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STEVE HARVEY MOTIVATION - 60 Minutes To Transorm Your Life - Best Motivational Speeches Ever

Jun 10, 2024
Fear is a very, very real emotion. There is not a person alive who does not experience fear on some level. Don't you think for a minute I face it all the time? Fear is so great and so prevalent today, nothing produces failure more than fear. It's the fear of failure that freezes people before they even start It's the fear of failure that makes you not want to deal with rejection and the potential damage that failure causes So fear paralyzes you on many levels, but how it's possible? Some people somehow manage to get by anyway. What can you do that will help you overcome what


fear you are facing?
steve harvey motivation   60 minutes to transorm your life   best motivational speeches ever
This is what they taught me and this has helped me in my


, my career, my family, my jobs, my ambition,


ything you need. conquer fear with


dreams I want everyone to listen to me carefully now you conquer fear with




how my dreams will make me overcome my fear because I want you to listen to me because the dream is everything the bible says a man without a dream or vision you will perish the dream is everything look if you have no dreams or visions you will perish you will die of fear you will die sitting somewhere in fear without dreams or visions dreams are the counterpoint to all fear I want you to do it dream so big I want you to want something so incredible I want that you dream of having something so spectacular that if it doesn't happen you would be miserable, man, if I don't make this dream come true, I'm going to be miserable.
steve harvey motivation   60 minutes to transorm your life   best motivational speeches ever

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steve harvey motivation 60 minutes to transorm your life best motivational speeches ever...

I want you to dream so big that not achieving your dreams is unacceptable. You cannot live in this world without dream and vision. You can live in this world without your mother, your father, your brother. You can live in this world without a wife and a husband. You can live in this world without many things, but what you cannot live in this world without are dreams and visions. You will perish without those things. You have to dream about something and want something. That's what keeps pushing you forward, so if you want. overcome your fear, you do it with your dreams and here is the side note that God is there to make your dream come true.
steve harvey motivation   60 minutes to transorm your life   best motivational speeches ever
Don't you do it all the time? I'm telling you man, God does it all the time, he makes people's dreams come true. true what you dream about explore what you are really dreaming about so you can lose your fear you are afraid of opening your business because if your business fails you will lose the money you save and you will not open your business because you could lose your job when your boss finds out you dream big you dream about what opening that business could do for you the feeling of freedom you would have the extra money you could earn what you could do for your family the things you could leave a legacy of maybe your dream isn't big enough maybe you have the dream of owning a large couple maybe a family store maybe you dream of moving up the corporate ladder maybe you are dreaming of becoming a supervisor or CEO or company you have to dream so big that if this dream doesn't happen you will be miserable once that you can do that you can press your feet you can move forward you can move forward I'm telling you all I taught them this dream so big that they can't imagine their


