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May 13, 2024
barcel and your real food at school all the food groups that's what she has to do she was on that I need a grain so I'm going to make quinoa for my dairy I'm going to make string cheese this one is perfect and it's organically raised, which is much better for cows in terms of protein. Sometimes I like tofu, so I will try to find it and give it to you together, I love you with the worst. You know, one day a boy can break your heart. I won't do it. break their hearts that's my girl or you'll never be able to date anyone now I'm going to break a lot of people's hearts there will be a video of me saying that and everyone must look sad Jeremy in five years I've broken a lot of yes no because I still you haven't been on a date, you're eating soft and then everything feels soft, silky and tofu is good for smoothies, although greek yogurt for breakfast, do you know what I add to it? sliced ​​raw almonds, yes we heard, uh huh and peaches. yeah, we're so healthy, oh my gosh, you're so cool because you're making me lose five pounds too.
surprising my daughter with taylor swift shopping haul
OMG, I actually know what I'd love to have for lunch every day. Seriously, I'm freaking out over Taylor Swift because we're running out of time, so I have a plan. I'm going to the stadium, see if I have tickets at the stadium, so I know who to call to make the last round of Salish avocado rolls three hours before the concert starts. at Sofa Stadium trying to buy two tickets   this is my last chance let's see what happens is there any chance you have extra tickets for tonight ok we'll have fun maybe I'll see you there now I have to go


to get some more clothes back for school because I don't think I have enough and I have a special guest, can you guess who it is?
surprising my daughter with taylor swift shopping haul

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surprising my daughter with taylor swift shopping haul...

Okay, the final piece is that we need a really good back to school outfit. Okay, so I can take you


today. ready, yeah, let's do it first, first, you don't want to embarrass me, but you want to have a lot of energy, no, that's too low, yeah, okay, come on, bye guys, look how big they are, I mean, they're kind of shrimpy, but It's okay, you will grow. I don't know how the training is going. I'll take this one and then this one okay, there you go and then I'll pick one. Let's go with the white horse.
surprising my daughter with taylor swift shopping haul
Thanks thanks. I'm like a complete Swifty at the moment, is there any chance you know anyone who has extra tickets? Can I have your tickets? Thanks, it's a joke, a total joke. I would never accept your tickets. I'll give this to the sailors if she ends up here, oh. OMG, everyone is giving me bracelets. Oh wow, I have a plan. I'm giving away half of these to see if I can get tickets that way. What I have to make sure is that I don't accidentally give away my dad's bracelet that Salish made. For me, that would be a disaster.
surprising my daughter with taylor swift shopping haul
Are all these people here to kick me out? I like sweatshirts. You want to wear a sweatshirt on the first day of school. This is nice on the first day of school. Yeah, no, you want to impress your teachers. Say look. this no, let's make sure it's the right trust in the summer 34,000 on StubHub yeah, that's what we're dealing with here today Andrew, as any of you know, anyone with extra tickets, this is a long shot, serious action from Swifty here oh my god the triplets are There's any chance you had two more and they canceled and you have two extra tickets enjoy the concert.
Hopefully I'll greet her there tonight someone took her shirt and cut along the neckline and here it looks so cute, no wait. Is that how you are with Doug? He just discarded all of his ideas. We need three blouses. Dressed for the first. No, she left. Does anyone have extra tickets? I need additional tickets for me and my


. I want to be a good father, last chance for the summer. Memories, someone, extra tickets, I'm desperate, I'm going to cry, okay, thank you for your attention, tights, okay, with this kind of shirt and then like a zipper one, yeah, that's really nice.
I think this sportswear feels more like gymnastics, we have to do it back to back again. to school okay back to school do you have any extra tickets? I'm looking for extra tickets, how long have you been here? Hey, we arrived at three. Okay, but do you know anyone with extra tickets? We have extra tickets you. actually I want you to understand that you've been here for hours um okay so do it, do it, that might work so they had extra fines, I'm bad because those girls have been trying for three hours so I just let them.
Get 'em I might regret something in this crowd gives me hope Mom, have you ever worn bell-bottoms? No, I wore pants with embroidery all over them. It was the 80s. Sandy, could you post a photo? No, no, Sandy, no, no, forget it, forget it. Forget it, forget it, there's no photo, so Salish has been saving all summer for her back-to-school wardrobe. I really admire that she wants to buy them herself, it's like a little glimpse into her as a young woman being responsible, it's great, an extra ticket. It's just that a speed dad you're a speed dad I am I'm not really either because I don't have tickets there will be a hundred thousand people at this concert I'm going to talk to each one of them if there's any chance you might know someone I could buy additional tickets on Legally, okay, thank you, they were actually risky tickets, hello, thank you, hello, wait, do any of you have extra tickets, okay, mom, every time you finish the sentence, you have to do it like this, like this, yeah, it I invented like this? pizza, yes, like that, okay, okay, peace, they have two tickets and we have two tickets.
The concert is going to start soon. It's a bummer, I was really excited, but I can't find any entries. She has a sign. She gave me an idea two. tickets for Taylor   Swift oh I guess the Taylor Swift part is obvious, I'm getting desperate, nothing works every time I shop with dad, he gives me a time limit for things, dad has very short attention span and doesn't know how to shop either , the same is true. everyday outfit black shirt jeans exactly wait mom where is dad? I'm really getting sick of my fingers because Jordan got the tickets.
Hudson has no interest in Taylor Swift and Lauren already has plans, so I'd just be me and say tonight, but right now. It's not any of us. I love spending this time with you, so Salish goes ahead and thinks we're here for pants, but I'm going to have him try on as many outfits as possible because I need to kill some time so Jordan can get the one. tickets   I don't know if it's going to happen, honestly I'm starting to lose hope, a few hundred thousand   people. I can't find two tickets, man, this is hard. I was pretty sure I could get them on Ticketmaster, so I was really sure that Someone would know someone and then I was absolutely sure that I would meet them at the stadium and none of that happened.
Someone has tickets, someone has two tickets and we have two tickets. The concert will start soon, I don't even know if there will be enough time for the sales to get here if I have tickets anyway, it's a shame I was really excited but I can't find any tickets. I will continue trying them. Evan is calling me right now. Look, I'm in Sofia. I've been asking for hours, no one has tickets, what about you? I don't know if it's our lucky day. Four tickets just appeared on the website in the third row, about a third of the cost, when we were checking.
Okay, you bought them of course? I have them, where are you? No way I got tickets I got tickets oh my gosh yeah I gotta call Salish Evan came through a famous birthday right now oh my gosh thanks man oh I'm excited I see you guys anyway don't forget your bracelets I have to do it because Taylor is going to freak out she has to hurry she has no idea this is happening wow I think I have I have a school suit if you want to buy any of the products featured in this video we have listed them all in the description okay Mom, this is my outfit, do you like it?
I love it, I love you Mom, thank you for shopping with me, it was so much fun. I think I have enough time to go pick up, say and leave this concert. I have to tell her I hope she's excited Say better girl, she did that Hey, like something big, a big event, so I just got Taylor Swift tickets right now, go put on your favorite dress, yeah, oh my god, oh Oh my god, you really did it. yeah, put on your favorite dresser, I'm coming to pick you up, okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes, she's already running to put on a dress, bye, that made it all worth it, go to my Snapchat stories right now to see us me and Salish. at Taylor Swift concerts

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