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Sunak hasn’t got the guts to leave ECHR and stop the boats, claims Farage

Jun 28, 2024
The rest of the parties and indeed the people of Northern Ireland, today the front page of Telra says "T white out" and "it will be t white out" because people have lost so much faith and so much trust in them and They, frankly, betrayed the vote they got in 2019. "I betrayed the Brexiteers and they betrayed me, who stood by on 320 seats because I wanted Brexit to get over the line, so once people realize that Labor is going to win, I will tell Conservative voters that this is the only chance they have. You have to vote with your heart to vote for what you really believe.
sunak hasn t got the guts to leave echr and stop the boats claims farage
We know who the government will be. Who do you think would best oppose the Starma government in the House of Commons? European Union on the issue of immigration and illegal immigration, where the obvious six key priorities that launched those words were not even mentioned and who do you think would best defend British small businesses and the subject of my visit today to Captain Hall , who best defends the interests of our rural communities too, is it me or is it a divided Bally conservative party who seem to hate each other and be divided? And I will say to Labor voters when the time comes, you guaranteed this huge majority. you guarantee that the first to get through the postal system, even if he gets 38% of the votes, could get 70% of the seats and by the way, the demand for electoral reform and change after this general election will be total and absolutely un


pable and I will do it. we will lead that campaign across the country, so we are in a very strong position, we have momentum, we are mobilizing strongly and there has been some talk today of people betting that we have had a personal protection bodyguard with a prime minister and party official, a Conservative party candidate, all of whom made money from it being an early election, it seems.
sunak hasn t got the guts to leave echr and stop the boats claims farage

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sunak hasn t got the guts to leave echr and stop the boats claims farage...

Although the corruption within that organization may be deeper than any of us have realized, but I like to make a bet, so I will gladly tell the owners and bosses of savant surveys more in common surveys if they want make a bet with me if you think we are going to win those seats I will make a bet that we are going to win seats and frankly I think I am quite prepared to take the biggest bet of my life because we will do it now today we have K Arma and we've got Richy Sunak, these inspiring figures who are going to be talking about housing, they're going to be talking. about homelessness they're going to talk about the lack of affordability of housing and labor they're also going to talk about rents.
sunak hasn t got the guts to leave echr and stop the boats claims farage
I wonder if any of them will say, but the British population has increased by 10 million people since Tony Blair came to power. and 6 million of that has happened since 2010, when Corby Dave became our Prime Minister. 