without living their dream.
steve harvey motivation   60 minutes to transorm your life   best motivational speeches ever
Let me show you something. How many of you have a dog? How many of you have ever had a dog that had a flea? That's everyone they ever saw. the flea is one of the smallest insects, really small among the smallest insects, but for its height and size, the flea has the highest vertical jump in nature for an insect, a flea can jump, it has a vertical of 36 inches, a wereflea can rise 36 inches off the ground. the vertical is 36, the average person can't do that, but a flea can jump 36 inches off the ground if you capture the fleet and put it in a management job and put the lid on it.
The flea knows one thing I have. a 36 inch vertical, so here it goes, it started jumping, but it will hit that cap because it had that cap, but after a while, after being knocked down so many times, the flea makes an adjustment, so now the flea just jumps. so he doesn't get knocked down, he got 36 verticals, but since this cap is in his environment, now he doesn't jump anywhere near so he can catch some fleas and they put him there, they got 36 verticals, but then they start jumping. I find that they keep getting knocked down and start doing what the other fleas do.
Next thing you know I have a job full of fleas and I'm not even using a 36 inch upright because they have a cover at work and then the fleas have babies. Then babies are born in the conditions of the environment, so now guess what the flea is born with a vertical of 36 inches, but as he sees his mom and his dad and all his cousins ​​and friends jumping just barely to the ceiling, you know what it does, it duplicates. That behavior the flea never reaches its potential until you take the lid off your mayonnaise jar you will double your environment if you take an oak seed and put it in a two foot pot that seed will never become the oak tree that oak trees are capable of becoming. in because it will be suffocated by the two footed pot now look at this there is nothing wrong with the seed the seed simply fell prey to the environment you are a seed of god god made you in his likeness the great the vast gift Do you not allow your environment dictate the oak they become?
Because there is nothing wrong with its seed. You all received this wonderful gift that he gave you at birth. You all have one. You better believe it now. Don't die on this gift and never use it all. You have this wonderful gift, but you have to use it. Take your seed, take your gift. Stay away from these people who are in your life and who are not doing anything. Get away. from the people in your life who hate stay away from your family members who never opened the business they don't stay away from your family members they ever followed their dreams stay away from your family members they were never anywhere else than don't be the family the reunion has never been to a beach, stay away from them, stay away from them, I had to do it when I told everyone I was getting into comedy, oh lord have mercy, you can't get into comedy, It's not even funny how you're going to make money telling jokes now at first it seemed like they were right but I never gave up all I did was identify this gift I wrote down all my visions I read them every morning and every night I instilled them in my head and every Every time I meet someone they say hey man, what are you trying to do, I was telling them one of my visions, someone always told me, you know, I know a guy who is selling you things right there, you should talk to him, I started scratching things. outside my vision board my vision board is so vast now if i showed you what's on it you wouldn't even believe it because i dreamed so big i want something so big because the god i serve is big he's not a small god he he's really really big guy, he does really, really big things and I hope he does really, really big things for me if he had done it for Oprah, if he had done it for the Obamas, whoever understood why I can't have this hill.
For me, I'll do better than all of them, but why can't you have that? That's how you get what you want in life. Now you don't have to believe me, but here's the deal if you keep doing what you want. you have been doing, you will still get what you have been getting if I told you a different way to do it, you don't need money, I just gave you some scriptures that you could try and some principles, if someone who came from the bottom and got to this position where I'm told me this is the way I would try it if I were you, I would try it, I bet you it will work, there is a difference between your passion and your gift, your passion is something you enjoy doing, like I'm passionate about golf, It's not what I do, it sucks, it's just not what I do, I have a talent for words, I have a talent for that, so before I start writing scripts. determine your gift, whatever you are trying to do, you must first determine if it is your gift and not pursue the things you are passionate about, pursue what you have the gift for, you are all gifted every last one of you god bless you. gave a gift at birth all of you god never created a soul without giving it a gift you all have a gift your job is to discover the gift it is very simple it is what you do


