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Suicide Squad - The Worst Superhero Movie Ever Made

May 12, 2024
welcome back to the







, a series in which i reevaluate my personal biases, today is a very special occasion in honor of the new soft reboot of james gunn's



. I guess it's about time I finally tackle the other


. I've been joking since I started this series, now the new one isn't out yet, but I think it looks like it could be pretty good, but I have to see the original first so I can get the full picture and have some context. I've only seen this movie before, I saw it once when it came out and I heard it was bad so I binged it beforehand so I could enjoy it to the fullest and I also turned it off about halfway through so this is mostly going to be a new experience for me oh but real quick this video is not sponsored by anyone but I will warn you that Warner Brothers hates me and some of you already know this but occasionally they make me mute clips or remove them completely if they have any kind of music in the background , so if suddenly the audio cuts out or there is a strange visual error, it's them, not me, I'm just letting them know, so without further ado, let's decide if it's



suicide squad   the worst superhero movie ever made
It really is the






, the first shot of the movie and we have black text on a dark background, that's right honey, today we are watching a really bad movie, so right from the beginning we have one of my things that I they bother in the movie, licensed music. Now, I don't think all licensed music is bad in a movie. I think a lot of movies use licensed music very well, but that's only when the person who made the movie specifically had a certain song in mind for the scene in some movies.
suicide squad   the worst superhero movie ever made

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suicide squad the worst superhero movie ever made...

I can say that the studio just threw music in there for the fun of it in this movie, the music is basically chosen at random, so this first song is House of the Rising Sun, which is about a brothel in New Orleans, I mean , yes they are in Louisiana but that's really as far as it goes, anyway our first main character is Will Smith Kellog's Rice Krispies and I want to say right from the start that I don't think Will Smith fits this role at all. I admit it. Will Smith really. He knows how to get people's asses at the movies, people will go see a movie just because they have him, but every time he plays a grizzled criminal or someone stoic, he always fails because he's like a nice charismatic guy who doesn't I see. will smith as a hard core badass can i go to my room sir don't sit down and right after our will smith performance we get our second licensed song.
suicide squad   the worst superhero movie ever made
We're only a minute or two into the previous song, so I really wish we could space this out a little bit and this song is used to introduce our second main character, Margot Robbie, as the suicidal girl. Now I think it's no secret at this point that Margot Robbie is pretty good at this character now, after watching Birds of Prey. I would say she is the most comedic and accurate superhero movie character, after JK Simmons as J Jonah Jameson. Yeah, I really have no problem saying she's pretty good, and yet I can't imagine anyone else in the role.
suicide squad   the worst superhero movie ever made
There's a big difference in Harley when she's written by a woman, you're so cool, and when she's written by a man, I see where I want, when I want, with who I want. Birds of Prey was made to fix Harley. and distance yourself a little from this movie because if you compare harley in that movie and harley in this movie, she's kind of horrible in this movie, she's not cute or funny at all, so what she says is a lot less bearable, love your perfume, what is that smell of death? Anyway just three minutes later and we have song number three which is sympathy for the devil so far it's a new song every minute that's crazy this song is to introduce our third character Amanda Waller she She is a strict one.
No-nonsense government lady who wants to round up criminals with superpowers and use them for a special task force. Now I'm going to be honest with you real quick. I've been putting off this video for a while because I'm having trouble explaining why this is. The movie is bad and I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't see as many long video essay breakdowns for this movie as I would for say Batman v Superman, although I think this is by far the worst movie. The thing is, you have to see this for yourself to really understand how horrible it is.
It's not like some of the other movies I've talked about in this series, where I can show you a funny clip out of context and that's it. It speaks for itself, this movie is really bad through and through, so far, in the span of four minutes, we get three licensed songs, we're introduced to three main characters, we get multiple flashbacks to Harley Quinn, then flashbacks to Superman's funeral. and also Harley. Quinn does this, the movie has literally just started and it feels like everything is rushed, so five minutes in we have our fourth song, which is our first rap song.
