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Jun 01, 2021
Later in this video, oh, this is a juicy question. Who is cosmic pop? Smash that flash pop. I'm 24 years old. I'm powerful. I want pop. I'm a pop watcher. And we are today. We are in majesty the spaceship and. We are going to do the





which sounds really fun, but how does it work? First, one of us is going to read a question about ourselves, yes, and the


girls have to try to get it right and then The winner is the person who answers the most correct questions about their


s, and the loser is the person who answers the least. .
super pops who knows each other best best friend tag totally tv challenge
They will have to take a truth serum and reveal their deepest, darkest secret. What state am I from? Oh, I know this one. I know yes, we are roommates, yes, this is an assumption, so why don't you also not know very well? Feel free to play along at home, but you might also learn something new about all of us for the next one. Time to play, are you ready? Yes, I'm from Connecticut. Well, here it goes. Oh, this is a juicy question. Who is the right cosmic pop? Well, but don't tell anyone at home and don't tell this person. just don't worry hello just to know that I saw some doodles of Thaksin asleep so oh oh no I'm really looking, here we go, one, two, three, it's spa, oh, I knew he was your celebrity, uh-oh, do you love harry? style just me put bye bye bye okay what is power pop imeem favorite?
super pops who knows each other best best friend tag totally tv challenge

More Interesting Facts About,

super pops who knows each other best best friend tag totally tv challenge...

I think so, but there are many options, oh, I have an idea, why don't we just go down the line and all reveal one by one, okay, flash? first I think it's pumpkin soup oh I think it's tomato soup so I think it's tortilla soup with an exclamation point. I think it's baked potato soup with bits of bacon, cheese and chives. You're making me hungry. How many siblings does Crystal have? pop, how many br


s are there? Actually, I don't know, me neither, but this is what this game is so fun, we can learn new things about


other, hey, you can't use your powers during this game, okay, no, I see. guys I can turn them on I can turn them on I swear I'm not cheating it's good on the line again yeah please do everything right here we go flash just kid three four four one five the biggest o the youngest is right in the middle.
super pops who knows each other best best friend tag totally tv challenge
Well, it's my turn, you guys are ready, yeah buddy, I'm curious to see how well you email me. This is a difficult task. What is your favorite electro pop subject at school? Yes, this one because I'm a roommate and she always keeps going. I wish everyone could have done it. As fun at school as you are, yes, really, and you're good at all subjects, oh, you must like talking about these things at lunch. I'm thinking about this. Okay, let's move on. Yes, let's do it. I said physics, I said all, I said physics, it's really hard for me to choose what Flash Pop's favorite candy is.
super pops who knows each other best best friend tag totally tv challenge
They feel like so many humans told them my favorite candy in a previous episode, we should go from the other extreme. time, oh yeah, okay, this is a guess. I think Flash likes our stuff, so he said Sour Patch kids. I said M&Ms because she's not sweet haha. I said Laffy Taffy because I think she's funny. That time I said dark chocolate. Oh me. I love dark chocolate. I love all those things, but my favorite is Pocky, yeah, okay, what's Cosmic Pop's favorite hobby? Now guys, think about this. I know there's some obvious hobby, something you like to do in your free time, something fun to do with your powers, what do you think is cool in the future?
Yeah, starting over here, yeah, okay, oh, last minute, I guess shopping, oh, good choice, oh, I guess she's struggling with a lot of question marks, she's always juggling in our bedroom, but In reality, what was power? Daddy's favorite animal, I know this one, y'all, he makes one of these on his door, oh yeah, but sometimes it's in the closets like hidden, but sometimes she brings it out, it's so cute, that's when I scared, okay, okay, okay. I guess I hope I do well. Guys, what is your favorite animal? Let us know. Yeah, okay, let's go down the line starting with Flash.
Well, I said something fast like a cheetah. Oh, I said elephant because they are strong and very cute, I thought, Scheana. - because they are almost yellow and I think it is the elephant he has in his room, it is a cute elephant, now he has big ears and lungs and there is a strong and powerful costume, let's do the


we can as an elf, a print ready, one, two, three, okay, okay. It's my turn to go crazy, villagers, what is Crystal Pop? Her favorite


