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Teens Reject Each Other On the Button | Cut

May 09, 2024
In fact, I like children, don't you like children? I mean, you know, like the soft part of your skull, you put your thumb on it and go. Welcome to the


, a speed dating program when the


lights up red, any of the players can press it. and change your date with a new person, get out of here if two people can last 10 minutes on a date, they win a second date with all expenses paid, this is the button oh, hi, okay, three questions, what is your favorite color? Do you have any? Deep rooted emotional and also what your favorite movie is.
teens reject each other on the button cut
Wow, yeah, I'm like romantic murder. Have you seen the program? Yes, yes, you love Quinn. I need her so much. You like romantic murder movies. Yes, you love them. Jackie, what is your deep trauma? Yes, I would. Say I'm a little socially awkward I'm kind of an exaggeration Beast, it's every day br


Beast, yeah I'm a Logan couple Can you both stop touching me? I need to win, okay, I need to win, but putting pressure on myself doesn't win. The game does it to me and within the time that yes, go away, bye, it was nice meeting you, come on Jackie, why are you pressuring me?
teens reject each other on the button cut

More Interesting Facts About,

teens reject each other on the button cut...

I feel like she's not physically, she's not your type physically, yeah, hi, hi, you're chan chan, yeah. I'm Jackie hello hello what ethnicity are you what are you? I'm Korean Korean M I like that what are you? I'm Chinese. Do you think Jackie is cute? She's okay, that's like a question. um Jacky smiles. I like your smile. I think it's a nicer smile than yours. I really want to get into something like exfoliating my entire body, that's so random I know, but it's just the feeling of being clean. Sorry, it was nice meeting you. Your smile is cute.
teens reject each other on the button cut
Thanks, bye, Jackie. bye, what happened, I'm not going to lie, like halfway there, he started barking, what do you mean barking, like, I don't know what he was talking about, honestly, hello, how are you, I'm fine, how are you? ? I'm fine by the way I like your makeup thank you today I decided to be a clown so SL is my it's my Alter Ego mhm you play any video game well I play a lot of PC games like valerant leue Legends Rainbow Six what games? You play well? Well, I think I've spent a quarter of my life playing League.
teens reject each other on the button cut
Oh my god, really, yes, seriously. I think I have over 200 hours. I think I have a little more than yours. Who do you play? Top L Top Lane Top Lane Mor Kiser Who do you play? Who do you like specifically? I played ezil for a long time. A young boy, oh my God, yes, I had to do it. I'm sorry. Is there AAS? Wait, why are you pressuring me to play? Ezreal, I don't play league either, it was bait, you tricked her, I did, so League of Legends is a deal breaker for you, oh no yeah, a total deal breaker.
I can never imagine playing League hello, my name is Quinn, my name is Mackie, how? are you doing Mackey I'm fine, how are you? I'm doing well. I like your jewelry. Oh thanks. Why don't you two talk about what you want to do after high school? Okay, go get um. I want to go to Penn. State for friends ex science Penn State nor, yeah, what do you want to do? Maybe I can become a crossing guard like with the flag and everything, the flag, yeah, oh, with the flag, okay, I've got the kids in my hands if I choose not to walk. with them, you know, you know what, um, I actually like kids, don't you like kids?
I mean, they're fine until they start screaming and crying and throwing up everywhere, it's like you know they're going into that state. It's like none of that is true, oh, you know, like the soft part of your skull, you put your thumb on it and you're like, no, no, I didn't know you could do that, I'm sorry, it was nice meeting you. It was nice meeting you too, thanks, what happened was a little strange, the baby skull thing that made me feel a little uncomfortable, yeah, yeah, hi, hi, how are you? I'm fine. I'm like this is nervous.
I'm also very nervous. Yeah, so what do you do to get copies? I like to hang out with friends. I like going to concerts. What do you like to do? Model, okay and I also like to do photography on my own and I'm also a big reader. you're a homebody, I feel like that's how it is sometimes Emanuel, Macky definitely gives you model labs, yeah, oh, thank you, she has, she has pretty eyes, thank you, ask Emanuel if he's popular, are you popular, okay? um, I feel like it's going to go. to be a yes, I mean, I know people, um, I won't go out much, I feel like I'm a little antisocial, so Mackie, yeah, ask Emanuel if he's hooked up with a lot of girls, oh God, me.
I hate this question Wow, have you hooked up with a lot of girls? I didn't expect that, um, I don't know what a lot is, maybe like five or less, okay, yeah, that's reasonable, okay, what about you? I am a zero. I'm a zero It's not that I'm not that type of girl, do you two find



attractive? I think so, yes, I think you have a good smile and what I like most are smiles. I like good smiles. I just received it. I had my braces removed like last week. Actually, I had them too, but I also removed them about 2 years ago.
You can do it if you want. I am relaxing. I'm also relaxing. I'm having a great time. Me too. I'm doing great, so you two like