with the least amount of effort that is your gift given by God any other whatever you're doing you're wasting your time unless you're not a singer and you sang it for now I don't care how good it sounds in church church let everyone sing let someone get up there and say I wasn't walking alone with the lord Why do you say but they have no talent discover the gift then you should ask yourself first is writing the gift is writing the gift now writing may not guide you? writing scripts or movies can lead you to books, but the first thing you should do is write your gift, if it is your passion, you are wasting your time, you are going to write a book that no one likes except you.
One day I was watching Joel Osteen on TV and he said that people's opinion of you is none of your business nor should you make it your own. You get into a lot of trouble worrying about what someone thinks of you when in reality, what difference does it make if they? It's wrong or it's right, what difference does it make? Most people who have a negative view of you don't really even know you. What I discovered about being successful is that it wasn't me who changed, it was people's opinion of me that changed you. I know I have more but I'm the same friend but your opinion of me has changed now you think I think I'm all of that when in reality I'm honored by all of this.
I really can't believe God let me have it. I really understand that I am here, but by the grace of God I am clear, I am so clear that it is not me, it is not me, I know the decisions that I made and I know how they led me to where I am. I got to know how my life turned out when I gave it to him. I gave my life to God. Now I may not be the Christian you think I should be, but again, your opinion of me doesn't matter to me. I just learned to not let people's opinions of me bother me or publicly stop me.
I have been ridiculed and eaten alive on the Internet. You this he thinks he this I can't stand he does it, so you know I've been all here, I don't care when you finish reading those things. Turn on your TV and put it on almost any channel you want seven days a week. The little one you still hate. That God I serve. He doesn't hate me yet, he doesn't hate me, not at that time and I've discovered something, look man, what God has for you, no one, no enemy, no employer, no co-worker can stop, nothing God has for you , God is in the blessings business, but. better than that he's in the forgiveness business look if god wasn't a forgiving god i'm not here today but god had to forgive me over and over and over and over and over and over and over again I can't count the times he didn't forgive me. forgave Look, I never let my failures define me Look, when you make a mistake, just make them do it again.
Why are you tripping, I made public mistakes, man, let me tell you something, man, when oh, Miss Universe, I have to apologize. I took it myself, you know how many people wrote me off, you know how many letters I got from TV executives, we're proud of you for doing the right thing, but oh my God, oh my God, horrible mistake, I hope you're okay. You hope my career is over because people wrote me off. You know what I just picked up. I got up. I kept coming to work. I kept coming. I kept showing up. Because eventually, what you are going to do, the time has come.
You know my dad used to always tell me something: you're either going to get over it or you're going to die, man, you have two options, you can get over it or you can die, man, now if you want to die crazy, go ahead and just die crazy. but God forgave me, so I got up and moved on. Your mistakes do not define you. Life is ten percent. What happened to you is ninety percent. What you do about it. I just stood up as if I had some dignity and continued performing. telling jokes continued to entertain people to the point now, well, it doesn't even matter that the contest is the biggest contest they've ever had, everyone tune in and see what I'm going to say this year, just keep living, keep waking up. in the morning I am in Ephesians 3 20 all day I hope that God will do much and abundantly above all I think I asked because I honor him his blessings will pursue me and overtake me I will be in the right place at the right time people will do everything they can to be good to me because that is my declaration as a servant of the lord I am his son I am an imperfect soldier for Christ that is what I am I am an imperfect soldier for Christ I am in the army of the Lord, but I have a role to play.
Success is not a comfortable procedure, it is a very uncomfortable thing to try, so you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, if you ever want to succeed, start pushing a little. put some pressure on yourself get out here and do it look I'd love to sugarcoat this for you I'd love to tell you look you can go out here and get rich do a couple things damn that's not happening You gotta get real doggy You gotta get real funky if you want to do it now like I said before if you want to be normal you don't even have to listen to me just go about your business yeahYou think normal isn't great no problem, they are really wonderful ordinary people, but if you are sitting in this room and you have extraordinary aspirations then you are going to have to do more, you put more on top of the extraordinary and ordinary and you come up with something. extraordinary, there is no other way.
I'm sorry, but here's the fact that you all have extraordinary abilities. You have to decide if you're willing to do the things that put you in that category. The rich don't sleep eight hours a day. That's a third of your life. You're never 24. hours in a day you can't sleep eight hours a day you can't live in Los Angeles and wake up at eight in the morning it's eleven on the east coast the stock market has been open for two hours they're already making decisions about your life and your ass with sleep the bible says he who loves to sleep and fold his hands poverty will take hold of you like a thief in the night if you are not happy with your life it is because you are not living in your gift and you are determined to pursue a passion but not I can win I don't have money I can't make the cut I have a 16 handicap that's a good quote people wanted to play in the NBA when I was a kid I wanted to play in the league that was my goal I played in the NBA but I didn't have the talent for it, even though I want to To say that there are a couple of problems if I was running at full speed, I didn't have a ball and when I shot it, it didn't go in many times.
Put that together, you can get it, you can stop talking about the NBA. My gift was that I had the ability and I didn't know it at a young age, but I had the ability to take information instantly and transform it into comedy. I didn't know. that was a gift, I just thought it was something I did, it got me into more trouble than ever, it's been the biggest curse because when you're young you don't know what to give, you're just doing it. Now, as I've gotten older, this gift has morphed a bit. I can take information and turn it into inspiration.
I can take information and turn it into