85% of that 10 million increase is directly the result of sacrosanct and irresponsible policies on legal immigrants and, for that matter, illegal immigrants as well. I bet it, I bet it to the last penny. on Lombard Street to an orange that neither of us makes the connection between homelessness and the population explosion the demographic crisis that we are all experiencing just think about this just the code with legal net migration we have to build a new home every two minutes in this country a new home needs to be built every two minutes just to cope with the ones that are arriving, let alone the backlog of waiting lists, and when it comes to social housing, people are left on the waiting list for one year and 18 months. sometimes more, and you know, there are so many people with small children who live in quite cramped conditions with their parents because they literally have nowhere to go, and yet we find that on many of those lists priority is given to people with No There is absolutely no connection with this country.
sunak hasn t got the guts to leave echr and stop the boats claims farage
I bet none of them mentioned that and even on rents, rents have increased since 2021 by between 20 and 30% depending on where you live in the country and now a large number of people live in rented accommodation and particularly. Young people now spend more than half their after-tax income somewhere, uh, you know, staying, so, as I say, I doubt they'll make those arguments, I'll make them. I'm going to go crazy later very It's a symbol of a seat on the red wall, you know, Labor moves on it in Blackpool, suddenly the Conservatives win in Blackpool South and one of the things that really bothers those voters It's that we really thought with Brexit and with Boris Johnson's Premiership, we really thought what they had told us. it would mean we would take back control of our borders and what has happened well since the beginning of 2020.
I was out in the English Channel filming the s b asking why the broadcasters are not covering this story. Why don't the newspapers cover this story? and I think, to be honest, the success he was getting on YouTube and elsewhere. I think I bullied the media into covering the story and predicted large numbers would come. I said there was danger of an invasion. Oh, what a terrible human being! I am such a terrible human being, how dare I use that word Invasion? It's wrong, it's out of context. Well, 4,000 votes and 140,000 people later. I wonder what word I should use. people crossed the English Channel more than 90% of them young men young men without documentation young men in many cases coming from countries that are at war or that have gone through Wars coming from countries in which terrorism is R coming from countries where there is violence and gangs The culture is too prevalent and comes from countries that do not even consider women good enough to be second class citizens and that have been stripping away their iPhones and passports and throwing them into the English Channel as soon as how they reach 12 miles. line that makes it devilishly difficult for us to actually check who they are or if they have a serious criminal record.
Isn't it just the £8 million a day we spend on hotels that is so frustrating and isn't it just that? who come and are immediately taken into drug trafficking or other illegal activities and it's not just those who have scoffed and oh, remember Richy said we were going to arrest people before the planes went to Rwanda in July? Do you remember that? Well, I can tell you that every one of them has been granted bail and that most of them will be stoned, but what I'm really going to say later today is that this is a National Security emergency, it can't be any other and there is James, cleverly Home.
Secretary cleverly, I have never met anyone else inappropriately, names and says: can you imagine what it would be like if K was at number 10, but what mom would be like if you weren't at number 10, it can hardly be worse than it has already been voted? for us we will