other. I think so. I am intrigued. I'm invested. mhm, you two seem like you want a match. I'm going to turn on a light one more time and if you don't pressure me. you win a second date I'm relaxing if you're relaxing I'm relaxing I'm like I'm relaxing very green hey look at that what are you going to do for a second date? Don't know. I've never been on a date so I don't really know, yeah, so this was your first date, yeah, wow, wow, I know, cool, cool, go ahead and go show the rooms you matched with, it's okay, can you tell them to bring other people?
Please I'm so scared, what if they are like this? What if I just don't like them? You can trust me? oh wow hey hello oh my god hello can I tell you that you are so pretty? I love your necklace, thank you. I like your whole gold jewelry. Vibe, it's nice, thank you, yes, what are you two looking for in a partner? I am very good at communication and I am very good at trust. I don't trust anyone but my stuffed animals honestly validate my stuff and I love Dumbo mhm. I have many Squish Mills. I don't know if that's a red flag or not, no, but those are the people I've been talking to, oh, I got you.
I don't know, I just want to, I just want to see who. more there sorry okay okay no bye bye you liked it at all I could see a friendship that is romantic oh no no hi hi I'm Dan nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm also Kylie hi Kylie Kylie ask Dan if you can smell it. I don't think he wants to smell you, but what if he smells bad? I think he would smell it when he came in. Sorry, no, don't be offended, don't do it. I think Dan is cute at all, no, yes he is handsome, yes he is attractive, but I feel like he wouldn't be attracted to me, he's not my type.
Sorry, yeah, look, yeah, bye, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Hi, what's your name Kylie? Okay, I'm K. Hello, nice to meet you. Yes, ask her how many women she has dated. How many have you dated? My God. I have had many stages of conversation, but no. you actually dated someone, so what about you, how many women have you dated? Well, we dated for a few months. I found out she was dating someone in prison. We were like in high school and he was like 23, that's what Hell yeah, later in the school year she tried to jump on me, she tried to jump on you, yeah, what a girl, you have an interesting dating history, like the horse story, yeah, sorry, okay, I say no, just because you won't.
You haven't really liked dating, yeah, yeah, that's totally fine, yeah, maybe because she didn't like dating that many girls, but you two are vibing, I know, but it was like you'd never dated. a relationship with a girl. It's a little different than talking to a girl Hi, you pressured me a few times, now when you push me you're eliminating yourself, yeah I know OMG Hi Hi I'm Kylie, I'm Jaden. Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Also um, how was your trip here? uh, it was nice, um, my mom brought me here, so you know, uh, I'm just trying to have fun here, yeah, oh, I don't know, I don't know, I think I'm going to push it because no, you're not leaving, I'm leaving, bye, she's getting deleted, hi, my name is Jaden, I'm Sarah, I'm trying to find a question, everything's fine, you're a little nervous too, have you two ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I have had two serious relationships. I've had a serious one, yeah, it ended because of her and I like that she moved out. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay, I don't really feel a connection, but I think he does. Be a good friend M, it was nice meeting you, Sarah, what kind of guy are you looking for? Just someone who's like funny, someone I can get along with and laugh with. Hello, I love your pants, by the way, thank you. Pleased to meet you. I'm Sarah, nice to meet you, what's your biggest red flag when talking to someone, like smoking, drinking, yeah, yeah, what about you?
I feel like I have no ambitions. A lot of the things I do are outside of school. I really like volunteering. activism I ran a podcast at my old school oh what was it about? It's like a social justice thing. Okay, Peter, yeah, ask Sarah what she wants to be when she grows up. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ooh, I want to be a lawyer, okay, what about you? I really want to do a TV production, that's cool, so I'm in a class right now, we're making short films and segments for the report, it's super fun, so that's really cool, Sarah. you think he's peter's son yeah i think you're good thank you have you been in a relationship before me?
I've been in two serious relationships, huh? I've talked to people, but I've never really gotten out because for a long time I thought this isn't like high school. I don't have time to ask Sarah what kind of things she wants to do dating-wise, if she gets a boyfriend, what do she want to do on the first day? I don't know how to hang out or have fun, that's the main thing, what about you? I used to feel like you always have to do something, but I don't feel that much anymore, but if you find a really good show, then I just found out, it's fun for V, just a good show with a good person, having good conversations.
I agree, even if it's like a bad show, it's fun to laugh at and stuff. I also have a challenge for you. Okay, I challenge you two. hold hands for 30 seconds 30 seconds in silence and just look at each other wait both hands oh oh okay if both of you okay yeah you said silently silent look at each other okay I'm going to turn red one more time you can stay holding hands hand and if you two like each other and want to go on a second date don't pressure me here we go I'm not pressuring you I'm not pressuring you either oh it's Christmas life and you want to hug Yeah, well, come on, what are you going to do on your second date?
Let's go play mini golf or something that would be cool. I have never played mini golf. No, I've never had a serious relationship, so I don't have one. I really like the dating experience, but I have a list of date ideas, just you, a Google document. I'm sure I have it in my notes.

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