. And the reason I am here today is because my life has been improved and I have learned. and I mastered something I have mastered the principles of success you can't tell me I can't that's what I've done I have mastered the principles of success I know them by heart inside and out you can't tell me anything about what success is about, I can't help but weave faith into it , so if you really don't care about the faith piece, you won't care about me because I can't tell you how I did it without telling you about God or the principles of each. success principle comes from almighty god it is in any religious reading you read I don't, that's none of my business what you believe in you just have to believe in something I told a group before I don't care what you call God, you can call God Allah jehovah yahweh you can call him whatever you want to call him just call him even if it's his name my business what you call him I don't care but I can't stay here and talk to you about my path to success I can't inspire these young people that I tried to reach early today and not intertwine faith, so I'm sorry if that's not your thing, but you guys didn't pay me now, so here I am, I've got the money in my account, so here it is, take a deep breath, I tell people this all the time , you know, I was talking to young people and what I try to get people to understand is that I don't care who you are in the room if you have to do it. a place in your life where you felt like you knew life should have been more for you or you are trying to figure out your life there is a simple way to do it god when he created us all he never created an individual without giving us a gift you know , and God put that gift in all of us.
Some of you have the gift of teaching, networking counseling, sharing lives, saving some of your caregivers, but you are talented, if you work on your gift, you will now find your purpose in life, a real meaning to awaken. they get up in the morning you know a lot of people that make them go to work in the morning they just feel miserable they hate driving to work they hate their job they hate their coworkers because they're not doing what they want to do whatever they want now that that's not It's your fault it's their fault but God when he created us all he gave us all a gift we were born with a gift at birth God has not made anyone and he gave him a gift now the The important thing is that if you stop seeing your gift as running , jump, sing, dance, then you can move on with your life, but many people chase their passion instead of chasing their guilt, most of you have mastered the principles of success, but when you are talking to young people, you are talking to some people They have not yet mastered that aspect, but it is our job to teach young people the principles of success that they must learn from your mistakes.
Look, I ruined my life so I could change the conversation. about it one day I got divorced twice I lost everything I had in my life twice I lost everything again in 2005 at the end of 2005 I had 1700. in 2005 I had earned millions of dollars I had seventeen hundred dollars at the end of 2005. I have been homeless, lived in a car for three years, learned some principles and started applying them, so I'm a little different Christian than most people here, I just happen to be a little more. It's true, you know, I don't really know where a lot of scriptures are in the Bible.
I just know what's there and what's not, and the other day I had a lady on my show that I had slipped up on. I got up and cursed during one of the commercial breaks because I've been working with my cousin, but that doesn't really work for me. I just came to the conclusion that I'm just going to be the cursed Christian I've been trying to get. Shake it and shake it, but it doesn't work for me, man, and I accidentally said bad words in the commercial break and the lady, I realized, was a little bummed out and I didn't mean to, you know, I don't want to be. offensive to people, but you know, she was just speaking matter-of-factly and she just stood up and said, I have a question for you, mister heart, she said, so how's her walk with Christ going?
I thought about it, I said, well, I walk high, I walk strong with plenty of time. strides and a slight limp and this is how I walk now if you don't have any limp in your walk congratulations mine has a slight limp and from time to time the defects that I have come out are seen among many people and me It turns out that I am famous, so my flaws have a microphone, a reflector and an internet connection. You might make your mistake at home and no one knows anything about it, but I have people staring at me all day, so what?
I have learned on this journey along the way of having my life as twisted as it was. I have learned the principles of success. I have learned how to get back up. How to fall and fail. Be canceled. Say you never can. Be nothing, I've learned to start over, I've learned to take a bunch of all my winnings and risk them on one turn or pitch and pitch, lose and start over at my beginnings and never say a word about my loss, yeah. I've learned things like this is Rudyard Kipling, in case you don't recognize that little poem I stole, that's when I was paying a little attention in college, I didn't get the degree but I was listening just a little and When I talk to you, I try to get people to identify with these principles.