power, think about this, she has some different powers, you guys, she has invisibility, invisibility, she could freeze things, huh, and she can freeze time, very different, yes, great, they are all great. one third chance okay here I know it's good on the line genuine flash I want to hurt I think the coolest one is frozen time oh I think it's frozen ice powers I guess frozen time I think that frozen time, I wish I had that power because I'm always late and I need extra time to do things, maybe what is it, it's really cold, but I can do that.
I know I'm not amazing. Don't you ever wish when you're in a really good moment? Well, you don't want it. I don't have to wish it because you can do it but when you're in a really good moment you can just freeze time yeah okay guys ready yeah yeah my question is what is a water pop my favorite book it really helps be your roommate for these. type of questions it's almost not fair it's so nice there you know so many books I know and I'm always reading this is complicated I have a head and then I forgot I think I know this one but there are so many I also read a lot, like the annuals.
I like reading manuals. I like reading instruction manuals. pirate you know a lot of words so I said the dictionary I love the dictionary so John has gold edges I love them I said The Wizard of Oz Oh Mike the ruby ​​red slippers like your outfit I was deciding between two but I also said Wizard of Oz I said Alice in Wonderland Wonders I wasn't too sure button so I like Alice in Wonderland but I love the crow it's like us friends are embarking on an adventure I love that yes, okay, this is my last question and the The judges are saying that this round is for double play.
Well, I hope you understand this, which is Flash Pop's favorite Christmas movie. I think I know this is the one I decorate the most. Oh well, it was a good success. Ready, yes. we got online from Elektra, okay, I said Christmas because it's bright, I said Halloween, my setup is fine, why did you say Halloween? Because I know she's been talking about getting ready for Halloween, that's all I know her for, yeah I said Halloween because she decorates it every year and she's really cool. I also said Halloween. Guess what Christmas was fun too, but on Halloween you get a lot of candy.
What is your favorite costume? It was me. Yes, I was a Velma from Scooby-Doo. Okay, it's my turn. Who is your favorite cosmic pop music artist? Oh, easy to hum the song, yeah, I think I know this one for sure. I love this person so much. I think he's an amazing songwriter and there's something about it that's really catchy if we keep going. yeah, that's Taylor Swift, I said to her widow, I said T Swift, I said oh my god, what are you watching this video? What if it's amazing? Maybe you guys could make it too wet together.
Okay, relax. I mean, I know Taylor will have to do it. wait till you see what it is power


favorite spoon oh it's helping you at all my favorite sport is not a mere hobby but my favorite sport is shopping it's a very demanding sport you have to look at those bags okay? when you're ready ready go first okay roommate I think it's volleyball I think I said soccer it might be I said basketball I said basketball and volleyball use the power wait let's make a better one oh sorry I said basketball because you played in the first episode, but you know.
You're some kind of spirit and everyone's going to be okay, let's see what's next. Hey? A new language is just crystal accessories. Speak how many languages ​​you speak at home. A boat. He also says wrong. What did you say? I said I. I can speak French I'm baking I'm not good I'm going to have some mini I know okay let's do it right I'm going to show what you got I said three mmm I said - I said - - I also said three hey can you say um



we can't stop , yeah, sure, super punches, there are no nose witnesses, but you'll have to t


us, I mean, we'll do it in Spanish Four Tops, no nose is better, this is super potterson, ooh, that looks wet is that ah once again super pops when I said uh-oh last question for triple boys and the game will end after this so this determines who loses my question is what is Electra pop's favorite cartoon I think we have watched it together when she is not studying or fighting Crime I haven't watched cartoons in a long time okay let's start with flash I said Steven Universe um Pinky and the Brain I said thinking about the Brain I said SpongeBob this isn't an episode where I ever thought. butterfly culture, yeah, I love the spawn drop, I love the Steven universe, but it's, oh man, someone else has revealed a super dark secret and you guys leave me, oh, do you have a lot of secrets?
Crystal I guess they'll find out, oh I have a lot of secrets. oh, don't talk, but now maybe you'll find out later, you guys already found out the person I like, so our scores are fine. I got eight, not as many as I thought I got eight, although I got 14 and 11.5. I got seven, oh that's it. okay, but you have to reveal a super dark secret about what if it's embarrassing that they're my friends. I don't need a serum to tell you the truth. Oh, my deepest, darkest secret is that I still have a security blanket.
Oh yes, that's it. my favorite blanket and color is blue, yes, a secondary side that is great, is a baby. I kind of remember being able to sleep with a stuffed elephant. I have a special pillow that I've had since I was little. It is normal. Not that. Yes. You have I have a secret, whatever makes you feel comfortable and happy, yes, but you can't tell anyone, okay, of course not, so yes, you're right, do you think he promised at home the promise of the pinky that looks like our CEO and thank you very much for watching this?


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We want to keep you informed. and you gotta like this yeah two thumbs up okay guys thanks for tuning in ready super pops you can't stop us.

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