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The 2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo Is the Ultimate $150,000 Luxury Sedan

Jun 02, 2021
this is a





and it is a full size



like a mercedes-benz s-class or an audi a8 or a lexus ls or a cadillac ct xt whatever, but there is a big difference between this car and all of those I mean, now it's not boring, I love the s class and the ls, but let's be honest, those are the cars you buy when you're old and you've worked all your life and you feel like you've earned a good A big, long car with wood everywhere and seats as comfortable as the 11,000 sofa in your house with plastic so your perfectly groomed dog the size of a single cup doesn't destroy it and that's fine, but what if you want a big car that makes a statement, but it's also sporty and exciting rather than comfortable and relaxing.
the 2017 porsche panamera turbo is the ultimate 150 000 luxury sedan
Sure there is the audi s8 and the mercedes s63 amg but those are basically the cars I mentioned before just with bigger engines the



is the complete package and today I borrowed this


panamera turbo from


from warrington here on the philadelphia suburbs to show you exactly what i mean. I'll start with this, the panamera turbo has a twin-turbo v8 with 550 horsepower and 567 lb-ft of torque, that's awesome, but sure. so is the price of the panamera turbo this car starts at 148,000 before options and options are plentiful so today i am going to show you this and show you all its unusual quirks and interesting features that that guy a lot of money will give you buy and then I'll take it out on the road and see how this car drives and then I'll give it an excellent score and maybe in the end you'll agree that this is the




the 2017 porsche panamera turbo is the ultimate 150 000 luxury sedan

More Interesting Facts About,

the 2017 porsche panamera turbo is the ultimate 150 000 luxury sedan...

