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Mom Swipes 20 Girls for Her Son | Versus 1

May 22, 2024
So how do we feel today? excited, I'm a little nervous for some reason, plus I'm not right now, my name is brian, I'm 25 years old, I'm a photographer and videographer here in Los Angeles, this is my beautiful mom, I'm Cindy, I'm the owner of the nail salon and I'm very happy to come to the show today and I hope I picked one. Have fun, happy mom, what are you going to look for today in the


' schedule first? Very kind and positive in life. Beautiful from the inside and out, I think I trust her, yes, look, it's so cute, it's already something my mom slides right on everyone.
mom swipes 20 girls for her son versus 1
I don't think she's ever heard of a dating app, so she says everyone is so nice. Keep going, it was a lot of fun. Look mom, you kept a lot of people awake, I love only one of you, I have to choose the ending, yeah, good luck, okay, done, so let's do this, okay, mom, left or right, you're leaving so cute like cute please okay just touch me. okay, we can touch each other, we can touch each other, sure, very cute, my heart beats amazing, really something like a sci-fi side, we're at an event, we're like oh camera, oh camera, okay, so I was wondering if I could in titanic reality, you just got our arms back a little nice, I'm short, so could you do a piggyback ride, sure as a dinner and then choose, you can't say no, three, two, one, okay, maybe we could do something to look like sidekicks would you like the hero okay, I'll be the psychic okay hi, I'm charlotte, nice to meet you, my name is Kirsten, I'm super nervous, she's friendly, okay, how are you?
mom swipes 20 girls for her son versus 1

More Interesting Facts About,

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I'm fine thanks tell tell me a little bit about yourself so my name is Christina I'm originally from Russia but I moved to Austria and now I'm here so I've been moving a lot. I'm originally from Washington State, so I love the outdoors. to cal state fullerton I'm studying mechanical engineering with a minor in art I made these shoes these are custom shoes wow um it's like my fraternity because I'm in an engineering fraternity yeah I'm also the president of the fashion club at my school that's really cool and then I am very athletic and I like to exercise and I like to go on adventures thank you I am a creative person so I love to paint I love to draw art play the guitar and I also love sports what kind of sport do you like basketball?
mom swipes 20 girls for her son versus 1
Yeah here's your team, oh that's hard right now, there's only one right answer, really, yeah, I'm going to say warriors, yeah, okay, where's your hometown?, oh my hometown, San Jose , I don't know, are you Vietnamese? Yes, yes, there are a lot of Vietnamese people there. They've been, yeah, I have a happy relative who lives in Santa so oh yeah, he's really nice, he's similar to Hall. I love music and music festivals and concerts. What was your last concert? I just went to Coachella, I was actually there for an amazing weekend too. a very good weekend, you love them both.
mom swipes 20 girls for her son versus 1
I had to work there, so there it was. What is your plan for after you finish school? You're going to do the design when I graduate. I plan to do engineering like solar panels. and stuff, after I have enough experience with that, I'll start designing my own products and then I'll have an additional clothing line too and stuff like that, yeah, there's a lot of stuff to do, entrepreneurs, oh, good business, whatever relationships you have . I've had before in the past, I've had two serious relationships, one was actually with a woman and I broke up with her a while ago, we both weren't mentally stable to take care of each other so we're both better off now oh my god , You are upset? no, no, no, it's very nice to tell me that, honestly, tell you, yes, yes, I like it, thank you, thank you, yes, I like to be honest, okay, are you ready to date who and like? not okay overall overall yeah that was like that it sounded crazy not like that um I mean yeah if someone is like someone worthy walks on stage which he hasn't but we'll see thank you are you like she?, yes, yes, people maintain this.
Side yes, keep us like this oh thank you thank you very much thank you ok thank you I forgot again sorry yes of course of course ok ok ok yes ok hey nice meeting you say you are all so beautiful and if I Don't you mean I don't like you? I still like you a lot, but I can't understand it. Oh, this is the language of my heart. How is it good? I'm curious. I chose this one because it was admired. You know, creating artists. Yes, artists and then about fashion, you know we love fashion, right, yes, that's why she always said that if she had a daughter, she would take her shopping non-stop because she loves her snacks.
She had no idea, so it's amazing, great choice, yeah. I'm sure you like it OMG she said fashion and business and I saw my mom lit up but she's cool she seems really cool probably not but I'm open to anything she's super creative I'm super creative too I love chatting . Look where she goes, so you said you would like to shop, there are like 10 closets because since I came home I was a dressmaker when I was very young. I always dress elegant. You always know, clients say I never see you wearing the same thing. for 17 20 years you know

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