This is another one of my pet peeves, but I hate when a movie has a rap song in it. and it's just to introduce the black character, I don't know, man, come on, this song is to introduce Deadshot for the second time and you can immediately see where Deadpool's inspiration comes into play. Look, I didn't explain it before, but here's the deal. The movie and the reason it feels so weird is because it's basically two movies, it's pretty much the same situation where Joss Whedon's Justice League was cut. This movie was like 90 percent of the way done and then the Warner brothers panicked at the last second and were like this.
The movie is boring and Batman v Superman did very poorly because it was dark and boring and Deadpool did very well and is very popular, but we have to turn this movie into Deadpool now, so they took the movie, cut it up into little pieces and they tried. to make him Deadpool which obviously doesn't work and that's also why Birds of Prey is basically Deadpool for girls so yeah this movie is basically two movies cut into one they reshot and rewritten and reedited a bunch of stuff and it's not as obviously atrocious as justice league, but i think the final product is much messier and more confusing.
I mean, who knows what the movie would have been like if he hadn't done it so much because apparently director David yesterday described his original version of this movie as a moving drama, so anyway, Deadshot is an expert marksman who's just trying to making an honest living as a hired gun and then Batman swoops in and beats him up in front of his daughter, Batman, please don't do it. I didn't kill my dad and now he's in super jail after that, we get our second introduction to Harley and we get our fifth license, the song Super Freak by Rick James Harlequin, I mean, this one technically fits too, she's super weird, I think anything seems unironic to me.
The use of this song is extremely fun. Keep in mind that this movie was originally meant to be a heartwarming drama and it's safe to say that this quick montage of Harley's backstory was meant to be much longer and more fleshed out, but now it's cut into little pieces. With almost all of the dialogue gone and none of the actors' performances shown at all and they just decided to throw in a Rick James song for good measure. I can also say here that Jared Leto's wild card in this movie just doesn't work. He doesn't feel like the wild card at all and I'm fine with different interpretations of comic book characters, especially a character like the wild card.
Heath Ledger's Wild Card doesn't feel like the Wild Card either, but he's doing his thing and it works for that movie. this joker just isn't the joker, he could be any gangster character, he's kind of a jerk, he's not intimidating or creepy, he's like a kid, one of our only scenes with him is a flashback where he tries to go common with Harley and it's so awkward i don't want any meat you don't want bees you don't want any meat you don't want any meat why is this the only scene you decided to keep in its entirety?
What's going on anyway? Batman arrests harley like a dui or something, I don't know, I haven't seen the movie, but now we're less than 14 minutes in and this time we have our fifth montage introducing a fourth character and featuring the sixth licensed song so far. and now we are a minute later, at minute 15, introducing our fifth character with our seventh licensed song and I can't even tell if this song is thematically appropriate or not because this introduction doesn't even teach me anything about this character. Also here is some fun product from the new takes. They say that when this guy was in prison, all the inmates attacked him at once and then he killed them with his fire powers, but I don't know, it doesn't seem like there was anyone near him.
I and then we watch that footage again and we see clearly that no one was fighting him. This is a strange thing for this movie to do. They clearly filmed one thing, but then they rewrote the backstories of these characters, but they didn't change the footage. This movie constantly tells us one thing and then just uses a shot that contradicts what we're told. This movie is so poorly edited that it actively lies to you. Oh, and don't blink because it's only been 30 seconds and we have our sixth character. and the eighth licensed song, which is what they call the killer crocodile.
Lucky sun for the killer crocodile. This song is about Vietnam. What does it have to do with the crocodile man who lives in the sewers? Oops no sorry I can't focus on that for long because just a minute later we have the seventh character and this one is really important to the plot those other guys don't really matter much but this is the important one honestly it's your fault for not knowing What an idiot oh look at another character, I actually forgot this guy was in this movie. Oh, and by the way, those last two characters in that last montage fell in love off screen, I mean, yeah, we haven't heard a single line of dialogue from either of them and I've only been on screen for less than two minutes, but this movie wants us to get involved in their romance.