If you don't want one of those big, boring, comfortable ones, now I'm going to start again here with perhaps the most important feature of the 2017 Panamera and that is the fact that it has been completely redesigned compared to the previous one, it has the same thing. Basic profile but it has been refined and modernized in many ways, which is good because there are a lot of complaints about the old Panamera, especially in the design of the rear and I must say that this one looks much better, it has sharper rear lights. Everything is smaller, less bulbous, less rounded and strange.
the 2017 porsche panamera turbo is the ultimate 150 000 luxury sedan
The new Panamera, next to the old Panamera, looks substantially better and substantially more modern, and there's no easier place to see it than in the back, in the area with the hatchback, the hatchback you may be wondering about. Yes, that's true, although everyone refers to the Panamera as a luxury sedan. This is a hatchback. Open the back and it opens like a hatchback. This will surprise some people. It's as if Porsche has introduced a stealthy hatchback to the luxury sedan. market and yes that means if you are in the back seat you can access the rear cargo area because there is no trunk here, it is a tailgate and it is open like in a hatchback and unlike any other luxury sedan and from marty in the abroad.
the 2017 porsche panamera turbo is the ultimate 150 000 luxury sedan
Moving on to the front and the headlights, one of my favorite features of the new Porsche model range, these daytime running lights that they have, they're not the normal LED strip lights, they're four LED spots, these are the running lights. daytime running light when the headlights are not on and give Porsches a distinctive appearance compared to other cars. Now when you want to turn on the headlights, the headlights almost look even cooler when they are on than when they are in daylight mode. a giant headlight in the middle surrounded by three smaller beams of light as a backup, it's like the strength of a headlight and no, you can't turn on the headlights by just snapping your fingers, but maybe even cooler are the Panamera's taillights now that the headlights are on.
At this point the taillights come on and you have the typical red on this side and the other side, but the other interesting thing is that you have this dim red light bar that runs along the back of the entire car. Now light bars are controversial. People love them, some people hate them, but I think it looks great on this car. I also love the fact that when you turn on the turn signal on a Panamera, the turn signal comes on on the outside of the lights in the corner of the car. but it also lights up on the tailgate and when you open the tailgate it keeps flashing as if it is receiving a signal to the sky that you are turning left and then we need to talk about the spoiler which is quite unusual now.
Most cars have spoilers that go up at a certain speed so when the car is stationary it has that flush look, when the car is moving fast it can provide downforce if you're on the track or something and this car has that and you can also Raise or lower the spoiler from the inside. I'll show you in a minute, but the interesting thing about the spoiler on the panamera turbo is that it doesn't just go up, it goes up and deploys so that the central part rises. up and then the two panels at the top of the spoiler fold down to make the spoiler as wide as possible when you retract it, those panels go back to the top and then the thing slides down to the tailgate.
It's quite interesting now that a lot of things have been done. about the spoiler on the internet, but it's worth noting that the old Panamera had the exact same spoiler design whether you had the gts or the turbo, anyway there's a pretty interesting next step, I swear I'll go up inside, but first I want to talk about the Panamera doors. Now, one of the things that bothers me the most about cars is that you can't really open the door and leave it at the level you want. When you open a door on a modern car, it opens a little more or retracts a little more because there are these little balls inside the door that determine only a few places where the door can open.
It's really annoying, especially if you're trying to open the door in a tight space, it can hit whatever you're trying to do. To avoid the panamera turbo anyway, you don't have to worry, you can open the door in exactly the position you want and it will stay and the good thing about that is that if you open the door on a slope, it won't come back and try to hit you like most car doors, it will stay exactly where you place it. All doors should be like this, and yet very few are now. I'm in the car and I'm going to keep going. to the central air vent if you didn't think that the air vents could be interesting, pay attention to this now the central air vent when the car is off is in its closed state and you will notice that there is no button or lever to open it or adjust it, that's because the center vent in this car is controlled electronically on the touch screen, if you want the center vent to be open you go to the touch screen and open it, but here's the crazy thing if you want the center vent to be open move to the left or to the left. on the right you move it on the touch screen and then the vent follows you as you move it, if you want to move it up or down, likewise you move it on the touch screen and the vent goes to where you are moving it, so you move this The electronic display and this mechanical vent follow it, it's one of the strangest modern features I've seen on a new car, but I have to admit I think it's cool, so the central climate control vent is pretty crazy, but I I'm putting in front of me I'll go back to the center controls in a minute I'll start over on the driver's side and that little sticker to the left of the steering wheel next to the air vent you'll see this sticker on a In many places, it's possible make you wonder what exactly it is.
This car goes about 180 miles per hour, but this particular car, because it is sold in the north, is equipped with all-season tires and the tires are only rated at 150 miles per hour. Now, most European automakers get around this by simply electronically limiting their cars to the maximum speed of the tires they put on them, but Porsche doesn't have electronic limitations, so their limit is a little sticker on the left that's supposed to What not to do. exceeds the speed written on the sticker, in this case it is 150. so there is no electronic limit to prevent you from dying, instead there is a small sticker and by the way, Porsche makes sure that on the printed sticker it is made in Germany, so you can Don't think there's a knockoff Chinese sticker on your Panamera and when you get in this car, turn it on, you'll notice it has five gauges in the gauge cluster, but it's misleading because four of the five are not gauges.
There are screens on the left, you can adjust the screens and it shows all kinds of information and on the right it's even cooler, not only can you adjust the screens and get various levels of information, but one of the settings is for navigation. system and when it comes up, remove two of the fake gauges and just stick the map right there so you don't have to look all the way to the center if you're trying to see where you're going, you have the navigation system on, that's a great idea, the indicator in the middle is of course a traditional gauge, the traditional tachometer, like all other Porsches, another interesting quirk of this car, next to the steering wheel, when you get in, there is no button to start it.
