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Teachers Who Took It TOO FAR

May 31, 2021
In this classroom everyone has to wear a box on their head and the box has a cut on the front edge. I forgot my box. So what do you do every time you don't pass the exam? This teacher attaches a job application for McDonnell. Oh, SiC Burton, brother, I'd fill it. Take it out and be peace, you get trash, students, I get free nuggets, hello friends, it's just me, oh geez, we'll remember where I am in high school, everyone has that wild teacher that just won't give up. I had this teacher and he was trying to explain a word problem to the class.
teachers who took it too far
There was a very pretty girl, Ashley, in my class. Her shake brought all the kids to the playground and probably the teacher, but she basically she was trying to explain this word problem and she said, "she actually she has her." "He's been working on this corner for three hours, if he makes $200 a day and this is for the next six months, how much money will he really have? And I thought, 'You can't say your high school student is working on a corner.' I won't use examples like that. I love this other teacher. Carlos brought the name of the class text and then


his phone.
teachers who took it too far

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teachers who took it too far...

I thought, "You can read your text in class or I'll take your phone and your parents have to come to me." pick it up." after school and she said okay no you can have it no this method would work but basically everyone in the classroom has their name on the board and they have to put their phone on the board after entering the class, what about all the other people? Yes, I don't have a phone. I didn't bring it, but most people leave it. Could you leave your phone? I won it. wall to use it in class. 20 years ago, it's still there. years ago I imagine taking out a full Nokia phone, what are you going to do with it?
teachers who took it too far
Play at being a snake, maybe press the button three times to see how it works. people even used this in class when I was a kid because like 6th or 7th grade I got my first phone and I only used it after school to call my mom. It's embarrassing but I didn't know how to approach it. This teacher has a water bottle that says, "Do it." Tears, something, tell me, I'll go. in the classroom crying he broke up with me Billy borrowed my favorite never returned it he collects it all and drinks it for sustenance so he can become the most powerful teacher there is and then on the day of the final exam he will have gathered enough strength to destroy them everyone, this class actually used a drone, so the


who are sitting on top of the students and are watching the drone footage on their little tablet, well, it's like it flies around the classroom like we have aerial views, we would get closeups.
teachers who took it too far
What if a girl likes to lean over, you know, like when you're taking a test and she likes your shirt, like mm-hmm girls, you know what I mean? The drones suddenly hover over you and you look at it the way we want and then it just zooms in well you don't know what the drones are looking at why can't you trust us you guys thought that was bad this classroom has live surveillance cameras and then we have a team of


sitting there watching them take the test in real time we have the zoom button we have the freeze frame this is too far plot twist they're just taking a spelling test we really want to make sure you know the difference between your and yours this is how they see the beauty section of a Walmart at least they don't lock the shampoo this teacher put a note on his door that says when you're dead you don't know you're dead it's hard only for others it's the same when you're stupid yeah Because when you're done, you don't know what you've done, but other people made a deal with your dog for this equation.
Someone put the hashtag Yolo and the teacher with a minimum wage hashtag. You chair the McDonald hashtag, the Shan hashtag abused outside the Internet. fools are nobody like math problems lick the hardest and most annoying for me in high school yo mom is so fat that objects 5 meters away accelerate at 1 meter per second squared towards her what does it mean your mom's mass if G is a little too big? for this, okay, you know what I could tell you right now, it doesn't matter, you will never use this in real life. I've been living in the real world doing tax budgets and all that real life financial stuff, and I can tell you.
I never have to do anything remotely like this. I think a valid answer is that no matter what I have to do with my mom B, meaning G, how fat my mom is, honestly, you should know your multiplication tables and basic math and all that. I would say that until algebra I never used cosines. I mean, yes, I've had to do simple algebra equations sometimes. I was never very good at math, but I've been fine in life without knowing much, but I mean, you should still learn, but. Some of that is very unnecessary, okay, I think most people know that our substitute chemistry teacher was slowly writing endgame spoilers on the board every time we talked, oh no, they're pretty close, turn your nose down, You know what's next after that, okay, all that silly kid. thick and all the right places, jokes on you kids, I'm an adult so I went to the Thursday night premiere warning that if I hear even one spoiler for the end of the game, half the class randomly chosen tossing a coin he will immediately fail my class, he doesn't even make up lies to be funny I don't want to hear a word about it since you missed your teacher oh that must be horrible it's like the teacher can't go see the movie until the weekend I don't want to hear spoilers I don't want to hear you talk about it, even if I hear you mention it, you know this is also especially bad for me and it used to happen all the time, but every time a new movie comes out, then I have a video uploaded that day and then I would be just reading the comments because you know I always want to hurt your comments, your likes and stuff, then I see that comment or several comments with spoilers like I've been spoiled.
I read my Carmen a lot so now every time a new movie comes out I mean I usually try to go the first night but if I don't like it I completely avoid any comments I don't want to risk it I don't want to listen to it it just completely ruins the movie and that's it like when i get pampered it's like all i can think is can i say will i ever be able to since everyone washes off the end of the game? Then I will die. I wasn't spoiled for it, but I was spoiled for literally every Star Wars movie and it's like I was all I could think about for the entire movie.
I wonder: when will this happen? You know why? I think it's even worse when it's a fake spoiler and you just think about it throughout the entire movie and then it's like that didn't even happen. I just like to go to the list of movies without knowing anything. This school has a whole new IMAX classroom and they


