these are crazy, oh. It's a premium nut butter and they actually have it at Costco for a much better price and look at the ingredients on the back here, they're using Celtic sea salt and really clean ingredients here if your child has a peanut allergy or you have peanuts. allergy, you can't have this one, but you can have nuts, so the energy fuel doesn't contain peanuts, but it still contains nuts.
That said, that brings us to the


alternative if you have a nut or peanut allergy. Being here, it's going to be sunflower seed butter, but you don't want to buy this brand because we look back, it's got sugar in here. We don't need to add sugar to butters. They have two sunflower seed butters at Trader Joe's. one of them has added sugar and the other doesn't, if you're AIP and you're on an autoimmune protocol diet you can't eat any of that, there's only two things you can eat: you can have coconut butter or tiger nut butter, which actually It's a tuber, those two are available online, don't buy the coconut butter in the


I'll show you next time it's too expensive, right on Amazon. I'll put the link below and then there's something that Even Arch wasn't even impressed with Wow butter because even though it's school approved and nut free, look at the ingredients, it's roasted whole soybeans and pressed soybean oil, does it say on Somewhere does say it's certified non-GMO, so that's good? It has cane sugar and palm sugar, the thing is that I would not give it to children because it can alter hormonal development and when you are a child that is very important, so I would say no to this bar with sunflower seed butter that It has no additional palm oil or sugar and then that brings us to the powdered peanut butter.
Now there are two. This is the main brand PB 2. I will tell you to stay away from this one because look at the ingredients that have added sugar here if I will get it, you would be much better off getting the nut brand, it is very cheap but it has added sugar which it bothers me. The good thing is that there is Barney's almond butter powder here and although you will see it in the next store that doesn't I don't want you to buy Barney almond butter because it has additional ingredients, this is not just blanched almonds and it is the powder here, for making it low in fat, ideal for smoothies, ideal for cooking and sauces.
That brings us to one of the most common questions I received on Instagram about making this video. By the way, if you're not following me on Instagram stories, keep going because I'm making dinner every night on stories and it's so much fun for people. I wanted to know what the problem is with palm oil. Look at the back of all these different brands. They all have palm oil here, even as a premium. Veronica Maranatha and I want you to run, run, Forrest, run, run to the palm oil hills. because it's annoying, it's relatively cheap, it's really bad for the environment, but it's also really bad for your health.
Okay, it's not as bad as a partially hydrogenated fat or a fully hydrogenated fat, but it's really, really bad for your health. The reason these manufacturers love palm oil is because it's relatively inexpensive, but it does two things: it greatly extends the shelf life of the peanut butter, and it makes the texture really silky and creamy, almost like that, without stirring. because people don't want to see that separation here. you don't see the separation you don't see the separation that's why brands like it that's why you have to stay away from it, even Sam's choice of Walmart isn't, no, okay.
I'm going to talk about this now. It could also be that raw almond butter was a big deal and he's here the price, why is the price of this one 1548 while the other almond butter is 698? Perhaps the biggest travesty in this aisle is raw almond butter. I did a deep dive on what it means. to be raw smoke and mirrors my friends there is no such thing as raw almonds in the US they are not allowed to sell raw almonds so there are two ways to pasteurize almonds you can steam pasteurize them up to 165 degrees , essentially cooking them or what most manufacturers do.
What they are doing now is they are gassing them, they are putting the almonds in a chamber and gassing them with propylene oxide or PPO, which is a gas that pasteurizes them without heating them too much. Propylene oxide is a chemical that is considered by the oh, the problem, health organization to be a carcinogen. I have to dig a lot deeper to find out which brands are doing this and which aren't, but going back to my original point where the whole almond butter thing is a joke because it's going overboard, try what. This happens when you continue to pasteurize a product while killing the bad bacteria, but also killing all the good bacteria, maybe some remain, but is it worth paying the extra $10 per jar?
No, so don't buy raw almond butter. I think it's one of the biggest jokes here and when you go to the next grocery store I've seen bigger containers than this for higher prices total waste of money okay some other really popular questions on Instagram stories were what nut butter has the The highest protein would be peanut butter Peanut butter is the highest protein, but it is followed by almond butter. We are talking about a difference of 1 gram per serving. Which nut butter is the lowest in carbs? Again, almond butter, there are other casualties. nut butters with carbs like macadamia nut, hazelnut, and brazil nut, but they will start to get very expensive, so I think we cover almost everything in this store.