As with any other luxury car, now you can still keep the key in your pocket, you don't have to insert it anywhere, but instead of pressing a button, you turn a small lever to the left of the steering wheel to turn the car on. you press a button I have no idea why that is but it's the Porsche way now you might be wondering why that little lever to start the car is on the left, well that's because Porsche has always put the ignition in the ON position. the left, not the right or in the middle like most other cars and the reason for this is because it imitates old racing cars.
All racing cars used to have the ignition in the middle or on the right, but they found that it was faster if you would start the engine with your left hand and put on the seat belt with your right hand in one motion, it could give you a little advantage at the start of the race and Porsche has been doing that in its road cars since the next step. We need to talk about the shift lever, which is very different from the shift lever in most cars with automatic transmissions. Now to shift between gears you press a small button on the front of the shifter like a trigger and then you can pull. it's between reverse neutral and drive that's great if you want manual mode move it to the side when you're in drive and you have manual mode and it's positioned the right way you want to downshift you push it up however you want .
To upshift you push it down, very few automakers do that but now everyone should. The most interesting thing about the shifter if you are driving, you have arrived at your destination and you want to park the car, you just press the little p at the base of the shifter and it goes to the part which is quite simple, but here is the interesting part, if you are in manual mode and want to park the car, press the little p and then the shift lever slides back. It turns and parks as if it were being moved by an invisible ghost of a Porsche shifter.
It's also interesting that in the middle of the interior there are two cup holders as there should be, like in most cars, but what's interesting is that one is bigger than the other so you can have a large drink and a normal sized drink. Next we move on to my favorite controls on this car, starting with the climate controls, now to change the temperature and the amount of air you're getting. It's not just cheap plastic. Instead, shift or dial, it's this gorgeous silver switch, one for the temperature and one for the amount of air on both sides of the car, it moves it up or down, it feels so good to even adjust the climate control, but The climate control switch is pale in comparison. to the dial in the middle of the center console that adjusts the stereo volume, look at this, it feels so nice, so unique, it's so wonderful to touch, yes you can adjust the stereo volume on the steering wheel, but why do you? would you do when You can touch this beautiful dial in the middle and since I'm talking about the controls in the center of this car, here's another interesting thing about them when you turn off the car, they're not there, they're not traditional buttons, but they're a big one. electronic panel and when you turn off the car everything is black only when you turn it on the buttons reappear so you can touch them and I say buttons because they are not actually capacitive touch like in many cars where you just touch them and they are supposed to do what you want.
Instead, you have to push them down. Now the downside is that it takes a little more effort to push them if you want something to happen, but the benefit is that you actually get it. feedback when you touch these things so you know you've touched them, unlike cars where it's just a screen where you're not really sure if it's doing it, it just lags if I press it again, I prefer this one now. One of theMore interesting buttons in the middle here is the one that says individual, press it and the little individual light comes on which is for individual driving mode.
You can choose between sport and normal or you can create your own special driving mode tailored to your needs. My own special treats next, continuing with that individual theme, I'll step away from the technology for a second and move on to the sun visor, and the visor opens as you'd expect and there's a little mirror inside with LED lighting. so you'll have an unobstructed view if you want to look at yourself, but the nice thing about the sun visor is that it also has a little clip for papers or whatever you need to keep up there, of course there's a little clip on the visor for Sun.
That's because the Panamera is German and the Germans are always thinking about all the practicalities. Solution for everything Next, getting back to the technology, I had to spend a minute on the central touch screen. Now the central touchscreen in the new Panamera is excellent, it's huge and incredibly responsive to touch. It is one of the best screens I have ever had. seen in any modern car now, the center touch screen of this car of course has all the typical center touch screen features such as climate control, stereo, navigation system, but there are some things in this one that It is worth highlighting, for example, on the satellite radio screen. it has one of the best things instead of having to switch between different channels with the tuner and you go 41 42 43 you can type in whatever channel you want so if you are on channel number one you want to go to 57 just type in 57 and you are there Of course, you can also configure presets like a normal infotainment system.
Now another interesting thing is the spoiler. Now you use the screen to raise and lower the spoiler like on the 918 Spider, but the good thing about this car is that when the spoiler goes up in the back, it goes up on the screen and when the spoiler is down and back, it's down on the screen and perhaps the best thing is that when it is between up and down it does exactly on the screen what it does outside the car so you can see the spoiler go up or down just by looking at the screen, which is the perfect touch for the kind of people who love to drive with the spoiler up for everyone to look at because now they can also see what their car looks like with the spoiler next, moving on to the climate controls, I already covered the center climate vent, Now you turn it on and off and how you move it, but the rest of the weather display is pretty good too, I'll say that. because you can direct the air where to go like you can in any normal car, but in this one it not only turns on a little light that tells you where the air is coming from, but it shows you where the air is coming from, there is a little air coming out of the medium or if you put it on your feet a little air comes out from under the dash two other interesting things in the infotainment system number one the owner's manual is contained in the infotainment system it is actually quite useful here because there is an index and you can search for things much more easily than if it were a paper book.
The central touch screen is also interesting, something I love, you can move where the sound points and it is not like in your normal car. where you can move it forward or backward or to the right or left side and this is like a little viewfinder and you can place it exactly where you want. Do you want the rear passenger side passenger to have the sound right at their knee? Well you can do that in this car of course, the central touchscreen also controls a huge number of other features in the car, pretty much anything you can imagine, from the lighting to the wipers to the seats, anything configurable you can control there, including the seat address. heating in other words, when you turn on your heated seat, do you want more on your back, on your button, on your legs, you can control that there in my car, you just press the button on the heated seat, it turns on and you choose where?