I can't emphasize enough that this is the exact opposite way of making a movie, but even though we've only just started, it's very painful for me every time I realize how little of the movie has happened so far, this movie has dedicated its first whole 20 minutes to introduce characters with these crazy montages and after all that, we don't know any of these people anyway, let me try to speed things up and try to explain. the plot so this girl is the sorceress who possesses this investigator girl and she has magical powers so the government keeps her on their payroll so she can do things for them, I don't know, Amanda Waller also has her heart in a box, so if the sorceress gets too crazy, she likes to stab the heart like a pen or whatever she has on hand and it calms her down basically, this also leads to Amanda Waller wanting more superheroes or metahumans for her group of job and yes she knows about Aquaman and the flash and she is friends with Batman but she doesn't ask them to be on her team she just visits the super jail to pick up Killer Croc, Diablo and Harley Quinn.
I mean, yeah, I guess if Aquaman doesn't answer your calls, they can't be beggars. selectors, but here's something about the suicide squad series that I always think is a little silly. I understand why Deadshot is here. He's fine, he's human, but he has an almost inhuman ability to shoot things with guns very well and I understand him like the big shark and characters like that. I understand everything except Harley Quinn. She's just a normal girl with a bat. Why would the government want her help? She does not offer any tactical assistance. She's not that good of a fighter.
I have to work on my cardio. You can do karate. What are you talking about? Well, anyway, don't think about those things, look at Deadshot on the screen. Hey, someone played Kanye's song. I think this might be the first racist soundtrack. I should also mention the fact that the dialogue in this movie is fucking ass. just a bad woman and I think most of it is bad because the movie is literally out of order so far Amanda Waller is trying to put together a team but we don't know what that's for because there's no threat right now. t the second world war is the third world war no, it is not, there is no conflict.
I'm pretty sure that at this point in the original draft the central antagonistic force was probably already established, but in this version of the film we're past the first half hour. Just by adding as many flashbacks, montages and music videos so we can justify how many people are in this movie, there's also a super weird scene where the Joker is sitting in his ridiculous knife room or as he calls it, his knife room. and his thug enters. and he says where is she, well you left her for Batman to arrest her, she's in jail, you don't remember,but then this henchman explains with a dialogue that they added in the post that she is being held in a super secret prison, everyone is disappearing. this new law if you're a bad enough guy to print terrorists on your jacket and it's pretty obvious to me that this scene clearly belonged in another part of the movie and had a completely different purpose in the story and that happens a lot, man, look.
In the face of the Joker, I feel you man, I don't understand what's going on either, but you know, I have to say the more I watch this movie, the more I'm drawn to Jared Leto's Joker because he's so stupid, but he's kind of funny and that is really. all I have to look forward to in this movie, meanwhile the sorceress takes over the researcher's body and she flies away one night to find her brother. I guess she has a brother. Nobody told me that, but he's asleep on this random guy. These things are supposed to have been established in the previous scene because I think we forgot to put them in, oh but I'm sorry for my mistake.
They explained that his brother was inside a jar in this little bit of text here, so wait, it's actually established. I was supposed to read everything on the screen every time a character was introduced. Yes, let me tell you, some of this is very important information. Of all those flashbacks and montages you didn't explain anything to me about the romantic plot of this character, his brother, his powers, his plan and now this is happening I have no context for what I'm watching, is this a new movie, did I change? the channel, can we cool it with the music whose idea was the music?
This is like song number 10 or 11 and the movie just doesn't slow down for a second. I don't have time to process how many things are being released. Me, just so you remember when I told you that I tried to watch this movie when I was drunk, well now I know why I stopped watching it because this movie already makes you feel drunk, so being drunk on top of that is completely disorienting, so yeah you're out there and you don't drink alcohol, I'll tell you straight, this is what it feels like, so anyway the sorceress woke up her brother who turned into a monster and then the sorceress flies back to her hotel and becomes a normal person again. human, then seconds later she and the white man appear in the city her brother is attacking and I don't mean seconds later, from our perspective they basically teleport there, I know this because he is still on the train tracks fighting against the people, what are they trying?
To get it right, I guess they are trying to kill his brother, how do they plan to do that again? I don't know, he just looks at her and says this, I can't do this, I can't listen, there's no other way. do it, what does that mean? This guy is also fully aware that his demonic form is what awakened this monster guy in the first place, so why is he okay with unleashing it again? I'm even more confused because Amanda Waller is upset that this is happening, she says what the sorceress is doing and then starts stabbing her heart like a monster.