thing you can do in your life. I told the kids early on. You know we're at a college, so it's like people go a little crazy. A little bit when I say this and tell them how important it is to get your education yada yada yada because we had a university, that's what I have to say, but then I turn around and tell them the truth, even though it's the most important thing in your life. Isn't your education the most important thing in your life is your dream? Look the Scriptures say that a man without a dream or a vision will perish.
Don't say anything about education. Now you have to have one if you're going to advance to a certain level. jobs and writing corporate letters and being in banking and finance and all those things they do, but it's the dream that drives them, look man, we have to break this down real simple so that people will one day stop acting puffy like you. . I've been rich your whole life, that's what kills me. You know, I come to these functions. Everyone sits down, leans back in their chairs, speaks proper grammar, turns their nose up, you act like you have money your whole life, I don't have money.
I've been making some money all my life, but I've been struggling and struggling and struggling and trying to get through it and so are you, but then you get here and you don't have any memory of it because now your life is fixed and like that. Now, when you talk to the young people, you don't talk to them from the perspective or you made mistakes too, you don't talk to young people like, hey, I've done that I smoked pot in college too, man, I know where you're at. And you don't want to tell them that, yeah, Clinton smokes weed, he's the president of the United States.
I'm probably going to say a lot of things. I already know I won't be back next year. It's clear that I don't have one. no problem, look, that's why I give my money because I already know I'm going to waste my time, I say something, I'm going to throw someone at something because I see a couple of looks on your face right now, but I don't do it . I really care, I'll get out of here. I'm going to get on this plane. I'm going down here. My wife died in Miami. Man, I'm sleeping with my wife tonight.
I don't care what they do. telling you about your gift that's how you save yourself a lot of trouble and this may apply to some adults in this world maybe not your gift is what you do absolutely best with the least amount of effort that's your God given gift you don't have to trip over That, I wonder, is what you do better than anything else now, whether you've chosen to make it your life's work or not, that's your choice, but I have news for you if you never follow through. that you are never going to be happy, there are some unhappy people in this room today because there are some people here that do what people expect them to do and do what is required of them and they just got locked into that now that you have bills in the family and You don't really want to pursue your dream, so now that you got the job, you just don't see it through to the end, there's nothing wrong with that, if your job is what you have the talent to do, this guy is going to retire this year, but He has been in educating the minds of young people, he has been molding the minds of young people for 30 years, that is what he had the gift of doing if you are sitting here and you are not happy and you are in misery it is because you have not I've pursued your gift and I'm telling the young men out there with those blue shirts and striped ties to find out what your gift is and pursue it with everything in you because there's nothing worse than getting a degree and you don't even want it afterward. to get it because a degree is nothing more than a piece of paper hanging on a wall now it means you have the ability to complete a task but your life is made up of what you do with it life is ten percent what happens is the 90 of what you do about it you have to do something with your life man that makes your heart beat in the morning when you wake up look at people ask me I'll tell you how Do all these jobs, friend, because I like all my work.
You cut your radio 240 times a year. I do a four-hour live radio show. How do you do it every morning? Well, the main reason they got a nice check, but other than that, I wake up. in the morning I give people some inspiration I play music and tell jokes okay boom I like doing that then I go on a talk show I live in Chicago eight months out of the year 34 weeks I record 180 talk shows in Chicago how to do it that every day because I love doing it, then I go to Atlanta, I live in Atlanta and in nine weeks I take 200 episodes of Family Feud, man, how you record them, they all show once again that they have a check attached to this, but I love the What do I do if he turns off your TV It's obvious that I love what I do I'm always smiling because God has given me the life of my dreams because I'm living in the gift that he gave me If you live in your gift man, change your life something about your fault Listen to me I don't care what job you have now if it's something that really burns you inside you should do that I don't care how old you are how come you think about Kentucky fried chicken?
How come you think about that man next door? Why do you think he is old? Because his recipe was discovered when he was 68 years old. That is not the photo of the colonel when he was 35 years old, but he was frying chicken. You know, you can't just wake up. They started frying chicken. He's been frying chicken with this secret recipe for years. It took him a long time to click, but he kept frying chicken until he became the biggest chicken place in the world. You can't go anywhere and not see. Kentucky fried chicken that's not real chicken, but when he was alive he was real chicken, even though he was actually chicken, it was the real parts.
If you take the skin off that Kentucky fried chicken, you're in for a surprise, it doesn't seem like it. nothing like but he got it when it's too late to win it when it's really too late to win the jackpot when it's when you're 60 that's too late you don't want to be rich so why are you 65 years too late You must be rich, when is it too late to achieve it? Put some sparkle in your life. Have something to wake up to to get your heart pumping in the morning. Have a cheerful spirit when you wake up in the morning.