To warm up, another interesting thing here is that the clock doesn't tell the time when you turn off the car, turn it off, lock it, walk away and both hands go back to 12, but when you get close to the car, you open it. They mark it back to the correct time like toys in Toy Story, trying to become toys again before the child enters the room. As you can see, I had to be very quick when I filmed this clip to catch it. Action: This is something that I suspect 99.9 percent of Panama owners don't know happens, but now you know, the next step is that this car gives you the opportunity to open the rear door from the inside.
There's a button here on the door that's not all that. Uncommon, just push it, the back door opens. What's unusual is that you can also lock it from the inside of most cars because they're worried there might be something stuck in there that you can't see, they won't let you do it, but in this one you can, but there's a problem: You can't just press the button and it closes, you have to hold the button, so if you stop holding it, it just closes halfway. It's an interesting phenomenon to observe, especially if you're sitting in the driver's seat and wondering why the tailgate hasn't closed because you've already pressed the button and then moved into the rear of the Panamera, which is surprisingly spacious.
When the scenario first appeared, the directive was that a tall person had to be able to sit here without any height problems and I am a fairly tall person and I can sit here without any height problems. There really is no problem. There are a couple of interesting things you'll find in the back. These are the cup holders under this little lid and if you look at them you'll notice that they are basically the shallowest cup holders out there. I wouldn't put any drinks in there and spill all the leather on this car, but press this little button. and the cup holders suddenly get deeper so you can put drinks in them, which is pretty nifty, but it's the Germans, two other cool things back here, number one, in the back, there's one of those really cool silver switches, like those who have in front for the climate.
The control and volume of the stereo in this case is to close and open the rear sunshade on the rear sunroof the sunroof itself does not open only the front one does another interesting thing in the rear the seats fold down this really is a hatchback, I swear You can fold the seats and you have this giant cargo area like in a truck or hatchback where you can put more things than in a traditional sedan. That's all the cool quirks and cool features of the 2017 Panamera turbo that are surprisingly plentiful. For a porsche now is the time to take it out on the road and see how it drives and remember to click the link below to go to oversteer for more information on the panamera turbo and a list of luxury sedans currently. listings for sale on autotrader which are basically sports cars, okay, driving the panamera turbo, this should be an exciting event here, the thing about this car is wow, it's really very fast, that's what this car has, Of course, now I'm stopped.
It's lightweight and feels like the perfect luxury car. I can't hear anything from the engine on the road. Nothing like it. None of the other cars move. It's just perfectly quiet. So fast. I don't even know what you do if you have one of these. Where? You see, the materials feel great just looking around this car, everything is very well built, well made, it's typical Porsche, I mean, everything is really loud and high class, nothing rattles, shakes, squeaks like it shouldn't, the car is actually in and you know. everything is bolted together, this could be a 150,000 car, but if you start touching things and poking at them, it also feels like God is so fast, it's so fast that it's hard not to just want, also of course it feels very stable, very planted.
The floor is Porsche's signature, the German car's signature, but it feels so good that I feel like it could corner much faster than many other luxury sedans. Now one of the things that I always disliked about the panamera is its size and that is still the case if you live in a big city or something you are not going to want this car this car is wider than my range rover longer than my range rover uh, it's so big that it's just not that maneuverable or usable in tight spaces, like manhattan philadelphia or other chicago places like that, you don't want to get involved in this, you wish they would make a smaller one, the visibility seems to have improved, it's not as questionable as In the past, a 911 didn't feel agile in the corners, you didn't feel the weight as much as you felt the physical size in a 911, it felt like the whole car was there and you were controlling the whole almost as if If you were a kid controlling it with a matchbox from above in this car, it feels like you are spinning and there are a lot of other cars around you spinning, it doesn't feel heavy but it feels big and this car is one of those few cars where that you can really feel the distinction between the two because it's agile, I mean I can take corners a lot faster than I should, it's just that I'm very aware that there are a lot of cars around.
Now with that being said one of the things that I have learned I have spent a lot of time in Panamaras and one of the things that I have learned is that you can get used to it uh you can get used to the size and then I don't feel like it's really that big and you can start to feel comfortable, more comfortable cornering like a sports car, but the steering is excellent, it's lighter than a 911, there's no doubt it's still glued to the road, etc. I'm never going to get that heavy steering feel in a sports car or a sedan now that I'm on a rough road and it's definitely a little harsher over these bumps, no doubt compared to an S class or something, but this one It's the trade-off, I mean, it's really a question of what do you want, do you want to know a high performance cornering car?
Do you have the type of ride where you can take some curves or do you just want to sit back? There and floating, many buyers choose to float and at this price I understand that the people who buy this car are 70 years old when they can afford a hundred thousand dollar car and therefore often do not want to drive that fast. In the end, I think this car is exactly what you would expect if Porsche made a luxury sedan. It's faster, more exciting, more fun, more drivable than a normal luxury sedan, but it's also a little bit tougher and stuff like a 911.
It's tougher than an e-class. It's well designed but it's more of a performance car. than a mercedes or a bmw if that's what you want this is the car and it's worth it and I wouldn't blame anyone for buying an s class On top of this I understand this is a little more hectic but for those of us that we still want a little bit of performance with our luxury, this is a very good option, so that's the 2017 porsche panamera turbo that combines many of the benefits of a luxury sedan with There are many things that car enthusiasts find They love sports cars and they are now much more attractive than they used to be - it is the