Let's go to Whole Foods because they have other brands that you might think are premium, but. once you start reading the labels it's shocking and I want to warn you before you waste your money before we go there guys on August 3rd. I'm doing a cookbook party in Chicago, it's going to be huge, we'll be serving recipes from the cookbook. I'm also doing a cooking demo there and we only have about 70 tickets left. It will be super fun. I'll put that link in the description box if you live in the area or feel like I'm heading down a path. trip, you can hang out with me, art, Dessie, maybe my dad, Johnny P, it's going to be a super fun time, so I hope to see you there, okay, new Whole Foods store.
You might think there will be a few more premium options here but you have to read the ingredients because it's very misleading to start with a brand called Barney's butter they make almond butter and peanut butter it looks clean it looks premium it's $12.99 for this but look at the ingredients y'all almonds cane sugar palm oil this isn't even worth $2 I wouldn't buy this and then another brand here Justin is right they have been around for a long time with peanuts and palm oil and it's ridiculous to charge so much and put local hydrogenated palm oil here and look you can visibly notice when there is no separation of the fat and the nut means it's mixed with palm oil and things you don't want to have so Justin's is all Justin's doesn't know this brand here but look at these prices: sauna artist or organic raw these prices are insulting $21 for a container that big no we now know nothing is raw and that's just insulting so we move on to something like RX RX and the bars are making peanut butter now I'm mad with myself because I approved on the Bobby approved list the RX bars and Costco snack hall the other week I missed it, they have natural flavorings so that's the bad thing, thank you all for leaving comments in the description box, it's a no difficult, but we look at the butters here and they use honey as a sweetener and natural flavorings.
Again, this is number 2 and here at Whole Foods they have the nut, but they have a brand of chocolate and look at the ingredients, although it has a hint of sugar, it's coconut sugar, which is a better all-natural sweetener and has less content . glycemic index and only has 2 grams of sugar, so it would actually be a goodchocolate to give to the children. They also make a nut version so at Trader Joe's it's a lot cheaper and by the way all of Trader Joe's peanut and almond butters are good to go, the cashew butter has safflower oil in it which is a no, and sunflower seeds, they have two, one is good and the other is bad.
Many of you on Instagram are asking about this. Nut crushing machines damage all foods or your premises. grocery store, yes, use them because you know what's in one ingredient, nuts, the price is pretty good and it's as fresh as possible, coming back to this sunflower butter in case you have a nut allergy, this is interesting because the conventional style sunflower butter has sugar here and the organic one from dozens you basically have to pay the organic price of $9.99 to get the unsweetened version, the conventional one is 666 99 so I don't know why. They make it just for the version organic and then look here tahini real quick.
This was requested on Instagram. Tahini is one of my favorite things. I use it a lot in the keto meal prep cookbook that's out right now and if you live in the Middle East. this is your view of the peanut butter you are buying tahini make sure it is runny and loose and horrible for example the one from Trader Joe's is the worst it is very thick and does not pour at all if not poured as liquid. peanut butter, don't buy it, this is one of the best values ​​from Whole Foods 365 and I'll put the other list below, but if you haven't experimented with tahini yet, it's really good for you, it's made with sesame seeds and it's delicious, okay, before talking about jams and jellies, I brought it in my outside purchases.
Costco has an amazing price on organic nuts and only salted peanut butter. This is fantastic. They used to have organic almond butter too if you still have it in your Costco scoop. the deal is amazing otherwise Kirkland almond butter is just almonds and salt and now it's very easy when it comes to jams and jellies you want to buy the ones that have no added sugar, reduced sugar or are sugar free completely, so I look at something like these artisans don't have added sugar, right? It's grape juice. Wow Moo, berry pectin and citric acid, that's it or something like this organic nature, it's from Italy, it has no added sugar, it's just sugar from the apple and cherry juice concentrate and that's it. put a list below of all the reduced and sugar-free jams and jellies Trader Joe's has reduced sugar in strawberries and blueberries there are two sugar-free only available online there is one called good sweet jam made with stevia that is good the Amazon link to below and one called Nature's Hollow that is made with xylitol, which is not my favorite sweetener, but I'll put that link below too, so that's it.
I think we just covered all the peanut and nut butters. you might want to now I know there's a lot of information in this video. I'm going to put it all in the description box. The good and bad. What to look for for everything else. Let me know what you want to see next. The grocery store is a big wild and mysterious place and art and I'm here to solve all your problems. We have two more links to more videos below us right now, but art and I'll see you very soon until then. The hashtag keeps cooking, crazy love and peace

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