Here is another principle of success. I'll tell you what they talk aboutthe rich all the time. You know, rich people talk all the time. They talk about money all the time. All the principles of success in the Bible. Look, a man is what he thinks. So what you think. He excuses the grammar, but. That's what you are, don't say it, it makes more sense, bad grammar makes more sense sometimes, if a man is what he thinks, then what you think is what you are, that makes a lot of sense to me, see you, I I like to keep it where people will remember it.
Things I say, rich people, you know what they do to talk about money now when you talk to people about money. They get tense because they don't want to listen to money. Well, money is not everything and money cannot make you happy. They don't have money. Money may not buy you happiness, but it parked you right in front of Happy. House you can go out it rang twice look yes happy home there is nothing wrong with the mother people have said so many things to each other over the years but the rich get together they talk about money they talk about business all the time there is nothing wrong with that look we we go to church and we learn the wrong thing, you know what ruined me, man, when I was little, I went to church in Cleveland, you know, and a preacher would always say he says it's hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven, as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Now I and the rest of the ignorant members thought you were trying to take a needle with sewing thread and push a camel through it. All the people in my church collectively decided that they didn't want to be rich because they wanted to go to heaven. He was sitting there when he was 10 years old. I really wasn't convinced about this because I was trying to figure out how I was going to get this camel into this hole because I didn't. I don't know what they were talking about because I wanted to be rich because this poverty was, I was allergic to it, I got itchy all the time and I just became pole, you know, you just find out that sometimes you're digging into yourself because you're po. because poverty is uncomfortable on the first day of the month, see, your whole butt is clenched like someone is squeezing lemon juice into the crack of your butt because it's the first of the month, this is all due, that's your butt closed, just tighten it because you're not.
I don't have the money, why wouldn't I want money? I live in the neighborhood. I will not go out. I need money to go out, but in my church they say that it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Cameron will make it through to have a needle, so I thought he was about 30, I'm almost 38. He was in Hollywood, I was driving down the street and I ran to the diner, he was leaving the studio at dusk. I was in the truck smoking a cigarette I saw Donnie I said Amen what's going on he said Hi Steve Man it was one of the first years I had hosted the gospel celebration and um I was going to stop hosting the gospel celebration because I didn't like it. gospel community because they don't like me, you know, backstage they were saying things like I don't know why he hosts our gospel show, he's not saved, I don't know what they're talking about.
I'm here for the check. Let's be clear about this. I've been in church my whole life, but you know I have. I'm not living a perfect life and I wasn't, but you know it was my life. the time and I was going to quit smoking I was telling Donny I was thinking about quitting smoking he said man why are you going to quit I was telling you man I said man I'm confused right now man I said I don't understand I said man I'm thinking on going back to church, man, but you know, you know I want to go to heaven, but man, I'm getting to the end, I start making this money here and it just doesn't line up with Christianity, he said what I mean and I told him which one.
It's the preaching that it's as hard for a man to get through the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to get through Alvin's needle, so Donny looked at me a little confused because you know he's a pastor and I was just telling him. You know, but I'm trying to find a way to get the camel a needle. Steve said. That's not what it means. Said. What does it mean?. He says that in the Middle East a needle is an ark that is stuck in the sand. like a wishbone on the chicken and sometimes they have them at the entrances and when a camel approaches the needle for the camel to pass through the needle it has to kneel and crawl through the needle and then the camel climbs back up, He said that's what God meant, I said, you mean they're not talking about a sewing needle, you said fool, you can't put a camel through a sewing needle, after that I said I have to go earn something. money, I just humble myself before God like I'm going through the needle and he should let me in, but I'm going in with some money, even though I became friends with Oprah Winfrey because, for obvious reasons, we're not going to keep saying that, but she is a very successful mother, a very kind person. and everyone gets a bad rap on the internet you know she thinks she did too well you know a lot of people shooting man haters the haters kick you when you're down and throw you when you're up and just do it do.
All damn day they are just enemies you have them at your job you have to meet at your church you have to know that you have to do it they just hate it they just hate these enemies because they have nothing else to do they want to be you they can't, so that here they come, they hate it and I don't mind hating it as long as they throw it because I'm usually awake. You can throw up on me. I'm not talking to you now who I was talking to. Oprah once and she said I did a life class with her last year and she said Steve, I never knew you had a vision board, she said you believe in that, this is the first time we've had a serious conversation, I said, oh bro, how can I not believe that every successful person I know has a vision board or has their goals written down.
You can't do it without writing it down. When you write it, it is a symbol of faith. Look, I was telling this story earlier. about writing it down, you know teacher, we were in sixth grade, you know, ask us to write on a piece of paper that we came from someone what you want to be when you grow up so that everyone feels that the paper puts your name on it. I had to write this in 1968. So I wrote I want to be on television because no one had told me I couldn't. I was ten years old and my vision was very open, so I wrote I want to be on television.