the boots, says the bold shoemaker Su, as I already said, even those who were chosen to go are fleeing and we will never send any place to Rwanda, we will never send anyone to Rwanda for all the time. while we are part of a court based in Strasbourg that was created with the best of intentions immediately after the Second World War with the enormous support of people like Winston Churchill, okay, but that court is now activist, that court has become interventionist. court that is no longer fit for purpose and that court that says we can't control our own borders, who could be here and who we can get rid of, it took us 10 years to get rid of Abu Kat because of the human rights law, so are we clear. and unequivocally, of course, the high court loves all these international courts and does not have the


to deal with it because it was the FID its own party, but we are clear that we must


the European Court of Human Rights and recover.
Control talking to you Churchill there was a letter sold at auction in London yesterday a letter written by Churchill when he became a cabinet minister after the 1986 general election and he wrote to his former mass teacher and said you are the only one person who has inspired me. pursue a subject that I naturally did not like and it is thanks to you sir that I managed to pass my exams to enter Sandest and become an army officer and it is thanks to you that I am here now as a cabinet minister and the The letter was property from a reformist member of Essics who came to see me a couple of weeks ago and said: "You know, would you make it as a gift on behalf of the party for the party?", so yesterday we sold it at auction in London for a little more of £. 17,000 has come into the party funds and it is very generous of our fellow member to say that I only take one more thing about the church or the family, a member of the church or the family, now not Nicholas SS and others, but a member of the church family is Jamie. the Duke of mbra and the Duke of mbra go to ladies' day like today now I could have been on L's day but C Hall was infinitely I tell you it looks a lot cheaper anyway how fun so JB the N is receiving a Royal today and will appear in the royal enclosure wearing a UK reform rosette.
His great-nephew is there publicly, very proud to support the party, but I want to finish by saying something about rural England, around 15% of our country's population. They live in rural or semi-rural Ral areas or communities and tend not to play a particularly important role in our national debate. Now they did, of course, in the early Blair years when the hunting bill took up more than 600 hours of parliamentary time and is an issue about which passions run incredibly high on both sides but we never discussed agriculture Pol we didn't discuss on agricultural policy for half a century was not necessary because our agricultural policy was decided in Brussels we were members of the common agricultural policy and therefore agriculture was never an electoral issue because it was not something over which the British government frankly had any say or power, but agriculture has become an increasingly important political issue in this country.
I think we must frankly thank Jeremy Clarkson for raising the issue. The agriculture profile knows how to get people thinking and talking about rural issues and liking the fact that what they do well is so hard for no one to do well. It is not like this? But throughout Europe, of course, agriculture has become a huge political problem. with farmers' protests and farmers' strikes and blocked roads and the French rebelling, the French are rebelling, they could, they really could have rebelled in this general election, you see, but we haven't had much debate on any of these issues in this election.
Overall, it's almost as if the 15% that live in rural communities are not part of that national conversation, so you know, my cards are very clearly on the table. I have lived all my life in rural southern England, in fact I still live in the same village. where I was born so I have that sense of being rooted I have that sense of community and for me family community country these are the things that matter these the essence I think about what the reform of the United Kingdom represents these are our values ​​these are our principles but so far it's been very confused since brex Boris Johnson gave a speech that even by his own standards was completely ridiculous when he spoke at the Conservative Party Conference, I think it was four years ago, and he was talking about agricultural policy now that we were out of the European Union. he said we are going to recover 30% of the English countryside, we are going to rebuild beavers.
We run all over the country, whether we like beavers or not. I mean, you know what, I don't have a beaver. iners or something like that, but the idea that 30% of agricultural land would be scrapped as agricultural land, yeah, and then rebuilt, um, was what I wanted to do as Prime Minister if I can't think of a government that has done more to repress food production in this country than the conservative party since 2019 but now there are general elections Richie Suac invites all farmers to number 10 for a couple of cookies and says I am on your side the workers have almost nothing to say about it he actually did it himself I grew up in rural areas and even worked on a farm for a while but they don't say anything about it but it's also the controls on agriculture through the Net Zero agenda and that's what's driving people crazy European farmers and their impositions do not. not only with CO2, but with nitrates and many other things and, of course, we all want to have a well-managed environment, we all want great biodiversity and I am a big supporter of what I call comprehensive agriculture, which means that 15% of the farm would be hedge banks that we wouldn't know last year were near watercourses.