This is also the first time the movie's threat appears, but Amanda Waller already assembled her team before all this happened, I mean, that's nice. conveniently literally hours after assembling your team a super villain shows up, I just have to say it again, this movie feels like it was made poorly, there are clearly missing scenes and lines of dialogue and the scenes that are in the movie don't give us any context of what it is. is happening because they're all out of order, half the characters who got these flashy montages haven't even said or done anything yet and yet the movie feels like it's already halfway done, I actually remember why I put off this video. so long I don't know if I can do this I can't analyze a movie that isn't interested in making sense maybe I'm a fraud maybe that makes me a bad critic you know no I can't do this cut the microphone I'm done I'm going to go to see other movies, there are other movies that are really good and worth watching, so, this is the second day I'm trying to watch this movie, this is not a bit either, I legitimately had to go drink. a break, but I'm here, I'm ready to dive back in, I'm in a much better mood, I'm hydrated, I feel good and immediately we have another licensed song, I love this music, I can.
I can't get enough of that sweet music, you know, the seven nations army doesn't fit in this scene either, would you choose it because it has army in the title of the song and this scene has army men? Oh and if that's not enough we get another character for our suicide squad oh my god you can't do that I'm pretty sure so at this point in the movie our heroes are being recruited to go in and stop the sorceress and her brother, except that's not the case, although Amanda Waller specifically created this task force to fight other super-powered individuals, she's using them to extract someone from the city.
Sorry I can't keep commenting on the music or I'll be here all day too when they get on their helicopter and leave to go to the city another character shows up at the last minute it's like he's late they even immediately rushed to like it to this quick flashback montage so I can get one like everyone else this is so sloppy and feels like a mistake It feels like they forgot to put this character in the movie until now. I would recommend that you not kill me. His sword traps the souls of his victims. Honestly, if anything, he should at least be happy that his montage didn't have licensed music. man come on look this song is called spirit in the sky and in this scene they are in heaven so now each of our stupid characters are introduced and the plot has really begun and at this point this is starting to feel like A Real Movie so far has basically been a music video, but this is where things level out a little and immediately one of our characters decides he wants out of this movie.
Oh, his head exploded. Look, this is it. The only guy that didn't have a montage or a flashback or something, so yeah, it's pretty obvious that he was going to die right away. He literally dies a few minutes after being introduced. Now, if this were done better, I think it would be something like this. funny and like I said the new suicide squad movie hasn't come out yet at the time I made this video and there are a ton of characters in it so I hope more of them die just to prove that they really are expendable I also hope that the movie has real characters because this movie in particular has very bad character work in trying to cram all these characters in and wasting time on flashbacks and stupid things like that, we are left with no one to emotionally latch on to the character that has the most development at this point in the movie he's not dead and it's not harley it's rick flagg and saying he's a developed character is like saying bob the tomato is a developed character actually i'm sorry that was an insult to bob, i don't even have examples for show you how these are bad characters because there is no evidence in this movie for me to show you anything.
I can't show you something that isn't there. Most of the character work in this. The movie was montages or characters arguing or characters bragging and trying to show how cool they are. Each character feels like the same character. I thought maybe Captain Boomerang was going to be like the comic relief, but he doesn't say or do anything the entire movie. I don't even know why he's here and you know what I changed my mind. I think the Joker is really the only character in this movie that I like because he's the only one who does something different than everyone else, but either way these characters suck.
They're boring they have no soul and they say stupid I don't even have enough time to point out how many dumb lines there are in this movie stay evil doll face we're bad it's what we do we are some kind of suicide squad that's the name of the movie but Look, now we have an action scene. I mean, we have to do some shots for the trailer, so let's have our characters fight some generic Power Rangers villains for a moment and, seriously, again, why is Harley here? You have trained soldiers and superpowered people, why did we bring in the naked girl with the baseball bat and the gun of destiny?