all the boxes with duct tape and made a hamster wheel like it's a functional hamster wheel, they might actually like to come in and roll into the trash where they belong because PC master-race just kidding but we'll take it to the trash but this was just an easier way. funnest way to take them to the trash vegans are like they really make umbrellas I don't have an umbrella and I bring an umbrella I don't have an umbrella well it's a shame we will use umbrellas because the boxes are not umbrellas very human the vegan recyclable approach some schools really have zero trust in their students.
I don't blame them though, but this is crazy and this is what makes people watch the 5 minute craft videos on how to trick this genius math teacher who made this. complete equation solve x no way news for which is about half-time for the entire term, so I guess everyone should know me somehow. Let's do a simple test. Which of the following photos is me? Basically, which of these guys who look a lot alike is him? Where did you find three other guys who look alike? like him, I mean there are some people who literally never make eye contact with the teacher, they could go half the semester and not know what this guy looks like, I mean all these guys have glasses, they all have similar hair, two of them look very, very similar.
I'd have a lot of fun rating this, let's see who really knows me, but if I take one of those quizzes, I'll tell my kids this was Sniper Wolf. My English teacher put this on the clock during finals. Time is passing, is that you? It's literally so annoying that every time you look at the clock you don't know what time it is, you don't know how much time has passed because I've been sitting here for 25 years taking this damn test, some teachers go crazy. lengths, just no one cheats, we have to make sure no one cheats, like if you took an exam and they put folders like this, everyone could just look at their work, but you know what the flaw of this method is, who knows behind What could you be hiding? the folder you could have notes, you could have that eraser that stands up and then there's the notes, I don't know, you can have your phone and a secret compartment on your desk just with that bad boy Google and it's equal to MX plus B this.
The teacher put a picture of him on the glass of his door, so when you want to go in to ask for help, feel free to talk to the man at the window, no one listens to you, but I hope it makes you feel better, what do you expect do? I don't get paid enough for this and then this teacher sitting on top of the filing cabinet knows that's the door, he's sitting on the door, ask me, sir, are his bells okay? It looks painful, he is literally sitting on top of the door, Diana chair. I have to make sure I got the upper hand.
Make sure none of you hooligans cheat. However, someone managed to see his photo. They know those things they put in a horse. I think it's like the sign of what I saw. like you know what, let's do this to the kid so he can't cheat, they made a paper headband, they put two papers on the side, oh this is like a perfect opportunity, like writing all your notes on the side of the paper . So you see, I'm just trying to find ways to fix all of this, but you also waste trees and look stupid in the process.
Don't use the boxes. This is something that several schools do. What they have to bring. Costco box from home and then you put it on your head while you take a test and then the teacher, who will walk back and forth, will make the rounds of it. He's like the movie guy. Have you noticed that in every movie theater I've ever been to? there's someone who comes in, walks to the top, looks around for a few seconds because he's sure you didn't smuggle your own bag of Skittles, and then climbs down and leaves. Here we have the old quiz wall shaming so anyone who doesn't put their name on their test ends up on this wall it's like a mug shot I forgot something about Barry Bob the quiz mom will be very disappointed in me this kid fell asleep in class history and the teacher got down on the floor and tied his shoes together, oh I hope you have someone watching your back, watching out because I didn't get them, he'll just trip and then that's a big demand, trip me and see what happens, why don't they serve coffee in school then the kids won't sleep like it's that simple this principal thought of a cool fundraiser stick your teacher to the wall the day for a dollar you get a piece of duct tape that's a lot of tape there It stays as comfortable as a bug on a rug in this low-walled cocoon of yours.
That's how they come up with your final exam. they gave them a bacon the asshole for a few weeks my music teacher posted this today please ask to play the piano unless you're Mozart but I know you're not Mozart because he's dead stupid kids get your hands off my keys but of Anyway, that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this video, probably the craziest thing your teacher has ever done. You guys enjoyed this video, make sure it's that light fight. Make sure you turn off notifications today. Click Add. Subscribe to Wolfpack. I love you guys so much.
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