These are the sensible things we can do to maintain relatively high yields, but they have also increased biodiversity, so I want to do these things. and do it sensibly and you know, those of us who fish and those of usthat we shoot, you know we want as many animals in the wild for obvious reasons as possible, we are real defenders of our rers of our covers of our heads and all that stuff, so Net Zero is raising huge inquisitions about British agriculture and it is There needs to be a proper debate about it, but you also know that millions of us go to the countryside for pleasure, we come to places like Cat Hall where we can shoot. either we can get our bearings or we can do a multitude of things and we face the prospect of a Labor government and the discussions about the hunting bill have gone away, you know, everything I think about that legislation is no longer relevant because it's gone. the gang has been around for 20 years but we now know that even trail hunting has been banned and the Labor government is talking about making it illegal for a dog or pack of dogs to track a trail while you follow on horseback and frankly , is an imposition of the personal freedom of people, whether they are rural or city dwellers, who go out on the weekend and it is a huge step too far.
I am also concerned about a number of EU directives and regulations on shotguns and ammunition that are still going down the pipeline and it seems to me that the imposition on the lives of people living in rural England, the reduction, the reduction of options regarding how they can live their lives, it's something we should stand up and fight against, you know, I may not agree with your hobby sir, but I think you have the right to follow it and do whatever you want, that's a small thank you, so I hope there is some discussion about agriculture.
I hope there will be some discussion over the next few weeks about food. production I hope there is some debate about whether the Net Zero agenda is actually causing an enormous amount of harm for very little good and I could go on, of course, talking about growing biofuels, I could go on about importing wood and Burn Fire Power Station There are all kinds of things we could debate about this, but you know one, it felt important to me that I said something about defending the rural lifestyle. I think that's very, very important, so it's going to be another busy day.
It's going to be another crazy couple of weeks. Fortunately I have gotten used to living on 4 and a half hours of sleep a day and feel younger than my 60 years and said there is a big position in line for the next couple. of weeks I promise you and I'm not just saying this, I promise you that anything is possible, there is great support that we have, which is solid as a rock and, by the way, when the poets ask you, you know, conservative. Labor, long live the voters reform voters, you know what their propensity is to vote for you out of 10.
How likely are they to vote? We are far above the other parties, those who have decided that they will support us and be with us, you know they are. eight nines out of 10, yes, they will go on the 4th of July or they will use their postal vote or whatever and that number is much lower than the other parties, which I think is really interesting, but I'm also sorry and He seen this knocking on doors. I've seen it through several extensive investigations in pubs, from top to bottom, until Jo is part of it, but I just know that we are the conversation, we are the I L.
Yesterday I walked into a p Hampshire, the friend. of my races without prior notice I didn't know it was coming I came in, he said my God, he said, you are certainly talking about that, even here there are many, many more millions than the millions who already say that they are going to vote for us with a high certainty to vote there were many, many more Millions who are thinking about it have not yet made up their minds some who are still clinging to the idea that they could vote Conservative and others who say we are going to vote Labor and discuss whether we could we are doing it a lot better than what we are doing now and one last thing that is interesting for years and years.
Well, I started this 30 years ago. I was campaigning on the streets of Easty in an election 30 years ago. I know really Anent and through all those years and all the ups and downs and you met great disappointments but great successes, you know, winning the European elections in 2014 with UKIT, winning the European elections with the Brexit party in 2019 and getting 4 million votes in a general election. and a SE. I have seen all the ups and downs that life in politics can throw at you, but the one thing that Ukip never managed to do and the one thing that the Brexit party never managed to do was reach a significant number of young people and this is fascinating, we are not doing well with the Millennials, the 25 to 35 year olds, that we don't do well with, but with Generation Z, generation Z, the 15 to 25 year olds, something remarkable is happening, I mean, something truly remarkable is happening and our support in that age group is increasing rapidly and i.
I mean, quickly uploading the followers that I have created on Tik Tok Instagram, those types of accounts are amazing and I was even here. I joke against myself. The story came up two days ago and they voted me no. Ask me if you'll vote for me as the sexiest party leader. This may have had to do with revealing my entire body to the world. I don't know. I thought that might put people off, so I told the media guys who did the survey: So maybe I'm not so proud of it, yeah, and the young fans come for us and the football fans in Germany last week, England's first game and today is England's second game and they sent me these amazing Photos of young English youth. football fans wearing