Also seriously, what are they fighting? This movie is allergic to giving us context. Oh, sorry, no, it's my bad, they tell us what these guys are. they are on the scene after you fight them, why is everything out of order? Even some of the worst movies I've ever seen have their scenes in the correct order. That's the first thing you learn, it's something so strange and also. I think it's so funny that the Power Rangers putties are super mean when they kill the nameless soldiers, but they act like they don't want to hurt the main characters, they tear up the normal people, but when they get to the flag, they try to carry it.
He walks away like they were left for dead zombies, so anyway, after that, the suicide squad wanders around and gets to that building where they have to extract someone and then they get into another fight with more faceless zombies and then the zombies try to drag Rick away. Walk away again and after it happened the second time, I thought, "Okay, there has to be something to this, maybe because you know the sorceress is in love with him, she told them to capture him alive or something, but no." , there's no reason for them to keep trying." drag him away damn the flag again and they also keep saying if the flag dies they die which isn't true half the time they say they want to overpower him and take the detonator for themselves and the other half of the time they love him he's like If I was part of your family I lost one family I'm not going to lose another you don't know each other it's worth mentioning at this point this movie has a lot of strange moments where the team acts like they're friends Harley calls Deadshot her friend even though he never we've seen them have a real conversation before you're my friend too, but we haven't seen these guys bond or get to know each other, this movie has been going on for over an hour now and we don't know what we spent that time on, but of all Anyway, after that silly fight, the suicide squad learns that the person they needed to extract from this building was Amanda Waller.
In fact, they are not here to stop the super villains, they are just here to hit them. Waller, a ride home. I wish I was making that up because none of this makes sense. Firstly, Amanda Waller gathered her squad before entering the city, she gathered them for a mission to rescue her before she was even there. She didn't need to be rescued. however, the team was literally met and interrogated before she got there and what's even more disconcerting is that they tell us that she was there the whole time but that's not true because before we heard the other government guys say for Waller to bring her. to the city once the incident happened, but this guy says that they were already there, this is supposed to be a big twist or something, but there's no way to interpret it in a way that makes sense and then when you realize That she organized this strike team of super-powered individuals just so she could get her home becomes ridiculous, so they call a super for Waller anyway, but the Joker hijacks their ride because he's here to save Harley.
The Joker grabs Harley and they slowly fly away and then Waller begs him. Deadshot to shoot him even though he has several soldiers who apparently aren't interested in shooting Harley or the helicopter that just attacked them, but whatever it is, I can't be mad because I get to see the Joker again and it makes me very happy see him. he's so ridiculous but there's also something about the way he delivers his lines in this scene that sounds really weird, this bird is baked like for some reason they re-recorded his lines and it sounds really weird, he sounds like Jim Carrey from the mask Okay, honey, that's right.
You and I, wait, Sugar Daddy have a sweet tooth tonight, however, after meeting up with Harley, his helicopter gets shot down and he explodes, oh my god, and this is really devastating for me because now I really have nothing to enjoy in this movie, but also. This scene is pretty weird because it doesn't seem like Harley is that upset that her boyfriend died. Hello guys, I'm back. She looks more dejected. It's almost like she's upset that they left her. This is my theory, if you remember in Birds of Prey. she says that the joker left her and we never see this happen but I think that was supposed to happen in this movie but for some reason they changed it, it was confirmed that in this movie the original idea was to have Deadshot and Harley Throw. a romance in this movie, but obviously that didn't work out in the final cut and the Joker ends up staying with Harley in this movie, but I don't think that's how it was supposed to be, I think he was supposed to break up with her. at some point in this sequence because the thing is her reaction in this scene and the fact that all of her scenes have dialoguere-recorded only shows me that the story changed at some point.
I think everything after the helicopter exploded is the footage. That was meant to be in the original movie. Harley is upset that they abandoned her and then her allies encourage her to keep fighting because also in this scene it doesn't make sense for everyone to just accept her back into the group without asking questions. because the joker tried to kill them and she betrayed them and yes you can make the excuse that they are bad and don't care if they are betrayed by their friend but why would Rick Flagg agree to this thing he is supposed to kill?