She gathered all the newspapers. She started walking around the room calling everyone's names, she made everyone stand up and she read what they wanted to be. Barbara wants to be a nurse. Johnny wants to be a basketball player. Robert wants to be a gas station owner. Cindy wants to be a doctor. She arrived. a Yo, she waited last, now I had never received a gold star before all my years of school and she asked me to stand up and when I stood up she said, little Stevie, come to the front of the class and I'm thinking to myself, this is it.
This is the morning of the gold star I've been waiting 10 years for this I never got to start before this is the day so I started walking forward I'm skinny I put on my brother's clothes because we were poor I got up and she said , Steve, let me ask you something. What did you write on your paper? I told her I want to be on TV, she said she and why did you write that on your paper. I said because that was our task for today and later. she said what they write that on the paper, now I'm thinking to myself, judging by the tone of this conversation, this might not be the gold star moment I thought it would be, so I started to cringe and she He said, why did you do it? write it on the paper and I told her because you asked us for the voice to be very soft she said: do you know anyone on television?
Has anyone at this school ever been on television? I told him no. None of his relatives have been on television. I told her no, ma'am. She said, take this paper, I'll call your mom when you get home, I'll tell you that you're a know-it-all in this class, now you take this paper and come back with something more credible, so she gave me the grade. and I had to go home, my mom was waiting for me because she called the house, so my mom said what you did in that school being a know-it-all, I said mom, I just did what the teacher told me she read, you know, she said what you write this on your paper I said because the lady asked me what I wanted to be I won't be on television she said I will tell your dad when you get home well my father was the executioner my mother was the ward and he was the executioner and he knew that when I got home they were going to spank my butt, so excuse me, I'm sorry, I snuck away, I didn't really like that they were going to spank my butt, so when a father came home she told my father, look what that Steve wrote on this paper so he read the paper he said uh what's going on here?
Steve says in that school he acts like an intelligent act that teacher didn't ask him what he wanted to be and he didn't I didn't put I want to be on television, my father read the newspaper and said what's wrong with it. I started thinking, uh, oh, a reprieve, so he said, boy, go to your room, I'll be there in a minute and I got my spanking in it. room, so I went in there getting it ready and my mother had an argument, my father came in the room and said, boy, why are you writing this in your newspaper, because I said because I want to be on television, he said what she wants you to write. on the paper I said like a basketball player or a police officer he said put that on paper take it to school and give it to that heifer that kills dreams so I write it down he said now take your paper he said before you go to bed tonight now this is my father now with a third grade education my father was a sharecropper in alabama he said read the newspaper every night before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning read the newspaper before you go to school read the newspaper every night nights day and I read your newspaper every night I took my newspaper to school and handed it in.
It took me until I was 38, but I finally got on television. The devil doesn't care about you. The devil wants to prevent you. your destiny, that's his only job, satan has a job to keep you from your destiny, the devil never wants you to be what God created you to be, so guess what when you discover your gift and you think I'm about to make a move and go be what God created me to be and then go to hell. You got this job here. You will lose your 401k once you have your right job. You can skip all this.
You can start the process, man. but you have to stop allowing the devil to keep you from your destiny by tying him to this little job you have because he is complicated with it now he made you think that you will ruin your credit if you quit your job, what do you mean by ruin your credit ? You overextended now, you have good credit, but you can't buy anything else with it if your card has a maximum of 5 000 and you have 4090. Come on, you all will have to make a decision, but you can't let the devil fool you, he It is trying to prevent you from being who God made you to be.
Yeah, look man, I don't know if I'm communicating to you, but I want you to listen to me. I do. man look I wish everyone before they die could experience what it feels like to wake up and do what you were born to do, it's cool, man it's cool, if you've been dreaming of opening that business you should start the process, do not do it. try to figure out how to make the business make a million dollars, just start the process, see if you take one step he will take two, but he won't be able to take two unless you take one, so you need to start filling out the application. go get the patent send the paperwork get your federal identification number do something man start building the website let your job sponsor your dreams take some of the money in your check stop playing one of those bills take that money and start your website what are you talking about?
Now, if that's okay, Marshall Money and Sellers, what are you paying them for? They will finally be out of business. Take the money you owe kmart and see how we take that money. Buy your business cards. Take one of your bills once instead of paying it. Launch your website. but start, if you take one step he will take two and don't worry about where you are going, just start, he will show you the way to go because he wants you to reach your destination, but he has to make sure. that you want to reach your destination first if you tell that god you serve that you want to reach your destination he will show you how to do it you can believe don't forget to pray don't be ashamed to pray and never be too proud to pray because prayer prayer changes things stay here on the street of faith all of you, the box you asked for comes all on my vision board, I understand it, I put it in, I built it in my house once my wife wanted a special type of car and I built the garage, the extra garage on the house, she came out and saw them, she said,


