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Surviving a Cage of Death!

May 31, 2021
- Alright guys, today we are in Darwin, Australia, preparing to visit Crocosaurus Cove. Crocosaurus Cove is actually a place I've followed on Instagram for several years, I've always wanted to come here to enter this giant cylinder, where you're in the water with the crocodile. (dramatic, upbeat music) (dynamic jungle music) The most feared animal in all of Australia is undoubtedly the saltwater crocodile, but fear often arises as a result of something we don't understand. Since 2008, Crocosaurus Cove has been on a mission to educate the public by alleviating the bad reputation these prehistoric reptiles have. It seems extreme, but sometimes the best way to face your fears is to come face to face with them, and while they proudly display a large collection of Australian reptiles, they are famous for their main attraction, the Cage of Death.
surviving a cage of death
Alright, so the guys are getting ready to be the first to enter the tube. - It's a little different, I haven't done this before. - In fact, I'm going to film from outside behind the glass to take pictures of them underwater. Then I'll get into the tube and have my own chance at some epic B-roll. - What is this called again? - Cage of Death. - Oh, Mario. - Yeah? - We are about to enter the Cage of Death. - Nice. - In fact, you're already inside. - Yes. - Very good, here I go. It's going to be a hassle, huh?
surviving a cage of death

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surviving a cage of death...

Oh, it's actually not that bad. - Oh, they're taking us down. - Oh, hey, we're going up, we're not actually going down, I didn't expect that. - I hope this is sturdy. - I see a crocodile. (light suspenseful music) Alright, we're officially being lowered into the water. Nothing goes here in the Cage of Death. - We will enter. This is a little, a little intimidating, I would say. - Yes, the only thing that separates us from the crocodile is the Cage of Death. - The Cage of Death is an impenetrable plexiglass tube. At almost three inches thick, it gives those brave enough the opportunity to enter the water for an unforgettable 360-degree view of the crocodiles.
surviving a cage of death
The saltwater crocodile dominates its environment and has one of the most powerful bite forces on the planet, but it is their stealth and speed that makes them so dangerous. (dramatic, upbeat music) - Oh man! (laughing) Did you feel that? He just totally hit the Cage of Death. - That is a powerful animal, you can see it right there. - AHA. That was crazy. - In their natural environment, they often hide in murky, brackish waters, so seeing them like this in crystal clear waters is quite unheard of and is an experience you can't have anywhere else in the world. (light, suspenseful music) (noisy glass) - (laughs) It's still behind you, Mario.
surviving a cage of death
Oh man! Oh man, that was a good one. - A little scary. - Okay guys, we'll get you up! - Okay, great, thank you. Yes, that's great. - Yes very good. - Man, Coyote will love this. - Alright, let's walk around and see how the guys' diving was, it's hard to take photos from below, but man, I bet they have some good stuff on that GoPro. - I would do it again. Would you come back to this? - Yeah, that was great. - Yeah. - You get up close to these prehistoric predators, I mean, they're huge, you don't really know how big they are, until you're right in their face, in their grill. - Yes. - Big tooth. - And then you can feel the boom, like I can't even get close to the blows they do. - Oh man, this is at least three inches thick. - Yes. - I got you, what do you think?
It was ok? - It was amazing, I loved it! - Great, let's get you out, let's blow up that ladder right in the middle. - Well. - Goes up. (light melodic music) - Hey! - As was? - That was cool, man, that's a big crocodile. - Well, we survived the Cage of Death and now it's your turn. -How were your shots, that's the real question? - Believe it or not. - Yes. - Once you dive in, it's clear. - Yes, there are definitely places where there are not so many teeth marks. - Yeah. - You have to try to find those spots, but there's a really cool reflection that happens, when you're underwater, it almost looks like there are two crocodiles. - Yes. - It's pretty good. - Yes. - Alright, guys, I'm about to get in the water with a huge saltwater crocodile.
This is going to be epic. - Okay, so Mario and I survived the Cage of Death, now we have bigger chambers and it's Coyote's turn. Are you ready, friend? - Enter the Cage of Death. Now, in most cases, I would probably try to go into this water without a


, but that would turn into the bite episode, it would be the last bite episode we did on the channel, so it's actually a little stressful one once he starts to enter the


. (light suspenseful music) Oh, okay, I'm inside the cage. Now what's happening now is that they're slowly lowering me into the water and you can see a huge saltwater crocodile getting into the water with one of the wild ones, absolutely impossible, so this is the best way to do it, Crocosaurus Cove. , one of the coolest experiences you can have with any animal, let alone one of the world's most dominant predatory reptiles, possibly the most dangerous non-venomous reptile that exists on our planet.
I guess this is the moment where they let you hang over the crocodile. I'm literally floating above it. (light, haunting music) Alright, down we go, here we go. The crocodiles that call the Cove home were removed from the wild because they were considered nuisance animals, meaning they were in an area where they could interact with humans. As an alternative to destroying these crocodiles, they were brought here, where they now serve as educational ambassadors for their species. (light and happy music) - Guys, we're on time, say goodbye to the being in the cage! - Alright, there you have it, underwater shots of the saltwater crocodile, they were incredible.
Court! I basically had to like gecko to the bottom of this thing all the time, because the salt water keeps you slightly buoyant. I think I got some pretty good shots, so between Mark, Mario and I, this was the only way to get the best shots of saltwater crocodiles. If you get the chance to visit Darwin, definitely come and visit Crocosaurus Cove, you can enter these enclosures in the Cage of Death with Australia's most dominant reptilian predator, the saltwater crocodile. I'm Coyote Peterson, be brave, stay wild, see you at the next location. Entering the Cage of Death was definitely an experience I've wanted to have since I found Crocosaurus Cove on Instagram and now that I've been in the cage, I can promise you that it's an encounter you'll never forget. (dramatic film music) If you ever find yourself in Darwin, Australia, be sure to book your dive in advance by visiting their website or if you just like amazing crocodile pictures, be sure to follow them on Instagram.
Mark, Mario, Trent, you three will have the opportunity to compete in the biggest competition of all time. (upbeat, melodic music) What fun is making s'mores, unless you're brave and go a little wild? - Coyote, he's an outdoors guy, so I'll try to make adventure-themed s'mores. (light jungle music)

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