She does try to escape, but now she's back after she just killed some of his men and he literally doesn't care, he doesn't say a single word about it and besides, Harley has no reason to stay here, her bomb is defused. , she can just leave, but no, she stays with the group and lets the government decide her fate. This is possibly the strangest thing she could do. It really feels like there are two movies together. It is very clear that something is wrong. about this but anyway amanda waller gets into her uber and then they shoot it down and then the putties kidnap her and take her to the sorceress so the sorceress can be like now tell me how to destroy your armies which i don't know just stab them with tentacles magicals you've been doing well so far after that flag finally explains what's been going on, he tells the group that the sorceress has taken over the city, honestly that's the only thing he knew for sure, he didn't need anything.
More clarification there, though, it shows more of that flashback from before the sorceress transforming and running away with her brother, now I thought. This extended scene would make this scene make more sense, but it doesn't. It doesn't explain why they sent her because again they know she caused this problem in the first place. They know that the sorceress is trying to flee with her brother. but she was still sent to confront her brother, needless to say it was all a bad idea, yeah no dude this flashback to flashback also introduces a stupid new aspect where she leaves this bomb underground with a flag before of running away with her brother which is very confusing I wonder how she dealt with that but it also doesn't explain why waller stabbing the heart didn't stop the sorceress the heart doesn't matter anymore she's fine without it because her brother makes the heart No necessary, this is the only flashback that somehow makes things more confusing.
Oh, and by the way, if that wasn't bad enough, Rick Flags says this all happened three days ago, which simply isn't true because that was happening while the Suicide Squad. was on the way to the city, it took them three days to fly a few states away. This is the only time the movie tries to set the record straight and manages to make things worse, so after the crew hears this, they decide to leave the movie and leave. have a drink at a bar and I will say that this is the only normal scene in the movie where the characters actually sit down and have a meaningful conversation once the movie is almost over, but now it is finally decided to try it, maybe this one will be the most moving. drama that we were promised this scene is not perfect although, for example, diablo explains how he killed his wife and children and harley is horrified to hear this and the children, he killed them. what are you harley quinn, you helped kill robin in this universe, why?
Do you care if children die? He killed them, didn't he? Something tells me that a lot of people are about to die, but I still think that this is the only scene in the whole movie that tries to be a real movie and it's very strange, but this movie becomes more normal as it goes on, it starts to gradually decrease, it has a kind of opposite progression to that of a normal movie. I'm starting to think that the last third of this film is some of the least manipulated content. that we've seen so far, yet there are still hints of a bad movie sprinkled throughout the editing, it's still very strange, it's not real, it's true, it's not real, the dialogue is still horrible, lady, you're evil and you still haven't we have no context or connection.
For the main villain we never knew anything about her, she could have been replaced by any character. He's probably the worst villain I've ever seen in a superhero movie and I don't say that lightly and at the end of the day, this movie does it. Not changing the trope of every DC movie that ends in a silly CGI monster fight and there are still logical inconsistencies throughout. Remember that bomb from the previous scene. Well, they use it to blow up the sorceress's brother even though they told us they can't. Exploiting it from underground I think this is the first time a movie has tried to fool me.
It really is just impossible to make complete sense of this movie for a brief moment. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but the movie is basically over and the foundation is too broken so at this point when Harley stops the big dumb erjb and says this you messing with my friends I don't feel anything because they aren't friends, but hey, maybe in the aerial cut they were friends, maybe in the moving drama. cut they were friends but in this version they are not friends so that's it the bad guys defeated the suicide squad go back to jail and the movie ends with one last licensed song.
I'm very glad this is over. I really underestimated how bad this movie is. This movie doesn't do anything right? This movie is just broken. It's a Franken movie. It's two movies haphazardly thrown together to make something I can't even refer to as a movie, even the post-credits scene is cut. clumsily, the last shot of the film isn't even cut. Close it, my friends, and I will do it for you. What's going on? The fact that the film was released in this state is a shame. I usually make a lot of excuses. to dumb, bad superhero movies and that's why I made this series, but this is really my limit.
This is the movie that I now have to compare to all the others from now on because, in my humble opinion, this is truly the worst superhero movie ever made. ends, I'll give Suicide Squad a prestigious monumental one out of ten

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