masks not serious from the crowd Ching my name something remarkable is happening out there there is an Awakening in a younger generation who had had enough of being dictated to how they were lectured and are seeing through the nonsense that they are receiving in schools and universities is enough from me, I am sure that you will die by now, but I hope that what I contribute to this campaign and the leadership of this and it is a party but it is a movement, we are a movement, the same passion that I have.
I see in you in this room we are a movement we are a movement for genuine change we do not want the elections in Britain to be just about a change of administration because that is all there is between these two guys we want genuine change reform in everyone levels because we recognize that we are in decline, we are in economic decline, we are in social decline and even a form of moral decline in terms of an understanding of who we are, our past and our hopes for the future and perhaps ourselves. We have even lost touch with the Judeo-Christian roots of everything that was built in this country, so we recognize that Britain is broken and that when the patient is sick there is a solution: radical surgery and those radical ideas when we campaign for them afterwards .
In this general election, when the Conservatives are tearing themselves apart, what's left of them is tearing themselves apart as Labor proved themselves completely incompetent and incapable of solving the very real problems we face of a failed National Health Service and a massive national debt , believe. Our ideas, our radical ideas for change, will become more and more popular, so I simply take the view that the Conservatives deserve to lose the election and Labor don't deserve to win. So we have time for questions as a couple, is that correct? I have to answer some questions please gentleman just shout L please I recently spent seven years working for cchq.
I recently resigned to come and support him. Thank you for being the voice of true conservatives across the country. What would I say to him? the tens of thousands of members of the conservative party look around and think that this party does not represent me. I want something different and they see there's an option here, but they haven't made it yet. You are not right. I made reference to there being There are millions of people, not just Conservatives, but also people who lean Labour, and don't forget that the UK got more Labor votes in 2015 than Conservative votes.
I'm just telling these people that they are wavering and are still part of the Conservative party. party, you know, you don't feel guilty about leaving them, they left you, they left you 14 years of Conservative government and you know they might as well change their name to SDP because they've become a high tax, you know, Low Liberty Mass immigration party who listens to Giant multinational companies have lost touch with the 5 and a half million men and women who run their own businesses or act as Soul Traders they have lost their soul they have lost their soul I think Cameron and Osor have a lot to do with this , that was a direction that they took the party in, so I would just say to these people that look, you know the fact that it's been there for 190 years, it's no longer the purpose that you majority of the party believe in. or the country and that's the question thank you very much Thomas Godfrey from the Sun newspaper I just wanted to read you something that your candidate I'm sorry Heath has said oh election campaign um she I'll read it with a B we've already put this is what I said: we've already been through the Afghanistan war by the Labor party, the Forkland war by the Conservative party and we may not be far away now from another war because obviously we are also supporting Ukraine.
I just wanted to ask, I'm sure not. Do you agree with the suggestion that it was Margaret Fer who instigated hostilities in the country and that it was we, not Argentina or the British public, who will defend British territory? I didn't hear what instigate said she didn't say she said the British public will get over the F War for no, oh thank you, I was confused for a moment, well we could have surrendered to the Argentinians, of course we did. In fact, the cowardly, cowardly old Tonians who surrounded her that day, April 3, 1982, wondered if they would do exactly that and I'm sure the current group would have the chinless wonders of simply Over 40 years ago, no , she made a decision and led us into war, so in terms of complete accuracy, what has been said is correct, the vast majority of the British population supported that decision then and support it now.
A small minority took a very different year, but This is what you know, we have candidates who have different opinions, we are not some kind of absolutist regime where, unless you follow, you know the word of the dear leader, you will somehow be eliminated or You will disappear as a human being. people have different opinions we believe in freedom of speech we believe in democracy and I tell you that the majority of our candidates are a completely decent group of GLS and women we have one or two who cut the network that we seriously disappointed with a commercial company a lot of money for, as you well know, all sides have problems, so as far as we know, none of our candidates are involved in an illegal gambling ring as we speak, first of all, I want to thank you for what you did, both fighting . for Brexit for 20 years, even when it was a political setback.
I'm M from Solo, I'm 20 years old. My whole family talks about a Britain that no longer exists and has been murdered by mass immigration, work and the social T. Decline and I really think you can get it back and I just want to ask why you say there is a Europe-wide movement from the pen of the afd in Germany uh even idiot in Italy Do you think there will be good times on the horizon? Well, I believe the changing times are almost here, as a result of the bad times that have been created by failed governments.
So yes, there is absolutely a huge political shift underway and I think we will see that in the United States down the road. the year too and yes, you are 20 and you are very typical of people. I encountered only one correction that night of January 31, 2020 when we left the European Union. I haven't campaigned for 20 years to believe. In reality there were 27 and we finished. I have other things. I'm sorry. I have other things to do. I would love to come and say Sayo to all of you. I just don't have time. It's good to see some familiar faces from the past and many new faces too and thank you very much for your support.
Let's go out for the next two weeks and spread a message of optimism that we are going to do something extraordinary. We are going to do something historic, we are going to do something that really brings us genuine change. Thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much. If you could ask those people who are running as candidates. come here um and um yeah kind of so thank you so much for coming I really appreciated it um and it's been a good start to the day thank you yeah. Nel will take some photos at the clay shoot in about 10 minutes. time, uh, if you can have a snack and then meet everyone in the tough position at the top of the hill, here say goodbye, yeah.

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