luxury sedan or hatchback with the best luxury sedan price and now it is time to give it an excellent score, starting with the end categories Of week and style, the new panamera is much more attractive than the previous model, yes, but it is still not exactly beautiful, it gets a six out of ten.
Acceleration is strong, as Porsche says it does 0-60 in 3.6 seconds, earning an 8 out of 10. Handling is good, especially for a large sedan, but it's not quite a sports car and scores a 6. out of 10. As for the cool factor, it's certainly cool, but most of us see Panameras quite often now, so it doesn't have the head-turning factor. did it a few years ago and gets a 6 out of 10. In terms of importance, the Panamera is not an ultra-rare sports car and even in turbo version it is not ultra unique or museum-worthy, giving it a 5 out of 10 and a total.
Weekend score of 31 out of 50. That's an average weekend score, but it's a respectable number for a sedan or hatchback in the everyday categories that start with features. The Panamera Turbo is fully loaded with things, but it's still missing some obvious ones. There's no self-driving feature like many rivals and I don't understand why Porsche still doesn't offer a 360-degree overhead parking camera that knocks it down from the nine it deserves to an eight out of ten. Comfort is good, but not at the level of the best pillow-soft luxury cars, probably by design and it gets a 7 out of 10.
The quality is tremendously high, reliability is notoriously strong and the interior materials are really excellent, which gives this car a 9 out of 10, short of a perfect score. Just because potential repairs will be expensive in the future, the practicality is impressive given the panamera's hatchback status, it has up to 52 cubic feet of cargo space, which isSurprising and worthy of an 8 out of 10, but only 4 seats and poor fuel economy beat that number. up to a 7 out of 10. Finally there is value and I know it's hard to say that a 150k luxury sedan is a good value, but when it's a luxury sedan, a hatchback and a sports car, you're not going to convince me of that number. it should be less than 7 out of 10.
Add it up and the total daily score is 38 out of 50, tying the Panamera for first place and I suspect a slightly more affordable Panamera model like the 4s would be directly in first place. Add it all up. and the total excavated score is 69 out of 100, which is close to the top and deserves it. The panamera turbo really can do it all. Click below for a Google Doc of Doug's scores on the video above.

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