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Apr 23, 2024
Today I'm flying to California to spread the word to my



Salish because Jordan Facetimed me yesterday and said this, okay, Hi Nadal, I have an idea for the video. I want your help. Salish has to choose her.



blindfolded, but since that best friend is you, that means you would have to fly here to Los Angeles to make the video, is there any chance you'd be willing to do that? Yes, yes, oh, yes, oh, that's a great idea, okay, actually, it's a lot. of fun, okay, I hope you set it up because it could be a lot of fun, okay, awesome, okay, then this would be great, we'll do both.
surprising my best friend for valentines day emotional
Sales will be delighted. See you soon, see you Jordan, okay with that. With all that said, I'm at the airport right now and my flight is about to board to California right now, so I'll see you when I get there, okay, we ran, we're about to go to the hotel and get ready, okay? We're at the hotel right now, we're about to go to the place I told Jordan to go to meet Salish, okay guys, now we're in the moments Taylor, she'll meet us at we can't continue. a date with Taylor looks like this, yeah, we'll pick you something really nice, a date that said something about a date, oh my gosh, let's just come on, okay, wait, what about this one here?
surprising my best friend for valentines day emotional

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surprising my best friend for valentines day emotional...

It's so strong, guys, look at this, oh, it's perfect. or something other than a prom that's AdWords I think I saw the perfect thing for you oh my god I have to think oh my god they're stupid they're stupid oh I would never win that in a million years oh my god, wait, what's up with these? Like pants are shiny no, they're just black pants what are these khaki pants here what the hell are those no no? I'm going to go, I'm going to go alone and get my own clothes, guys, what's up with this shirt? very nice shirt we have before, okay I'll buy it anyway, I like it guys I couldn't find any pants but this shirt works so I hope she likes it, he doesn't know it yet but I know I'm putting. them in a secret note from the editor of VR Day brings out the word brother oh I got you I got you good stay tuned until the end to see his date and he has to give him whatever we put in this bag okay guys I stole chains of breath even though he's here filming guys she's almost okay hello hello they're coming this is the virtual reality ticket here go bye wait what hey she's coming hide hide hide get off get off huh what am I gonna get here like how I guess hm?
surprising my best friend for valentines day emotional
You're here where you want to go Do you want to go to h m no I don't know or do you want to go to? I have h m there what's wrong with hm do you like h m not okay do you like Zara go hello hello So what are you doing here? Thank you. Okay, I bought you virtual reality tickets. Go play virtual reality with me. Thank you. What are you doing here? You wouldn't be surprised. Well, this is a good surprise. I see you want to play virtual reality, yes. Come on, what happened there.
surprising my best friend for valentines day emotional
I thought we were going shopping for the day Nadal shows up and now she couldn't kill us. She simply left. That is my life. Listen guys, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, no, wow, you're getting weaker. I'm like falling to the ground, right, guys? It seems like something they do when they get married, like at the wedding, they don't like to be left with nothing, okay, look at our secret, ready, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh my God, Jordan. I don't have this light, actually I say dude, we don't trust him, don't you remember you can't see him at all when you're in a competition season, she's taller than you know, it's okay, I'm standing here to catch her never I've trusted this we're going to play the flashbacks every time this has happened on the beach before and I'm always here waiting for him to catch her wait, wait, security, security said we can't. do this, yeah, we just passed by, he said, get her off of me, dude, this is stressing me out, okay, yeah, I'm stressing out too, yeah, you're stressing out, let's put one on each side, all he's doing is look at his hair like it's fine. wow, things on the edge, she's the only one who's okay with this, she's the only one no, no, no, no, actually, it's okay, I can't, can you please, I have a broken foot, oh god mine, okay, we'll never do that? again, unless it's from my video, you guys are ready for your virtual reality day without the virtual reality, a virtual reality date without the virtual reality, yeah, what are you talking about?
What's that? Oh, I'm too clean, oh, look at my dad, he looks so ugly right now, not like this. oh like that, yeah, like that, okay, don't do it right, oh yeah, bye guys, bye guys, okay, I'm accompanying how it was that was so good, so good, it was so crazy, you always need to be behind me, whoa, what was that move? Well, at least it was the first time look how horrible it is to walk there. Does not like. Go. He hates it. Actually. Look. Look. Maybe he doesn't seem to hate it. He doesn't hate it.
And yes, after eating. It's okay, you know. to get you a birthday gift oh yeah oh yeah you can use my credit card and you can go wherever you want you have a limit of two hundred dollars here come on come on so she'll let you go buy a birthday present for yourself. oh, she gets anything under 150. I want frozen yogurt, honestly, safe here, actually, yeah, okay, come on, okay, wait, wait, what are you saying? Are you saying that's what she pays? She loves it. Paid. How do you feel now? paid no you don't love it you act like you're afraid to eat something off the floor now hey eat it okay it's not like this is the fifth try but yeah okay what are you doing?
Oh, let's go abroad.

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