, what are you doing?, I said, I'm building an extra garage, she says, steve, we have enough cars, what do you need? with another shop because don't worry, two years passed, I was looking for this car, I went to the dealerships, they told me sir, there is none of that color, I see that you want a white one, I said, then I went to the dealership, he said that I want you to take this car to my wife, he said, sir.
There are none in the country and none are being manufactured, I told him that's fine, but when the car arrives,Think about it, the money they pay me is for waking up, or I play music or tell stories. I make jokes or I play music or I tell jokes I entertain people for a living, they give me money, that's a blessing, man, look, when I wake up, I don't have to go to work, I can go to work, look, that's the difference, man. people have to go to work I can go to work I get there I don't have to, you know, I mean, I was doing this for years with no money, but through grace and mercy, you know, he kept blessing me and then you already know.
I have other things I want to accomplish, you know, I'm not done and I've been at this a long time, man, I'm thinking about the end, you know, but all I want to do now is make enough money. to change the lives of children, you know, my foundation is the most important thing. I'll be doing some things here in Ghana, Botswana and Joe Bird, those are three cities I'm heading to for my foundation to come and change, you know, that's what it is. Now that's


and then you know I'm a pioneer man. I have to show other people how to do it.
You know my job now is to show everyone how I did it. That's why I talk about motivation all the time. I speak more. about motivation now that I do comedy because you know your career is what you pay for your vocation is what you did so I'm in the vocation part of my life now you know I have to like it when you ask me a question, say I can No it's just like I'm telling you that you have to write it, I'm telling you how to do it, you just have to do this now, you can try to do it, if you could try not to do it, so be it.
It's hard, but I always try to give people little pieces of wisdom because you're young, you know that everyone in this room wants to be happy and wants to be successful. Everyone here wants to be happy and successful if you don't want to. to be happy success there is something wrong with you most people want to be happy and successful you just need the key the procedure that is my job to show you how to like if I give you a scripture that can change your life and I tell you rebecca two or two and then You don't understand that that's not my fault, so now you know you have to write it like you're looking at my iPhone.
My iPhone has my vision board. I don't have any photos, neither dog nor my wife. my phone my wife is in my house my wife is somewhere she is in Rwanda right now because I put things I dream about on my iPhone my vision is on so every time my phone rings I look at it I think about my visions and dreams Every time I pick up your phone, I have to pick up that phone to make one of your dreams come true. When I open my laptop, the same thing on the laptop, so every time I text or email, I try to make a dream. fact I don't have time for nonsense you know how you know how what they say about me in the blogs I don't care what they say they don't know me they don't even know me I never met me they say negative things about me they don't mean anything look at me what I care about what They say God keep blessing me no matter what you say you have to know who you are and whose you are that's all you need to know I know who I am and I know who I belong to and that my God won't let anything happen to me and I can't have you.

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