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I Surprised My BESTFRIEND With This...

Apr 30, 2024
What's up guys today? I'm in Santa Monica and I have great news for you. I'm moving back to California for the summer and the first person I need to meet is my best friend Salish, oh yeah guys I forgot to mention that. I have a big surprise for Salish at the end of the video, so stay tuned for the end of the video, so since I haven't seen her in a while, let's go get some gifts. Well, we were looking for things for hours. that she would like that she doesn't like sweets because she is a vegetarian and apparently they have gelatin yes, she is strange because she doesn't eat meat, so I decided that the best thing is to buy us matching sweatshirts, well, after searching for hours and hours and hours. finally we found these shooties, I think sales will like them,


is what it looks like, okay,


is what the hoodie looks like, it's actually cool, it's very comfortable, so I hope she likes it, okay, now let's go get a sandwich with a hoodie, okay guys?
i surprised my bestfriend with this
I just got to Salish's house, she has no idea I moved here so let's see what she thinks, hopefully it won't be like in the window, oh she runs, runs, you don't want her to see us. I'm here to spend the summer. Here for the shower, yeah I can't even surprise you, wait, really, yeah, this is the best surprise you've ever seen, wait, why are there so many boxes we're moving? You haven't seen the new house. No, come on, come on, let's analyze your fish, okay? First of all, why are your pants like Dusty? Oh God, um, I don't know.
i surprised my bestfriend with this

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i surprised my bestfriend with this...

I wish I could tell you where my shirt is, yeah, okay, wait, add the microphone, oh my God, oh my God, give me the microphone, oh I can give you some. boost right there, that's right now because they give you like an inch boost this is so cute, they're giving you a boost for me, that's so cute, these are really cute, okay anyway, let's see that, Okay, okay, I have a big surprise. for you, but first take a tour of the house, okay, the front row is my dad's office like a full size closet, so he's doing all the voiceovers, he can be really quiet and I don't have to wake up in the middle and then here.
i surprised my bestfriend with this
It's like this thing in the yard and those trees are going to be about 40 or 50 feet, well, this is the elevator and it's a really good elevator, it's good, it's an elevator. I'll show you later and we'll get into it and then this is it. the garage that is the brush, then here is the dining room that we are probably going to convert into my mother's office. Here we are going to put a table right there and a television right there. We could put a pool right there. We'll put up a supportive chair once you have too big a hot chocolate.
i surprised my bestfriend with this
Yeah, we're going to get like a reel, so it won't be too big. It's like a jacuzzi. Did you see a reel? It's a shine, oh, but yeah, that's the backyard. We weren't kidding, right, cool, the elevator I guess so, no, okay, we need an elevator in our house, okay, this is really cool, I love it, this is so sick, bro, we gotta get through, let's get it an elevator. Okay, this is the upstairs, so this is the bathroom. Listen, because they have a waterfall right there, so if you're quiet you can hear it awkwardly. You are in silence.
Okay, so if you give me a house to work with, it's surprise time. get a surprise here you go it's a magical sweatshirt I'm putting this on right now I don't care I'm putting it on there's nothing right now let's not subscribe I'm putting it on oh yeah that's what this is rice it's so cute I think This might be a little tiring, but I mean, he's really cute, okay, now open up, that's two tickets, yeah, okay, but now we have to get swim shorts, come on, look at those pimples on his forehead, no, You're not, oh yeah.
I need a perfect swimsuit, would that be good for you? They're so cute, okay, come on, oh, how are you, how are you tired? We're up all night and then you sleep until too. Oh yes, exactly what I did, yes, I was crying, we have. to find a shirt of the same color, okay, so I go, I mean blue, okay, we'll get yours for me, okay, but don't say, okay, you know my dad had a meeting with very important people and he did well and now to explain what it was, oh my God, and no, no, just use those pink ones, those pink ones and um, thank you, we're fine, wow, dad, you didn't give me anything, dad, if we start with God Okay, we have our matching shirts, okay.
I finally found our matching t-shirts. Now it's time to go to the water park. See you tomorrow, thanks.

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